Since you don't have a car. it will be very hard for you to judge, but maybe some figures will help.
OK, so, lets say you presently have a car that gets about 22mpg, average, and you decide that it cost too much to drive at $4.00 or better a gallon, so, being the cost conscience person you are, a trip down to the Chevy dealer seems like th right thing to do.
Now, this fuel saving beast that is too small for the average family, and has about a forty or forty five mile limit on electric power, cost over $41,000.00 and is advertised to get 40mpg.
Now, how may gallons of fuel could you have purchased had you not purchased that albatross that will also need replacement batteries in about three years at another $1500, plus whatever unknown problems might arise from a new untested vehicle ?
To me,? not worth it. I would hate to be restricted to a certain amount of driving for the sake of saving a few dollars.
Better idea, is to demand we drill for and use our own oil, and make the government insist it not be sold on the world market at these inflated prices. If it takes price controls, then so be it.
There is no reason why we cannot have gasoline under $2.00 a gallon.
As an afterthought, I don't understand why with the fuel consumption the ay it is, and the Arabs getting rich on our habits, why doesn't the government reduce the national speed limit for all vehicles like they did in the 70's, to 55mph or even lower.
Actually I see no need for an 80k pound semi or anyone else going 75 and 80mph.
Ohio for one, just again raised the speed limit on the turnpike, to 70mph for all , fully aware of the last raised limit for truckers to 65mph from the previous 55mph increased fatal accidents by 42%, to say nothing of the extra fuel used, lots of extra fuel.