What do you think of the bickering and posturing among Canadian political parties? Is it out of hand?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What do you think of the bickering and posturing among Canadian political parties? Is it out of hand?
116 answers:
Trail Hiker
2007-02-09 07:50:45 UTC
All the bickering and posturing does nothing to solve the important issues like high taxes, inadequate health care, day care spaces, etc. It is actually embarrassing to watch the question and answer period on the TV.
2007-02-09 15:09:45 UTC
I have blogged on this subject, I refer to the behaviour exhibited by our government as 'Parliamentary Playground'. I have never seen adults acting like such immature children. The Conservatives clearly have no idea how to take their party from opposition to leadership. Take initiative, lead, do SOMETHING, we are losing all faith in government...
2007-02-09 14:49:45 UTC
How CAN you say no? The political parties of most countries are extremly stubborn and unflexible so no one agrees with each other, if no one agrees with each other, nothing gets done, nothing gets done, problems persue. Politicians in history can't seem to compromise, it always has to be their way or the high way.
Frequent Tourist
2007-02-09 11:56:07 UTC
As for the political posturing that is part of the process. Garth Turner has no credibility in my opinion. What ever is good for Garth seems to be his philosophy. I'm glad to see him gone so he can join his other 'turncoat' friends in the LIberal Party.
douglas f
2007-02-09 11:34:02 UTC
no that's political life
2007-02-09 11:04:34 UTC
Fighting is counterproductive and we're paying for it. As a tax payer I'm tired of my tax dollars paying their salaries when they seem to produce little value for our communities in return.

If the opposition identifies a problem with the government, develop a reasonable solution first and then voice your concern. The same is true for the government. They should retaliate with a solution or at least a plan to address the problem. Wouldn't it be great if the parties could say "this is what we did" as an opposition or government rather than this is what we promise to do when it's time to campaign. They've taken the smear tactics of campaigning and made it standard practice of everyday work. I'm not paying you to tell me how bad the other side is!
2007-02-09 10:39:54 UTC
It`s a joke

Does anyone really care who is in power?

Politician`s give us no reason to even listen to them and even bother voting for them. They come through on absolutely nothing they promise and they fight like little kids over candy and a favourite blanky. Ever watch them debate on TV.

I dint think their parents taught them not to interrupt.

I think as a Canadian people we should fire them all and let middle class people run the country. Heck the middle class pays these bozo`s anyway.
Terry h
2007-02-09 10:34:33 UTC
If politicians were children they would be given regular time outs to reflect on their behaviour and maybe that's what they need time out of the commons to clean up their act.
2007-02-09 08:27:05 UTC
It's ridiculous. Instead of attacking the issues they attack the person holding them. This is a logical fallacy and I hope the people - in all countries where this is done - are smart enough to see through this.

Someone also incorrectly mentioned that the Bloc and the NDP are flip-flopping. That's not the case at all. They're both trying to get what they can with what little political clout they have. If this means siding with the Conservatives temporarily for things that are important to all Canadians (i.e. the environment) I don't see what the problem is.
2007-02-09 07:41:28 UTC
The bickering and posturing is really between the two major parties. The NDP and Bloc are sitting back and cherry-picking what they'll support and what they'll oppose. The two majors are edgy and bickering because they know the nature of the Parliament makes it very possible that an election could happen at any time even though neither really wants it. The Conservatives don't want it because they don't have sufficient polling support to win a majority and the Liberals don't want it because they can't afford it.

If the Cons continue with the current advertising strategy, I think it will be ineffective. They won power by running against the previous government's record. Now that they have power they have to start running on their own record, which is pretty thin.
2007-02-09 13:14:17 UTC
The bickering and posturing has been out of hand for a long time now, and most likely will continue to be that way. This is for all the parties care about it power and who has it. They waste their time pointing fingers at each other saying how the other side never acted when it was in power, therefore that party has no right to saying anything about the current party not acting. Its an endless conflict. To end it politicians need to move on and actually do something about the problems instead of just arguing about them.

They also worry about what the public thinks way too much. For instance someone stated how Harper does not want an election because he does not have the support in the polls to get a majority government. Therefore influencing what he would do normally. What I think needs to be done is these polls need to stop so that no one knows what everyone else is thinking. For the polls are influencing both the politicians and the public too much in their decisions. Which causes everyone to act differently then what they other wise would have.

If the politicians would just look at the problems and fix them or at least attempt to fix them the Canadian government would become much more productive. But instead they waste their time yelling at each other and calling each other names. It is almost like they are preschoolers that always have to be better then the other and instead of showing it they argue about it. What needs to happen is that the government needs to deal with the issues at hand and solve them together. This of course is easier said then done, but you have to remember that, us the voters have picked who we want to represent us, and therefore if the decision on a matter is going to best represent what the Canadian voters want then each concern that is brought up needs to be dealt with. Its not just what the party in power thinks, its about the whole as a government, not the individual party. Therefore it is not only that one parties fault that nothing was done in the past, it is the fault of the government as a whole. Also the past it the past, you can’t go back and change it, so instead you have to do something now and not waste time arguing about what was or wasn’t done. That is the biggest error our government has committed.
2007-02-09 18:08:48 UTC
I think it is called Freedom of Speech and Expression. Fortunately, these people debate the issues about which ordinary people have no idea. It is one thing to sit on the outside and say how the country should be governed, it is a totally different thing to actually do it. Running a country is a complex and continually changing thing. What is considered good for the country today is bad for the country down the road. I think that Harper is doing the best he can and that at least the Conservatives have tried to change some of the policies that led to the Liberals wasting tax payers money. I don't agree with everything that the Cons do, but I do think that they are doing a great job in general. They don't have the attitude that they are entitled to rule (unlike the Liberals). The current ads run about Mr Dion are not to my liking and I don't agree with the idea of bringing the leader of the other party down, however, I feel that the Cons are nervous about a looming election and feel it necessary to bring to the Canadian public's attention that this man is an unknown entity. He is not a leader we can be proud of and I think he will be controlled from within the party should he ever become Prime Minister. Not what Canada needs.
William E
2007-02-09 13:36:48 UTC
There is way too much bickering going on,not only across party lines but with in the parties also.having said that I am not in agreement with the party leaders telling the members what they can and cannot say,As I have seen time and again,if what your riding and its people want doesn't follow the leaders ideas that's too bad. The member elected from each riding is there to represent the riding first and the party second. Its time the political parties were reminded of this.Also all the parties need to be reminded that they are there to represent the people of Canada not the parties.Most people who vote for one party or another do so because (I HOPE) the basic party line is the closes thing to what they think is right,WE the people seldom agree with the whole party line, its just the closes to what we think .The leaders and the members need to be reminded of this.
2007-02-09 14:59:31 UTC
It would be nice for the politicians to remember why they are there. It's not to debate who is right or wrong 10 times on the same topic but to move the country forward. Are our interests really looked after with constant bickering and blame? I think not. Maybe the cause of global warming is politics. Hmmm I wonder if the Kyoto Accord has any ways to allot for all that hot air politicians put into the air? Ya so we all know the liberals were the last party in power and screwed-up. It is time to move ahead and do what is right for the people who voted them in office. Be and act responsibly and get things done together.
Rohan B
2007-02-09 11:53:58 UTC
I would be ashamed if anyone in my family behaved the way the '2 main parties' are. What a disgrace! The tory attack ads are absolutely pathetic. The liberals were pretty much useless in their final days in power and were a virtually non-existant opposition until Dion was elected. The willingness of both parties to accept floor-crossers is also outrageous, and fundamentally anti-democratic! Clearly, the good government of Canada is not foremost in the interests of either of these parties. As neither party has done anything to make the lives of Canadians better in any meaningful way, all they can do is bicker and point fingers, rather than engage in the meaningful policy debate which they are elected to do. Any slim chance either party would ever have had to receive my vote in the near future has now disappeared.
2007-02-09 12:18:21 UTC
I watch the debates going on in the House of Commons almost everyday from my cubicle. You can watch it live on the internet. It is very interesting to see the debates in there and to see what is being placed in the news.. The news is like a 15% of what goes on in the House.

