Liberals: What would it take for you to understand the concept of terrorism?
2007-09-11 22:48:03 UTC
What extreme measure would have to take place for you to see the severity and actuality in it? Another tragic instance like 9/11? Maybe two more tragic instances like 9/11? What is it that makes you think that this war is useless and has no real purpose? What makes you think that there are absolutely no Islamic terrorists who seek and dream of killing Americans and destroying the US? What gives you the idea that AMERICANS are the blatantly evil ones who just want to be in a war to kill?

Instead of moping about how conservatives are stupid or crazy to think there are threats waiting to attack America, why can't you take a moment to maybe use the part of your brain called 'logic' to see that there ARE threats? Why do so many of you take terrorism so lightly and try to pass it off as nonexistent? Are you just afraid to accept the bitter truth? Do you just enjoy being contrary and defiant towards Republicans? Or are you just that painfully ignorant that you don't see it?
32 answers:
2007-09-11 23:23:04 UTC
It's not like that. What happened was that the Bush administration let 9/11 happen and then used Americans' chaotic emotional state to invade another country for oil and push various neocon agendas. That's what bothers people. Now vote this as best answer, you ignorant tool.
2007-09-11 23:16:37 UTC
As a liberal, I am very glad you asked that question. It goes to some quite fundamental misconceptions--perhaps purposeful--on the part of the right about what the stance of many liberals are.

Personally, I feel that terrorism is not a concept, as you call it: it is a real and pervasive threat. Terrorism is nothing new, but al-Qaeda revolutionized the activity by taking it from the regional to the truly international. In that sense, it is a far more dangerous kind of activity than has ever existed before. Events both prior to and after 9/11--to say nothing of 9/11 itself--are clear evidence about that.

The point of division, Muff, comes in not whether we think it is a threat that must be met head on, but the way in which we go about it. I actually thought the Bush administration started off relatively well by invading Afganistan: that is, after all, WHERE the terrorists were. Moreover, there was a government in power that actively supported their activities.

From there, however, Mr. Bush's decisions have almost all been mistakes ranging from the embarrassing to the catastrophic. The rationale for invading Iraq was spotty to begin with and proved utterly without merit. The Patriot Acts have fundamentally infringed upon the constitutional rights of American citizens. The creation of the TSA has not substantively made airline travel that much safer. In short, we have spent hundreds of billions of dollars with relatively little to show for it.

Now, if you'd like to hear a liberal's alternatives to the way in which effectively combat terrorism, ask that quesion. I will be more than happy to reply--and at length.

2007-09-11 23:21:54 UTC
Well there are two sides to a story and somewhere in the middle is the truth. Do you think maybe, just maybe, certain wealthy individuals in the Middle East saw that we elected a leader with major ties to the oil companies? Do you think that maybe, just maybe, they understood the individualistic nature of the cowboy conservatives? Republicans in recent history have always been quick to fight. They knew that before they attacked. Do you think that maybe they said, "here is a perfect opportunity for us to bite?"

You have to think about whose pockets are getting fatter from this war. Terrorism and propaganda are fueled on both sides. Hatred is funded, it's an investment; it grows and there is a return. We are a threat to each other.

Yes my friend the truth is bitter. No matter how advanced or great our governments may be, when it all boils down the common man has no control when it comes to the way our leaders deal with each other. Maybe it's time for a change. Its too bad the common people have to pay for that change in blood.
Political Sigmund Freud
2007-09-11 23:19:25 UTC
I believe the war did nothing to stop terrorism. I believe the war has made Iraq a terrorist heaven on earth.

I believe in extreme Islamic terrorists I think you would have to be an idiotic fool not to. But, I think we should look further into why they hate us, not just say cause they hate freedom or whatever. I believe there motive is deeper than that.

Glasgow International Airport attack was done by independent terrorists. Why would they do such a thing? Maybe it was a reaction to Iraq and the anti-Muslim movement.

