Liberals is there even ONE credible piece of evidence or proof for Trump's "accusers". No there is not, unlike Biden?
2020-05-01 19:55:52 UTC
Tara Reade has been consistent in her story, had it reported, corroborated with her mother (who confirmed it with Larry King), co workers and brothers. All consistent stories.
61 answers:
2020-05-05 01:18:18 UTC
MANY women have admitted to going out with Trump over the years & some have even admitted to engaging in sexual activity for money.

But virtually NONE of them were complaining about it,,

Quite the contrary, no matter how the Media tried to spin the stories the women were actually BRAGGING!

Whereas on the other hand, no matter how the media tries to spin or ignore the story, Tara Reade is DEFINITELY COMPLAINING about what  Biden did. 
2020-05-03 18:09:39 UTC
trump refused to cooperate with an investigation bragged about sexually assaulting women, bragged about going in the JR dressing room when girls were changing defended other predators like roy moore. If he is innocent why not cooperate with an investigation
2020-05-02 15:07:26 UTC
You should read/study more, and pay less attention to what you'd like to believe is true.  Just to remind you--there is plenty of evidence against Trump; just ask his former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, who sits in prison because his relationship to Trump opened up the proverbial 'can of worms' into Cohen's crooked, illegal schemes.  He had plenty to say about Trump, and admitted to paying a porn-star  to shut up about her affair with him.  Joe Biden's accuser told her mother, her brother, and a friend--27 years ago, supposedly.  Of course she did--these are people who will say that she told them, while there is no corroboratig proof that she did, or that the assault happened.
2020-05-02 11:15:16 UTC
What would a trumptoid think "credible"?  Nothing. 
2020-05-02 10:07:11 UTC
True the Democrat's were asked to prove their charges against Americas POTUS Trump never did, went to the failed Muller Report, Failed Russian/Ukraine hoax, Joe Biden thier is proof of 45 sexual assault charges in process and with the world court on Ukraine he is gone
2020-05-01 21:50:53 UTC
Kavanaugh's accuser is slightly more credible than Biden's.. Both should be or should have been ignored.
2020-05-01 20:03:58 UTC
Actually, she hasn't been consistent and her story has changed a few times, even the year it happened. She doesn't even have copies of reports she claims to have filed that don't appear to exist. Her mother corroborated only that a senator did something.

But, in my opinion, the big problem with her is her glowing praise of Putin.

“President Putin has an alluring combination of strength with gentleness. His sensuous image projects his love for life, the embodiment of grace while facing adversity.”

I mean, seriously, isn't that weird. Why does Putin always seem to figure in stuff? I know a lot of people, and have yet to meet someone who's that into Putin, as Trump, Flynn, Sessions, Stone, and others seems to be.
2020-05-01 20:03:57 UTC
How about the time Trump bragged about it on tape?
2020-05-01 19:57:34 UTC
no one cares about this shyt.
Mr. Smartypants
2020-05-01 19:57:05 UTC
If you insist on making this a totally partisan matter, just assuming that any Democrat must be guilty and any Republican must be innocent, then why should we even take you seriously?
2020-05-04 22:56:05 UTC
Hey Trump supporter, Trump wants to start having rallies. Are you going? You’re not afraid of a fake virus are you?
2020-05-03 19:35:25 UTC
The hashtag #DropOutBiden trended on Twitter over the weekend as progressive activists and supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders argued rape accusations should be disqualifying for a Democratic presidential nominee.
2020-05-03 06:40:08 UTC
Try learning some goody English first and then ask a real question fartbrain loser! ! ! ! !! 

I sooooooooooooo dwunk right now
2020-05-03 03:20:05 UTC
Biden & (D)s were all High & mighty savior Biden & (D)s about believing all women lie demonstrate (D)s willingness to engage in dishonor & evil conduct as if women don't lie & manipulate children & adults. Women just like men commit crimes, theft, fraud, & spread gossip. Biden's denial proves that he & every (D) don't believe all women who accuses (D)s like Tara Reade & Vanessa Tyson contradicting their past statements acting benevolent exalted judges out to convict a (R) suddenly caring about due process when he & the female candidates were pressuring Judge Kavanaugh to resign from his nomination without due process & clear evidence of a crime & misconduct. For decades the DNC had been secretly paying off sexual harassment suit with Tax Payers money. That's how Congressman Conyers got away with his repeated misdeeds in the office. The other party have always championed due process in accordance to the US Constitution, now (D) are invoking due process.

