The worst Presidents in History - not in any particular order
1. Andrew Johnson (D) - for his terribly handling of reconstruction, disenfranchisement of the south, and for reversing the government's promise of forty acres and a mule to freed slaves. Also first President to be impeached.
2. Warren G. Harding (R) - for the self-serving Teapot Dome Scandal
3. Lyndon B. Johnson (D) - for his terrible handling of the war in Vietnam
4. Woodrow Wilson (D) - The first movie every shown in the White House was Birth of a Nation...a movie glorifying the KKK. He also laid the foundation for many Jim Crow laws.
5. Jimmy Carter (D) - For his blunderous economic policy, his handling of the Iran hostage crisis and his treatment of the Shah, and his Peanut Farm Subsidy which has subsequently paid him $1M per year since its passage.
6. Bill Clinton (D) - The first president to be disbarred for lying to a Grand Jury, the second to be impeached by the House of Representatives, the Whitewater Scandal, Travelgate and others.
7. George W. Bush (R) - For his spearheading of the neoconservative movement, the unjustified invasion of Iraq due to poor intelligence, and for going into a war without the intention of winning.
8. Barrack Obama (D) - For his disastrous economic policy and the doubling of the national debt, the deliberate weakening of our allies and the fueling of foreign economies at the expense of American workers.
9. Last but not least, the very worst - James Buchanan (D) - For his indifference toward the outset of the Civil War, and his indifference regarding the territorial issue of slavery. He also supported the Dred Scott decision.
Do you see a pattern, here? They all served for MUCH longer than a week. So stop trolling.