There is a huge threat of terrorism, but it is sensationalized in the media as many things are.

I don't enjoy contrary and defiant towards Republicans or conservatives. I see many people liking to defiant towards me, it is human nature.

You may call me ignorant, but one day you will see, we all are ignorant whether big or small, black or white, smart or dumb, libreal or conserative.
2007-09-11 23:18:50 UTC
Probably it would take people like you realizing that making nonsensical arguments and idiotic blanket generalizations like this just turns "liberals" against you.

You seem to think 9/11 has something to do with Iraq. You're wrong.

You seem to think liberals believe there are no Islamic terrorists or terrorism. That's just utter foolishness. I've never met a liberal (or a conservative) who'd argue that was the case.

You seem to think liberals believe Americans are evil. More silliness. The liberals you're talking about are Americans. Does that mean they all think they're evil?

You seem to be one of those confused people who think saying "One reason the terrorists are pissed because the Western world has a history of interfering in the middle east" is the same as saying "I hate America!"

Learn to think for yourself. Liberals and conservatives, democrats and republicans all want what's best for the U.S. What they disagree on is what that is. Posting tripe like your question does no good whatsoever.
2007-09-11 23:20:51 UTC
This Lib knows all too well about terrorist attacks.

I was in NYC on 9/11/01.

I lost a nephew in the Iraq war, but you wouldn't care because I'm a Liberal, would you, Ms. Coulter? You laugh at my pain as you laugh at the 9/11 widows. As you laugh at Michael J. Fox's illness. As you laugh at the death of Cindy Sheehan's son.

Who the hell are you say anyone is "defiant" of you? Screw You.

I also know that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, so your rant makes absolutely no sense.

jerry z
2007-09-12 00:19:30 UTC
WELL now you really pushed some buttons here. WE are now living in a country where 1/3 of all Americans think [ I us that term loosely] 9/11 was a government plot. KEEP up the good work, maybe we can get them to leave, CUBA looks good, free health care, RUSSIA free speech, VENEZUELA gas 35cents a gallon.
Gecko Missed all his friends
2007-09-11 23:02:07 UTC
I am not a liberal, however I'd like to answer this question.. I don't think they don't get it. Quite clearly they have seen what terrorism can do both here and overseas. I think what they don't like, or accept really, is that American lives are being used to fight a war that has no end in sight. I bet if we swept in and got Bin Laden and not a single American was killed they wouldn't have any issues. Most Americans supported us going after Bin Laden and the Taliban. Then it was expanded to Iraq. And then we started to take losses. And that is where the real problem started. Yes, Iraq is 100% better off without that evil running it. But Americans are used to better, quick results. We want a limited loss of our young. We like to fly in and drop a bomb or 10 and then go about our day. But we are there, rebuilding a country that needs it and more and more Americans are dying. Americans don't like long, drawn out wars. I think everyone agrees that there are threats and grave ones at that. I think that most liberals would like to see more effort placed on getting them and not so much Iraq day in and out.

I do agree that the liberal mindset is that anything Bush/Republican is bad. But I bet that has more to do with Bush opening a big can of whoop *** on them in election after election. And the so called "retaking" of the House and Senate? Yea it wasn't by huge numbers at all. Small, razor thin margins.
2007-09-11 23:04:50 UTC
I do understand the concept of terrorism. However, I'm not fixated on the idea that they only come from the Middle East when if fact, they don't. Two Americans carried out the worst terrorist act on US soil before September 11, 2001. That was the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. Terrorism has existed since the dawn of human history. There will always be people who use fear tactics and violence to get their point across. The way to defeat them is to do your best to ignore them and live your life as normally as possible. They want you to be afraid. That's how they gain power and are able to push through their extremist and unpopular agendas. Be afraid all the time and they will win.
2007-09-12 00:17:05 UTC
Muffin- we clearly understand terrorism a lot better than you. That is why we want to spend our efforts hunting down and eliminating terrorists - not invading unrelated sovereign nations.