People should seriously watch what is being said in there!!

They almost never actually get any work done because they're too busy bringing eachother down. The environment for example.

They shout facts at eachother out of context just so that it works with their views.

As for Stephane Dion, he has done a whole lot more for the environment than Harper has every done!!! Harper is just going with the flow.. His party will always be an oil and money hungry bunch.

As for Stephane Dion, he has to step it up!! We all know the Liberals AND the Conservatives are both corporately funded. That should be made illigeal!!

It will be very interesting to see what will happen this Spring
Ryan K
2007-02-09 10:27:06 UTC
The bickering has been out of hand since Jean Chretien left the Liberals. The Conservatives used the infighting of the Liberals to create scandal that was being dealt with by the proper authorities. The problem currently is that the Stephen Harper government simply doesn't answer questions. The "gag order" on his cabinet and the limited response to the media does little to inspire confidence in this government. If the new ad attacking Mr. Dion is any indication, the Conservatives are going to continue with their attack ads without answering any policy questions or establishing a platform expressing the current government's position on any relevant issue. I would like to see Canada actually led by decision makers instead of this ridiculous inter-party bashing that has plagued our Parliament for too many years.
Desmond G
2007-02-10 16:59:13 UTC
No. There is no politics without heated debate anywhere. That is the reason that there are different political parties; different political ideas. To defend and sometimes support your ideas will require a measure of aggression. this occurs in any circle.

There is a notion out there that tries to portray Canadians as "nice". For too long that deception has been accepted. Canadians are humans like the other peoples of the world. All the evils of humanities are existing within Canadian societies and are made evident under the right condition.

Politicians are not immune.

Instead of the media always portraying the passionate expressions of the Canadian people as a "bad thing", it may be moore productive and yes humanly, to inform others that Canadian have passion too and that there are things and issues that they believe in strongly

2007-02-09 12:07:11 UTC
I think Stepfen Harper is trying to remind the voter that for the last 12 years under the Soprano's, (Liberal Party) there has been alot of corruption. The Liberal Party under Stephen Dion, has done nothing to correct the 12 years of abusive behavior, and corrupt behavior towards the taxpayer by these guilty representives. To be taken serious as a leader this is what must be done, and bring back Justice to the Canadian taxpayer. The guilty would not be hard to find, they are all in either Palm Springs Ca. or Florida.
2007-02-09 11:58:16 UTC
I think that the Liberal party is bitter about losing the last election. The Canadian people, in my opinion, doesn't want another election. Let's give the Conservatives an opportunity to govern this country. The liberals have had many years to govern this country and did a lousy job. It's time for the Liberals to step back. I think the only reason the Conservatives are slamming Dion in TV ads is 1) to warn the Liberals that if they force an election they (conservatives) are ready and 2) to remind Canadians of shortcomings of the last Liberal government.
wes y
2007-02-09 11:35:35 UTC
It appears that both the Liberals and Conservatives enjoy this bickering, etc. While

some posturing is to be expected with a minority

government in place; I would imagine that a number of " voters " are wondering how much

attention is being focused on real issues that

Canadians want to see brought about ??

Both parties " track records " are somewhat

tainted already. I would think that with another

election in the near future, they would be doing

actions of note rather than acting like Primary

School Students.

I know that I am one of a large number of voters

who have had it with both parties and their

leaders. In Leadership Training, everyone had

a go at leading.... perhaps we should leave the

main two parties a message by giving the NDP

the Leadership for once...
2007-02-09 14:13:04 UTC
All this bickering is indeed out of hand. The fact that Harper stood by every election promise really upset the Liberal party who believe keeping promises is no way to run a Government. The Tory TV ads are a waste of time and money. Stephane Dion is quite capable of sinking his own ship without Harper's help. Since taking over the Liberal party he has flip-flopped on almost every idea he came up with. Martin certainly trained him well. As for Garth Turner's move to the liberals. It really came as no surprise. Anyone close to Turner knows he has an "its all about me" attitude and now he has proven it. If he hates disciplinarian leadership styles so much, why join the Liberals? Perhaps he feels Dion is weak and it's only a matter of time before someone suggests he take over the party. Too bad. For awhile I thought he was a man of principle. Unfortunately now we have to listen to all of this everyday in the news. As the song goes, "send in the clowns. Don't bother..they're here". Maybe we do need an election, if only to kick everyone out of office.
2007-02-09 17:49:53 UTC
Canadian politicians have always been emberassing to me, in the way that it is deeply emberassing listening to someone lie poorly, and as an example of the quality of debate in Canada, the question period in the House of Commons has always resembled a schoolyard argument, only with less dignity.

Currently, the patronizing effluent which the Conservative party is unashamed to dispense is an even greater atrocity. It kindles a despair akin to that inspired by the O.J. Simpson trial, that something so obviously wrong can happen and be in any ways acceptable, that I am beyond worrying about the direction in which politics in this country are headed. The used-car salesmen are at the helm of this ship of fools.
David for PM
2007-02-11 10:38:47 UTC
It absolutely is getting out of hand. It has gradually been increasing over the years but the Conservatives have taken it to all new levels. Their attack ads of the last election, which then led to the Liberals own attack ads seemed to be the starting point of the escalation. Now with the government blaming the former government for everything and answering questions about their own mistakes or lack of action by turning it around on the Liberals makes me shake my head at this lack of accountablitly. It's almost like a kindergarten class mentality. I hope M. Dion can help change the tide because I'm not seeing it from Mr. Harper.
2014-11-02 20:53:35 UTC
s really between the two major parties. The NDP and Bloc are sitting back and cherry-picking what they'll support and what they'll oppose. The two majors are edgy and bickering because they know the nature of the Parliament makes it very possible that an election could happen at any time even though neither really wants it. The Conservatives don't want it because they don't have sufficient polling support to win a majority and the Liberals don't want it because they can't afford it.
Ross McConnell
2007-02-09 11:50:21 UTC
Garth Turner is an excellent example of a political whore.At one time he made a lot of sense especially in finance and money management which is/was his profession.Now we have another Jack Layton dressed as a Liberal working the media for all he"s worth.It is no wonder he disliked Harper"s style as Harper is running a government not a media circus.

