As a girl, I think Trump is the best candidate. Are you voting for him?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
As a girl, I think Trump is the best candidate. Are you voting for him?
652 answers:
2016-02-26 16:44:11 UTC
You're pretty stupid. You're probably not old enough to even remember Trump mortgage, trump university, trump vodka, and all those other failed projects of his. He was born into wealth and never worked to the top from the bottom. He's not as great a businessman as you may think. If you'd bother to research what he says you'd realize that he's a A) a massive hypocrite who will pander to anyone for popularity. He's switched stances on so many things/people over the last few years it's laughable. He doesn't care about you at all. Everything he does is for him. B) you'd see that his plans and big talk have nothing to back it up. Even watching the debate last night you could see him dodging questions and attacking others because he doesn't actually know how he's going to achieve any of the unrealistic goals he's said he would achieve.

Trump is a blowhard and the rest of the world will make fun of us if he's elected. Please do your research and vote for a proven conservative.
2016-02-27 01:47:42 UTC
I am NOT voting for Donald Trump and you should not either because firstly, he is a so called "buisnessman" (if you can even call him that) & he is a VERY bad one too! The Trump mortgage, Trump university, Trump vodka, are failed projects of his! He was born into wealth and never worked to the top from the bottom. He is NOT fit to be a president! He has been bankrupt four times, still to this day owe's BILLIONS of dollars to MAJOR coparations, he is transphobic, racist, homophobic, sexist & was even caught laughing hysterically at a man for being disabled. If he becomes president he could more then likely start the next war because he wants to build a wall that will cost way over $100 billion dollars just to stop people from entering the country! If you want to vote for anybody you should vote for Hillary Clinton. She is a great candidate, she will not discriminate, she is a strong and powerful woman, & she really would fix what Donald Trump is unable too. Vote for Hillary Clinton!
2016-02-29 06:53:11 UTC
As a Christian Republican, HELL TO THE NO! Trump is an ignorant racist that needs to burn in hell.

Unless you're 100% Native American, guess what, you're the descendant of immigrants. Like everything there is a good and a bad side; yes some immigrants are criminals, but most of them aren't. Most just want the opportunity to have a better life.

You really need to learn a lot about the history of this country, before you vote coz Trump is not what's best for America.
2016-02-27 16:36:09 UTC
I applaud you for taking a different route for seeking attention. But, you're an idiot. Sorry.

You do realize when you vote for Trump, he will take your rights as a woman away.

If elected, he plans on banning Muslims from entering the U.S. which may sound great to hear, but do you know how many Muslims are serving this country? A lot.

Trump has his own interests. He will put this country in an economic roller coaster.

And lastly, he's a racist, misogynistic, woman hating, fascist, fake hair obsessed loser. Do you really want to vote for that??
2016-02-27 10:35:05 UTC
No. If Trump gets the nomination, I will not be voting for the GOP candidate for the first time in my life. I won't vote for the Democrat either. I may just stay home. Forgive my bluntness, but I think Trump is insane.
2016-02-26 16:40:19 UTC
As a girl, I think Trump is the best candidate. Are you voting for him? >> Say what, doesn't matter if you are a girl, your " Selfie - IF, it is one is not good and you are certainly not one of Trumps brightest supporters but I'm sure Trump don't mind - all politicians ( Dem and Rep ) like their voters , STUPID ... nor do I care who any one is voting for ( including you ) voting is private for a reason - IF, you're even old enough to vote - seems most in here are either too young or too stupid to be voting !
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-02-27 11:06:19 UTC
I hope you're not 18+ ! You need to do some research on the problems that we have in this country ! PS; I'm a Republican ( Texas ) ,and I will NOT vote for Trump ! He's about the only one I can think of, that would be worse than Obama !
2016-02-27 08:08:16 UTC
I'm not sure why I even bother anymore, you can't even have a logical discussion with most Trump supporters. The bulk of them came to Trump on this premise: I recognize that guy, he was so cool on TV, I like how he yells at people, I like how he says whatever crazy thing's on his mind, I like America, he says he's going to make it great. They don't bother with research and completely ignore any facts that don't jive with their uninformed opinion. Ironically, if you press them enough, they may take a few minutes to look up a talking point that's been prepared for them; a talking point that is generic, vague, and ultimately doesn't even make a dent in your objection, that is, if it even addresses your objection at all. Trying to introduce these idiots to well-reasoned arguments on why a Trump Presidency isn't in the country's best interest is damn near impossible. You'd have better luck debating a brick wall.
2016-02-28 15:03:01 UTC
Ugh.....that picture....what's with White girls and sticking their tongues out in every picture. I swear this is worse than duck face and ugly face combined. Makes me want cut your tongue off and throw it somewhere. Blegh.

No, I'm not voting for him. I'm an independent voter, I just vote for the best candidate, Republican or Democrat. Donald Trump for a stupid voter is similar to the reaction one would receive by jiggling keys in front of a baby. It's shiny and distracting. He's super entertaining to watch but his competence...well...from his past business ventures, no one should have any confidence in him for his past track record. Plus, on the real, he's been promising too much, there's no way in hell he can make all that he's said happen. The only good thing about him becoming president would be embarrassing the Republican party and that's what he's going to do (already seems to be doing it). Unfortunately he's going to be a reflection on all of us and so, America, prepare for the ridicule, if he becomes President.

You should vote for a candidate that you've researched and listened to in depth. List their pros and cons and be in agreement with the majority of their stances. Unfortunately Trump is all over the place and he back tracks like crazy. His followers are blind f*cks, they don't seem to care what his stances are, they just want to be told what they want to hear. It's obvious for all to see.
2016-02-27 04:45:06 UTC
No I am not he is too controlling and thinks he knows everything. He's never been a senator or ran for any type of office or anything, knows nothing about politics...he's never studied it. All presidents have a chill...Trump....has NO CHILL and I get that, that's so fun, that's what makes him so great but we need a president that knows politics and who is not going to got to Twitter throwing shade at Putan or any other person or county that doesn't give him what he wants, I'm not even republican but would vote for anybody else but him. I don't get why people vote for him...honestly I think they just like the drama.
2016-02-28 13:19:35 UTC
I am voting for trump when I turn 18 this year. I am not a racist, I am white and have half black siblings (on dad's side). I am aware of the fact that trumps campaign attracts a lot of unintelligent racists, but if you listen closely to what the man has to say, you'll see that Trump is what we need to make America great again. I'm definitely NOT against Mexicans, but it is not right for our government to open the borders and let people of a troubled (or not) background into our country.

there are many troubles of letting in illegal immigrants, and not just Mexican people, Russians, Isis, Chinese and tons of other people are flooding into the country and using up all of the country's benefits and what do we Americans get? NOTHING FREE. Plus some of the illegals could be murderers, pedophiles, and other things that are bad for the country. Trump will put an end to the lies and corruption in the Government and our once great country will be great again.
2016-02-29 18:27:26 UTC
I'm worried about Trump because I don't know what kind of agenda he has or plan to make America great again. America is already great again. We have the lowest gas prices, we built more allies and we are much more connected with the world than ever before. And the economy is much better now than in 2008.

