Do Democrats think their protests don't spread COVID because they're magic?
2020-07-15 19:29:55 UTC
Do Democrats think their protests don't spread COVID because they're magic?
43 answers:
2020-07-18 07:30:03 UTC
Democrats serve a purpose and two voting parties are important because each state on the border of other countries makes it possible for the constitution to work and address the needs of each state. Grateful there is more border control now.
2020-07-17 01:49:41 UTC
But many Conservatives think the COVID is a hoax and TRUMP say was controlled in January or you believe those are magical lies... 
2020-07-16 21:59:28 UTC
No they do not think that way. They simply believe their little social movement is more important than the health of the nation. It's that simple.
2020-07-16 16:34:47 UTC
No. Most wore masks unlike right wingers

Remember those right wingers who stormed Michigan's capital building carrying guns?  That is not a peaceful protest. They should have all been arrested.
Andrew S
2020-07-16 15:23:59 UTC
They believed in Obama's "magic." 
2020-07-16 11:37:03 UTC
Why do you so casually assume that only Democrats care enough about equal justice and our Constitution to protest systemic bigotry, C.T.T.?  Is this an admission that the entire GOP has succumbed to the anti-democracy Koch brothers peddled AYN RAND (selfish self above all else) corruption?  

Our medical experts on virology have already told us that wearing face masks and using regular personal hygiene (handwashing and disinfecting, for example) can protect both the mask wearers and everyone else, so take note that it was the BLM protestors and all of their multicultural millions of supporters who did wear masks.  Social distancing is wise whenever possible, too...but the nationwide and worldwide protest of George Perry Floyd's on camera murder and the call for EQUAL JUSTICE for ALL Americans could not be contained, so it was not possible most of the time. 

So what say you about the neurotic bully Trump's forced political rallies with no masks and no social distancing?  Herman Cain attended---and he has COVID-19. Trump's own Secret Service detail did advance work setting up these vanity-driven events, and twelve of these Secret Service agents (or more that were not being told about) have tested positive for COVID-19. A Republican governor who attended the indoor Trump event has COVID.  

This rapidly MUTATING and DEADLY coronavirus does not care what your political party is or how old you are, Can't T.  Autopsies of Americans who have died show an alarming number of BLOOD CLOTS throughout the bodies, according to one overworked and overwhelmed nurse.  WHERE IS THE COHERENT UNIFYING COMPETENT CENTRALIZED FEDERAL GUIDANCE HERE?  Answer is from a public statement by a GOP attorney: "Trump is guilty of criminally negligent genocide"---and the pandemic grows even as we speak. 
2020-07-16 08:23:36 UTC
Trump supporters answer my questions below

Shall we compare the covid19 deaths after George Floyd to the numbers before him

And places that had the most protests didn't have the most cases but Republican Florida and ARIZONA THOUGHT IT WAS FUN TO GO OUT AND NOT WEAR MASKS FOR DISPLAYING THEIR FREEDOM AND ARE HAVING THE HIGHEST NUMBER OF CASES


Also, BLM is protesting despite the pandemic, BECAUSE  POLICE BRUTALITY HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR CENTURIES WHILE COVID-19 IS ONLY 5-6 months

Do Trump supporters seriously think it is a possible option for people to wait till the pandemic gets over and then protest? IF THEY DO, SOMEONE BETTER CHECK THEIR IQ(it rhymes as well) 

BLM led to a surge of cases, although less than the states in the south but kept the mortality rates going down at the same pace they were going before George Floyd protests started to take place

This is because unlike Trump supporters who were irresponsible, didn't wear masks, and spread it to the old people, BLM protesters were responsible enough to self-quarantine themselves. They wore masks in the public so that they didn't spread the virus to the vulnerable. In contrast, asymptomatic Trump supporters thought(and think) that COVID is a hoax, didn't wear masks and thus the infection spread like wildfire in March-May.So because Trump supporters spread it to +65 population while BLMers didn't the death rates kept going down at the same pace

Update: Death rates are staring to rise again sadly but not in the North BUT IN THE REPUBLICAN ARIZONA, TEXAS AND FLORIDA

Also, France became a republic in 1792 ONLY BECAUSE OF THE V-I-O-L-E-N-T FRENCH REVOLUTION. Protesters rioted, burnt down signs of monarchy, and even looted granaries and bread shops. HAD THE PROTESTERS BEEN PEACEFUL, THE MONARCHY WOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN UPROOTED FROM FRANCE. CAN WE SAY THAT THE FRENCH PROTESTERS WERE TERRORISTS??