People like Turner knew the type of leader they were hitching their wagon to when they entered the race the last time around.

This is the second time in politics for Turner,the last time he used his own radio show to blow of his steam.He represented the Guelph area now hes moved east to Haltom Region., he is practicaly unknown except in the finance garu areas of Oakville.

Hopefully the voters will put him out of his misery next time around.
2007-02-09 10:10:48 UTC
I think that the Harper is doing a great job even those the he and the people in his party have too fix the problems that the marten liberals did to that country i wish the Ndp the block and the liberal would just try too help the country other then them selves

do not get me started on Garth Turner's turn coat did not want too work with his own part runs too Stéphane Dion

and i think that the news need too tell the hold new not just the liberals agenda
Jim W
2007-02-09 09:29:43 UTC
I would be more worried if our politicians were not having an impassioned debate with differing philosophies. Who would be looking after our interests in that case? No debate would likely mean politicians acting in collusion to protect their own interests rather than that of the Canadian public.

This "bickering" and "posturing" are a part of the healthy debate of our Canadian democracy. How about changing "bickering" with "debate" and "posturing" with "taking a stand"? Sound better? It's a matter of semantics.

The current minority government situation allows for this vigourous climate. Nobody has a definite majority, so bills must stand up to scrutiny and be amenable to more than just the government in order to pass.

Political parties are more competitive in a minority government, because the government is up for grabs in the next election, and the governing party does not have a comfortable majority to push through unpopular legislation. Parliament has more authority and the inner circle (ie the PMO ) can't be concentrating power behind closed doors and ignoring the House of Commons.

Consider the Chretien years- majority governments where the government was so comfortably entrenched with majorities and backbencher MP's voting like tin soldiers. What happened? The Prime Minister could make announcements of major policy without even consulting parliament or even his own cabinet. Major appointments were the private domain of the PM with no debate or scrutiny. Multi-billion dollar scandals were a normal occurence. Stifled debate meant the public interest wasn't attended to.

Canadian political "bickering" doesn't stoop to the depths of US politics, either. Many issues in Congress are superfluous to the point of ridiculous and involve character assassination and completely false allegations. At least Canadian politicians are going at each other over issues of real substance- climate change, transfer payments, regional development. They're not digging up dirt on each others' private lives or past sins.

Welcome to democracy in a minority government, where ideas go through a stringent review and thorough debate and the governing party can't get too comfy or arrogant. I hope we have a few more minority governments so authority is restored to our parliament and political parties are more responsive to the electorate rather than taking us for granted. "Bickering" and "posturing" mean a better deal for Canadians from our politicians.
2007-02-12 13:14:27 UTC
I think that Turner was smart enough to catch on

In Steves Christmas message pre PM he said he wanted to be known as "loyal” to "friends and family". Unfortunately this excludes most Canadians

The decorum displayed by the conservatives in their grab for power was an endless barrage of "corruption” calls and braying...possibly the worst display in Canadian history. Astounded that it worked the house fell virtually silent for months

Steves “style” has been developed under the tutelage of David frum (the bush speech writer that brought us the axis of evil) and he is simply loyal”bilderbergger” wrapped in an American flag formula used by his American “friends”. Secrecy, paranoia and policy by edict come with that package.

This latest venture into “attack” ads shows how aligned Harper is and how disconnected from Canadian values he actually is.

To ask that the bickering end would suggest all is right with the world.

To keep bickering about miniscule issues as they are should insult everyone’s intelligence.

Canada is falling like a rock in the general well being ratings, the gap in incomes widens by the day, toxins spew endlessly, pan American union draws closer, depleted uranium spreads, innovation is stifled, and a plethora of other lethal issues slip under the radar.

While our “Harper upgraded” step onto the world stage as a “player” has alienated and made legitimate targets of us all and for zero improvement in country if you read beyond the media spin.

Wisdom has never been a requirement of office. Until it is bickering and posturing will abound with all the decorum and reality of professional wrestling I’m afraid.
2007-02-09 11:19:46 UTC
I am a Canadian that is tired of listening to the mudslinging and back stabbing and the claims of this one did this and that one does that, Changing parties is no real issue, Same coat ,different colour, A rose by another name ... If these people who we elect to protect us and dutifully 'pay the bills' would do so ,instead of lining their pockets with perks and 25 % pay raises , this country would be in great shape, I read recently because a man was not allowed to go to the States a while back is getting a million dollar plus payoff for his treatment. This IS STUPID and wasteful

Instead of these dumb moves, improve our medicals,that includes the drug the government Parties can have but haven't been covered on the medical plans of the people. they shame is we keep putting the same type of person into power, and they seem to have no problem with abusing it till they are caught ,than they are given a great golden hand shake and retire at any age with a great pension to boot.Improve the status of the people instead of telling us what the other guy didn't do, you honestly won't do any better for the PEOPLE who elected you.
2007-02-09 13:14:05 UTC
This is a rhetorical question. You know the answer.

If we step back and consider elected parliamentarians as well as appointed senators are our employees, why do we put up with such counterproductive behaviour?

Can you run any organization this way and expect results? Can you attract qualified and motivated people to fill these positions, when they know they would have to work in such a hostile environment?

Until the public will changes, and we let our employees know this is unacceptable behaviour; that they should concentrate on the work of governing, instead of bickering, we get what we deserve.
Bill L
2007-02-09 13:46:34 UTC
both the Conservatives and the opposition parties are losing sight of the issue with respect to the environment. the government is more interested in blaming the liberals who in turn are more interested in defending their poor record. NDP is essentially irrelevant. It is absolutely disgusting to see them bickering on a highly partisan basis over such an important issue. I expect our elected legislators to work together to develop the most effective program that will serve the interests of Canada and Canadians (especially future generations) and not make political points. John Baird is making the situation far worse through his blatant, aggressive and counterproductive approach. This is not a partisan political issue! Don't they get it?
2007-02-09 14:46:43 UTC
Absolutely. It's the same old B/S, francophone vs. anglophone. Mr.Harper is the first intelligent Prime Minister since Lester Pearson and that includes former and the late hippy PM, Pierre Trudeau.