Trump does not even have very little experience to be President of the United States. The only reason he is running is for money and wealth. Trump is a good guy, he has been a wealthy businessman and have a great family of his, but he does not have an agenda or the experience to lead this country. So no, I would not vote for him.
2016-02-27 09:39:58 UTC
you can even call him that) & he is a VERY bad one too! The Trump mortgage, Trump university, Trump vodka, are failed projects of his! He was born into wealth and never worked to the top from the bottom. He is NOT fit to be a president! He has been bankrupt four times, still to this day owe's BILLIONS of dollars to MAJOR coparations, he is transphobic, racist, homophobic, sexist & was even caught laughing hysterically at a man for being disabled. If he becomes president he could more then likely start the next war because he wants to build a wall that will cost way over $100 billion dollars just to stop people from entering the country! If you want to vote for anybody you should vote for Hillary Clinton. She is a great candidate, she will not discriminate, she is a strong and powerful woman, & she really would fix what Donald Trump is unable too. Vote for Hillary Clinton!
2016-02-27 08:59:41 UTC
I won't call you stupid, as Trump would say it is not politically correct. I will just challenge you to verify, and prove what you are saying, and why. If someone says they are not a liar you must check on some of his statements if he is not a liar. Right? You are white young girl, in a year or two, Trump might date you. What issue, if you even thought of an issue, do you think Trump is for, that will benefit everyone. Fix the voting right, equal rights for everyone. How about everyone paying fair taxes. Did you even know, that the way the tax rules are, if you make 10 million in stocks, you only pay 10% taxes. But if you are among the average working people who make $30,000-$50,000 have to pay an average of 28% in taxes. Do you understand what that means. If you worked and not taken care of by mommy and daddy, and made minimum wage worked 40 hours a week, you would make $330 a week, which Trump does not want to raise minimum wage. And you would pay about $90 in taxes. Where Trump and people who make 1 million or 10 million get to keep 90% of the money they make. Do you not see that is unfair. Donald trump in his business shipped millions of jobs overseas just to make more money. Not to save American jobs, but only to make more money. Do you think about any issues or are you just looking to party with the man. Choices we, you make today will dictate the life we will have tomorrow. Allowing politicians to spend 100 of millions to make things easier for the rich and harder for the poor or working class, does not seem the right way to go. Which appears what Trump stands for. Now if you are not a foolish spoiled, irresponsible little girl you will double check, and verify all I told you, and what you believe to be true about Trump. And why you feel he is the best person to be president.
2016-02-27 08:05:59 UTC
I won't call you stupid, as Trump would say it is not politically correct. I will just challenge you to verify, and prove what you are saying, and why. If someone says they are not a liar you must check on some of his statements if he is not a liar. Right? You are white young girl, in a year or two, Trump might date you. What issue, if you even thought of an issue, do you think Trump is for, that will benefit everyone. Fix the voting right, equal rights for everyone. How about everyone paying fair taxes. Did you even know, that the way the tax rules are, if you make 10 million in stocks, you only pay 10% taxes. But if you are among the average working people who make $30,000-$50,000 have to pay an average of 28% in taxes. Do you understand what that means. If you worked and not taken care of by mommy and daddy, and made minimum wage worked 40 hours a week, you would make $330 a week, which Trump does not want to raise minimum wage. And you would pay about $90 in taxes. Where Trump and people who make 1 million or 10 million get to keep 90% of the money they make. Do you not see that is unfair. Donald trump in his business shipped millions of jobs overseas just to make more money. Not to save American jobs, but only to make more money. Do you think about any issues or are you just looking to party with the man. Choices we, you make today will dictate the life we will have tomorrow. Allowing politicians to spend 100 of millions to make things easier for the rich and harder for the poor or working class, does not seem the right way to go. Which appears what Trump stands for. Now if you are not a foolish spoiled, irresponsible little girl you will double check, and verify all I told you, and what you believe to be true about Trump. And why you feel he is the best person to be president.
2016-02-29 11:26:59 UTC
Young lady you need to grow up. I do not think you know a thing about how the political system works. Your mother and dad are probably still paying your bills. The picture you posted spoke volumes about how serious you think this election is. The English language is a beautiful way of expression and Donald Trump abuses it almost every time he opens his mouth. I was taught that the way you choose to express yourself is a gift that can heal or hurt. For a man that is supposedly educated he chooses to berate people instead of acting like an accomplished man with ideas to help this country. You are not old enough to have children and don't have to worry about losing a son or daughter in a war. If he is elected you can bet that because he can't control his mouth that this country will suffer the consequences because we will be in more of harms way than we already are. I think you should spend some time rethinking your post not because you are a bad person but because you don't understand the implications of the wrong choice.
2016-04-04 00:58:27 UTC
Trump seems to symbolize people's desire to live a life where they can speak without thinking, hate groups of people and express it, and be unapologetic for anything at all (even if you know you fucked up... all the while having a enough money to wipe your *** with.

The rise of trashy reality TV is synonymous with whatever reasons beyond what I listed above for Trumps popularity. He might be entertaining to watch, but voting for the president isn't like voting for America Idol.

He would be the representative of the USA to the world. If that appeals to you, consider how many people that are stubborn, outspoken, hurtful, and remorseless do you personally have as good friends? Seriously, how many trump personalities do you seek out and befriend?

What happened to voting for the person you'd have a beer with? Ever go out drinking with that person who just doesn't shut up and picks fights with people around you and forgets? That is the person you'd be having a beer with. That's Trump.

Sha Wei sted answer is so on point 👏
2016-02-26 17:42:58 UTC
U are a stupid ***** trump is a business man not a presidential candidate since when did the election turn into a reality show when a tycoon can control large property the real estate price will fluctuate in his favor for his property in his case a million dollars is a small amount which is a terrible stand point to have as a president because that small amount will be our nations money controlled by a baboon who will probably end up turning the cabinet spot into a reality show LOL then hes gonna deny and relation " im not making any money"
2016-02-28 12:03:52 UTC
Politically I prefer Rand or Cruz. However I do think Trump has that presidential swagger and like the way he is so red blooded American and in your face. I think Trump is more centrist and is appealing to some democrats too and also attracting a lot of Latinos, Blacks and Evangelicals too.

I think there are one or two thinks about Trump that concern me a little and believe he has gotten wrong like his assessment of the Feds v Apple situation, and I'm not as keen on authoritarian types but I think it is pretty much a foregone conclusion he is going to get the nominee for the Republicans and also win the presidency. Hillary has too much baggage and that will sink her.

The Republican establishment might not like either Cruz or Trump but I think when push comes to shove they will unite around Trump to prevent Hillary winning the presidency. One thing it has been for me looking in as an outsider (I'm not American) the spectacle of American politics has been very entertaining and that is all down to Trump. It wouldn't have been very interesting to follow if it wasn't for Trump keeping us all entertained.
2016-02-27 21:59:18 UTC
There really is no other choice. All the idiots on here bashing Trump will be voting for Hillary or the Bern. Yahoo is full of idiot libtards who are either extremely ignorant or just plain stupid. Both Hillary and Bernie are socialists and either will finish the job destroying the country that Obongo has been doing the last 8 years. Trump is the only one making any sense on any of the issues. Close the borders, get rid of the illegals, get rid of the criminals in government on both sides of the aisle, and bring our factories back to the US. Trump is the only choice or chance to make our country great again.
2016-02-29 05:04:33 UTC
So you're voting for trump cause Mexicans "steal" jobs? EVERYONE has to work and get money put in their pockets some type of way. Trump doesn't care about Mexicans, blacks and doesn't even care about whites either! He just wants the vote to get him put in the presidential chair and then he'll turn his back on everyone. He's gonna want to do what he wants believe that. America will never be great again not with the debt we have and anybody who votes for trump is retarded. He's not a businessman he has alot of business that failed! Trump supports the KKK. Do your research before you go out there and vote.
2016-02-29 08:38:21 UTC
I am a girl. I'm voting for Trump too. He is not afraid to speak his mind. He will stand up to other nations and do what needs to be done. Its almost time for me to vote and I had heard barely anything from the other candidates. And I watch the news. Even during a debate I couldn't tell what the other candidates stand for. I am not voting for Hillary. She has been proven a liar.
2016-02-27 19:42:21 UTC
In my opinion I don't think he's the best candidate. I do like that he speaks his mind but I would like a little more than that in the person who plays to run an entire country. He's not exactly professional as far as his response to things. Another thing I don't like is his idea to build a wall blocking off Mexico. I don't see the point. America is supposed to be a place where people come to be free and building a wall is going to make it seem as if that isn't true. Everybody is supposed to be given a shot at the "American dream," but building a wall doesn't signify that. A wall signifies separation and division. Of all the things people think about America and Americans... I sure hope that isn't added to the list.

