Do you think there is a limit to free speech?
2009-06-16 05:13:27 UTC
I have herd people all my life say "yeah there's free speech, but there are limits" and my answer is "no there isn't".

I would defend someones right to say the most hateful, horrible, disgusting things you can think of any day. For example, the david letterman jokes about the palins. People have told me "well don't you think its sick that he made fun of her young daughter in a sexual way" and my answer is "no, he has the right to say anything he wants. It doesn't matter if you think its tasteful."

I have personally sat through comedians that literally were racist, or that were saying things no one would morally agree with. I just recently herd a comedian talk about palins youngest child and it was something about how she shouldn't have brought another retard into the world. And hey i thought the joke was funny.

If you think there should be a limit to free speech, read the first amendment.
34 answers:
2009-06-16 05:22:16 UTC
Yes, there are. And they should be guided by courtesy & understanding.
2009-06-16 06:21:02 UTC
"Do you think there is a limit to free speech?"

As a fellow Libertarian, I have to say that I don't think there should be a limit to free speech.

"People have told me "well don't you think its sick that he made fun of her young daughter in a sexual way" and my answer is "no, he has the right to say anything he wants. It doesn't matter if you think its tasteful."

Wrong. It does matter. Letterman has the right to say whatever he wants, but he does not have the right to be heard. There is a difference. I agree he should have the right to make sick jokes about a 14 year old girl on a televised program, if he wants to, but I also have the right to not listen to him because I think that what he has said was sick, demented, wrong, etc. I also have the right to call or write his sponsors and network, informing them that I will no longer be watching his show. I would not demand they take him off the air. I just will not watch his show. If sponsors then decide that they want to pull out because of Letterman's actions, that is their business. If the network then decides that they want to fire Letterman, that is their business as well.

"I have personally sat through comedians that literally were racist, or that were saying things no one would morally agree with. I just recently herd a comedian talk about Palin's youngest child and it was something about how she shouldn't have brought another retard into the world. And hey i thought the joke was funny."

Good for you. Personally, I would not sit through a comedy act that was racist or if the comedian was talking about things I find morally objectionable, especially if my children were with me. If enough people decided that they do not want to hear that type of material, then the comedian will stop attracting an audience and he will eventually lose his gig. As I said before, everyone has a right to free speech, but they do not have the right to be heard.

"by now im sure you have realized im a member of the aclu"

The ACLU is nothing more than a politically motivated group which is out to serve it's own ends. The last thing the ACLU cares about is civil liberties. When is the last time you saw them step up to help a Christian who has had their freedom of religion infringed upon?
Bash Limpbutt's Oozing Cyst©
2009-06-16 05:24:41 UTC
Of course there are limits! From the public policy side, you STILL cannot yell, "Fire!" in a crowded theater unless there's actually a real fire.

As a practical matter, while the government cannot limit your right of free speech, there may be consequences for your exercise thereof. If your employer prohibits political or religious discussion in the workplace as a matter of keeping the peace and you violate that prohibition then you do so at the risk your job. That's NOT a Constitutionally protected exercise of your right of free speech, contrary to what some folks seem to think.

If CBS decided to can David Letterman over his jokes about the Palins, fair enough. That's hardly likely though as viewership of his show has skyrocketed since this hit the news. CBS and most media outlets is all about the money and viewership translates into advertising dollars. The more controversial that he is, the more dollars roll in.

@anthony: Get real! No President has the authority to "revoke" the Constitution or any of its Amendments. That would take a Constitutional Amendment in and of itself. If you think that 75% of Americans would go along with the revocation of the 1st and 2nd Amendments, you really need to go back and re-take your High School civics and government classes!
2009-06-16 16:36:41 UTC
So, you would not object if the FBI or CIA decided to check letterman out for child pornography. I am for freedom of speech, even though it seems some groups are trying to collar some people. Just remember, if you write or say something about someone or their family they have the right to fire back. Just because Palin is a politician does not mean "comedians" can say perverted things about her children and she and her husband must sit back and take it. From my understanding she was traveling with her 14 year old daughter, but letterman said it was aimed at her 18 year old daughter. Well, that simply means it was a corny joke like all of his jokes, but he cannot stand by that. It was aimed at the daughter Palin was traveling with. I wish letterman would loose ratings, but that will not happen.
2016-05-28 15:02:14 UTC
Here's how to check whether your free speech has been limited: Can the government put you in jail for saying what you said? No? Then no, political correctness does not limit your free speech.
2009-06-18 10:48:26 UTC
While I do agree with you about free speech, I also think that there are such things as common decency and manners that should be considered.

I agree that comedians often cross the line and people who watch them recognize that and, I guess, find it funny.

But, when a child is dragged into something in a sexual way, that gets my radar up.

I've watched Letterman a few times, and Leno, and Conan, and in the old days Johnie Carson. They all are funny guys and they can be crass. We expect that as a society, though there are certainly times when I find things less than funny. Give me my humor in a bit more respectable ways, please. But, you have the right to watch what you want, as do I.

