2013-08-02 19:10:25 UTC
On September 11, 2012, our embassy and the embassy annex were subject to a prolonged attack (over 6 hours) by an organized, armed militia, a militia that was carrying AK-47's, RPG's, hand-grenades, mortars, and other sophisticated weapons. Four Americans were killed, and no meaningful counterattack or defense was undertaken to protect our interests.
Even though there was no way our military, our state department, or our government had any possible knowledge of when this attack might be over, or whether a third wave might happen, we were told that no counterattack or defense was undertaken because "the attack was over".
We were first told by the Secretary of State that this was most likely the result of anger over a videotape. The creator of that tape was put in jail, where he remains today.
Then we were told that this was an act of terrorism. In fact, we were all bent out of shape in this country about whether Obama called this act "terrorism" on September 13, just before he left for some campaign related events in Las Vegas. We were to believe that this was a random act of terrorism, over and done with, and it was being dealt with by the administration while the President was out of town. Not really a big deal.
So now we find out, through dozens of credible sources (not right-wing blogs, not "Breitbart" or "Fox", but CNN, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post) that this really WAS an attack, it was a mission to stop the US and the CIA from bringing sophisticated weapons into Libya, channeling them through Turkey, and arming the Syrian Rebels.
The New York Times stopped short of outright accusing Hillary Clinton of lying under oath. They believe they have the evidence that shows that this gun running operation had been going on since at least early 2012, and that Clinton and Petraus were both involved. Petraus resigned in the midst of a personal scandal, Clinton just resigned. The head of the CIA resigned. And no one things this is suspicious.
Now the CIA is being accused of harassing and threatening its operatives, subjecting them to lie-detector tests and otherwise intimidating them not to come forward.
Our government is engaged in some very serious covert operations in a very dangerous part of the world, resulting in the citizens of that part of the world striking back at us, and they have been lying about it since the very first day.
I know that there are people in this country who believe that Obama can do no wrong, who have been claiming that this is a phony scandal, cooked up by "cons" who just hate Obama and want him to go down ... but really?
Forget the Democrat-Republican thing for a minute - do you really believe there is nothing wrong here? Is this really the country you are proud of, the government you want?
There was a lot wrong with the Iraq war, but the one thing it was NOT was a unilateral decision by the government without representation. As much as people hate to admit this, the Iraq War Resolution was brought before Congress and it passed. It passed by a far wider margin than Obamacare did, and more quickly, too.
But this operation was NOT brought before Congress or anything close. This is the government operating on its own. This is our government, without authorization from our lawmakers or the people they represent, risking OUR lives by secretly involving us in someone else's war - and then lying to us about it every day.
Is this OK with you, really?