POTUS occupying the Oval Office is exposing how duplicitous & devious (D)s are. How (D)s are not capable of rational & objective thoughts as their minds are at an endless sea of delusions involving the POTUS in some shape or form. If POTUSs predecessor nominated Kavanaugh for the SCOTUS, Kavanaugh wouldn't have gotten the treatment he got. Blasey Ford's allegation was obviously fabricated as none of her witnesses will corroborate her allegation even under pressure to lie by activists & partisan news media. Despite the FBI finding Blaseys allegation to not be credible, Kavanaugh was still dragged through a Senate Inquiry because (D)s & partisan news media keeps pushing Kavanaugh as guilty. Kavanaugh was a teen not a Senator who allegedly molested Tara Reade's birth canal. The same activist & partisan news media were doing all they can to ignore or bury her story. A Larry King phone call that Tara Reade's mother made, a friend & neighbors she told in 1993 remembers her grief makes Tara Reade's allegation more credible than Blasey Ford's mini mouse fake frail voice to garner sympathy & manipulate her audience.

Biden is basically a walking drone now. Sanders, his squads, & Obama will be pulling the strings, if Biden is elected. Biden will have to appoint his brother & son to push back on manipulative (D) allies. Biden's economy & bureaucracy would be worst than Obama's turtle economy of 1.2% GDP due to the Pandemic. Smaller competitors will have no chance of competing with the big corporations due to more regulation making the rich, big pharma, & big insurance richer gobbling up or eliminating competitors. Biden will legalize opioid & illegal hard narcotics & any chemicals (D) junkies want to ingest, huff, snort, & inject; just as it was with Obama working with big pharma & illegal alien gangs leading to drug overdoses. Biden like Obama will give way for the JV team (ISIS) to establish a territorial Islamist Caliphate within a country, if not within 2 adjacent countries. Stacey Abrams saw Biden's condition that she is pushing hard to be chosen for token diversity hire VP. When Biden kicks the bucket she becomes president, much easier than fundraising to winning the primaries that she had no talent for.

Biden the ultimate Hypocrite is hiding in the basement as he is too frail to brave the outdoors that could potentially kill him, if he gets infected. How would a president preside hiding in the basement in his/her entire term? Biden doesn't have the energy, wisdom (lied about earning 3 academic degrees) & mental fortitude to administrate anything so he'll most likely declare another shutdown & have (D) congress print money to handout to their special interest while he sleeps & hide in the basement regardless of how much the US dollar will deflate in value copying the Venezuelan & Zimbabwean model as they see an opportunity for (D) States to wipe clean the decades long Debt they have incurred from decades long mismanagement & have lots left over to distribute & pocket from a pandemic they exacerbated with their stance against travel bans & social distancing guidelines before march 15. Now they are doing all they can to prolong the shutdown.

Obama & Biden weaponized the IRS & Intelligence (revealed/declassified) to go after political opponent's & solicited aid from a Foreign Spy, Fusion GPS working with Ukraine & Russia. Biden & DNC will like welcome China's help as China bowed to defeat the incumbent POTUS, that'll likely involve interfering in Nov. election helping Biden with Chinese operatives or agents social media trolls & influencers. China also has capabilities to change internet voting, just as Google. Both will make sure that Trump loses in the internet.
2020-05-02 23:38:55 UTC
Tara Reade has no proof, innocent til proven guilty, witch hunt, nothing-burger, and exonerated!

Where have you been the last couple of years?
2020-05-02 23:17:04 UTC
It's frightening how easy it is to deceive the conservative mind!
2020-05-02 22:50:55 UTC
Tara Reade has already failed to lie detector tests & sources report that she refuses to sit in front of the box for the 3rd. 
2020-05-02 21:54:19 UTC
Well there’s the audio of him bragging about his habits into a microphone that he forgot he was wearing at his workplace, the sworn court testimony from his first two divorces, and the text messages and recordings from the trial of his lawyer Michael Cohen; so yes. 

