Why do people hate America?
2010-02-23 06:41:05 UTC
Ok, I"m in grade 10 Political science course and I have to write a brief paragraph on why people hate America. Some key terms our teacher told us: jealousy, humanity, foreign poverty.

People hate us because they're jealous of America's success and our contributions to the world. We have modernized everything started in the industrial revolution in England. We have invented the plane, light bulb, and micro-chips among other things. Many countries in Europe and Asia lack freedom, opportunity and advancement, thus are influenced by their corrupt government to hate America and our citizens. Poverty in Europe and other nations can lead to hatred of America, as a result of jealousy. These people have no love for humanity.

Any minor adjustments? Please help!
31 answers:
2010-02-23 07:54:37 UTC
America is seen as arrogant, immoral (liberal fashion laws, tolerance of Jewish religious clothing being worn in public, amoral) exploitative, the worlds single biggest polluter and not softly spoken enough. Celebrate your oneness with all the nations of the world getting on in the big country without any need for prisons or lawyers.
2010-02-23 07:38:16 UTC
On your course , I'm sure that there are individuals who you can identify as being the strongest, smartest, richest, or best looking etc.members of your group. And you will know that the attitude of the other members of the group towards them depends largely on the way these individuals handle those advantages.For example , if the strongest member of the group , largely flaunts or uses their strength to intimidate others, then they will be resented.And the same will apply to how the smartest , richest and best looking members of the group behave too.

Countries are no different .If a country is powerful and rich and behaves "well" towards others , then most of the other countries will appreciate the advantaged country's strengths.Flaunt those strengths, or use them selfishly , and they will resent it.The problem for the "advantaged" country is that it is the other countries who decide what is air or not , and they are not always fair or rational about it. On top of which ,of course, some countries , like people, will always resent the "advantaged" country ,no matter what they do -- its human nature.

So being top dog and being disliked goes with the territory. The good news is that this could rapidly become China's problem
2010-02-23 11:52:25 UTC
By England do you mean the UK? Yes you do and ignorance like that is one reason to dislike certain Americans.

Powered flight and the light bulb were both invented in Britain before America and the USA has tried to re-write history.

Europe is far more free than America: we have the right to live (by not having the death penalty), the right to health (denied to many Americans by an unfair health care system), democratic elections (Bush got in after losing the Election), freedom of movement (any EU citizen can live and work in any other EU country) and freedom of privacy (our phone lines aren't being listened to).

During the 1950's 60's and 70's America was directly and indirectly at war with most of the countries of SE Asia because they wanted to become socialist/communist. Where's the love of humanity from America there, other countries can be free if they meet America's definition only.

Bad teeth comment suggests you have never been to the UK and only know about it through an outdated stereotype.

People in Britain like to whine but you did actually ask on the UK and Ireland YA why some people hate you and complain when you get an accurate answer.

Back to Europe not having any opportunities. I have two words for that but they would get censored by yahoo if I wrote them. People in Europe have plenty of opportunity as do people in Asia. Come here and find out, that is if you even have a passport.

But here's the big surprise. I don't hate America. Most people don't hate America. Most people like some aspects of America but not other aspects. The arrogance and ignorance of grade 10 boys is one of the things we don't like. The US film and music industry we do like. Some US dramas and more recent comedy we also like. Foreign policy and paranoia we don't like. The founding principles of the US we do like. You see we are able to like things to different degrees. We aren't jealous of America because we feel the same way about our home as you do about yours.
2010-02-23 13:45:20 UTC
It is not jealousy, that is arrogant to say that. You did not invent the airplane, that was Otto Llinenthal a German. All you did is put an engine in it. The worst advert for the USA is it's tourists, you are loud and obnoxious when abroad and treat the rest of the world as if you own it. As for your description of the British, generalise much? You should get an education instead of trotting out all the tired old cliches.
2010-02-23 08:56:44 UTC
Hate is way beyond my feelings. Given to telling other countries how they should live and invading them if they resist. The source of fanatical 'Christians,' moronic entertainment and excess materialism which is polluting older and smaller countries. Jealous? you must be joking. That shows that quality of human life is a long way behind your love of mammon. Oh yes and freedom? Hah. Mc Carthyism, certain books not available in libraries etc etc. Don't make me laugh. But I have met some lovely people there and what really bugs me is the UK strutting after the US round the world like a self important midget. Our European neighbours just live life in a less frenetic and materialistic way. 'Being second is the first loser' just repels us because of the brash and superficial attitude it represents.
2010-02-23 08:37:48 UTC
i believe people hate america because america invades countries who do not have the same political idealism as they do, its true america has invaded more countries that the USSR during its time as a communist country,(we have an organisation called the U.N, but typical America does it's own stuff, i would say it is getting to be like Nazi germany, full of propaganda denial and self promotion),America does not lead by example, for instance, it along with china is the leading country on polluting this planet,but will not reduce their footprint,talk about being jack,they say that in america, all their things are bigger,i would agree, even their heads.hope this helps you with your own stuff,,,one last hint, look at Cuba, when they had the missile crisis(america didn't want them next door, BUT HEY,look now america in turkey,poland and other countries around the former soviet union,two faced or what.
Don M
2010-02-23 07:04:09 UTC
You're definitely on the right track. And don't buy into the argument that we're trying to "impose our system" on the rest of the world. Our system is freedom--both political and economic freedom, and that is something people throughout the world long for. It is, indeed, the corrupt, oppressive leaders of foreign countries that hate us, not the people of those countries.
2010-02-23 07:18:20 UTC
Making generalisations in terms of America vs the rest of the world is like making generalisations in terms of humans vs the rest of the living inhabitants of the earth.