That isn't the only problem either. He refuses to apologize for any of his offensive remarks against our citizens, and not just the legal ones. I could understand if he apologized for the way he said it but he didn't even begin to do that.

I just hope to God that Trump doesn't treat America like he did a few of his businesses.
2016-02-27 22:34:49 UTC
I think you're awesome. Of course I am voting for Trump because all the others are straight up retarded financially. I wouldn't trust any of these, never had to budget their money a ssholes to spend the correct amount buying an ice cream cone from the ice cream man. I wouldn't trust hillary to break a dollar getting a tax free 99 cent refil at 711. They are so mathematically challenged most of them have never even learned how to drive a car them self! They are the most mentally handicapped group of people on earth. Only Trump and Sanders have any clue of what's actually going on. What's worse is the fans of the mentally handicapped people. They are like little kids shouting "i am a super person!Look at my cape". Like they think they sound important about topics they can be proud about. But they are quoting an idiot who has no idea what they are talking about and never ever get actual sources to cite. Just stuff to be mad about. Ben Franklin said, things beginning in anger end in shame.
2016-02-28 07:13:47 UTC
YES!! I am a girl and I am voting for Trump. He is the one who is going to be able to make Americans not be ashamed. Sure, people always have something negative to say about him when you tell them that you're voting for him, but don't let other people change your mind. I think ( and I may be wrong) that the final two candidates will be Clinton and Trump.
sha wei sted
2016-02-28 22:34:29 UTC
Trump seems to symbolize people's desire to live a life where they can speak without thinking, hate groups of people and express it, and be unapologetic for anything at all (even if you know you fucked up... all the while having a enough money to wipe your *** with.

The rise of trashy reality TV is synonymous with whatever reasons beyond what I listed above for Trumps popularity. He might be entertaining to watch, but voting for the president isn't like voting for America Idol.

He would be the representative of the USA to the world. If that appeals to you, consider how many people that are stubborn, outspoken, hurtful, and remorseless do you personally have as good friends? Seriously, how many trump personalities do you seek out and befriend?

What happened to voting for the person you'd have a beer with? Ever go out drinking with that person who just doesn't shut up and picks fights with people around you and forgets? That is the person you'd be having a beer with. That's Trump.
Mr. Wizard
2016-02-27 10:37:22 UTC
You rock!! Nobody OWNS Trump because NOBODY and/or NO NATION on Earth can afford Trump---unlike the other GOP candidates AND Hillary, Bernie and those Democrat idiots.

Trump worries the small time schmo con artist profiteers, who scam money off of us--while leaving

OUR COUNTRY vulnerable. Trump IS going to put America back at # 1 super-power status again!!

Trump for President of the United States of America!!
2016-02-28 10:54:58 UTC
You're probably wise far beyond your time, dear heart. You only have to sit back and see the damage that the present Demo. In office has done to benefit a handful of constituents. His Super pack had to be pouring big money into Barry's pockets. And we're (you guys) are going to be picking up the tab for his blunders for decades to come

Don't pay any attention to the negative posts above and below me. I'll tell you a secret they think most people here on Answers don't know but I have been on here since early days with their games and one wrong thing they get away with here is there are Organizations on here that pay a handful of College students to come here and post all these negative posts to derail the Trump Campaign. So actually they have a templatewith many false names here and run off many false responses to make us think there are this many ppl. Here against Trump. If this many ppl. We're actually thinking this way Trump wouldn't be having the tremendous lead.
2016-02-28 11:39:00 UTC
As a republican, I'll say that Trump is great economically, and probably has the best ethos for economic intelligence, but I don't agree with his moral views. I definitely prefer him to Hillary Crapton, and if it's between him and Satan's Spawn (Hillary), I guess I'll close my eyes and hold my nose and vote Trump. My complaint about Trump is mainly that he says a lot, but doesn't have a fool-proof plan about things, and also sometimes he just speaks out his ***. But I understand why some people love him as he is very tough. My votes for Rubio as of now!!

2016-02-27 17:08:05 UTC
Most likely, yes.

I don't think Donald Trump is nearly as ideological as everybody else running for President. All these other people are politicians with a voting record that has helped mold our country for better or worse. Trump is an outsider who has shown a propensity for changing his opinions when provided with facts that contradict his current stance on issues.

He may very well be the Republican Bill Clinton.
2016-03-01 12:10:21 UTC
I don't agree with your racist view but I am voting for Trump. Mexicans can be some of the hardest workers and nice people. I don't know where the accusations come from but I doubt they are fact based

I think Trump will get things done rather than everything becoming a quagmire. We have congress to keep him in check if he oversteps his authority. Hillary would be the worst president in history.
2016-02-27 22:30:21 UTC
I'm totally voting for him! I'm a 'mexican-american' woman in my early twenties and he is the best presidential candidate we have. I'm not going to go around saying negative things about people who aren't for Trump, but I think people need to open their eyes and their minds. I am very against illegal immigration and Trump gives me the most hope with that and his economic goals. Trump gives me hope. By the eay, for Sanders supporters, why the heck should college be 'free?' It seaparates those who really want to learn and are willing to work for it from those who feel entitled to everything. Note that there is already such a thing as government financial aid and various scholarships available to anyone who looks for it. GO TRUMP!!!!
2016-02-29 12:31:20 UTC
Yes, stop abashing this woman. Stop tearing her down. 1. Trump is not a racist he has hired people of different origins and legal immigrants to work at his company. Some are even in executive or supervisor positions. 2. Mr. Trump is not a racist, I have read 5 of his books all the way through, including "The Art of the Deal" and it is about preparing oneself for business and life, and learning how to handle rough times and success in a professional way and at work and school. I am voting for him, because I believe he can take the country in the right direction on everything and give us the best defense and negotiate these treaties and tariffs so people with learning disorders or that have adult children living with their parents can work and get out of this out of date 1940's mind frame the country seems to have. I am a Christian, and I know Mr. Trump is NOT RACIST. I have been to NYC and been outside Trump Tower and his apartment buildings there. He is NOT RACIST.
2016-02-27 20:34:00 UTC
A lot of people are so dumb and brainwashed for thinking trump will "hurt women". OMG THEY HAVE BEEN SPOON FED SO MANY LIES.

If they honestly believe trump will stop women from being able to vote or work or anything else, they're either super gullible or plain old insane. Trump is NOT anti woman... He's anti Muslim and anti Mexican, yeah, but not anti woman. You've been brainwashed by the libtard media folks!

As for YOU, the asker- you're a smart one. Vote for trump! I am.
2016-02-27 10:29:12 UTC
Sorry AS A WOMAN, I would not vote for Trump, if my life depended on it and if Trump is elected the lives of Americans who understand not only the history of this country, but the history of Trump may be on the line and many who fought to keep this country free are looking to Canada, Australia and England for political asylum
Max (2000 FOR BDAY YEAR)
2016-02-27 00:00:16 UTC
Trump has got some good stuff, and got some bad stuff about him, just like EVERY single person running. Cool hat, cool selfie, but before you actually vote for him, please think about why you're doing it! Do I like Trump? Yeah I do (some reasons, some reasons I don't like him). Am I going to vote for him? Hell no! I don't want him messing up things like world trade for example. I'm the type of guy that wants peace! But I mean I support you 100% to vote for Trump if YOU ACTUALLY HAVE A GOOD REASON! Not because you're trying to copy someone, or something like that.


Also, you don't know what you're talking about, first off you're 100% racist. Second off "true Americans"? Obviously you're not one of them!!! Haaha true Americans don't think shitjy jobs like McDonalds is only for white people only, because true Americans are from ALL over the world. America is supposed to be full of people with different DNA. Not people like you. If it was only for white people America would suck ***. Also, if you ACTUALLY study and go to school, you'd know its mostly white people doing the crap that you say "Mexicans do". Do your fuckn research before you write **** like that. Also, know what would happen if Donald Trump did what he wants to do.

