2011-05-26 09:38:47 UTC
overwhelming and that criminal charges against Blair should be a matter of course, but as we have seen in previous attempts to get to a so called truthful conclusion with regards to Iraq always end with a white wash.
If the Chilcot enquiry dismiss the evidence against Blair, will this show once and for all we live in a corrupt undemocratic political feudal soup of: expense cheats ;politicians that are using us for their own political agendas ; political experiments and ideologies?
If the Chilcot enquiry dismiss the most serious breach of political understanding i.e. the idea that this country is run by the people not by dictators (dictators do what they want regardless what the people say) where does this actually ll eave we the people that are supposed to have a say in what is going on? Does this mean that all politicians have a 'God given Right' (just like Charles 1) to cause and create suffering on the basis of lies, murder and deliberate misleading of known intelligence and evidence?.