THANK YOU. That is a great example of how the health care system in this country desperately needs to be changed. We DO already have rationing, and it's quite simple: If you're wealthy, you can easily get any kind of care you need, If you're not wealthy, or have a pre-existing condition, well, good luck with that.
A few years ago, I got pneumonia and after 2 weeks of doctor and hospital visits, they finally figured out what was wrong with me and I was admitted to the hospital. It was in the middle of the day, and my dad had taken me to have x-rays when they discovered I had a really bad case of pneumonia. He was at the hospital filling out papers and waiting with me while my mom left work to come see me. It was a hectic, scary day, and my parents were concerned about how I was. They informed their health insurance company about my situation the next morning. After 4 days in the hospital, the health insurance company called and said they weren't going to cover the expenses because, " They weren't informed in a timely manner"
My dad got on the phone and screamed at them for a while, and they finally backtracked and agreed to cover my expenses. But that is a prime example of the under-handed bullshit that health insurance companies pull, and yet so many people think we somehow have the best health care system in the world.
A change to the health care system does not mean "death panels" and "rationing". It means fixing a huge problem in this country. People need to try thinking for themselves and not just listening to idiots on Fox who try to scare the crap out of people.