Take a look at any statement by this madman Miller , and it clearly shows that Miller is out of touch with reality. I'm going to close my eyes and touch my copy of this hog wash speech. I'll try to use exact quotes, but if I don't it is only because It is too lengthy so I capsulated it for that reason only.
(1.)" Our soldiers don't give freedom abroad, they preserve it at home" I think the first part of the sentence about freedom abroad, proves that American soldiers are definetly OCCUPIERS! They are not providing Iraqi's with any such freedoms, fool, we are occuping the damn place , you fool, but the Neo-Cons aren't looking at reality, and they are applauding, What Kind of Fools are they!
(2.) Then in the 2nd line he says our soldiers are preserving our freedoms at home. My god man, how can you speak such an outright lie! Since Bush stole the office of President, I have lost more freedoms than at any time in history! Can you look my Avatar straight in the face and tell me that George Bush has preserved our Freedoms! WTF you @sshole, Bush has cut the balls off 95% of our constitutionally given rights. If you are going to deny this, please explain how wiping your @ss with our Constitution & Bill of Rights, or calling our Constitution a " God Damn Piece of Paper" and dropping almost every word in the document ,shows preservation! SHOW ME! do it.
You know what blows my mind about this totally partisan form of government Bush has created, they take democratic truths that are blessed by god, if you will, and they state that they upheld them, when in Reality they did just the opposite. Don't you Neocons have any memory, do you even remember 911. Do any of you remember what life was like before Bush. Hell no, Let me tell you, Life was good.
Ok here's another statement:
(1.) It was the weapons systems that Reagan provided that took out the Taliban at Tora Bora. EXCUSE ME , Our bombing of Tora Bora didn't do anything to the Taliban, not one thing!. It was such a failure that we went into the region after our failure, with our soldiers and the only one who we killed was our own man Pat Tillman! Tillman was sacraficed and murdered by his own men! Why? To Keep the hate going for this occupation and the American people mad as hell, which it did succeed in doing. Then we snubbed out the job because of constant failure and the foreign fighters, we hired to do the job just let any Taliban hiding out have a free ride over the pass, and out of the country. Am I lying? Is this not what happened! Like Bin Laden was even there in the first place! What a total failure, what a terrible outcome it caused. What a bunch of losers we showed of ourselves! I digress.
(2.) The fool Miller says " It was our F-15's that protected us after 911." Heaven help this misguided fool. I cannot stand this one it is too much for me , I want to reach out and tear this man's throat out, you said what ? the FUC KING f-15's did what After 911???????? You Fuc king bastard Miller! I don't know where "our F-15's " were after 911 , nor do I care. I do know that they didn't shoot down SHI T, after 911, and I do know that they were no where to be found B E F O R E 911,!!!! WHO GIVES A RATS @SS where they were after 911. WHERE WERE THEY WHEN WE NEEDED THEM........You and I know for a fact that they were not
protecting the WTC, the Pentagon, or anyone on this planet. The Vice President sent them on a wild goose chase out over the ocean and to the Midwest so they couldn't defend SHI T!!!!
Is that NOT WHAT HAPPENED???? Am I distorting anything?
I don't give a rats *** how well our Air Force responded AFTER the 911 murder spree was over, where were our protectors of life, liberty, and freedom before 911, they had tons of time. but no they wern't available to save , not one life!!!! But Zell says those FUC king f-15's were there "After 911 to protect our freedoms". You IDIOT, MILLER, ARE WE SUPPOSE TO APPLAUD OUR MILITARY FOR THEIR RESPONCE TO 911!!!! There was no responce from our military during 911. NONE, NONE, NONE! Oh yes, there was an order given to the returning wild goose chase pilots, and that order was, cut your speed down 75% power. In other words, don't hurry home!!! WTF, WTF,WTF!
Am I making this stuff up, am I changing the verbage; am I not stating facts, that can be looked up and verified in seconds.
Hell Yes I am and unless you are a filthy Nazi loving S.O.B. like Bush, his Admin. and the likes of Zell Miller then you will realize that you have been had, and you'll help jerk these murdering bastards of Americans out of office and to HELL where they belong. As god is my witness I will! Rensereader@cox.net. I apoligize for my language and conveyannce of such hatred for these individuals, but I love this country and to watch it go to hell bothers the HELL out of me.
If there is anyone out there that can rebuke what I've said as anything but the truth, I beg you, to please contact me anytime. I would love to be able to convince myself that I'm wrong! I wish that such could happen, I truly do! Show me where I'm misinformed. Can anyone out there explain where my thinking is astray. Thank You for reading my rant. I wish I could go on, but I can't!