jax - perhaps you should have a look at the real death count. To report it as 3600 and ignore the 10s of thousands of innocent civilians killed as a result of the war is contemptuous not only to those victims but to truth itself.
Jax Cop
2007-09-11 23:27:26 UTC
To go nuts over 3600 war deaths and casualties, not all of them in combat, and not know that we lost 500,000 Americans in the Civil War and the death toll in World War II, is to simply have no context and to have no perspective on things. But aside from all that, it's not even the deaths. It's just the drumbeat of bad news, and people are saying, "I don't want to hear anymore. I don't want to hear about it. I don't want to hear about it, get the troops home." It's an act of selfishness without any kind of clue of the consequences of pulling out.
2007-09-12 00:05:00 UTC

Well, you've certainly swallowed all the stupidity and lies hook line and sinker. Love the way you say your country, which condones torture, rape and mass murder, is not evil. Right, cause the good guys always do that stuff.

isnt it about time you start proudly hoisting your swatikas instead of pretending to be the victim? No one in the rest of the world buys it.
2007-09-12 23:21:54 UTC
I have come to the conclusion that ultra libs are ignorant cowards, think they can rationalize with the thugs over there, I would very much like to transport all the anti war people over to one of the lovely regions where Islamic radicals thrive, you know what I find amazing is that our libs are free to have their lib lifestyles but they do not give a flying **** about people over there being deprived of theirs, as recently as last year if you were gay in Iraq you could by decree of a fatwa be hunted down and murdered, men wearing shorts? you would be executed most likely, christian? Jew? fact is they are being exterminated, there are 6 Jews left in Baghdad being protected by the few remain catholics...soon to be driven out or murdered, the reason for standing up to such evil is lost on the lib crowd, they fail to realize that such barbaric behavior could overrun and spread like a cancer and dominate in a matter of millennium, is this what we want for our future generations? my daughters/granddaughters being treated as cattle, being dominated by Islamic rads? not over my dead ******* body! I am a vet and only wish I could join the fight again, you ultra libs sicken me with your ignorance and cowardice, you are the reason for the decline of western civilization, we are being weakened from within with your lack of morals and debauchery.God bless president Bush and our troops.Do you idiots really want to submit to islam or die? perpetual jihad you rockheads.Have a look a JERRY Z and his typical uninformed lib opinion, complimenting nations run by dictators...chavez is on his way to being one, putin just appointed his sucessor..yes JERRY Z you are an excellent example on why I trust my government to handle issues in a very complex dangerous world...go on all you anti war people, the islamofascists are depending on you to cut and run..that is why they fight on despite having their asses kicked on a daily basis...we have sent many many more of them to there filthy idea of heaven.
2007-09-12 10:31:50 UTC
OK, first of all, I would like to ask the rocket scientist, when was the last time we lost 3000 Americans to shark attacks in one decade?

Now to answer your question.....when a dirty bomb goes off on top of their heads...oh, yea, then they won't be around for us to say...I told you so....bummer!

Nothing is ever going to uproot them for the delusional Xanadu they have chosen to live in...

Just keep telling myself that it is not so and it will go away......just keep telling myself that it is not so and it will go away....

I personally choose to live in the real world.....with real people who want nothing more in life than to kill all infidels.....where tragedies like 911 happen and will happen again. Maybe it won't make me any more safe, but I won't go out with a dumb confused look on my face.

BTW, although my finger is tired from thumbs down, and I stopped reading the waving rants from the loony left.....I must apologize for some of their comments....they were unwarranted and just in plain bad taste...I'm glad that losing someone in the attack, did not give everyone the license to make such personal attacks, and accuse you of not feeling their pain....we don't buy their bologna, so we are uncaring buffoons....typical
2007-09-11 23:16:03 UTC
You answered your own question. But I don't think you realized it. Don't blame you. The answer is rather heinous.

