They are just more comfortable parrotting what they hear on Faux Snooze (Fox News). Since Liberals are traditionally the people who have open minds, and will actually research the things they are interested in, I am not surprised that the "anti-Liberals" just say the same old things about us that they have "learned" from hate-mongers, and NOT anything they have taken the time to study themselves.
I use the term "anti-Liberals" and not "Conservatives" because I have actually read intelligent remarks made by Conservatives. And, while I usually disagree with them, they can actually back up some of their statements with facts, and will allow for argument and differences of opinion. These are people that one can, at least, have discussions with! The "anti-Liberals" who generally post comments on Y!A are people who have no thoughts of their own, and no basis for their statements other than things they have heard from the fools on talk radio who make millions by stirring up so-called controversy. They like things the "way they are", and are terrified of any sort of change. They never seem to consider that "change" could bring benefits.
edit: I must disagree with the asker on one thing, though. Liberalism CAN have something to do with taxes---it depends on what sort of Liberal one claims to be. There are social Liberals, and there are fiscal Liberals, and there are various and sundry combinations.
But I totally agree that most of the bashers of "liberals" on Y!A have little or no idea of what "liberal" means, and I KNOW they have no idea of what I believe in!!!