The countries that are hated the most are generally the countries that participated in the most foreign wars and settled the most foreign territories. People hate America but people also hate Britain, France, Germany and Russia for similar reasons.

In Africa people generally hate Britain and France more than the US. In South America people generally hate the US more. In South Korea they generally hate the Japanese more than the US. In the middle east they generally hate the US more.
2010-02-23 06:48:52 UTC
You ask a question and then give an explicit answer, it seems you need little or no help to write your paragraph.

Many nations in the world hate America because they see it as a power that is trying to convert the world to their way. This is probably untrue in the broader sense but they are an easy target and do little to persuade people otherwise.

As an Englishman my country has been subjected to considerable hatred from around the world as well. Not all of it justified.

Both nations are big enough to take whatever flak is thrown our way. Equally both could do a lot more to make themselves more popular in the world at large.
2016-11-09 02:17:13 UTC
one million) i do no longer hate united states of america of america, nor do i like it. in my view i do no longer think of united states of america of america is the "awesome united states in the international", no longer even close. united states of america of america is meant to be compassionate. basically inspect multiple the relief artwork united states of america of america has executed in different international places, yet there are literally hundreds of persons interior the U. S. who can no longer cope with to pay for to pass to a darn well-being practitioner. there is not any actual job stability interior the U. S.. you may get fired at any time for any reason, or no reason. maximum different developed international places you get a job contract which protects you in comparison form of component. autos in united states of america of america get 2/3 much less gasoline mileage than their eu autos...same type, same quite is disgusting. great drug agencies make bargains with different international places to furnish medicine airborne dirt and airborne dirt and dust affordable, yet right here, the place multiple it quite is made, we pay interior the process the enamel. i'd desire to maintain going, yet i think of you get my elect the flow. And in the previous any of you assert if i do no longer like it right here, I could pass away. properly my kin is leaving in approximately 6 months time. 2) evaluations are like abdomen buttons. every person has one. does not situation me one way or yet another what somebody else thinks and feels approximately united states of america of america. Belle
2010-02-23 06:58:02 UTC
Well, lots of Palestine supporters hate us because we support Israel. We and the UK pretty much carved out existing lands and created Israel.

Also, bin Laden hates/hated us because we had troops, air base in Saudi Arabia.

Some hate us because as glimpses of our life seep into tightly controlled countries (China for example), it makes it harder for the government to continue to control the people.

Some hate us because it's seem we only get involved when we have something to gain. We take out Saddam, but not Mugabe. We rarely do anything for truly altruistic reasons, yet claim to be the moral compass for the world.

Wow - this answer kind of bummed me out. :(
2010-02-23 06:49:47 UTC
That is right. I am from former soviet union. We were told to hate America by television and government. But in America peoples are free and have things, in russia people are poor. This is jealousy.
少林 Yoda
2010-02-23 06:49:57 UTC
I like it. Well written.

But America is not completely blameless. America has intervened in foreign countries internal affairs, like staging coup d'etat and giving money and guns to people fomenting revolution. (El Salvador, Panama, Guetemala, Cuba, Grenada, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Israel, Syria, etc) America is a staunch ally of one of the most hated countries in the world, Israel (who I support as well), and this is another cause of hate among the middle eastern nations.

Also, more than other countries, America's national mythology is of the "land of the free," and that we are a beacon of freedom in a world against tyrants. So when we support, or turn a blind eye to, ruthless dictators, or engage in behavior deemed unworthy of a "free country" we take more criticism than other places. (Ex. would be the War on Terror. If Russia tortured its prisoners, no one would care. When the USA does it, its a tremendously controversial issue)
2010-02-23 07:13:53 UTC
Why do people hate America?

I don't know why but I wish all these haters of America would stop immigrating to a nation they hate so much.
2010-02-23 06:51:59 UTC
That's good but one sided. From the words given, I'm sure its what the teacher wants. But for your education:

Most people who hate us do so because we interfere with their way of life.