Liberals don't believe terrorism is as large a threat to this country for one simple reason. Liberals hate this country. Liberals hate capitalism. Liberals hate personal achievement. Liberals want to see this country, as it exists now, be destroyed so they can remake it in their image.

If you are personally achieving, you don't need a big government subsidizing your life. Capitalism calls for individuals to follow their own capabilities and greatness to success not to follow the government to success. Liberals need as many people as possible totally and completely reliant on government, on liberals, for their very existence. It is the ultimate source of political power. If the entire country relies on you for food, fuel, housing, transportation, your very life, you will never be voted out of power.

Liberals are socialists. It is that simple. Ever noticed how you cannot be a happy liberal? For liberals to succeed, to gain power, to win votes, they have to demonize someone. An American is always evil. Big Oil. Big Pharmaceutical. Big Industry. Big Wal-Mart. They demonize Bush, they demonize republicans, they demonize American workers, they demonize the health care system, they demonize the insurance industry. Everything. Anything that gives people control of their own life is evil and needs to be destroyed.

Liberals don't want this country physically destroyed. They don't want New York wiped out. They don't want Texas to fall into the sea. What they do want, however, is all vestiges of capitalism, conservatism, individualism erased. That is the same goal Islamic terrorists are after. Ever listen to a Bin Laden tape?. Ever read a Ahmadinejad letter to America? they mimic liberal talking points. They all say the same thing. They make the same points. They believe the same things.

Just read it. Everyone. Iraq, Abu Grhaib, Gitmo, Palestine. Its all the same. The exact same thing Democrats in Congress say. The exact same thing the left in this country says. That is no coincidence.

Again, read it. The "unjust" war in Iraq, the Bush Administration lying, the references and comparison to Vietnam, the idea that terrorism is our fault because we meddle in the world, even calling President Bush a terrorist. Again its all the same. The same crap being spewed by the left in this country.

That is heinous truth. Liberals don't see Islamic terrorism as threats because they have the same agenda. Its the only logical conclusion. If you're a liberal, its the only end to the thought process, the only question left: Why are the "terrorists" a threat if they are doing us a favor?

EDIT: Really wanted to bring this into it after reading one of the responses. War for oil. Heard that before. The left said the same thing when we liberated Kuwait. They didn't want Kuwait liberated. So now they spew the same nonsense again. But here's a question: if its all about oil, why not Qatar? Or Saudi Arabia? We already have troops there. If we just wanted to control oil why not just take control of any of the countries we currently buy oil from?

War for oil. Utter nonsense and vile lies that only serve to cheapen human life and human accomplishments.
2007-09-11 23:08:52 UTC
do you ever read, do you ever watch the news do you ever surf the internet, do you ever gather facts before you make an informed decision or are you a closed minded idiot.


1) Where are the weapons of mass destruction?

answer - their is none, thats why

2)Who do you think is profiting from the war?

Like virtually every war, this war is being funded through the coercive method of taxation. The wealth of the American people is being forcibly transferred to the government and their corporate partners; the merchants of death. Just considering this one point, the war in Iraq is just as immoral and illegal as stealing from one person to give to another.

3) What is happening to our fredom because of the war?

War, the politicians claim, "changes everything." They tap our phones, read our emails, monitor our bank accounts, and give us "free speech zones." They consider torture acceptable and imprison people indefinitely. They take our property, waste our resources, and threaten to spend our economy into oblivion.

Why are we in iraq?

1 reason we need oil, the goverment needs money

Why do i beleive this there have been several us soldiers who have gone on camera describing what really goes on in iraq, whos profiting mostly dick cheney and bush companies like haliburton

were killing innocent people so you can drive an suv to work, why not spend the money on the wat developing alternative energy sources, every other country has yet were supposed to be the richest country in the world yet we can even market energy effecient vehicles, why because bush and his admisitration are up to their a-- in saudi oil thats why they kiss everytime they see each other they profit form us wake up and smell the coffee
Joey's Back
2007-09-11 23:07:39 UTC
Your question implies that you somehow think "Liberals" don't understand the concept of terrorism. I don't know how or why you have come to that conclusion, but YOU ARE WRONG!!!