Mr. Dion couldn't wait to contadict the Prime Minister, no matter what was proposed.

It would be no trick to outsmart Dion. If you wanted his assent, just propose something that you really don't want. Dion would surely disagree with your propasal which would constitute his "oui"(aye).

Yes! There is too much childish bickering. I still can't get over the results of the last Federal election after catching so many hands in the "cookie jar".

Did anyone recount the votes in the "close" Liberal victories.
2007-02-09 11:06:53 UTC
What's new.

Politicians have bickered for years. It seems to be part of the game.

So Garth Turner is now a Liberal. Lah de dah! Let this little puffball move around the House to wherever he will get the best deal.

Canadians have a great leader at present. He does Canada proud. The Liberals will scratch and claw until they can convince Canadians to elect them once again. They miss having their hands in the cookie jar. And don't think for a minute they won't do it under Dion. The true spelling of the word graft and corruption is - L-I-B-E-R-A-L and it will never change.

As far as the hard-hitting ads they contained exact words from the Liberal leadership candidates. I'm sure no Liberal member is denying that. No one seemed to mind when the Liberals said it but boy, all hell breaks loose when someone else uses it.
2007-02-09 09:24:54 UTC
If politicians spent more time working together and stop the bickering and mud slinging in the House of Commons more good for the people of our nation could be achieved. The current behaviour in our great nation's legislature is unacceptable and outrageous.

The person who has the floor is always being harangued by the opposition mid speech and anyone disrupting house business should be fined a considerable sum and thrown out for interrupting government business. Anyone who wants to retort should have to wait until they are recognized by the Speaker to say anything. If I were the speaker of the house I would want to be able to throw something at anyone who interrupts someone else who has the floor. I believe our great leaders' behaviour is like a bunch of school kids yelling back and forth in a schoolyard. Two words: GROW UP Is this the kind of behaviour we want to condone from people who are able to vote themselves pathetic raises the average citizen does not receive and get little done if anything on serious issues such as our declining health care system, a justice system that needs severe overhaul for violent crime and prison sentences and big cities that require more money for infrastructure including public transit, education and road repairs? If they can't work together they all should be voted out and we will replace them with people who will stop the sideshow bantering in the house and truly work for the people of Canada.
2007-02-12 05:49:12 UTC
It's not out of hand, but it's not helping anything. When you consider that with the Liberals, NDP and Bloc (all left leaning parties) holding 2/3s of the seats, it's got to be hard to lead a conservative government that doesn't have the mandate of the people. And has Harper ever shown himself to be a compromiser? More like the sledge hammer who drives his way through.

Another thought: to have bickering, you need to have a debate and national dialogue going. From what we've seen of these parties recently it's more like a lack of communication.
2007-02-09 11:20:05 UTC
Canadian politics are traditionally over full of childish bickering. What else is new. It is always out of hand. It is time that all elected people did their job and concentrated on running the country. It would be good if there was a new rule for our elected clowns, because any idiot can criticize, but it takes matuirity and wisdom to be constructive. Why not have the people in Parlaiment have to make constructive statements or just keep quiet. That includes the leaders as well.
2007-02-09 11:06:07 UTC
The bickering is at an all time high - led by the Conservatives. Whether it is at an international conference (Nairobi) or in committee in Canada, the conservatives feel they can get away with blaming everyone else, rather than coming up with something useful.

While it is true, in my opinion, that` the Liberals should have been doing something about sustainability, I did not hear the conservatives calling for such action. In fact in 2004 Mr Harper characterised the Kyoto accord as " a socialist scheme to suck money out of nations that were creating wealth" (Paraphrase).

I am heartily sick of it all.
2007-02-09 10:47:12 UTC
When are the politicians going to realize that we as Canadians do not respond to bickering and posturing.The next leader of Canada should get it through his or her head that the way to be an effective leader is not fall into the bickering trap that so many politicians have before; but have enough intelligence and guts to be the public representative that we elected and pay them to be them to be. The leader this country needs is one who will not only tackle the difficult issues in a moral and fair way; but one who can rise above the petty nonsense and step up for the betterment of the country as a whole.
Lynne D
2007-02-09 10:38:41 UTC
Anyone notice that when Mr. Harper or his henchmen go on an attack of Mr. Dion whenever they don't have an answer to a question anyone make?

I noticed it at a bicker session over the environment. The oppositions were asking questions to Mr. Baird and instead of answering a question or if he had no answer, admitting that he had no answer and would get back about it, just attacked Mr. Dion and the Liberals. Tsk Tsk.... sure doesn't give me any thoughts of supporting them... they're just little kids... I have noticed it happen again and again with all the Conservative MPs. Mr. Turner on the other hand, is one class act on how he went about joining the liberals.

Just my 2 cents

2007-02-09 12:53:22 UTC
Yes! Stephen Harper has been complaining about the problems that the Liberals have, it seems like thats all he ever does is think of things they've done wrong. But the real problem is that Stephen Harper is too busy bugging the Liberals that he's not doing crap for the environment! Didn't it talk about the environment in one of the attack ads? He's been talking about doing action, but there has been NONE. The Conservatives need to stop worrying about their competators and start worrying about our dying planet. Does he think we're all just moving to Mars when we can live on earth anymore?
connie m
2007-02-09 12:00:08 UTC
This is manipulative posturing of the worse kind and the Harper government is revealing a political stance disturbingly similar to that of the United States wherein trash talk replaces genuine debate. I have the tiniest glimmer of hope that Mr. Dion will hold strong to his principles, aim for parliamentary decorum, and within his party, give the boot to the Spin Doctors who are calling the tune to which our parliamentarians now dance.

But in truth, while I have some hope, I am bereft of faith.
muriel-anne a
2007-02-09 11:46:22 UTC
Yes for sure there is too much of both. All parties are guilty and I for one am so tired of hearing the Conservatives go on about the Liberals. The Environment Committee was televised and MP Cabinet Member Baird is like the Bully in the Playground. All the parties need to set the example for future generations. There is so much we need to do Environment, make target dates for omissions within this year etc, Health Care waiting times, Help the Homeless and so it goes on.
Rick C
2007-02-09 10:37:28 UTC
I for one and sick to death with the silly, petty bickering and am at a complete loss in being able to understand why grown men and women who proport having our best interests and that of the country can not find some common ground.

Our politicians are an embarassment and I am ashamed as a Canadian that others are a witness to this. We seem at times to be slipping into an American style of partisan politics and we all know how well that works.

Co-operation and comprise equals progress and allows each side to take credit for their collective contribution.
Tim D
2007-02-09 10:31:37 UTC
It's all quite embarassing. I have little respect for educated adults who behave in such abusive ways. I should wonder why we have so many problems with bullying, verbal assualts and abuse occurring in the schools. As well places of employment are trying to institute moral codes of conduct so that people can start treating each other more humanely.

