The NSA are charged with investigating and observing possible terror suspects, inside and outside of the US.
They cannot do so without spying, even if that is on US citizens.
GW Bush's "Patriot Act" still applies, but only in this instance. This allows the NSA to obtain internet and telecommunications data, with or without our knowledge.
But they don't listen in to all your telephone calls or watch what you write on "facebook", or check on what you are downloading !
They have a program which is only activated if certain implicit words are spoken of written, in almost any language. Words such as "bomb" or "target" for example, will activate this program.
For sure they could now be checking up on my answer, but as I am not a terrorist I have nothing to fear by this. And nor should you because this is only done for your own safety, they have no intention of checking up on all your activities, they are NOT "Big Brother !"
This has only been called a "scandal", because it is yet another in the long line of allegations made by the extreme right wing against President Barack Obama.
They have orchestrated a campaign of non-stop character assassination against him for the whole of his presidency in order to discredit him !