Peace out bjtch. (:
2016-02-28 22:01:24 UTC
Absolutely not. I vote based on issues and how I think a person would handle issues the world might face in the coming years. Trump mug be highly entertaining but I doubt he would be able to withstand the reality of politics. I'm fairly sure we would end up in a war with Russia if he treated Putin with the same respect he seems to show everyone else.
2016-02-29 11:20:49 UTC
You sound like a very unintelligent racist person. Pretty much all the points have been made already, but do you think everyone in America should be white or something? Because first of all you can't verify that those Mexicans are illegal immigrants or believe that somebody being white should get a job over another person just because they are white I mean just listen to you. I can't even vote yet but I can tell you Trump would be the last person on my list. Educate yourself and learn not to be a prejudiced racist *** please
2016-02-26 22:34:14 UTC
The girl in this picture looks very young. Not going to judge. But female Trump supporters, please consider these quotes.

“My favorite part [of 'Pulp Fiction'] is when Sam has his gun out in the diner and he tells the guy to tell his girlfriend to shut up. Tell that ***** to be cool. Say: '***** be cool.' I love those lines.” -- TrumpNation: The Art of Being The Donald, 2005

"You know, it doesn't really matter what [the media] write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ***." -- Trump, from an interview with Esquire, 1991

“The most difficult aspect of the prenuptial agreement is informing your future wife (or husband): I love you very much, but just in case things don’t work out, this is what you will get in the divorce. There are basically three types of women and reactions. One is the good woman who very much loves her future husband, solely for himself, but refuses to sign the agreement on principle. I fully understand this, but the man should take a pass anyway and find someone else. The other is the calculating woman who refuses to sign the prenuptial agreement because she is expecting to take advantage of the poor, unsuspecting sucker she’s got in her grasp. There is also the woman who will openly and quickly sign a prenuptial agreement in order to make a quick hit and take the money given to her.” - Trump: The Art of the Comeback, 1997

As women, is this the life you want? If there was ever a need to close ranks, this is it. And that doesn't even touch his feelings on Latinos, on immigrants, on gays, on the poor and uneducated, on the religious.

He is promising things which directly violate American law, with it's checks and balances. To make the changes he claims he will, he will need to take dictatorial control. Maybe he's all bluster, and this is a funny reality show to him. But if it's all a big joke, it's not very funny.

No, I will not vote for Trump. "All it takes for the triumph of evil is for good men to stand by and do nothing." ~Elie Wiesel
2016-02-26 16:29:48 UTC
I'm voting for the Trump
2016-02-28 15:43:46 UTC
Trump will bring chaos to this world. How come people support Trump? For what? If you truly believe that you are 100% to support Trump, go for it and let us see the result for this election then. I'm sure that he can't even beat either Hillary or Sanders. Btw, what do you even mean "As a girl" for? That's really stupid question I ever saw.
Joey Boca Pizza
2016-03-04 10:37:34 UTC
Take every negative response as a badge of honor. Those are ignorant people proudly admitting their ignorance and your superiority.

Trump is not perfect by any means. He is probably even a moderate. BUT, he represents the golden opportunity all of these naysayers CLAIM they so desperately want, the ability to elect people who represent THEIR needs and not the needs of the ultra-rich.

They are either short-sighted or totally mind controlled by the rich.

If Trump is defeated, it proves that the ultra rich nobility controls our elections. They determine who runs, who wins, and how our nation operates, and we might as well not even vote. (In fact, it proves that our votes are just a way to placate us. We SERVE them, and they will have reminded us of that.)

If Trump WINS, it slaps those people down for DECADES. In 2018, other candidates like Trump and even Sanders will run EVERYWHERE, because the path has been cleared. Narrow minded people don't see that the people THEY idolize and THEY want to run will be viable and even WIN in future elections.... but if even someone as rich as Trump can't do it, give up that dream. It's NEVER going to happen, and we will be a two-party controlled nation of rich masters for the rest of your life time.

Good for you for having the intelligence to see the bigger picture. You have a bright and successful future ahead of you. And you'll have lots of fun doing it.
2016-02-28 15:43:41 UTC
I will likely vote for Trump but I don't see what being a girl has to with this.
2016-03-01 08:35:28 UTC
What are you basing your assumption on a stereotype. Mexican's are NOT stealing jobs from Americans. Any valid source would tell you this. As a girl, I would NEVER vote for Donald Trump. He is a prejudice jerk that only cares about getting attention. He keeps on saying that he is going to make America great but he never says how. Anytime he does say what his plan is its something ridiculous!!! You want to make a giant wall to keep out illegal immigrants and have Mexico pay for it? Is going to go up to Enrique Peña Nieto (the president of Mexico) and threaten to bomb Mexico if he doesn't listen? I'm sure Congress will be all for sending our troops to invade Mexico.
spot a
2016-03-01 03:44:15 UTC
Do you like his hair? YOU'RE FIRED Will he do a reality TV show from the oval office to keep his face on TV? The highest hand is NO TRUMPS next to mizzare where you LOSE every hand. Don't gamble with your country. Does Trump control Mexican tunnelling companies? Didn't USSR try a wall around East Berlin? That didn't work either Make America grate again
2016-02-27 14:08:02 UTC
Donald Trump is opportunist, he is not a Republican and he is not qualified to run the executive branch of our government. Do some research please. He should have at least ran for the Senate,house or governor first. Even mayor, i mean the guy has no idea what is getting into and his presidency is going to be a disaster. The Republican party will be out of power for along time after he is done. I will not be voting for Trump or Clinton. I might not at all im really disappointed in the goo and our country is going. People think Obama is bad its about to get worst. Please do your research my fellow Americans.
2016-02-27 20:00:32 UTC
Be honest. You posted this just to get attention.. It was not necessary to post your photo to explain the fact that you were a girl voting for Donald Trump. With that said, yes, YOU ARE FREAKING PRETTY. Now that we got that out of the way, do what you want to do! Don't listen to people calling you stupid. At the end of the day, all of the politicians are full of crap and lie... It's the same on both sides but I applaud you for saying Trump because it takes guts to do that. Society is full of sensitive people who like to call you names for who you personally choose to vote for.
2016-02-27 01:41:45 UTC
And I'm guessing you aren't from a civilized part of America. 30% of Trump supporters would go back to slaverly, ban gays,kill immigrants and start a global war. And I'm guessing that if you're from New York/LA/Miami/Washington you wouldn't want to induce this, as culture is weaved into those city lifestyles; but the rest of America is pretty segregated. Get some etiquette and realise how stupid you're being people are people. I'm right wing but I absolutely hate that man. Please don't vote for him think about it!!
2016-02-27 22:13:20 UTC
Anyone is better than Hillary. I wish Rubio and Bernie were in the front running. I like that Trump isn't afraid to say/do what he wants/thinks; however, that could be a double edged sword for the worse in foreign affairs. Hillary is a all around scandal, fraud, thief, hypocrite, liar and cheat; Trump has proven similar. I like Bernie, but I'm not for his "give everything for free" attitude.
2016-03-01 17:19:52 UTC
First of all it's not "doggy dog world" it's "dog-eat-dog world". Secondly, learn how to spell. Restaurant is not spelled "restraunt". There are other examples of your poor grammar, but we'll leave it at that. Lastly, you do not appear to be a "native american indian" therefore you are a descendant of immigrants. This country was built by immigrants. Did you ever hear of Ellis Island? If you did, do you even know what it was? You are so ignorant that you do not know you are ignorant, just like Sarah Palin although I'm sure you love her too. Go back to school, read some history books, and watch some news. And, no, I am not voting for Trump.
2016-02-27 19:18:11 UTC
Looking good! :)

I like Trump, but am not from the US. He'd definitely have my vote if I were.