I'm sickened by the repsonse that it's just politics. I could also say that bullying is just what children do to each other...great! Where are the role models that we all need in positions of authority and power. People who we could aspire to emulate and admire. I guess Gandhi was one of the few leaders who had it right. Forget about public opinion, marketing, branding...."become the change you wish to see in the world"

It wouldn't hurt if politicians actually spent there time working for the common good of humanity instead of positioing themselves for the next popularity contest, ohh I mean election.
2007-02-09 08:51:52 UTC
I had the opportunity to sit in on the question and answer period one time. I thought I was on a playground. Every question presented seemed like a cheap shot at an opponant disguised as an actual issue. So, instead of addressing the actual issue and presenting a solutiong the opponant just takes a shot back at the MP posing the question. Then the MP has a chance to rebuttal with another shot and then one final "Well, Mr. Speaker, maybe if my opponant wasn't such a big jerk yada yada yada..." And then we move on to the next contestants. And what was accomplished? A whole lot of nothing.
Wally S
2007-02-11 07:45:17 UTC

No allow for more time. Because the parties in question are only showing themselves for what they are. You see in my book politicians should be harsh opponents of one another, yet work seemlessly in harmony fluently, rapidly forward without holding up the parade.

Where the problem obviously is that politicians once appointed should be consulting the elector8s who brought them to power where based on their wishes then move foreward with rapidity @ yesterdays pace and not embroiled they way they are which is costing tax-payers BIG TIME.

Like all of this should be automatic in the 1st place. Purely automatic without explan8ion. So don't give away these coockies. Now those of you who are gauging your politicians should get some kind of an idea about how professional these politicians are in representing tax-payers interests in the 1st place. Wally Schwauss /
2007-02-09 10:25:40 UTC
We have an adversarial political system. Politicians argue in opposition to each other for any and all reasons with the hopes that we will buy into their condemnation of the other party/person. There are good aspects and bad aspects to our political system. An adversarial system always gives differing views but many arguements take place that do not offer constructive criticism. I think Canadian advertising rules disallow direct bashing of competition and competing goods and services. We need this in politics. You promote you and your party's positions, philiosophy, ideaology and history and nothing more. The opposition does the same. The public decides what position it chooses to support.
2007-02-09 13:45:25 UTC
Politicans are always bickering so what else is new you should be asking why do Canadians always vote Liberal and another Tredeau on the horizon Canada is doomed I am not a conservative or NDP but I am a Canadian
2007-02-12 11:32:37 UTC
its the same ive watched canadain politics now for many years we just are not usr to the switching of the parties there are alot more issues on the table than oh is there more bickering i say give the kids a time out ok but serriously global warming to hell with what the rest of the worl thinks and isnt doing lets as NORTH AMERICANS use are heads and do whats right switching sides give me a break i dont care if they wanna sit in the crapper as long as they do what they were sent their to do
2007-02-09 12:00:36 UTC
Mr.Harper or may I call you Steve like President Bush does: your negative ads are backfiring on you. Your constant bickering and snarling makes you look more and more like Jean Chretien. Here we have an opportunity for bipartisan workmanship to resolve some of the main issues involving regular Canadians. You do remember Canadian citizens THE VOTERS. Your actions are doing nothing but hiding your inactivity to work for the betterment of this country and it's people. You are a clone to President Bush and using his tactics to supposedly help you gain the will of the people. In case you haven't noticed: most Americans hate this man: you are entering this same path of reasoning but on a smaller scale.

Stop the clowning around: get rid of the back room boys: get rid of Flaherty and Baird, two cripplers of Ontario: get rid of those young bucks around you who only have book learning; and sit down and speak to the House and rally therm to join in presenting a unified action plan for the country. That is if you haven't already caused enough problems.

Next election you ain't getting mine.
Steve B
2007-02-09 10:38:01 UTC
Frankly, what the politicians do in the House is often iritating however it is largely irelavant.

It is what they and their committees and the civil servants in their respective departments of Government do or do NOT do that is important.

With regard to the environment, I hear a lot of rhetoric but see very little specific action or direction.

They and their Government Committees should be defining and legislating if necessary for Canada, what the levels of government, businesses and individual citizens should/must do to stop the increase and actually reduce the existing levels of air polutants and greenhouse gases.

Canada as the greatest per capita contributor to the above, should be leading the way in the world in this regard..... not increasing our lead in the opposite direction as we are at present..
2007-02-09 12:10:23 UTC
While the politicians are arguing over what to do,were loosing time figuring out the important issues.We all know they play a chess game and try to divert and confuse the public`s attention.

The prime ministers time should not be waisted in these discussions(bickering ) until a set period of time,say at the end of or in the mid point of his /hers term in office.

We don`t want this arguing and time waisting or another election ,we want intelligent decisive action.

Patriotic and concerned Canadian!
2007-02-09 11:09:35 UTC
The government of this country needs to stop bickering among themselves and start working for the people of Canada.

I find it very embarrassing to see on TV, our country's leaders

taking pot shots at each and not listening.

We have 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason.

In case anyone hasn't notice we are facing destruction of humanity with global warming, nuclear threats etc.

The government has to be more accountable to the tax

payer after all it's our money that they are wasting.

They are too busy lining their pockets to even care about the little people.
Critical Will
2007-02-09 09:22:31 UTC
Politicians in general have become a bunch of babies. Look at what happened in Toronto with city council at the photo shoot.....what a bunch of idiots. Harper is OK, no one is perfect but he seems to be trying which is more then the liberals can say. Dion is a typical liberal all he cares about is Quebec, like most French politicians, he knows and cares little about the west and Ontario. Have you seen the HOC ( House of Commons) lately? Its like watching a bunch of loud mouths argue, all they care about is votes which we all know. Canadian politicians need a wake up call which we all get at one point. Those ads the Tories are running are dis tasteful to some.........Dion was Environmental Minister for how long? Don't cut him any slack he is just a puppet in the liberal party NOTHING ELSE. Where is his explanation to why nothing was done? His stupid dog named Kyoto is just a gimmick, I mean c'mon he was MOE for crying out loud now he wants to be PM. Screw the liberals, screw oil, lets make Canada a great place again.
corey b
2007-02-09 12:19:37 UTC
It seems it's the same old thing with every politician, they forget who they represent; their continuous bickering is a joke and an embarrassment to us Canadians.It shows that they are only worried about them selves and not worry about who they step on to get what they want;(meaning us people that HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO FOLLOW A JOKE FOR LEADERSHIP)it does not matter who is in the "CHAIR" it's only for their interest.I'm just one Canadian with an opinion and maybe some advice for our "LEADERS" stop thinking about your selves and think about us other fellow Canadians.
2007-02-09 11:29:32 UTC
No there isn't. Its a good thing to have debate amongst leaders/parties. Otherwise we have a thing called 'a dictatorship' Presently the Liberal party doesn't like it that the government refuses to let the left wing media in this country (see-CBC) tout their new leader as the second coming without some reality check. Well tough! When you were in power you ran these type of ads except instead of using party funds -you spent our tax dollars. (the ones we wern't putting in your own, err.. your friends, pockets)

Dion's views are completely wishy washy , he can't speak English, he has no real agenda except Kyoto (a ridiculous solution) and, personally I've grown tired of spending my whole life under a PM from Quebec. I find it refreshing to have someone from another part of this great land get a chance.