As far as Tara Reade, you should see all of what she’s had to say: 

“Bring on the Light”

“Why A Liberal Democrat Supports Vladimir Putin”

“Who Let the Cats Out?”
2020-05-02 16:02:50 UTC
But...but...but... the commie dems do not want to talk about the dirty little secrets of Biden.. they want to elect him shows how really dumb they are!
2020-05-02 15:52:08 UTC
The National Archives says they have no idea what Tara Reade is talking about.
2020-05-02 15:14:44 UTC
I heard trump claim his celebrity is a green light to snatch vulvae. That singular fact lends credence to any of the many accusations of trump sexual misconduct. But, there's a legal system in place to settle through litigation. The best time to begin the process is immediately f/ the event. Bringing it up yrs. later in a timely fashion that could influence an election adds a degree of suspicion.
Ralph G
2020-05-02 14:11:31 UTC
I thought it was a matter of "he said she said" with Biden. The only evidence she has were people whom she told ( and, apparently) that weren't through proper channels. I'm not a big fan of Biden, but I like him better than Trump.
2020-05-02 13:12:43 UTC
The solution is to not let men be in positions of power any more seeing as they always sexually assault someone but until then Biden is less of a monster than Trump so we have to go out and vote for him.

Also when people only come out to claim abuse the second someone is nominated as leader of a party and only in election year then you ignore them. I ignored the people who came out about Trump only in election year too.
2020-05-02 09:56:28 UTC
with Biden where there is smoke there is fire. If it is true there are probably more.
2020-05-02 05:42:30 UTC
Yes, there's plenty of evidence against Dump
2020-05-01 23:42:21 UTC
No, We have evidence of Trump paying off a porn star with a check, we have evidence of "p*ssy grabbing" remark, we have his first wife claiming he verbally abused  her, we have several women claiming they were groped by Trump, we have a man on his 3rd marriage...........So are you
2020-05-01 21:12:21 UTC
Anyone doing even a cursory background check of her story and of  *her*-- personally, --will quickly see she is mentally deranged.

She has changed her story countless times, often told conflicting versions, has posted all manner of garbage on the internet under a variety of names, then quickly deleted those blogs and accounts...... and during the race, supported BERNIE......when she invented the claims against Biden. ---which at best, are now 27 years old.

Since that time, there are internet records, tweets, likes, where she has praised Biden, countless times, even after no longer working for him.

Her new found dislike of him, only seemed to develop as he was Kicking Bernie's a s s at the polls. doubt funded by some Super Pac paying off her mortgage.

The Times investigated her story and found not one shred of evidence to back it up, and a whole lot of evidence that calls her credibility into question.

Her story went from an uncomfortable hug, to copping a feel, to knees jammed between her legs and in the latest version he supposedly finger f*cked her, in the halls of Congress.

Really......was she walking around with no panties on?

She claims to have filed numerous reports with this one that one, and the other one, yet she kept not a single copy of ANY of these mythical reports and each agency has now denied and confirmed that they have any such reports and never heard of any such reports.

She also claims she spoke to this person, and that person and other Biden staffers at the time, and every last one of them, has DENIED her stories.....and NONE of them even recall her mentioning any such thing, even in passing.

and lastly, she TOOK a lie detector test.......and FAILED.

How many freaking times, and how many ways, does she have to be proved a LIAR, for this story to die?

But republicans of course, will keep whipping this dead horse........while at the same time, giving TRUMP a complete and total pass on the 27 allegations against HIM.

Talk about blazzzzzzzzzzingggggggggg hypocrisy.
The Taxpayer
2020-05-01 20:19:52 UTC
All Biden's accusers are democrats.
I was wrong once
2020-05-01 20:15:32 UTC
There's plenty of evidence of Trumps abusive behavior, and Trumps demeanor should make it obvious. His lack of respect for women is blatant. The video of him dancing around like an idiot at Jeff Epstiens and grabbing a women's áss is out there for all to see. There are at least 43 women who have accused Trump of inappropriate behavior. Of course they are all lying right? 
2020-05-01 20:03:07 UTC
All need to be heard by a Senate Investigative Committee. We can't have a Presidential nominee, while being a senior ranking senator, paid by the people, doing the people's business is allegedly sexually assaulting his staff, become president and then an entire load of material comes out and people come forward.