Don't let yourself be intimidated by those believing in the propaganda against him. You're supporting the right candidate and the only one right now who can MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
2016-02-27 23:09:43 UTC
Why the hell would you even vote for someone with zero political experience to be the president?

Your just another dumb kid who knows nothing about any of the candidates and only supports trump because he is a celebrity.

Vote for a greedy man like trump and watch America fall much worse than it did with bush.

He is egotistical, self absorbed and doesn t give a **** about anything but money. Any big business will easily beable to sway his opinion with a flush of cash and the concerns of the American citizens will be a second priority to him.

All because you and people like you cant perform the simplest of tasks like thinking because its "too hard" and instead vote for the first name you recognize. I guarantee if tom cruise ever ran for president you morons would vote him in.
2016-02-28 03:08:04 UTC
I do not understand Americans. Why would you want a buffoon like Donald Trump running the USA? Elect him and you'll simultaneously become the laughing stock of the world and more feared for the likelihood of starting a random nuclear war than North Korea. If he is elected I think the world should turn its attentions to the USA and get its nuclear armaments removed rather than worry about Iran and North Korea.
2016-02-26 17:50:05 UTC
Donald trump for 8 years
2016-02-29 06:16:56 UTC
Vote Trump, vote for the end of America
Dr W
2016-02-27 08:40:28 UTC
I'm not sure "being a girl" should add credibility to your vote for any candidate. That should be irrelevant.

How about this instead.

.. After reviewing DT's vs Cruz's vs Clintons vs Sanders (1) plans for the economy,

.. .(2) international policies, (3) domestic policies related to the hot topics YOU find

.. ..important, (4) record of hiring extraordinary staff, (5) management capabilities,

.. ..(6) credibility, and interventions around the world, and any other topics you might

.. . find important, you decided to vote for Trump.... regardless of your race or gender.
2016-02-27 10:45:31 UTC
Yup! Let's be honest, he IS ruff around the edges and he NEEDS to start cluing us in on what his policies will be because just constantly repeating what "We're gonna ______" isn't going to fly for long but we DO need a non Washington person who isn't PC and will do what he says. For now, that's Trump. Technically Cruz is the better Candidate on paper, but he doesn't have the popularity to pull if off and I'm not going to waste a vote.
2016-02-28 23:40:34 UTC
No. If Trump gets the nomination, I will not be voting for the GOP candidate for the first time in my life.
2016-02-26 17:28:39 UTC
Vote for trump
2016-03-01 02:18:42 UTC
Given the choices on the Republican side, I would pick Trump over the other candidates as Republican nominee. But if he goes up against Hillary...I don't know... and as a GIRL, I would of thought you would want the first female president. BTW, what poor kid did you steal that picture from?
2016-02-29 22:00:05 UTC
No I don't think Donald Trump is a good choice since his economic policies are quite liberal and he has switched views in a short period of time which makes me supsicious about whether he will save the conservative movement or not and he constantly throws ad hominems instead of actually focusing on the issues. Support a proven and consistent conservative instead. But I love his idea of building a wall by the way.
2016-02-29 08:38:05 UTC
As a girl, you may want to be a mother some day. Do you think Trump, or any Republican cares anything about education - or health care, the environment, Mexican refugees - or anything except the continued rip-offs of the American taxpayer by the 1%? Vote for someone who care about the citizens.
2016-03-01 04:32:00 UTC
Why are you so racist? Use proper words, haven't your parents taught you how to ******* write a proper sentence. Honestly white people just can't get over different colors of skin can they, or different races. I'm actually white myself, and voting trump dump is the worst thing you can do you, ******* imbecile, I mean do I really need to list the reasons in my comment why you're dumb for voting for him and why Donald is bad? Nah, I think 600 something comments that disagree with you is good enough.
2016-02-26 18:42:39 UTC
Yes, Trump is No.1.
2016-02-27 21:38:22 UTC
You're very smart for your years but as you can see, many on the board are scared to death

of a president who will not kowtow to wayward behavior and lawlessness (i.e. wussies).

Yes Indeed, I'm voting for Donald Trump, who in my opinion is the only electable candidate in either party.
2016-02-28 14:22:40 UTC
I respect anyone's opinion but honestly Trump is just an immature and ignorant candidate
Jake No Chat
2016-02-28 13:05:32 UTC
Hillary is just wrong on about every measure, Bernie is just wrong about where he would take the country, so Trump might be the one. Gets facts on each candidate and then make an informed vote.
2016-02-29 05:26:08 UTC
Don't be so gullible: "Let's make America Great Again." It's crap, just like Obama's "We will Change" things" bs!

On the other hand, Trump would do two things if he is president: continue crony capitalism while profiting in some way and probably cause a war. I must admit: who is worthy and competent to run and lead our country? I am not sure anyone is!
2016-02-27 18:07:53 UTC
I do like trump and all he brings to the table but im 20 and fairly uneducated with politics. I do know that he once sided opposite of everything he is now but im sure a lot of that had to do with his business. He is a capitalist and supports free enterprise i really admire that about him but he is also someone i dont see winning electoral votes. The left has done a good job of controlling media outlets and hurting his reputation and indoctrinating most of age voters so i dont see things panning out well but i really hope he does win. Btw youre adorable lol.
2016-02-26 19:38:47 UTC
If anyone who votes for Donald Trump, you will regret for the next 4 years as to why you chose to vote for him.

He will make America like we were when Bush was in the office.
2016-02-29 00:32:11 UTC
Why would I do that? I'm fighting to BETTER my country, not destroy it. Why would I vote for someone who needs to do "research" before condemning the KKK? Why should I vote for someone whose business ventures have resulted in bankruptcy not due to misfortune, but due to his own shortcomings? Why would I endorse someone who does not respect women, openly mocks the disabled, or promotes unchecked racism and violence? Why would I vote for a man who other first-world countries are petitioning to BAN from their soil (way to go U.K.) Why would I do any of those things if I have an IQ over 80? You are young. Very young. Too young to vote for the looks of it. But part of what comes with the responsibility of adulthood and voting rights, is EDUCATING yourself so you can make an informed decision on behalf of yourself, and your country. Do you know anything about his foreign policy? His economic plans? Do you even know what's at stake here? We have research identifying the demographic of Trump supporters. They are uneducated, less intelligent, and more or less, willing to eat from whatever hand offers them promise. That's not an insult. It's a proven fact. Why be a part of that? People using the word "libtards" certainly don't have a college education, it can be questioned whether they even hold a high school diploma or GED. Those throwing the term "socialist" around have no understanding of how Democratic socialism works, or how to open a dictionary. He does not represent your best interests, I can tell you that without even knowing you. Those jobs you claim Mexicans steal? Most Caucasians think they're too good for. You aspire to work at McDonald's? It's a job classified for students and the uneducated. They're forced into those jobs do to the inability to find anything else. They're the bricks supporting the ground your walk on. Picking your crops, cleaning your house, serving food to your ungrateful face. And "cleansing" this country is not what we need. A very well-spoken man named Adolf Hitler did that through a plan called the Final Solution. He cleansed the country of millions over his own twisted and insecure ideals.

