Why does the myth that "Homosexuality is a choice" persist?
2011-11-27 16:42:49 UTC
I'm going to prove to all of you, once and for all, that Homosexuality is _NOT_ a choice, so pay attention.

I am a short-statured, polite, well-spoken young man with a decidedly boyish appearance. Women typically are not attracted to guys like me; but gay man frequently find guys like me highly desirable. Additionally, because of my mannerisms and habits, I am frequently mistaken for a Homosexual and thus frequently find myself the target of Anti-Homosexual bigotry.

If Homosexuality was a choice, it would unarguably be in my best interests to choose to be a Homosexual. It would be significantly easier for me to find a relationship with a like-minded person and, since I am already the target of Anti-Homosexual bigotry, my life would not be any more complicated than it already is.

But sadly, there is no switch in your brain that you can flip from "Hereto" to "Homo", no choice to be made.

I was born a Heterosexual, just as many are born Homosexual. I cannot choose to be anything but that, a straight man.

Why is that so difficult for so many of you to accept?
Fifteen answers:
2011-11-28 11:15:05 UTC
Bravo! You have an educated, open and intelligent mind. You can see the REAL reality. Its good to see. When the mind opens and educates itself it can see what many others just simply cannot yet.

But thats our purpose here on earth, to open, educate and enlighten our minds.

And dont worry about your ''boyish'' or gay appearance, your straight, and there WILL be women out there who will find you attractive, it may take time and a lot of searching (it does for MANY of us) but it will happen. Are you visiting bars? Socialising with colleagues/friends? Going online to dating sites? All these are good resources for meeting a potential female partner. Good luck.
Just Jess
2011-11-28 01:01:04 UTC
Well since it's on the table and the debate's gone stale anyway, why does it matter if it isn't a choice? We're talking about a preference, like getting chocolate ice cream instead of vanilla. Going just a little further, if you adopted an ethical code that forbade chocolate ice cream, and lived in a culture that advocated your being honest with yourself and eating chocolate anyway, why should your preference trump your choice to live by a moral code?

It seems to me that if a man chooses to view homosexual sex as against his own morals, then homosexuality does become a choice for that man. People assume that if he then chooses a female mate that maybe doesn't do anything for him sexually, that he'll be "living a lie" and necessarily be less happy than he would be with a man, but stop and think about the amount of assumptions you'd have to make for that to be true. Maybe he loves the personality the woman has, loves spending time with her, and feels happier around her, and is comfortable not having a sexual relationship with her.

And, of course, there's the question of whether people forced into homosexual situations, who have come to terms with it and have managed to enjoy it, should be constrained to homosexual relationships once they, say, leave prison, and heterosexual sex once again becomes an option.

I couldn't live the lie. I need my woman, y'know, as a woman. Sex is important to me and her. But everyone's different. I know there's a lot of bigotry out there and I'm not condoning that. But maybe, just maybe, this debate is a little more complex than you've given it credit, and maybe out of all the people claiming homosexual sex is a choice, one or two of them has a valid point.

Just my best attempt at answering "why is that so difficult for many of you to accept". Usually the answer to that question, no matter what the context is, is that you're trying so hard to get someone else to see things your way, that you miss the fact that the person you're talking to is doing the exact same thing, and for most of the same reasons.
credo quia est absurdum
2011-11-28 00:49:05 UTC
Let us assume for the moment that people can be born homosexual.

All right then, if one is born homosexual, that one *still* has the choice of whether to indulge in sexual activity with another of his own gender.

Assuming that this hypothetical person finds those of the opposite gender repugnant but also knows that sexual activity with one of his own gender is not acceptable, that person has the choice not to have sex.

It is a choice, plain and simple.

Lack of sexual activity is not fatal.

As strong as the urge is, humans are SUPPOSED to be "higher" than the other animals on the planet therefore humans should be able to overcome said urges and do either nothing or what is acceptable.
Don't Fear The Reaper
2011-11-28 00:53:50 UTC
Because you are too far down the road in life to see. One is born with a specific open brain and set of needs. Survival instincts lets call them. OK, your brain becomes attuned to your needs and wants. As you get older, the brain wiring becomes ever more attuned and hard wired. Soon enough to decide who you wish to kiss. Those who set your hormones flaring. Such flaring is pleasure. The brain reacts. In order to maintain and receive more of what pleasures you. Soon, you're either Homo or Hetero. It feels born to. Which it's not. No more than is the instinct to smoke, drink or use drugs. Started by choice. Hard wired in by brain. Wish wishes to support the soul within.

Kinda why mind swapping would cause a donated body to seize. Not wired to accept the new soul. Or, mind within would become insane.

One isn't born homo any more than one is born to light up a cigar. Or, murder sadistically.
2011-11-28 00:50:03 UTC
They're stupid.

They'll tell you that if you really want to be gay to go and sleep with men even though you have no interest in doing so.

They don't understand that you would like the desire as well, not just the act. What's the point of the act without the desire?
clean truck
2011-11-28 01:09:24 UTC
The only thing in life that is not a choice is disease, so you saying gay is an illness.
Perryinjax Youtube channel
2011-11-28 00:44:06 UTC
Because a lot of people are still homophobic, and also because too many gay guys try to put their lifestyle on display for the world, and it is something that should be a lifestyle, not a display
2011-11-28 00:45:49 UTC
Some people get off by shoving various objects up their 'buddies' gazoo and they justify it by calling it "Love." If that is 'choice' it is a pretty stupid one.
2011-11-28 00:44:20 UTC
Because there have been people who have gone from straight to gay and gay to straight.
2011-11-28 00:45:49 UTC
If women are not attracted to you and homos are. You are the only one who does not know you are a homo. Come on out of the closet and know what we already know. It's ok.
2011-11-28 00:43:34 UTC
It is a choice no matter what BS you type.

And your opinion isnt worth any more than anyone elses.
2011-11-28 00:49:06 UTC
So your saying gays like little boys?
Wake the Sheeple
2011-11-28 00:47:48 UTC

2011-11-28 00:44:36 UTC
Don't we all choose who we sleep with?
2011-11-28 00:43:52 UTC
Republican propaganda supported by the religious right.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.