Now is the time. Full investigation. Witnesses. Her formal complaint letters/notices, etc. Biden's working papers, etc. What policies were followed or not followed when her complaint was filed as a woman, loyal Democrat, government employee, working for Biden.
2020-05-03 16:17:01 UTC
Both sides love to cherry pick details and say that's what makes an account "credible" or "non-credible." I must say, right-wingers and Trumpers sure do seem to have plenty of time to be wasting here on Yahoo answers starting arguments about Politics and scandals all day. I'm just browsing the internet on my day off from work, and to my surprise, people like this have covered up my Answers home page, with new questions created this weekend. Wow... Nothing better to do from the nursing home, grandpa? Or are you just occupying yourself while you count down the calendar days 'til retirement? Must be hard, scrambling to find ways to keep your deteriorating mind busy, just like Biden. 

 It is indisputable that Donald Trump has, on video tape, said some disgusting and degrading things about women. When he talks about "grabbing her by the p(_)ssy," that doesn't make him look very good at ALL, especially now after women, who claim they were victims of Epstein, say Donald was present for, and even participated in, their sexual abuse. It is clear that Donald and Epstein were on friendly terms with one another. 

In turn, there is also creepy video evidence of Biden touching women, and claims he abused his assistant. Again, a verbal accusation. 

Bottom line, both men are complete and total CREEPS, perverts, and dirty old men. Neither should be considered for presidency in our next election. But, little do you all know or understand, We the People, have (in fact) very LITTLE say in who takes the seat in the White House.
Robin W
2020-05-03 02:22:30 UTC
When asked about what Trump did to his wife, Trump's attorney Michael Cohen said it's not rape if you're married.  He was wrong, it was illegal then.  But saying that means he knows it happened. 
2020-05-03 00:35:49 UTC
I’m a political moderate. The way I see it, is you can’t bash Trump without also bashing Biden. Similarly, you can’t bash Biden without also bashing Trump. At this point, BOTH have been accused of sexual assault by verbal accusations but no hard evidence of any kind. BOTH accusations sound bad, but they’re also suspect since they may be politically motivated. 

Personally if I had to guess, I think that both politicians are innocent of sexual assault. I think Trump says some lewd/sexist comments and Biden is just flat out creepy. If anything, Biden touches little girls which is definitely a problem (he does that on TV). But at the end of the day, I don’t think either Biden or Trump were dumb enough to full-out sexually assault someone, especially when they can get consensual sex. 

I think it’s hypocritical that Dems bashed Trump for years but won’t talk about Biden.

Lastly, I understand why Trump supporters are frustrated and want to talk about Biden’s sexual assault accusations. It’s unfair that Trump was lambasted for months, even years, but Biden’s sexual assault claim is just supposed to be swept under the rug. Why not give them equal treatment? 

I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016, but I think I’ll vote Trump in 2020. His economic policies were good, and there’s no way I can look at the media at this point and not admit they’re biased to the point of irrelevance. And besides, if Biden is accused of sexual assault too, then that’s no longer a reason to not vote for Trump, since Biden isn’t any better. 
Armchair Goddess #1
2020-05-02 19:26:12 UTC
Why only "Liberals," hiding behind anonymous?  Why not just say "Democrats and our Independent supporters" (a true majority of Americans)?  

As to "ONE credible piece of evidence or proof" of lifts wearing 5'10" pathological liar misogynistic sociopath Donald Trump being a sexual predator, how about Trump's own words in the boasts from Trump himself on Howard Stern's NYC radio show or on the "Access Hollywood" open microphone with Billy Bush---that is proof, agreed?

The investigations of the 27-year-old claimed "assault" by Bernie Sanders supporter Tara Reade when she worked in Senator Biden's Capital Hill office have revealed multiple alterations and inconsistencies in Reade's claims.  For example, Reade initially claimed back in 1993 that Senator Biden "kissed the back of my head" and that he "touched the back of my neck," claiming this made her feel "uncomfortable" (which she says was "harassment."  What also came out is that that aide Reade refused an assignment from her supervisor to serve beverages at a political gathering and so was demoted, but that's not how Reade is saying things now that she wants to help Bernie's campaign.  
2020-05-02 13:06:14 UTC
No, she hasn't. It's changed wildly. This does not mean all rape accusations are false or politically motivated. At all. But this does need to be dragged out into the open, as Biden has called for. Unlike clownfuck, who has strong-armed and threatened his accusers to the point where they feared for their lives, Biden wants this all investigated. 