Lastly, stop posting pictures of yourself on Yahoo. Not only are you exposing yourself to just about every creep on here, but a picture of you sticking out your tongue with a Trump hat does little to nothing to show you have any semblance of intelligence, regardless of your age.
2016-02-29 20:39:08 UTC
You're pretty ******* stupid! I have absolutely no respect for you, you talk about my self and my people as dirt. Just because one person does something bad it affects the rest of the group! I hate people like you, you people are the ignorance and scum of this country. You people bring everyone else down, if you want to watch this country fall apart vote for Trump! I'm a U.S. citizen, but if Trump wins I'm going to move to the UK or Australia maybe even New Zealand. Anyways, please tell me how how Trump is going to benefit you? Please tell me! He only cares about himself and not the people! He's an absolute joke as a person! It's absurd that there are still people alive like you, I shouldn't even be surprised anymore. So you're telling me you want to work in fields and crops for hours? Do you want to break your back in the ******* sun? My people do that! That's an insult, do you want get paid minimum wage and be treated like dirt? We go through so much ****!
2016-02-27 14:51:53 UTC
First of all, what do you mean "as a girl?" Does gender matter? Second, what makes you think he's such a good candidate? He wants to ban Muslims from the States, and he wants to build a wall to stop illegal immigration. All in all, he's racist, sexist and discriminates almost everybody. People who vote for him agree with being sexist and racist. Are you? Honestly, you think he's going to make America great again? More like worse. I don't think you have researched what he even stands for. People like you shouldn't even vote.
2016-02-28 11:48:27 UTC
Are you thinking that Trump is gonna give you a million bucks if you vote for him? What about the people who claim Trump took even their "littlle $" ?? or the students who are mad about his real estate course? If that's not the reason, is it that American kids can learn how not to bully and show their good manners? Most importantly, could it be that you think his "political skills" could get the other world leaders to love us and not set off a nuclear blast--with something he says?
Gregory B
2016-02-26 20:52:38 UTC
Yes. Trump is the candidate for fun-loving heterosexuals. He'll certainly win.
2016-02-28 17:29:12 UTC
Your photo more or less shows why you support Trump. Look dumber than a bag of rocks. Remember it takes a lot more than flinging around the same buzzwords and catchphrases that mean literally nothing. Greatness Awaits!! Better by a PS4 right now right? Not really.
2016-02-27 16:19:15 UTC
I'm not voting for Trump. Next!
2016-02-26 22:44:03 UTC
Well, he's pretty sexist and racist, and stupid. First of all, he said he'd have sex with his own daughter if they weren't related, kept mentioning how attractive his daughter is (very creepy, by the way) he has said something along the lines that women are basically sex toys, he calls women he doesn't like pigs, slobs, dogs, etc... Also he's racist as hell. Have you heard? He wants to build a wall separating us from Mexico, worst yet? He would make Mexico pay for it. He says Mexicans are rapists, murderers and more. He's also stupid, he practically jokes about global warming. He said in one of his tweets China created global warming? What? He takes places that have been cold, and claims that since they are cold, Global warming isn't real. Global Warming is actually a serious problem in our world, and he isn't even educated about the very topic. So unless you're racist and agree with his views on women and global warming... All he'd be doing for our country is putting it into doom.
2016-03-01 05:21:37 UTC
You are very uneducated. You don't know how media works and what it can do to make you think of a certain way. There are apparently lots of crimes happening daily, probably not mostly by mexicans. But those were aired bec it gain more attention and is "stereotype" so it's easy to believe. Media filters a lot too, you trust the media too much.

You probably won't read this anyway. Your basis are hilarious. Don't look at what they say, look at what they have done in the past.
2016-02-29 07:03:51 UTC
You're update shows just how racist you are. I think that speaks for a majority of his white voters. You realize not every Mexican is actually from Mexico illegally and he's only going to stop the illegal ones.

He also says alot of nothing if you really actually listen to him speak on anything. it's all hot air. He spits out general ideas rarely but never goes to explain how they will be executed, he throws a lot of insults and mostly says how great he is. He's been rich all his life so he doesn't know your world as working class. His forgein policy would end up starting wars because of how he acts for elections. His value on stage is entertainment.

What are your reasons to vote for him? What makes him fit to lead this nation? You even understand how his attitude would not work with other countries in diplomatic relations? Explain one of his policies and how it will be carried out like he says.
2016-02-27 00:40:02 UTC
Obviously you haven't seen how Trump talks about women lololol.

Go ahead, vote for him and be treated like a second-class citizen.

All those suffragettes' and feminists' efforts were a waste, I guess.

Since no one seems to remember how women were treated. Hell, we still aren't equal.

But go ahead, vote for the ring leader of the GOP circus.
2016-02-28 19:16:14 UTC
How does being a girl have anything to do with why you're voting for Trump? Also, what are your reasons for this? How old are you anyway, because you don't look old enough to vote. I personally think you just wanted to show off your "cute pic" for attention...
2016-02-28 10:34:18 UTC
You're pretty stupid. You're probably not old nor mature enough to even remember Trump mortgage, trump university, trump vodka, and all those other failed projects of his.Trump is a racist,incompetent peace of sh*t so no,im probably NOT gonna vote for that pathetic dumb*ss.
2016-02-29 20:35:52 UTC
Of course it is your decision and these jerks shouldn't scare you into voting for someone else. In my opinion Trump is possibly the worst candidate because of his incredible racism but he's pretty funny so
2016-02-27 00:34:34 UTC
democrats have flipflopped more than the flying wallendas,,it's what they do,what they are,as to zebra stripes..clintons kerries obama pelosi,reid,are professional state pay collectors first last & always,,their policies,be sure to stay tuned each week for the next floopfleep,idiocy,and head scratcher.

don trump,he has built a pile lost it recouped it 3 xxx , don builds ****,,without ant state salary,don is in no way a part of the crew that kills businesses like carrier air conditioning, 1400 jobs now headed on flatbeds & 18 wheeler freighters to guanajuato mexico or wherever they are

headed,,booming economy? a fraction of a percent,we are 5 knots from the doldrums & dead in the water,isis nuttery,isis murders,jihad,democrats need their asses kicked from here to the outer rings of pluto,dems have saddled us with 11-15-18,000,000 illegal oft unscreened aliens **** you,,now feedem let them vote give them bennies,does trump get why the countrylanders are pissed?,,I bet so ,does he have the smarts to act on the above issues? does trump have the boiler that can work up a head of steam to roll over idiots? I think so.

given the idiot democrats,along with the career warshington empty soupcan in the WH oval office swivel chair would have been better for the country than any democrat.

go head rinos,,vote for clinton,,sign up @ dnc too,,then take a slow boat to china
2016-02-28 15:10:25 UTC
Yes I am voting for trump
2016-02-28 05:49:36 UTC
Not even American and I can say that holy crap, how uneducated are you??

America will be in HUGE trouble if a bumbling idiot like Trump became president. Representing everything that's wrong with the world in one pea-brained package, he's an ugly misogynist, a racist, a sexist, a playground bully, a bigot, and an idiot. Oops, already said that.


a friendly neighbourhood Canadian
2016-02-28 17:24:43 UTC
NO. He is not a politician; he's a business man and has the personality of a rabid porcupine.. His answers are simplistic and only meant to appeal to those with a low level of intelligence (mostly angry working class folks who think he's gonna make their lives better; what a delusion). He would show his true colors once in office; he is into the show biz aspect of the competition.If elected, he will be a disaster. His one saving grace: seems to have a place in his heart for veterans
2016-02-29 04:45:02 UTC
You seem like one of those dumb shits that selfies all day, brags about their life on social media, and takes pictures of their **** in the morning. You're probably like a 16-18 year old brat who has daddy issues.