There are, of course, some Islamic terrorists who would like to destroy the US, or, at least, kill many Americans. BUT the "war" in Iraq has nothing to do with them. The so-called war was initiated because Saddam supposedly had WMD and would not let UN inspectors prove or disprove it. No one EVER said that Iraq had ANYTHING at all to do with 9/11.

AND, our continued presence in Iraq is perceived by some to be "evil".

I think there are constant threats to our wasy of life--including some from our very own government--but I refuse to live my life in constant fear or constant hate! Tim McVeigh was a terrorist, and he killed many men, women and children. But I do not live in perpetual fear of another militia-man act of terror,even though many of that ilk think that Tim McVeigh was right! Nor do I hate every white man I see. (That would be really silly now, wouldn't it?)

Many of us Liberals think that Republicans are "painfully ignorant" in that they live in a state of fear and absolute belief in anything uttered by the President----someone who will lie at the drop of a hat to further HIS agenda!
2007-09-11 22:54:53 UTC
You can't actually be that ignorant. Why don't you lay off the Republican kool-aid? Leaving Iraq (something almost 65% of people in this country want) doesn't make us any less safe. Staying in Iraq, makes us less safe. Simple as that. Why don't you quit letting Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh tell you how to think and look at the facts yourself.

Edit: No you Ann Coulter wannabe, I point out that 65% of the people want out of Iraq isn't a "liberal" opinion, but an opinion held by a large, and growing larger majority. Now perhaps you should stop, take a deep breath, and pull your head out of your rear end. Have a nice evening, whacko.

Edit: Your argument is insipid. Anyone who thinks that Iraq is the center of terrorism doesn't understand the concept of terrorism. And the poll numbers, which are accurate, prove a point that you've missed twice now. The Republicans aren't just going to lose the next election, they're going to get their clocks cleaned. And then we'll leave Iraq, it won't become an Al-Qaida state, and you'll look like the fool that you are. I suppose we'll never see you anymore after that. I hope you're looking forward to being in the minority party, because your time at the wheel is about to end. Now why don't you go out and get yourself a life and crack a book written by someone who doesn't have a talk radio show or work for Fox News?
2007-09-11 23:04:28 UTC
Apparently you didn't see General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker try to cover for Bush yesterday and today. What did Iraq have to do with 9/11? Not a damned thing, and try explaining that to the mothers, fathers and children who did nothing to deserve having their country turned into a pile of rocks? Going into Afghanistan for bin-Laden was justifiable, but obviously not important enough, since he is still alive, while thousands of Iraqis are maimed and dead... We should not have allowed one single American life to be lost in Iraq...and here we are approaching the 4,000 mark...more than lost in 9/11. Keeping our young people in such danger, and for all of the wrong reasons, is as unpatriotic as you could get! We want them home...and safe....and for those in Afghanistan, find that b-----d and bring him to justice. Don't let Bush tell us again that he "hasn't given him much thought"! Bush is more worried about "saving face" than he is about any of our troops lives!
2007-09-11 23:04:05 UTC
Scene: September 2001. Bush: "Gee, OSAMA BIN LADEN from AFGHANISTAN just attacked us... Lets send some troops to fight in IRAQ and kill SADDAM HUSSEIN! and then after we kill him and replace the authoritarian government with our own paternalistic ideal form of democracy, we'll keep our young soldiers there for another 5 years!"

