What 10 things/laws/policies would you implement or discard?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What 10 things/laws/policies would you implement or discard?
Nine answers:
2010-01-02 22:25:07 UTC
1. All effort will be made to deport all illegal aliens and any local or state body that obstructs this rule will lose all federal funding. Further more a system of walls, bridges, and check points will be enacted across the entire border to prevent the return of illegals

2. Revoke executive order 11905 so that we are not limited in our response to foreign aggression

3. Enact Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 which would reform welfare making people actually work in certain capacities to get their checks

4. Remove the US from the UN and deny they have any binding power over the US

5. Change the policy on the War on Terror - Terrorists organizations are no longer nationless, they are now the armies of those nations that support them and any and all military actions can be brought to bear on those nations if they do not stop their citizens from giving aid and comfort to terrorists

6. Put in term limits of 2 terms for Senators and 3 for House members

7. Create a 3rd house of congress in which they vote on measures that effect senators and house members. Pay raises for example are voted on by the Regulatory Chamber not the House

8. Enact a rule that says the right to bear arms is absolutely sacred and can not be removed by any act of Congress, executive order or Supreme court ruling except in the case of non citizen or felon

9. English is the official language of the US - all documents, signs, and any regulated by the US government will be in English only

10. Any bill in the senate, house or regulatory must not have anything non germane with in it, no lighthouses in a defense bill, no bridges in a health care bill, etc
2010-01-02 23:05:55 UTC
Well... maybe I can't come up with 10 things right now.. but here are a few:.. in no particular order...


2. Set up a TRUE FLAT TAX system... with ONE exempton, and ZERO deductions, credits, etc. etc.

3. Appoint REAL judges to the Supreme Court


5. Repeal this stupid idea of a health care plan.

6. intall a Republican congress.

7. send as MANY TROOPS to Afghanastan as the General needs.

8. order that ALL inmates on death rows actually be put to death.

9. Remove ALL bail out monies now in effect.

10. Remove and repeal ALL Cap gains AND inheritance taxes.

Wow... it's getting late, and I'm getting tired.. but that's a half-way decent list to begin with!

Republican since before she was born… and PROUD of it.
2010-01-02 22:04:32 UTC
1. Get rid of the Department of Education and return power to the States

2. Abolish Income Taxes and install a 10% consumption tax

3. Set Capital Gains taxes at 10%

4. Increase funding to the military

5. ZERO money to ACORN

6. Tort Reform and allow Health Insurance carriers to sell across state lines.

7. Increase funding to fight terrorists on their soil, not ours

8. Prosecute those responsible for spreading the Global Warming Lie

9. Abolish the Inheritance Tax

10. Pass a law that forces all Liberals to move to Michigan where they can create their fantasy land
2016-04-04 03:54:49 UTC
I have used this medicine before. It cannot be used after 10 goes bad after that. This is a version of amoxicillin...and needs to be handled very carefully. Even if you got it directly from the vet, they would need to see her again before giving you more. Do not use what's left of it. I hate to say it, but if you really can't afford another vet visit...look at a farm supply store for something similar. Some feed/supply stores will carry antibiotics that can be dispensed without prescription. You will likely have to buy more than you need, and it will be VERY risky to give your cat anything you could buy there (they are typically for cows and horses)...but it may help her. If you resort to this, please try to find someone knowledgeable about those products before selecting one. I would really recommend seeing if your vet or another vet will work out a payment plan and only trying to buy otc products as a last resort.
2010-01-02 21:54:24 UTC
I would not allow the importation of goods not manufactured under the same laws and regulations that we have.