Just grow up, Trump is worst than Hitler, in every aspect other than the one that he didn't kill over 6 million people. At least Hitler knew how to lead a country.
2016-02-28 19:25:24 UTC
Trump is just a rich business owner who has no political experience. He is just using his wealth and small loan of a million dollars to go on a massive campaign and gain attention. All of his dumb comments also for some reason give him more support. Whoever supports trump has no idea what they are doing.
2016-02-29 16:15:40 UTC
Yes! I think Trump - the best candidate!
2016-02-28 09:28:16 UTC
I'm a Democrat, so I won't be voting in the Republican primary. If I had to, though, Trump would be pretty high up on my list, I think second behind Kasich. He's actually fairly liberal - wants to raise taxes, etc. - but I think he's nuts because of his crazy foreign policies. That's fine, though.
2016-02-28 16:30:48 UTC
Trump sucks
2016-02-27 14:28:36 UTC
I'm not voting for him because I don't support his reasoning and decisions. If you like Trump then cool, okay, but to me he isn't the best for president. I'd rather have Obama come back.
2016-02-27 16:16:37 UTC
No because he makes our political system look like a joke. Did you watch the Republican debate last night? Trump was accusing Cruz of lying and Rubio of being stupid and was using Ben Carson as a manipulation factor. he acted like a little second grader who is fighting for the last swing on the swing set. He has a victim complex as well as a manipulation factor. You can't feel safe voting for him, even if he ends up doing us well. I hope you do your research even though you are older than me.
2016-02-28 14:16:36 UTC
What does being a girl have to do with it? They're all bad, Trump is the worst, but nobody is going to do a good job of it.
2016-02-26 16:23:05 UTC
I consider myself conservative and think Hillary Clinton is a sociopathic whore that belongs in prison.

But if Hillary and Trump were tied and I was forced to cast the deciding vote, I'd vote for Hillary in a heartbeat.
2016-02-28 06:36:28 UTC
Why the hell would you vote for trump?!?! He wants to deport all muslims even when most were born in America!! Where is he gonna deport them to the hospital!??!?!?!?!? He is the next Hitler!! They both think that Muslims/Jews should were special IDs the both want to get rid of all muslims/Jews etc. If Donald trump becomes the next president we will be living through WW3 for years on end!! Wel done America you have officially broke your country!!! Well done
2016-02-29 11:05:28 UTC
No. Actually, I'm not voting at all based on the fact that the New World Order controls whatever puppet they choose to put in the oval office to be a spokesperson for the regime.
2016-02-28 09:35:24 UTC
Trump has showed more honesty yet harsh and more for us then our own sitting President. He is brash, but the truth hurts, I can deal with that, if he can get this country back on track. She is not wrong, as of today he has my vote, but that could change. Bernie is living in BernieLand, and Hillary is such a liar.
2016-02-29 05:19:34 UTC
A simple story as to why you, being a woman, should not support Trump. Once in a court of law, a female lawyer asked for a break to pump breast milk for her child. No sooner did she request than Trump started waving his finger at her saying "You're disgusting!!". Also, when a female reporter asked him a tough question, he accused her of being on her period!! Men condemn this. How can you, being a woman, support him?
2016-02-27 22:13:10 UTC
Yes. He is, at the least, the answer to Mitt Romney to get behind big business and return us to power in that realm. The military will take care of itself under established directives and budgets he stands behind as prudent given the threat. Had Mitt won over Obama, then the stock market would be at DOW 20,000 by now and all would be right. A weak, female, "feeling" president like Mrs. Clinton or Obama brings weakness to our country. Weakness NOT supported by the masses of independent women like yourself, or *** kicking men who are tired of our asses being kicked by any of the above. At least Trump has come back from failure many times and is not afraid to admit it. Fight back, rally, challenge, inspire, and be sensitive at the same time? To Dennis Rodman, Gary Busy, all the ilk of Celebrity Apprentice? And we watched it all, and loved every minute of his ultimate control. Tell me that you, or any of your friends didn t feel the power he had to invoke without fear of retribution because he knew he was right. Holy crap, I think we have a winner here that the world admires from afar as well! Saudis in our pocket who can relate to greed, and then the pain of low oil prices suddenly threaten to their bankruptcy. OMG, been there, let s make a deal to prevent it!! Can you say the same thing about Hillary??? Seriously, without laughing? What Power does she yield or inspire fear into....exactly? Where? With what world powers? Exactly where? Umm, Mr. Trump does not need to do that if he has all of them in his economic hand, and ours into his personality solving complex for the ultimate good. Vote Trump ,or else it will be wasted on the futile dreams of has-beens.
2016-02-27 11:49:40 UTC
As a life long Democrat I will vote for Trump. I will punish the DNC for Obamacare.
2016-02-29 11:59:31 UTC
I am a WOMAN who tends to vote for fiscally conservatives. Should you become a woman someday you may have to actually study the issues, I hope it won't hurt your head!. Who will be a president for women? Ask your middle school teacher. So, no to Trump the Donald, the woman hater.

And the expression is "dog eat dog world". "Doggy Dog"???LOL Go to class!
New here
2016-02-27 05:37:30 UTC
If it's Trump or The Hildabeast My vote is for Trump, deciding factor......abortion.
2016-02-28 11:46:54 UTC
Yes, vote for trump! We need a strong leader, unlike that sissy that's in the White House. Saddam was a great leader, and look what they did to him, at least he died with honour and dignity. I support trump, and people can keep their worthless opinions to themselves. I regard no one, I respect no one, unless you're fierce and ruthless. Hilary, or however her name is spelled, is a dumb *** feminist. So, she think women are equal to men? Typical dumb whore! Look at the Middle East, instead of killing these cia made terrorists, obashit is supporting them. Putin on the other hand, is destroying them, and I support him. Trump for dictator!
2016-02-28 11:27:30 UTC
I was warned against voting for Cruz, really like Carson, but you are right little lady, he is intelligent and informed, the best choice of a pretty dismal assortment. I sewed my Trump hat myself, and I'm crippled in my hand
2016-03-01 04:19:48 UTC
There are many reasons why I hate Trump but the no.1 is because he wants to ban Muslims from America .
2016-02-27 00:31:11 UTC
So, who else will you vote for?

People might critisize him and hate him... But c'mon he's one of a kind and without a doubt he is a successful person. People don't understand that to become such a successful man, it's not just hard work and luck. It is more than that... If someone wants to be successful, he must be truthful to himself, truthful to his work, true devotion, and you have to be smart. And these are the qualities that we need in a president.
2016-02-28 06:18:05 UTC
Yes I am and for many reasons. First and foremost is you have seen first hand how Liberals treat people with an opinion different than theirs. You have been called stupid, dumb and an assortment of vulgar terms. Why would anyone associate themselves with Liberals? Your vote is your choice to make not all these uneducated Liberals condemning you. GO GIRL VOTE TRUMP!!!!!
2016-02-27 06:40:51 UTC
Trump sucks
2016-02-26 22:11:15 UTC
Trump is number 1 and a truth teller. We don't want a cuckold representing this country who wants to flood it with third world trash like the losers on this question who thumb down the truth because it hurts their feelings LOL!
2016-02-28 14:34:43 UTC
I will vote for Trump
2016-02-27 01:12:40 UTC
This is why no woman will ever become president. Not unless, she is more man than woman. Take Hillary. She became a whole lot more masculine when she decided to try for presidency. She's like a Margaret Thatcher wannabe. I can't take you seriously, because you come off like a "silly little girl". I recommend you save your voting for American Idol and leave presidents to adults.
2016-02-29 20:48:22 UTC
Job stealing mexicans? You mean the people who are willing to do jobs that some americans think they are too good for. If i were old enough to vote i defiantly would not vote for Trump. He'll destroy america. He's rascist, sexist, against gay marriage rights, rude, ignorant, and obnoxious.
2016-02-27 00:16:52 UTC
I'm the Liberal the USA Conservatives said Donald Trump was.

