Is the Bush Administration completely out of touch with reality? imperial?
2007-06-20 18:04:33 UTC
On October 17, 2004, a New York Times Magazine article by writer Ron Suskind quoted an unnamed aide to George W. Bush:

The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." ... "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
Fourteen answers:
2007-06-20 18:09:54 UTC
All rise King George has spoken: no stem cell research: send in more troops....... didn't we throw one king George out already?
Who Else?
2007-06-20 18:21:15 UTC
Nice work if you can get it! Get it? They got it, and they created a reality so bizarre, so repulsive, so un-American, no one followed them down the rabbit hole. So two years later, in 2006, the voters rejected their fantasy. Or at least, tried to. It seems like the new Congress is puffing on the same pipe, while the Cheshire Cat grins. Now if we could only figure out who the White Queen is, maybe we could de-Imperialize the government, and get real instead.
Mr. Vincent Van Jessup
2007-06-20 18:15:57 UTC
Wow. Every bit of it, they have backwards. Every bit. They're our employees. They're under us. They're functionaries doing our bidding. Twas ever thus. We can pull the plug on them any second. And there's not a thing they can do about it. They are nothing without we, the people. Empire, my ***. It's just another tutti frutti leader who has muddled through and made more mistakes than positive moves. Same old same old we know so well. Nothing exceptional. Nothing new. Nothing really powerful --impotent, in fact, in its own way.
2007-06-20 18:27:16 UTC
Let's put it this way - If I showed Bush grocery receipts,

gas receipts, bills for water, electric, cable, property taxes,

& showed him the average middle class income, I get

the feeling he would say I was unpatriotic.

I know that doesn't make sense, but it makes perfect

sense comming from the world of Bush, Cheney & Rove.

Yes, they appear totally out of touch with reality.

While I'm at it, let me get in this "executive privledge"

thing. Does he forget who pays his salary?

If anyone gets excutive privledge, it should be us.
2007-06-20 18:37:25 UTC
You provide no link to an article in the NYT that quotes an unnamed source as saying something unintelligible. This has less credibility than a Democrat politician.
old codger
2007-06-20 18:09:48 UTC
Naturally libs believe their views and priorities should rule the world but fortunately Bush has the courage to do what He thinks is right. Dancing for the camera like Pelosi and Reid seem to enjoy is not the marking of an effective leader. Their collective inability to lead only proves how wrong the people were to give libs a chance to run things. Hopefully that will be reversed in 08.
2007-06-20 18:18:38 UTC
Yes. The guy's a drunk and a drug addict. But he's not really in control because he's too thick to be. It's always been Rumsfeld, Cheney and their neo-con minders in charge.
2007-06-20 18:10:44 UTC
Dictators like Bush live in there own little worlds. They are kings in their own minds and rarely are the people given a second thought. He is doing what he wants to do like a spoiled little brat and couldn't care less about us or the future.
2007-06-20 18:13:40 UTC
i think he is. things just not going his way. its very hard to be president. the next one will be even worse in this world that isnt one dimensional anymore.
2007-06-20 18:12:57 UTC
Bush maybe out of touch with reality, but the Liberal Congress is bereft of reality all together. By the way have you seen the Fence anywhere? I paid for it I want it
2007-06-20 18:08:22 UTC
If that's true - it explains a lot of things.
kenneth h
2007-06-20 18:10:09 UTC
He did everything with good intentions.

But things turned for the worse.
2007-06-20 19:34:11 UTC
"Unnamed" sources are unreliable.


KrazyKyngeKorny (Krazy, not stupid)

2007-06-20 18:17:27 UTC

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