I do take offense when jokes or other things termed to be entertainment are of a sexual manner are made when there are woman politicians, and when there is a man politician there are just not this type of joke. Or, in the case of a man, the jokes are usually made about extramarital affairs and not their children.

I refer to the Eminem music video as a prime example where he has a Sarah Palin look-a-like "humping" on the desk in what appears to be the Alaska governor's office with a guy who appears to be her husband watching and being "excited" by it. Is that crass enough for you?

Both political parties are no strangers to bad jokes but when there is a sexual reference, it crosses the line to being filthy and offensive. We should be better than that as a society.

Was a law violated? Was someones constitutional rights violated? Ah yes, it is a fine line.

But, I dare say that Sarah Palin could easily sue Letterman on behalf of her daughter for sexual harassment and she would probably win.

You may be right, but I think you know it is truly distasteful, even if you think it is funny. Good luck with that.

By the way, I don't think it's funny at all. I didn't think the joke McCain (and I voted for him) supposedly made one time about Janet Reno being ugly was funny either. But, he was at least not referring to Janet daughter (if she has one?) and someone having sex with her and portraying her as "easy" in some way.

We are not the nicest people, sometimes, as a society, but we should at least cry out when a child is being victimized for the sake of TV ratings and a "laugh".

So, yes, you may be right on the free speech thing, but no you are not right when it comes to what should be tolerated as funny. The cops won't be hauling off Letterman and his writers to jail anytime really soon, but I wish he would lose his job or be suspended and that his network would take a stand, just like with Imus and the nappy headed black woman thing. That wasn't as bad as this, but Letterman still stands.
2009-06-16 05:34:12 UTC
There is an infection became so wide spread all over the world,it is the freedom of women ,press,citizens etc.however don't call someone bad words and names and tell me this is freedom.Also what make me very embarrassed the bad words that used in films and series Does not say closer to reality requires the use of the terms of street violence and poor ethics and deviant behavior began to use such methods as freedom Is the world becoming to be failure of the culture is the use of obscene words and obscene behavior.Communities and even eastern Arabic 9, which was characterized by morality and religion, and where young people all over the world to use obscene words, which I hope the modesty of the listener, and has it already in the decline of cultures and all because of this so-called absolute freedoms unleashed freedoms must be aimed for all those responsible and aware and who understand for many things, Controls and these freedoms are ethical scientific cultural controls religious moral
2009-06-16 05:34:53 UTC
Freedom of speak does not cover many areas of your life without ramifications. Such as you cannot swear like a "trucker" in the work place and expect to keep your job. In many areas you will be arrested for doing so in public or around children. In the same way you do not display your racism or comment about extreme sexual activity on public TV, without expecting to pay the price. You also cannot threaten another person without facing ramifications of your actions. So are there limits to "freedom of speech" yes, are there strong reasons for it, YES. Remember total freedom of speech would make us no different than those who would want to destroy this nation, but your concept of the first amendment will assist them in doing so without ever launching an attack.
2009-06-18 11:00:53 UTC
i think it's free. but there are consquences to saying what's on your mind!

poly science told me that i can't say your a bad word but i can say all females are a badword.. or what not!

but if you go up to a cop and say i hate you or some other things about how you feel you can go to jail! it's not too common thank goodness!

I would hate to see a child who doesn't have ediquitte filter for words that are said in school! freedome of speech does have limitations!

true freedom is being able to say what i want to say with out having some sort of pentaly!
2009-06-16 05:38:20 UTC
LIBEL and/or slander are NOT protected 'free speech'; falsly yelling fire! in a crowded theater is also prohibited.

WHAT you seem to have forgotten about is that Sarah Palin has as much right as Letterman to say what she wishes.

PLEASE defend her right to free speech as vigorously as you do Letterman.

DO NOT confuse your delight in someone being hateful or vulgar to someone you have a low opinion of with an argument about 'free speech'.
2009-06-16 05:30:18 UTC
There are certain limits to free speech, as the second poster stated, but it's people's CHOICE whether or not to listen to vile, disgusting garbage such as what Letterman spews out of his mouth.

That's what's happening to Letterman now and EXACTLY why sponsors are pulling their ads left and right from his show.
2009-06-16 05:20:07 UTC
People have told me "well don't you think its sick that he made fun of her young daughter in a sexual way" and my answer is "no, he has the right to say anything he wants. It doesn't matter if you think its tasteful."

This shows that you're overreacting as the person states "don't you think its sick", which implies that its the person's opinion. The person is not saying "he shouldn't be allowed to say that", which is infringing free speech but it just saying that it is sick in their opinion.
2009-06-16 05:55:09 UTC
Yes there is a limit to free speech. For instance, one can not insight a riot without facing charges. You can't shout fire inside a crowded movie theater when there is no fire. Try it and see where it gets you. Peoples inability to understand this is growing at exponential rates.
Big Time Social Conservative
2009-06-16 05:26:01 UTC
Well you should consider the impact of your philosophy on social cohesion and stability, because they are talks which can be hurtful and inconsiderate to what people hold dear and sacred, I believe in free speech but with free speech comes responsibility, we must lean how to be civilized in treating and talking about one another
2009-06-16 05:21:29 UTC
I have to say that there are limits on freedom of speech.