No one likes foreign interference and we are the most interfering nation in the world. We have at least 700 foreign military bases and spend as much as the rest of the world combined on our military.

Our Department of State and Defense influences foreign elections and often deposes lawful governments if they are hostile to us. You may argue that we know whats best for them, but this "white man's burden" attitude will never make a nation popular.

Thoreau said that if I knew that a man will come to my front door with the sole intention of doing me good, I should run out the back as if chased by the devil himself.
2010-02-23 07:22:10 UTC
Here are some of the reasons

1. America dropped the A-bombs on the civilians in Japan. You Americans are taught in your schools that it was inevitable. It is not true. You could avoid it if you explained what bomb you had and what consequences it will have on humans. You did not use deplomacy. You never do. Your government dropped them to test the bombs on humans. Period.

2. You supported all bloody dictators around the world including Saddam Hussein, (for example Haiti). You won't find this info in your textbooks. Do some research.

3. Vietnam

4. Iraq. You turned the country into the civil war disaster. Millions were killed and humiliated.

5. Iran. No evidence that they will use the technolgy to build the nuclear bombs. Same lie as with Iraq. You lie to your own people and the world. Only God knows what other countries you are planning to attack afterwords and for what reasons.

6. Support Dalai Lama and other separatist movements leaders. This lead to civil wars and many deaths in many countries.

7. You kill civilians in Afghanistan. You have no compassion. Looks like you hate everybody exept yourselves

8. Intervening with internal affairs of independent countries forcing them to do what YOU want. Not what people of those countries want.

Example, Ebargo on Cuba since 1958. You turned many Cubans into poverty. Thanks to God they still live better than many other people of Latin America for example Haiti, Jamaca, Dominica etc. But they could live much better if there was no embargo.

This is not all. I have no time to write it all. As you can see it has nothing to do with gealousy. And the word hate is not not the right word. People don't like Americans. Hope it helps.

As for that you live better than people in other countries. Even in Mexico your neighbour some people live better than many Americans. Only poor and uneducated people want to go to live in the US because as workers they get very little in their home countries. Plus the difference between the dollar and peso play its role. Many Americans are poorer (and are in debt to their ears) than many other people in other countries, homeless and jobless and many have no money to cure their teeth.
james p
2010-02-23 07:05:16 UTC
America will pick and choose who it will help. (Iraqi freedom from saddam but multiple psychopathic warlords in africa have not been taken care of)

America has for decades wished to spread its sense of decency and morality on other parts of the world, in part, not respecting the culture of other countries.

some is just deep rooted hatred and misconceptions including stereotypes of America.
Kid B
2010-02-23 06:45:25 UTC
I think you might want to add something about post-war foreign policy in there. That's a big reason why some poeple don't like America.
2010-02-23 08:04:22 UTC
Filthy British troll -- you know you can always bait your ignorant tribal fellow Europeans.
2010-02-23 07:16:24 UTC
Because your ignorant. You think you're the best country in the world, that's why people hate you.
2010-02-23 06:43:29 UTC
This does not account for the hatred for America among Democrats such as Barack Obama. For them, the keys seem to be individuality, Christianity, and free enterprise.
2010-02-23 06:47:04 UTC
People hate us because of our foreign policy that says we can tell the whole world what to think and how to live. Your minor adjustments should include a MAJOR overhaul...........
2010-02-25 16:30:43 UTC
How long have you got?
Michael W
2010-02-23 06:44:40 UTC
Contributions to the world? America is distroying this planet by consuming all of its natural resources.

If everyone in the world caused as much CO2 emissions as the average American then we'd need 10 worlds just to keep up with demand for oil!

Additional: I think all the 'thumbs down' I have received for this answer proves how some Americans don't give a flying f*ck about the world and will beat & destroy anyone who gets in there way of world domination & consummation with blatant disregard for future generations. Go America!
2010-02-23 06:44:23 UTC
You want to know why people hate Americans?

I wake up every morning and piss excellence because I was born here. I eat lightning and sh!t thunder. I wipe my a-- with hundred dollar bills.I f---ing love this country!
2010-02-23 06:56:02 UTC
i think what u said is absolute bull**** . america is a completely backwards country: no free health care, they've still got the death penalty , they're racist and thats just the beginning.

and plus who cares if they invented those stuff, those things wouldn't even exist if i wasn't for the battery, invented by an italian.

so in short people hate america cos it's an awful place
2010-02-23 06:53:07 UTC
It's just the way I am.
Lil' W
2010-02-23 06:47:54 UTC
2010-02-23 06:42:43 UTC
jealousy, americans are bada$$ and thats a fact.
Chelsea Dagger
2010-02-23 06:42:22 UTC
because we think we're the world's police force.
2010-02-23 06:42:31 UTC
I believe it's because of jealousy.

Very good!

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