Keep bickering!!
2007-02-09 11:28:46 UTC
Ever since Stephane Dion took the leadership of the Liberal party, all he has been talking about is about the environment. And the debate has been going on. It is obvious that Stephane Dion will not make a good leader for CANADA. OH!!! NO... Thank goodness since the Conservatives took office there has been so much of changes, and for once there is no corruption in this country and no favouritism going on.... So the Liberal have got their message, and now they will do anything to manipulate anyone to get back to power. Canadians can see what has been going on.
2007-02-09 11:12:29 UTC
Stephen Harper is only harming Canada as Prime Minister.

His views are quite similiar to George Bush.

His defense for his less than stellar performance is to act like a child during question period.

The sooner the government is toppled and replaced with a government who knows the views of Canadians, the better
2007-02-09 10:50:42 UTC
Without question "time is money" and the political parties are not spending our money wisely with bickering. I believe that "bullying " is becoming a part of our political parties when they should be showing exemplary conduct and being roll models for the rest of the country to live up to. With so many issues to be addressed when parliament is in session, everyone should be pulling their own weight to solve problems not cause new ones.
Steve B
2007-02-09 10:23:41 UTC
When will politicians actually do something for the good of the country and not for the sake of getting re-elected. Love him or hate him, Pierre Trudeau did things that he believed were for the good of the country regardless of what anyone else thought. Today's politicians won't answer a simple yes or no question without a "well, maybe..."

The mud slinging going on again is to try to take the spotlight off of the fact that they aren't doing anything (so they don't piz off anyone, but end up pizing off everyone because nothing gets done).

What happened to the days of "my record speaks for itself, I have done well so vote for me again" rather than, "at least I'm not as bad as the other guy".
2007-02-09 11:19:58 UTC
Stop! You all sound like a bunch of Liberals slamming the Conservatives. The lot of you need to get a degree in Political Science. There is nothing in political theory to suggest that any politician or political party will act to improve the welfare of individual citizens. Don't talk about one party Vs another. They are all self serving. A government serves those that serve the government & that ain't you baby. Pay less attention to the pundits who are shills for the parties & more time to Thomas Jefferson.
2007-02-09 10:59:15 UTC
Looking around, it seems Churchill may have been wrong. There may well (arguably) be a better form of government than "democracy", since, (all the verbiage aside), nothing seems to get done - in the "public interest". (Remember all that nonsense about ending child poverty?) But that's a whole other discussion, isn't it?

Nevertheless I fully expect to stop bothering to vote for any of these clowns, since it's all about who gets to sup at the trough - and my chances are slim to none. (OK - realistically - "none"). I'm thoroughly fed up with the whole bunch of them. Question Period is an insufferable waste of time.

Could someone please get the message through to the boy wonder (Baird) and our Straussian P.M. that outside their fishbowl, nobody cares who did, or did not do what.


It's not as if there isn't enough to be getting on with.


2007-02-09 10:43:18 UTC
When I saw the latest TV Tory's ad it made me sick to my stomach. How low can a leader go? Much lower than that would be hard to beat. There should be a law to forbid this. The medias publishing it are as bad as the party for publishing it. As fas as I know, we are not in a pre-election campaign. Then what will happen when we really are. I think Harper is crossing the line with this one.
2007-02-09 08:29:56 UTC
Lol! The finger pointing has to stop and concrete actions need to be taken...I think Harper's taken one too many lessons from the Republicans...the ambigious Clean Air Act and the super-negative add campaigns...How about telling us what you're really going to do? I think that the biggest reason for all of this bickering is that the gov't in power has no real intention of doing anything good for the environment as that would be bad for Alberta's oil boom (heaven forbid we stop or limit our exports to the states!)...Notice all he talks about is Canadians and how they can reduce emmissions? Not how big oil companies who are excavating the oil sands aren't getting any greif? Hahahaha double standards...Not to forget either that any bills passed on the environment by the grits were abolished by the tories and now they are trying to create similar policies...

******** I SAY!
2007-02-10 13:50:54 UTC
I think the behaviour in the House of Commons is infantile. As a Licensed Professional, specific guidelines direct communications therefore our Government representatives, if they are Professionals (which is questionable) should portray similar qualities, especially when using taxpayers' hard earned money to complete their work. Any educated individual knows that continually regressing into the past and disrespecting others reverses any positive growth and inhibits future actions.
Jack V
2007-02-09 10:15:14 UTC
It's time Canadian politicians matured into adults - I wish they spend half the energy used on posturing, bickering and mudslinging in focussing on just one item to improve the plight of some Canadians - for example, how about putting a plan together and following up on it to improve the horrible conditions most of the natives live in across Canada - grow up Members of Parliment, you're behaviour is worse than 3 year olds!
2007-02-09 09:54:35 UTC
Bickering and posturing is the way of life for the Liberal party.

Even while in power they still complained constantly of the injustice of everyone else. As far as the Conservative party is concerned I think it only fitting that they consistently remind the Liberals that they are nothing more than liars and hypocrites. Is the rhettoric getting out of hand, yes. The only problem is that I see only the Liberals whining incesently that the evil Conservatives are actually following through on election campaign promises and citing the Liberals own dismal record of inaction and thievery. Woe be the Liberals when they actually have to answer for their incoherent, dithering actions.
2007-02-09 11:06:37 UTC
I believe that is highly irresponsible to be spending money and time slamming the Grits when we have so many issues to solve. Global warming is real and here poverty contamination and a very very troublesome health care system are of much more concern to me