I dont have a problem with there being no limits but there are limits.

You cannot incite racial hatred, acts of terrorism etc.

There are laws against those.

So although i have no problem with there being no limits, unfortuantely there are.

and laws like inciting hatred or terrorism are so broad they can be applied out of context as state censorship.
2009-06-16 05:20:27 UTC
As long as that standard is applied evenly regardless of subject matter I agree. Afterall it only costs and average of $500 to crack somebody in the mouth if you disagree strongly enough. I think that is a good balance.

OF course Letterman didn't face any legal action just economic sanction which is of course another exercise in the freedoms we enjoy.

Looks like everybody is enjoying their freedom.
Fox News: Saudi / Muslim Owned
2009-06-16 05:25:21 UTC
yes, there should be limits, the problem is, which of us should *do* the limiting...?

where Palin is concerned, SHE is the one that put her family in the worldwide spotlight! she's not new to politics, she knew what was coming. now she's further exploiting her kids to gain sympathy and try to remain significant. if she actually cared aboutwhat was being said, she'd stop doing the on air rounds and whining 24/7.

Michelle Obama gets talked about like a dog, Obama NEVER whines. He knows it goes with the job.
2009-06-16 05:22:13 UTC
The only thing word one must not utter is, fire, in a crowded place when there is no fire. Political correctness is not free speech. When a society

begins to determine what is and what is not free speech the only thing thing they have determined is that, free speech is dead.
2009-06-16 05:25:04 UTC
Let's say you have a tv show. You say something very stupid on the air. Yes you have the right to be stupid and consumers have the right to turn the channel. Vote with your remote people. It's not that complicated.
2009-06-16 05:22:32 UTC
We do indeed have free speech in this country. But what we no longer have is common sense or common decency. We as Americans have become so focussed on whether or not we should be ALLOWED to do something, that we're forgetting about whether or not we SHOULD. Tis no wonder people over 60 are disgusted by today's generation.
2009-06-16 05:25:47 UTC
Loss of freedom of speech won't happen till after King Obama revokes the second and then the first amendments. We're maybe 12 to 18 months from that.
Wicked Wanda
2009-06-16 05:26:28 UTC
I don't think so....I know so.

You cannot yell "fire" in a crowded theatre without repercussions.

Every single freedom in America has certain limitations. Even freedom isn't free.
2009-06-16 05:21:41 UTC
i believe in free speech.

there are loads of laws and human rights acts that say that your allowed to say what ever you want.

i believe in free speech, but i think that if you know that you're gonna say something hurtful, don't say it cos people will end up hating you.

then again, it's your right, your problem if they hate your guts.
2009-06-16 05:29:01 UTC
Abbie Hoffman said that freedom is the ability to yell "Theater!" at a crowded fire.
2009-06-16 05:27:43 UTC
it's somewhat obvious, that you aren't a former spelling champ. the dixie chicks had the right to say what they did about bush and their fans had the right to react the way they did by getting their songs taken off radio stations and ending their careers. seems fair to me. as the saying goes "put your brain in gear before, putting your mouth in motion."
2009-06-16 05:21:38 UTC
It is limited if you are white, working, christian, American and Constitutional based. Unlimited if you are welfare/unemployed, racist, non-white, christian hater, America hater and World lover.

Contrasts are clear--the writers of the Constitution would have limited speech today.
Joe from WI
2009-06-16 05:18:20 UTC
Some people think they can say whatever they want no matter how bad it is. That is not what "Freedom of Speech" was designed for. Vulgar people are not free to their speech, in my opinion.
2009-06-16 05:20:06 UTC
i don't believe that at all. FREEDOM OF SPEECH. meaning however, whenever, whatever, whoever to, and how ever loud you want it. so, there SHOULDN'T BE a limit, but some people are full of themselves and believe that you can't say whatever you want.
2009-06-16 05:20:28 UTC
no. And why would I know what you are a member of?

With freedom comes responsibility.
2009-06-16 05:19:34 UTC
There doesn't need to be limits, but those that spout need to use common sense and common courtesy.
2009-06-16 05:18:25 UTC
There are limits...

You can't yell "FIRE" (if there isn't one) in a crowded theater.

Past the "danger" aspect... I agree with you totally.
Forget War Buy More
2009-06-16 05:19:41 UTC
"Free speech is the right to shout 'theater' in a crowded fire." -Yippie proverb
2009-06-16 05:17:44 UTC
hell no
I Will Waterboard Hannity
2009-06-16 05:17:18 UTC
I don't, but conservative republicans do.

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