That's the difference between the two men. Clownfuck hides everything and gets others to cover for him, then throws them under the bus to save his own clown orange skin. That's his pattern. Biden wants this investigated. Looked into. 

Why are those even slightly left held to impossible standards while those on the right are allowed to do whatever they want with little or no actual consequences? Look at the ******** storming the Michigan capital building, armed to the teeth. If a group of black people had done that, the National Guard would still be shooting them. 
2020-05-02 13:00:32 UTC
Yes, for tRump's accusers, there is.

Biden, not so much. The GOP tried to pin Hunter Biden and Ukraine on him, got a nothingburger. Now this attempt, which Biden has called to be openly investigated. So this is the latest attempt to smear Biden who has been thoroughly vetted for years, as he was, oh, vice president to an actual black man who happened to be president. Such a man would be under a microscope. 
2020-05-02 12:52:16 UTC
Sleepy Uncle Joe. Is riding a three legged

pony between a rock and a hard place. He

could and more then likely have to step

down and forego his shot at the presidency.

Enter the Bern and Mini Mike.
Shinnyuu R
2020-05-02 11:37:53 UTC
There’s a recording of Trump admitting that he grabs women by the pxssy. Reade’s mother did not collaborate her story. She was told the same story by her daughter. That doesn’t make her a witness. 

She didn’t not actually see anything happen. 

That’s not evidence 
2020-05-02 09:31:50 UTC
lmfao...rofl....fofl….facts and snowflakes.  im with you, but that's an uphill battle.
2020-05-02 09:31:39 UTC
AND....she actually filed a police report,unlike ballsey Ford who dim ocrats claim is "credible"
Edward B Bear
2020-05-02 06:42:53 UTC
They tried time after time and Trump was always found there was no case to answer because there was NO proof .........every single time.

senate enquiries , court cases, FBI investigations nothing stuck even the impeachment farce from that pathetic strumpet Pelosi and her wannabee hangers on.

I cannot think of another president who has been subjected to so much and has been found not guilty every time.

Biden is a rapist , it is becoming clearer everyday, but give it enough time he wont remember not because he has forgotten but because of his onsetting dementia
Andy F
2020-05-02 04:12:57 UTC
Yes, there is.  For one thing, Trump himself said in an Access Hollywood video shown on national television that he liked to grab attractive women by their pu**ies. His lawyer admitted to having spent thousands of dollars of Trump's money on hush money to a stripper he'd had sex with, while married to someone else..  When it comes to sexual ethics, the man has no more morals than an alley cat.
Judy and Charlie
2020-05-02 02:22:13 UTC
No.  There is no "proof" as you say that her mother called Larry King.

Joe Biden has asked the National Archives to research Tara Reade's complaint to human resources about him....we will see what they find.

NONE of her coworkers remember her complaining about this.

Her own brother doesn't recall it until she coaches him to remember.

As for Donald Trump, is obvious disrespect for women and his desire to use them for sex is legendary.....believe what you want but the rest of us will stick with the TRUTH.  TRUMP IS A PROFESSIONAL CRIMINAL!
2020-05-02 02:10:27 UTC
Why did Tara Reade's mother call in to Larry King and say that her daughter had so much respect for a "prominent senator" that she wouldn't go to the media? Why "media"? Why not "police"? And why "respect" for someone who had allegedly raped her?

Trump OTOH confessed to sexually assaulting women ON TAPE. His victims have confirmed that that is what he does.
2020-05-02 01:51:00 UTC
Liberals and conservatives are all bad people. Only Americans are good bcoz they love God. That is why they voted for Donald Trump.

God bless America..!
2020-05-02 01:25:53 UTC
Honey, her mother's dead, her brother's changed his story (as has she; she has not been consistent at all), and far fewer co-workers claim she told them about this than claim they never heard anything about it and that it didn't happen.

You really don't know what "credible evidence" is, dear, do you?

Give it up. You're making yourself look stupider and more desperate by the day.