Shame on all the politicians who underestimate the intelligence of the Canadian people..and please don't forget who pays the bill every time we have to head to the polls...
2007-02-09 11:26:15 UTC
I think that political bickering is a waste of all Canadians time. For Mr. Harper to attack the Liberal party and the Liberal Party to fight back makes me want to vote NDP even more. All voting is anyway is to show the party that can lie to Canadians the best.
2007-02-09 10:35:41 UTC
I think Harper is making the country sick with his domineering attitude. With him as prime minister, Canada has another Oliver Cromwell. The people of Canada, had enough when the conservatives were wielding power with the notorious Mulroony at its head. There has to be a better way of governing Canada.
2007-02-09 08:44:18 UTC
Well let's see, thanks to the supposed attack ads bu the the conservatives Canada knows that Stephan Dion is the leader of the Grits. As far as the ads making Dion look bad, think it's backfiring on the Tories. between Stephen Harper and John Baird, I don't think there is a brain between them, nothing but ht air. I think if we want to start saving our environment and take it seriously we need to reduce CO2 emission drastically. We can start by having all the Tory caucus shut there mouths because the emission that they are letting off are very hazardous to Canada.
Betty T
2007-02-09 10:36:02 UTC
I think it is great. After all, the other person is an idiot, no matter what the party. Just check out Korea's Parliament. We can only hope that one day we can achieve their level of candour. I hate it when politicians make nice. They should despise the person of the other party. I don't like to think that the person I voted for likes or is like the person I didn't vote for.
2007-02-09 09:25:12 UTC
I am sixty-seven years old. Political bickering and posturing has always been, is, and will continue to be in the framework of jockeying for position and power. Canadians deserve better and are an unknown to politicians who play the game of know-it-all. Thank goodness some of us vote with our heads instead of staying home and in spite of the temptation to leave these idiots to their own devices. Of course, if the media would ignore the ignoble.....
2007-02-09 10:47:21 UTC
The public seems to be a hockey puck ,while our two parties geet to bee the goal keepers.the puck ,or the public get tossed around while they bad mouth each other and our country falls apart.When are politicians going to work for the public which they were elected for .Our world is falling apart and all it seems that is if we have genocide governments,that do not care for our childrens future. Please start doing the right things for our planets future ,and our childrens rather than all this childish name calling.Grow up Politicians.
2007-02-09 08:38:06 UTC
These men have the top jobs in the country, tell me how many leaders of business could behave in such a ridiculous manner and keep their positions. If we are to keep international interest in Canada as a good place to invest, maybe we should look like we can handle the responsibility instead of exhibiting the behaviour shown by those in their first weeks of kindergarten, before they were taught the rules of fair play and good conduct.
2007-02-09 13:09:00 UTC
Bickering among political parties is everywhere not just that place north of us oh wait that is you.
2007-02-09 11:05:38 UTC
Politicians ought to stick to debating issues, and leave personal agendas out of it completely. As soon as things get personal, I tend to tune out--and I think most thinking Canadians do, as well. Political wrangling is at best annoying, and at worst destructive of the integrity of the country. Govern the land! Leave your petty fighting at home.
Miss V
2007-02-09 11:03:01 UTC
The bickering must stop! The people of Canada deserve better! Is it asking to much for all parties to work together and make this country better? Education, immigration, health care too name a few issues......

The parties as you know make promises..then forget once they come to power........same ole, same ole!
2007-02-09 12:59:29 UTC
I am confused, who do politicians work for? Themselves, the political parties, or the citizens of Cananda and our country as a whole. It seems to me that when a politician is elected to office by the people of Canada, his/her ONLY loyalty should be to the people and country he/she was hired to serve. Let them bicker and name call all they want, on their own time(which judging by the amount of time they actually seem to work, is considerable), but from the moment they start the job they are hired to do, they are on our time!!! Maybe we need to rethink the whole system, and not thru gov't committee. Maybe we need to take away the perks, the outrageous salaries and pensions, the advertising dollars, and make politicians work for an hourly wage, with regular performance evaluations and raises/bonuses based on job performance, like the rest of us Canadians. If any of us started conducting ourselves at staff meetings as politicians do, you can bet we would soon be hitting the pavement looking for new work. If you read enough of the news stories you can see that all of the posturing and in fighting is often fuelled by the interests of business, or lobby groups. Maybe it would be better if our gov't worked on the position of one person one vote, instead of one large donation, all the votes. It is time for each and every one of us Canadians to ask, what is the role of a politician, what do I want my vote to stand for, what do I want my country to stand for, and just what is acceptable behavior to me. We need to look around at our own lives, and see that our circle includes people of all kinds, and we seem to get along fine for the most part, why then is it so difficult for our leaders to get along. I can only speak for myself, but I would be horribly embarrassed and ashamed of myself if, after accepting the trust and responsibility of any undertaking, be it a job or a promise to help a neighbor, I conducted myself as poorly as most politicians do. Perhaps this is not a question for the voters, I think it is obvious that we find our politicians immature, distasteful, untrustworthy, and unworthy of our respect, and lets face it, they have earned that opinion from us. Maybe it is time to ask this question of each individual person we have elected to office, and then demand of them in no uncertain terms to do the job they were hired to do, and remind them that they are always on probation, and that they can and will be replaced if they cannot or will note carry out the duties they agreed to do.

Our world has some VERY serious issues facing it, and it is time for each and every person on this planet, no matter what their station in life, to ask themselves how can I fix this, how can I put aside my differences with others so that I can concentrate on doing the right thing. And each and every one of us knows at the centre of our being just what the right thing is; LOVE AND COMPASSION FOR OUR FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS, MOTHER EARTH AND EACH AND EVERYTHING WE SHARE THE UNIVERSE WITH.