How can we effectively compete otherwise?
2010-01-02 22:33:02 UTC
1. Discard the McCain-Feingold bill (campaign finance reform act of 2002)

2. Discard the Patriot Act

3. Let individual congregations decide whether or not to grant "gay marriages" - not the government

4. Leave Roe vs. Wade alone

5. Allow citizens who have been convicted of non-violent felonies the ability to regain their right to vote and own a gun

6. Mandate that Congress takes sufficient breaks so our representatives can spend more time with their constituents and actually feel the impact of the laws they make

7. Ban mountaintop removal

8. Lower the federal income tax

9. Make it impossible to ever "bail out" a private company again

10. Establish a more sophisticated nationwide public transit system
2010-01-02 22:01:23 UTC
Yeah...these 10 things questions are just too high maintenence.
2010-01-02 21:56:33 UTC
1.Ridding of the Federal Reserve

2.Making abortion a state issue instead of a federal issue

3.Same as above, but for drug laws

4.Outlaw having cameras in excess in public places and on stop lights

5.Reform welfare and make it harder to mooch off of

6.Abolish capital punishment (I find death an easy way out of things) and life imprisonment to me would be worse.

7.Ridding of the IRS

8.Ridding of the ATF

9.Insure those in prison got who are non violent get less time than the more violent

10.Put limits on Wall Street, but not completely control it either. Create an equilibrium of sorts.
World's Biggest Idiot
2010-01-02 23:07:09 UTC
1) Make all active duty military personnel and Guard/Reserves who are activated completely exempt from paying federal income taxes and strongly discourage states from imposing state income taxes upon them. I would not interfere with the states' rights to collect revenue but I would damn well ensure that service members were aware of the fact that they could change their home of record at will.

2) Mandate use of the E-Verify system for ALL employers in the U.S.; those who are here illegal will not work and employers will pay the price for hiring those who are not entitled. Once work is taken away, the illegals will leave.

3) abolish the 14th Amendment to rid our country of the creation of "anchor-babies", then pass another, updated Amendment which includes the Equal Protection Clause.

4) Move the National Guard to the southern border.

5) Pass a constitutional amendment requiring congress to be subject to every law that they pass and grandfather it to 1900. Impose term limits on congress. Eliminate retirements for members of congress. Eliminate congress' ability to vote in pay-raises for themselves. Provide harsh punishments for legislators who violate laws and ethics rules and mandate that if a state loses a representative due to a conviction or ethics violation, they lose the seat until the next regularly-scheduled congressional elections. Create national recall procedures for those legislators who are found to be advocating causes that are contrary to the constitution.

6) Impose a nationwide sliding-scale flat-tax that ensures that everybody except the bottom 5% of wage earners contribute.

7) Eliminate funding for the uber-partisan NPR, PBS and NEA. Sever all governmental ties with ACORN and the labor unions.

8) Create a "free", non-competitive, nationwide broadband internet access network for all citizens (which all ISPs can improve upon!) and reinstall non-partisan versions of NPR and PBS. An informed public, is a useful public!

9) Begin drilling in ANWAR and anywhere else that may provide us with sufficient petroleum resources to eliminate our dependence on foreign oil until we can find other sources of energy. Encourage the building of nuclear, solar, wind and other clean power sources and reward those states which show the highest level of energy independence.

10) Rescind all foreign aid until such time as the national debt is eliminated.

11) Utilize "mirror image" trade regulations to ensure fair trade practices. Impose tariffs on products that are "imported" by companies which move off-shore.

12) Eliminate all "hate crimes" legislation. This goes against the Equal Protection Clause and most Americans are too stupid to recognize it.

13) Remove Jerry Jones as the owner of the Dallas Cowboys.

14) Make Supreme Court Justices and Federal Judges subject to 10-year reviews and re-appointments.

15) Constitutionally define marriage laws as a states' rights issue.

16) Constitutionally define the Second Amendment as applying to all persons to whom the First Amendment applies.

17) Deny entrance into the United States to all persons who reside in countries which are determined to significantly contribute to terrorism.

18) Revoke U.S. membership in the UN and evict the UN from American soil. Cut-off all U.S. funding for the UN.

19) Eliminate affirmative action and implement reward-for-effort.

20) Shun global warming as a nationally-accepted science but do everything that we can to improve our national environmental situation, without emasculating our economy.

OK, that's twice what you asked for and I could give you a three page list.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.