And the Republicans, as they themselves know, are in NO position to push this. 
2020-05-01 23:39:37 UTC
No, We have evidence of Trump paying off a porn star with a check, we have evidence of "p*ssy grabbing" remark, we have his first wife claiming he verbally abused  her, we have several women claiming they were groped by Trump, we have a man on his 3rd marriage...........So are you saying Trump is a squeaky clean person sitting in the oval
2020-05-01 20:06:50 UTC
And all hearsay, the reason you dismissed all other allegations.
2020-05-01 19:58:26 UTC
Yes. Trump admitted to grabbing crotches. That piece of evidence is admissible in court and can be used to convict.
scott b
2020-05-01 19:57:12 UTC
You mean, BESIDES the checks signed by Trump to keep them quiet? OR do you mean besides the audio tape where Trump BRAGS about it? But yes, there is much credible proof against Trump by his accusers. In fact, if you had a brain, you're realize that having TWENTY FOUR people accuse you is in itself fairly credible proof.

And all "consistency of stories" takes is for someone to give them the same story, and then pay them all to repeat it. I'm not saying that happened, but "yeah, they all say the same thing" isn't proof.
2020-05-03 18:27:27 UTC
Democrats managed to obstruct the media and our government for almost 4 years with nothing more than 'we have evidence" claims that turned out to be a colossal pile of BS.
Jimmy C
2020-05-03 04:06:24 UTC
There is plenty of credible evidence against Trump. He admitted it and was recorded doing so. 
2020-05-02 17:43:43 UTC
No one cares about U.S politics unless it's ol trumpo making statements about things he doesn't understand.
2020-05-02 13:26:04 UTC
No because Trump gets his lawyers to pay the women off
2020-05-02 12:54:53 UTC
Evidence liberals does not compute 
2020-05-02 03:38:21 UTC
Are you blind or do you not believe in doing the research before you speak.  First, none of her stories are consistent.  Take the ones she wrote about going to DC.  First, she went in a car.  The next article she flew to DC.  She said she left her boyfriend.  Hard to do since he left her fruitcake *** before she left.  She praises Biden until 2016 until she decides she is in love with Putin.  As she put it, "she was tired of America and its corrupt ways.  That men here could learn from Putin.  He is a gentleman who loves women.  At least she didn't lie about him loving women. I believe that was in 2016.  Then she stopped writing about him.  Got a job at a non-profit.  It wasn't long before she was belking the owner out of money for this tragedy and that tragedy.  Then after being given a horse she called out a vet from the next county and charged over 1200.00 in services to the non-profit. The woman in charge of the operation said that the whole time all she talked about was how great Joe Biden was and there should be more men like him.  She didn't come up with this story until she found that he was going to run for President.  So I have to ask myself.  Is this a story to bring wrongdoing to light or is an attempt at extorting money.  I guess they call it hush money.  He told her then he was not giving her anything for that absurd story and he is not falling for it now.  Now as far as you Republicans go, how about we investigate all the accusations against your buddy Trump.  Oh, wait we can't be cause he has documents signed by all that they can't say anything bad about him.  Does he offer to drop those?  NOOOOO.  Did he say investigate them... NOOOO.  you are a dollar late and two apple seeds shy of proving diddlity- squat.  Because Donald can't release them lest they talk about all the sexual harrassment.  The list grows.
2020-05-02 02:48:56 UTC
Who cares. Who should care at all. Unless he murdered someone it is all in the past. Sexual assault is not a big deal unless it is legitimate rape by force. All other kinds are a private matter and should not be prosecuted since it is up to people's moral beliefs what constitutes wrong sexual assault and entertaining sexual behavior. If the woman is upset then she can leave and walk away. If not that she is choosing to participate. So unless Joe Biden committed legitimate forcible rape then he did nothing wrong. Legitimate rape means a rape by physical violence. Even if there was a legitimate rape by force it is so long ago the woman should have come forward. Let it go and move on. We should outlaw prosecuting rapes unless it has been 1 month since the offense. If someone waits longer then that to come forward then it is their problem and the offense almost certainly never happened. 


Biden has my vote in 2020. I was behind Pete Buttigieg for a fresh face but when he dropped out I became behind Pete Buttigieg 100%. 
2020-05-01 20:10:41 UTC
Actually they both lack facts, the only difference is the democrat response to them.
2020-05-01 19:59:04 UTC
Maybe you need to change your media outlet. There is plenty on him. Enough to make you gag.
2020-05-01 19:57:50 UTC
Maybe the fact that trump admitted it on tape, he bragged about it, lol
2020-05-01 19:57:02 UTC
You're wrong.  Accept it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.