Anything less is and should be unacceptable, and maybe if we all decided to committ ourselves to love and compassion, we might just have a chance to save humanity. The question is do we deserve to be saved??
2007-02-09 15:08:17 UTC
I really think that if our kids behaved this way, they would have to go on a time out and apologize for their unseemly behaviour. It makes me sick to see the kind of people who lead our country. a 5 year old child has more common sense and way more courtesy than those so called men
2007-02-09 08:52:01 UTC
Of course he doesn't want us to go to the polls, he has done a horrible job, the guy looks like a wacko to begin with. He doesn't care one bit about any of us. They are all nothing but whiny babies, and they need a huge time out! Every time I turn on that Ottawa channel I often wonder and worry how these childish fools can be running a country. It all seems like such a waste of time and tax money to have to see these supposedly grown up men, acting like 4 year olds.
2007-02-09 12:09:11 UTC
I feel that the conservative government is indeed very abrasive and confrontational much like U.S. political parties. I feel that Dion is different in the respect that he is a softer personality and seems more rational.
lesley s
2007-02-09 08:54:11 UTC
The conservative party is ridiculous and their ridicule of the liberals, on national television, prior to an announced election is a waste of time and money. They infuriate me. Idiots. I will never vote for (and did not) any government who resorts to childish campaigns. Once again, do we need to remind these people that there are hungry people in our nation and around the world, we are entangled in a situation where our young men are killed regularly on foreign soil and we as a nation need to face the challenge of global warming immediately. The conservatives instead choose to spend their money on an infantile attack on the liberal party. It makes me ashamed to be a Canadian. Thank God we do live in a country where we can vote them out at the next election.
2007-02-09 12:05:34 UTC
Canadian politics is absolutely ridiculous! Do they ever even get anywhere with any discussions? We're a peaceful country but you'd never guess it by witnessing a session!
2007-02-09 11:58:34 UTC
Harper is doing great, all he is doing his using Dion's own words, he is not making anything up. I beleive that Canadians need to be reminded of what they are about. We can not afford to have them back in any kind of power.
2007-02-09 16:52:23 UTC
I think every prime minister would do their best to defend themselves. He takes criticism seriously, which is a good quality. Also, I think we need to give Stephen Harper a chance before another election. He's doing just fine.
2007-02-09 11:18:30 UTC
I think the Harper government is getting ready for the polls... why else would they be posting Smear comercials...I think that they are bad political moves anyways and way out of hand.
2007-02-09 10:14:55 UTC
Same old same old. "Oh my word, the politicians are bickering!!!!". Maybe if we have a mute leader it will stop. Otherwise, I have not seen anyone behave any better than the other. If any politician actually cared about the Canadian people, they would close their mouth and get to work.
John Blarney
2007-02-09 11:29:53 UTC
So Garth Turner doesn't like a leader who actually leads!! Maybe that's why he moved to the Liberals who haven't had a leader in years!!
2007-02-09 11:04:38 UTC
We (wife and myself) think Harper's attack ad(s) on Dion and his associates is "hitting below the belt" and just reinforces our disgust with the Harper Government.
keivan m
2007-02-09 11:55:52 UTC
it had gone out of hand a long time ago. we have all this power, raw material, great people who care about the future of canada, and we are stuck with the most evil people on the land, politicians. maybe, we should get rid of them all. i propose resolving of all parties. we vote for people, not for parties.
2007-02-09 09:45:48 UTC
If the so called mature politicians spent more time finding solutions to the problems of the country/world, instead of sounding like school-yard scrappers, they would garner far more respect.
Susan A
2007-02-09 08:56:58 UTC
This is out of hand! Why don't you tell us what you are going to do in your add campaigns. We aren't Americans and that is exactly what these adds look like.

And.... all of these adds about the environment and how the Liberals didn't get it done, well, what party was it again that thought Kyoto was over rated?
Super Ruper
2007-02-09 07:38:32 UTC
Firstly, I am Canadian. But I am living, now, out of the country, as I married someone not Canadian. I continue to watch CBC, and do whatever I can on the internet to keep up with the country's news.

What I see of the Canadian politics is a farce. Sadly, Canadian politicians seem to be WANTING to follow in the footsteps of the American system of mudslinging and name calling...but as we have always is a pale and laughable imitation.

Never have I seen so much party switching and changing sides. That tells me all I need to know. No one appears to be loyal to a party's politics...they are simply joining the side that will have them and give them the best opportunity to make their mark. Thats not what its supposed to be all about. How in the world can the public believe in the platforms of a party if the party members themselves can switch so easily?
Ray M
2007-02-11 04:41:14 UTC
I am so tired of the ads about Dion that I want to scream. No matter what channel, it is there. When are the Tories going to run out of money?
2007-02-09 10:21:36 UTC
Is the work of politics like a job, are they being paid a wage to work?

What would happen in the workplace if employees acted like this?

What would a business do if it's employees were acting like politicians?

Yeah that's right! You got it.
2007-02-09 12:30:57 UTC
if our politicians actually spent as much time on the issues regarding the environment, homelessness, hunger, they do yelling, insulting, calling for resignations, witch hunting and wasting time...imagine what could get done....our parliament is a joke, both provincially and federally.....getting paid for behaving like spoilt children...
2007-02-09 10:53:33 UTC
The self serving behaviour is not doing anyone any good. It has been going on for years. Overspending, fraud, wasting tax money, blaming each other. Get on with your jobs and stop wasting my tax money.
2007-02-09 08:55:15 UTC
It has gotten absolutely sickening since the Liberals lost power. They act as if somebody has stolen something that belonged them. They almost cannot function as an opposition party - all they do is complain bitterly about how 'this is the worst government EVER', 'they are DESTROYING Canada', and 'they are all bigoted racists', etc. After 13 years of having the reins of power and not answering to the electorate for their unethical and sometimes criminal actions, all they can do is whine and moan "We want our power back! It's OURS!! You can't play with it!! You're mean and ugly!"

Sound familiar?
Tom W
2007-02-09 08:32:19 UTC
Yes. What we have is physically grown men and women in seats of authority that are emotionally crippled and very immature. Unfortunately when you have many such individuals together it magnifies the problem.
ken s in area 51
2007-02-09 11:32:08 UTC
Hi! the politics here is beginning to sound like the Dems. in the USA .
2007-02-09 09:40:01 UTC
We have politicians here who can't even sit & be civil to have a simple picture taken....this week a photo costing taxpapers $1000.++ was cancel because serveral men were bickering about they were going to sit for the picture...the mayor finally canceled it due to the arguing....he has rescheduled it.
2007-02-09 08:26:27 UTC
they're'arguing and incessant posturing is indeed tiring. Who's running the country? Time to check the egos and get back to work and make some fine bills. ;)
2007-02-09 11:59:39 UTC

But what else can you expect from the Conservatives running the show?
2007-02-09 10:36:39 UTC
2007-02-09 10:26:20 UTC
If you haven't watched Question Period on the CPAC channel, I have serious doubts if you are knowledgeable enough to answer this question.
2007-02-09 14:21:33 UTC
Well-well-well where in the hell have you been?

I would not have voted for the liberal that talked out of the side of his mouth if the conservatives had,nt insulted him.

They also insulted Canada by asking or telling us we did,nt want anyone that talked like[DAT]/////// I have voted for 61 years it,s no better or worse than it ever was..........Mick
2007-02-09 11:40:03 UTC
this planet is dying, war, threat of war, disease, global warming, starvation, pollution. why dont parliament just quit the childs play, work as one and focus on real issues.
2007-02-09 10:08:09 UTC
Your wrong, bickering and debate is good. If they all agreed, then we would have something to worry about. Minority governments are good as parties have to compromise and better laws get written.
2007-02-09 11:55:44 UTC
well now, all you have to do to answer that question is watch the CPAC channel. Its sad knowing how our tax dollars are wasted.
2007-02-09 11:43:47 UTC
I really can't believe that they are acting like the bullies in the USA!
marcel f
2007-02-09 10:42:13 UTC


Bill L
2007-02-11 19:53:13 UTC
It is to much mudsling . Harper is worried .
2007-02-09 07:29:44 UTC
Is Canada relevant?

There is more scandal there than Bill Clinton at a Girls Gone Wild Convention....
2007-02-09 10:51:35 UTC
it is disgusting

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.