Also, We controlled our emotions and remained peaceful till 2013 when the brutality has been going on since the abolition of slavery

That's some serious anger management to me
2020-07-16 08:21:42 UTC
What protests might these be? No sponsored democratic party groups have been protesting anywhere!?
2020-07-15 19:36:06 UTC
haven't you noticed the whole "mask" thing?

the Approved Narrative tells you that masks make all the difference in the world.... if you notice, the BLM protesters are almost always shown on TV wearing masks while folks at Trump rallies are almost always shown without masks...

old grade school truth:  simple division always leads to the lowest common denominator.....
2020-07-15 19:30:43 UTC
It`s called "Whistling past the graveyard".
Jake No Chat
2020-07-18 11:57:11 UTC
No, Democrats think their protests don't spread COVID because they're ignorant!
2020-07-17 08:43:21 UTC
Apparently, you can't find the bridge you used to sleep under.

Go find a new one, troll.
2020-07-17 05:09:46 UTC
Meanwhile, there is a dumb Republican President in office who never wears a mask and ignores the advice he's given. He's not a Leader, he's an imbecile. 

Trump probably knows exactly how, why and when the virus came over and was sworn to secrecy. In fact, he probably caused it to happen in some way - (either direct or not). All he's ever talked about (with disdain in his voice) was China.They probably told him, "you mess with us, and we're gonna hit you where it hurts (the wallet/economy), and how do you like that?"We'll find out the real story in 30 years....but in the meantime, he'll get off scot free, pompous and proud as can be, but should probably be in jail.
2020-07-17 01:53:59 UTC
Most of the liberals know that covid19 pandemic is a hoax.
2020-07-16 22:31:11 UTC
No, it has affected the world 🤒🤕🛌😦😫🌎 .
2020-07-16 22:05:39 UTC
We're smart enough to wear masks while peacefully protesting 
2020-07-16 19:37:14 UTC
Black Lives Matter protesters wear face masks and they social distance. That is why the protests have not resulted in new infections. OTOH, the governor of Oklahoma and Herman Cain both tested positive for the virus after they attended Trump's Tulsa clown show without masks or social distancing. An additional 500 people were infected because they went to that same event without masks or social distancing. It is common sense, not magic.
2020-07-16 18:50:39 UTC
No. Most wore masks unlike right wingers

Remember those right wingers who stormed Michigan's capital building carrying guns?  That is not a peaceful protest. They should have all been arrested.
2020-07-16 17:27:23 UTC
What about all those failed republican rallies? We know for sure COVID-19 was present due to the number of people when tested were positive. You should be concerned that you people are selfishly refusing to wear masks.
2020-07-16 17:23:51 UTC
The Dem's have selective reasoning.  When it benefits their agenda - it's all good.  If it doesn't - it's all bad.
2020-07-16 16:16:20 UTC
Ask Donald Trump.   He believes coronavirus is 99%