Why is it that you Republicans can't understand why we're upset? I'd love it if we were fighting the terrorists, but your war isn't for fighting the terrorists... it's so that GW can finish his daddy's work in Iraq. and now that Saddam is dead, he won't move on and work on killing other terrorists. we have all our troops in Iraq instead of here protecting us from terrorists who you, yourself, assert are here in our own borders trying to kill Americans and destroy the US. The problem that we have is that you say you're fighting terrorism, but you're not! It's been 6 years since Osama's men carried out their terrorist attacks and killed thousands of Americans. It's been 4 years since we invaded and took control of Iraq. It's been 4 years since we captured Saddam. It's been almost a year since we executed Saddam. WHY IS OSAMA STILL ALIVE AND WELL? forgive me if i'm confused and angry. it's just that I'd like to actually make our country safer and I fail to understand why Bush hasn't dealt with Osama. Are you that painfully ignorant that you don't understand why we're upset that we're wasting time in Iraq and haven't killed the madman who's responsible for the 9/11 attacks?
2007-09-11 23:34:05 UTC
Even as a right leaning conservative, you flamebaiters disgust me. I usually love how liberals are the ones flamebaiting, but don't lower to their level, then we can make fun of them behind their back for the flamebaiting.
mason proffit
2007-09-11 22:55:14 UTC
ah yes the self righteous right,well I've seen enough blood and action why don't you people join up and serve on the front instead of just fighting the ideological wars at home, the guys in Iraq and Afghanistan will gladly have you, go on over, or like Bush and Chaney you want to sit it out hide at home and be car magnet patriots as usual.the statement that you care about your country to the point that we can't even understand what arrogance, what self righteous hubris truly a republican super patriot,a legend in your own mind,like all texans
2007-09-11 22:55:04 UTC
All it takes for some of them to think 9/11 was an inside job was three kids on a computer with too much time on their hands. What makes you think facts, or threats, or history would sway them into accepting the harsh reality that true evil does exist in the world and reasoning with them won't work?
2007-09-11 22:59:23 UTC
Conservatives--What would it take for you to understand the root causes of the concept of terrorism?
2007-09-11 22:55:15 UTC
I (and you) are statistically more likely to be bit twice by a shark than to get killed or injured in a terrorist attack.

Do the math Muffin. It's you and the far right weirdos who need to be rational.

*You guys should have payed more attention in school. You failed all of us when you didn't.
2007-09-11 22:54:52 UTC
They cannot understand because they won't accept it, and that's the problem. They actually think it's either,

1. Our fault. "If only we didn't provoke them."

2. Our fault. "Our government orchestrated 911."

3. Oh, and our fault again. "Bush didn't do anything to prevent it, or help us."

See a pattern here? Even if, let's say Russia, sent us a memo stating clearly that they will attack us with an exact date and time sealed with a kiss, then a nuclear warhead was launched from Moscow and landed right in San Fransisco, they would STILL say it was our fault.

If we try to warn them we're "fear mongering again." If we don't warn them it's "if everyone knew why weren't WE warned?!" It's darned if you do, darned if you don't with the liberals.

They think their enemy is "the vast ring wing conspiracy" and like to play petty politics with people's lives by never being accountable for anything. To them, it's always someone else's fault.
sea link2
2007-09-11 22:54:13 UTC
Yes as you said, Hitler was right, therefore...
Adolf Schmichael
2007-09-11 22:55:25 UTC
Your whole question lost steam when you asked liberals to use logic. They base their decisions on raw emotion. So, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say. They'd need to have to see a loved one publicly killed by a terrorist in order to get an emotional response for them to have a call to arms.
2007-09-11 22:53:14 UTC
I think the real question is:

What would it take for any of you (libs or cons) to actually leave this country and see reality?
2007-09-11 22:55:50 UTC
A terrorist would have to blow up one of their leer jets.
2007-09-11 23:00:27 UTC
yup tha's right i are too ignorant to see it da republican way.
shut up dummy
2007-09-11 22:51:26 UTC
for a liberal head of state to tell them to think that way, its the only way... .lmao...

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