I am confused, who do politicians work for? Themselves, the political parties, or the citizens of Cananda and our country as a whole. It seems to me that when a politician is elected to office by the people of Canada, his/her ONLY loyalty should be to the people and country he/she was hired to serve. Let them bicker and name call all they want, on their own time(which judging by the amount of time they actually seem to work, is considerable), but from the moment they start the job they are hired to do, they are on our time!!! Maybe we need to rethink the whole system, and not thru gov't committee. Maybe we need to take away the perks, the outrageous salaries and pensions, the advertising dollars, and make politicians work for an hourly wage, with regular performance evaluations and raises/bonuses based on job performance, like the rest of us Canadians. If any of us started conducting ourselves at staff meetings as politicians do, you can bet we would soon be hitting the pavement looking for new work. If you read enough of the news stories you can see that all of the posturing and in fighting is often fuelled by the interests of business, or lobby groups. Maybe it would be better if our gov't worked on the position of one person one vote, instead of one large donation, all the votes. It is time for each and every one of us Canadians to ask, what is the role of a politician, what do I want my vote to stand for, what do I want my country to stand for, and just what is acceptable behavior to me. We need to look around at our own lives, and see that our circle includes people of all kinds, and we seem to get along fine for the most part, why then is it so difficult for our leaders to get along. I can only speak for myself, but I would be horribly embarrassed and ashamed of myself if, after accepting the trust and responsibility of any undertaking, be it a job or a promise to help a neighbor, I conducted myself as poorly as most politicians do. Perhaps this is not a question for the voters, I think it is obvious that we find our politicians immature, distasteful, untrustworthy, and unworthy of our respect, and lets face it, they have earned that opinion from us. Maybe it is time to ask this question of each individual person we have elected to office, and then demand of them in no uncertain terms to do the job they were hired to do, and remind them that they are always on probation, and that they can and will be replaced if they cannot or will note carry out the duties they agreed to do.
Our world has some VERY serious issues facing it, and it is time for each and every person on this planet, no matter what their station in life, to ask themselves how can I fix this, how can I put aside my differences with others so that I can concentrate on doing the right thing. And each and every one of us knows at the centre of our being just what the right thing is; LOVE AND COMPASSION FOR OUR FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS, MOTHER EARTH AND EACH AND EVERYTHING WE SHARE THE UNIVERSE WITH.
Anything less is and should be unacceptable, and maybe if we all decided to committ ourselves to love and compassion, we might just have a chance to save humanity. The question is do we deserve to be saved??