I think he is thinking that if HE develops it, it will be 100% harmful.
2020-07-16 15:26:16 UTC
No silly.  We believe all this COVID stuff is nonsense.  
2020-07-16 13:04:43 UTC
No magic just masks
2020-07-16 01:11:12 UTC
Most of the hot spot outbreaks are coming from cities that had high

numbers of riots and terrorist outbreaks. Portland/Seattle/NYC/Miami/

Tampa/Chicago/Milwaukee. Typical damn Dim Wit thinking.
2020-07-15 20:16:42 UTC
Unfortunately, they don't care too much about it when they're doing things like that
2020-07-15 19:40:43 UTC
They truly are ignorant to think that thousands of people marching in close proximity with half not wearing masks won’t spread the virus but getting a haircut will cause mass genocide 
2020-07-15 19:35:32 UTC
Democrats think covid only spreads depending on the ideology of the gathering. “Health experts” blatantly said that BLM protests are fine but protesting against the lockdown is not. That doesn’t seem fair. It seems totalitarian, but what else do you expect from the democrat party who is following in the footsteps of the communist party of China? The rest of the world has moved on and is letting children come back to school full time, as their societies return to normal. It’s time for democrat politicians to allow for America to do the same.
2020-07-15 19:34:38 UTC
Did you say trump ?  Trump ?? Did trump really have Six bankruptcies, ?? Also 19,127 false or misleading claims in 1,226 days, ??? Isn't trump the guy who wanted to sell Puerto Rico after the devastating hurricane. ??? The man who wanted to buy Greenland ???

The man who wanted to blow up hurricanes with nuclear weapons. ?????

The man who says he thinks about having sex with his hot daughter. ?????

The guy who said Windmills cause cancer ???? Didn't trump also say he has never seen a thin person drinking diet Coke ??? Wasn't he swearing to produce his taxes after "the audit ?" The audit his own idiot attorney mr. rudy claims is finished ??? Didn't trump swear mexico would pay for "the wall?" And what about reducing the National Deficit ?? He increased it to record highs. Shall I continue ??? It's fun !!
scott b
2020-07-15 19:32:13 UTC
No. they think that some things, like equality and freedom are worth taking risk for. And even risking your life for (as opposed to a Trump rally). Oh, and also, they think that because it's been over a month now, and there hasn't BEEN any big spread of the Corona Virus because of them.
2020-07-15 19:32:10 UTC
do you think not wearing masks or social distancing in the entire south west and east for the entire duration of the pandemic wouldnt spread it because the south is immune to it somehow? there were no protests in most southern states brah 
2020-07-17 10:22:34 UTC
Yes,obviously!But hyper state is not any thing!Bravo at them but a second there,s not left for their stops of hypophys reaction!but any great head man also there rests,sleeps hard.
2020-07-17 05:21:27 UTC
If you wear face mask, there is very little risk of catching COVID19 even in close proximity.
2020-07-17 03:23:17 UTC
Democrats also think that the BLM thugs who murdered Jessica Whitaker for saying "All lives matter" are peaceful protesters and will probably say she died from Covid 19.
2020-07-16 13:27:10 UTC
Not magic, these weaponized sheep are just flat out dirt dumb.                   
2020-07-16 11:53:11 UTC
Democrats dont think. 


They scheme. 
2020-07-16 11:31:08 UTC
Democrats don't protest...... they just sit in their Ivory Towers .... and ..... laugh .... SEENN ignored reporting of dead babies from Blacks on Black crimes
2020-07-16 01:15:31 UTC
They are as a group not to smart but think their super intelligent.
2020-07-16 00:56:16 UTC
They think their protests don't spread COVID because they're a pack of cøcksuckers.
2020-07-15 21:45:59 UTC
Yesroider! We have the power of our Lord and savior Obama on our side!
2020-07-15 19:58:12 UTC
Well.....they are outside.  I personally have the feeling it doesn't spread much outside at all.

Now what that means is the policy should all reflect that.
2020-07-15 19:36:32 UTC
2020-07-15 19:36:16 UTC
Being outdoors and wearing masks would be far less likely to spread the virus than, for instance, an indoor, maskless Trump rally. 

Nevertheless, public health experts were concerned about the protests and the possible spread of the virus.  The protests were however in a very good cause.  
2020-07-15 19:30:39 UTC
Unlike Trump rallies, Anti-lockdown, and Anti-mask protests, the BLM protests had lot of people with masks on. Watch the videos!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.