Worse, I'm the Liberal who said Donald Trump was what you

needed. Mrs. Clinton and I agree you deserve each other..
2016-02-28 04:13:28 UTC
No I will not be voting for him. I am interested why you believe he is the best candidate. And why do you put as a girl?
2016-02-26 19:35:06 UTC
Absolutely NOT! Do you know ANYTHING about Hitler? You did study Hitler in school right? Did you sleep through the ENTIRE lesson or is this question a joke? I'm sorry but anyone who votes for that disgusting thing that calls himself human is either uneducated in who he is, what he stands for and what it actually means to be PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OR take the presidential election as a joke! Wake the f@*k up people! I do NOT want another Hitler running our Country!
2016-02-26 19:36:52 UTC
Imagine the reaction if I said I was voting for Trump, as a white male. lol, female privilege.
2016-02-26 20:08:26 UTC
Aw man the idea that trump might one day be president is like the outcome of the alternate reality scene from the movie "The Dead Zone" with Martin Sheen.
2016-02-27 16:01:51 UTC
You are too beautiful! And no I'm not voting for trump lol
2016-02-27 00:17:08 UTC
Bernie Sanders 2016
Kora Mac
2016-02-28 06:23:01 UTC
You made an error in your question. Here, let me fix it:

As a racist* I think Trump is te best candidate. Are you voting for him too*?
2016-02-27 19:03:22 UTC
Even trumps cousin is not voting for him.

He's bad, and the worst out there.
2016-03-01 15:18:27 UTC
I see you're young. You are easily taken by pompousness and lies. Frump says he'll do things, but he has no plans that have been made public. You can promise all you want but it takes the people and the Congress to get things done. I think voting for ANY Republican is an act in idiocy.
2016-02-28 13:58:12 UTC
I'm voting for trump. Good choice
2016-02-27 10:35:11 UTC
For somebody who doesn't present themselves as a proper president candidate, somebody who wants to ban Muslims (just because they look like terrorist), and dislikes Mexicans. I don't think he is the perfect candidate. He gets elected as president, the world will view America as a joke even more. Bad enough we Americans gets views as idiots from different countries, we don't won't an idiot president to represent our country.
2016-03-01 14:37:51 UTC
The fact that you support Trump proves that you are as ignorant and shallow as him.

Do your homework and learn about a candidate rather than listening to his utterly low class banter.
2016-02-29 19:11:15 UTC
are you just def or blind or realy fn dense?i feel sorry for the guy but hes an ideot when it comes to politics,,hes way off the board,,,and im not fond with any of our choices and yet hillery might be the closest to being able to fix this country since she was only married to the other president who had us out of debt,,shes also a chick which we aint had in this country but im betting she probly has the same skills or advice from her old man the same one that had us out of debt,,but i dont realy like any of our choices and way farther from trump i got plans and expectations better than anything ive heard but you would have to be out of your fn mind and wanting some kinda world war 3 !!!thats how dangerous his words are on dealing with full nations and country levels hes a nut case there so hail no i aint voteing his way
2016-02-27 14:08:54 UTC
Count my vote for Trump.
2016-02-28 21:28:56 UTC
You do realize the hat you are wearing, trump stole from an older candidate!
2016-02-29 21:45:40 UTC
I hope you aren't serious. Stealing jobs? I assume you believe every rapist out there is Mexican? Do you also realize that many Mexicans come to America to work just so they can send money back to their families in mexico? Because it is literally impossible to live off the amount they make there? They risk their lives crossing just for that? How about the fact that America makes the whole cartel thing possible due to the high demand for illegal **** here? People like you make me sick, you're so fast to judge and hate on people without knowing their story. People have to eat, people have to live in this works just like you. They just want to survive as well scumbag
2016-02-26 16:23:11 UTC
Smart girl! TRUMP/2016
2016-02-28 16:16:12 UTC
No matter who it is running against him if he gets in, I'm voting for THEM. Voting for Trump would be like voting for a compulsive gambling chronic drunk, middle school drop-out, and America gets laughed at enough by other countries. He's already bragging about our bad educational system and it not needing anything. No thanks. That idiot belongs in a psych-ward.
2016-02-26 19:18:48 UTC
Trolls for Trump, trump your tax dollars, tease your tongue with sugar coated tea party teenagers, teenagers for Trump, trip on your golf clubs carried by Trump town undocumented tarts, flash your Trump teets and twist your top off top down Chinese manufactured plastic tea cozy. Trump ugly mug tea cup for everyone who votes twice . . .
2016-02-28 15:29:28 UTC
Why the **** would you include "as a girl"?

The fact that you think that information was significant, paired with the fact that Trump is a raging sexist who raped his wife in the 90s and now wants to **** his own daughter, really goes to show how ignorant you are.

Jesus Christ...
2016-02-29 20:07:37 UTC
I am a woman. I am white. My oldest son is half Mexican and my best friend is Mexican. I am educated and work for a living. In other words I am not a racist. I am voting for Trump. Someone has to stop illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants are getting our tax dollars while our own American children can't get help. Its sad to know my tax dollars paid for the Boston bombers education while my oldest son struggles to pay for his own education, working and going to school. We need change.
2016-02-28 09:10:05 UTC
*facepalm* exactly WHY are you voting for TRUMP? I know this is weird but my friends are SCARED of him. SCARED! As another girl, my friends and I think Bernie Sanders is the best candidate. Also so many of his products have just failed, too, so why trust him?
2016-02-27 08:33:23 UTC
I'm voting Trump. At least he will protect our border and protect our Constitutional 2nd Amendment.
2016-02-27 06:54:50 UTC
No, I'm voting for Rubio, Trump can't work well with others in the government. He doesn't know how to work with others.
2016-02-27 06:12:53 UTC
LOL. You new your were going to be attacked for this one. Vote Trump. He is the only one that is not going to let the government spend you further into debt.
2016-02-27 19:16:57 UTC
You're not even pretty. But if Trump was President the world would be chaotic.
2016-02-27 12:21:44 UTC
She just wants attention. She's not really voting for trump. You young people don't vote.
2016-02-28 07:16:58 UTC
I think if Trump became president it would, in some ways be a complete nightmare. But the thought of him actually winning the election is so extraordinary that I actually kind of hope he wins.
2016-02-28 16:46:29 UTC
I'm more worried about your breakfast schedule, an ICEE for breakfast is not a good idea, maybe good for the theaters in the afternoon or evening and maybe for a dessert, but not for breakfast. Even eating a cinnabon would've been better. You should get that checked out m'kay.
2016-02-26 16:31:02 UTC
i have been a democrat my entire life, and the entire presidential field is so weak, i might vote for trump unless i see something good or better from the democrats.

people like t.cruz and m.rubio seem to be so dishonest and ultra-far right, that they are self-eliminating.

another thing is for sure, i sure do not need religion to be the one group running the country. it is one which needs democracy for all.
John C
2016-02-28 15:10:52 UTC
What has being a girl got to do with it?

Trump is standing for president, not to succeed Hugh Hefner.
2016-02-26 23:05:17 UTC
Watch out , allegation of rapist filed against him in the year 1990 for which he is loosing his popularity and unable to counter act even within republican party and provided services to 200 immigrants to whom he was provocative and deadly against , thus he may prove to be unreliable personality and using such populist measure ; so he is unpredictable oldie and can not be declared as the best candidate
2016-02-29 14:57:44 UTC
I don't want trump in. His arrogance will effect his decison making as president and he has no political experience to speak of. I'm rolling with Marco Rubio!
2016-02-26 19:52:10 UTC
I vote for whoever I believe will destroy the country faster, so yes I vote for trump.
2016-02-27 20:01:15 UTC
If he wins it will no longer be United States of America . It'll be United States of Trump...
2016-02-27 10:45:00 UTC
I'm voting for him because I think he is the best from any other. And Sanders is an old fool who said college will be free of tuition but the question is.., where's he gonna get the money from??
2016-02-27 06:27:24 UTC
Your face is cringey and ugly.

You only posted this so you people can be like: "Oooh, a girl who supports Trump! So sexy xxxxxxxx"

**** off. What has being a female got to do with anything? Literally anything at all? Nothing. You just crave compliments with your ugly lips and weird tongue and creepy eyes. Haha.
2016-02-26 22:10:27 UTC
I will not be voting for Trump because he is a business man (and a very poor one at that), not a politician.
2016-03-01 08:43:41 UTC
I'm not voting for Trump, but then again, I'm not voting for anyone because I'm too lazy.
2016-02-27 20:14:29 UTC
Yes go Trump!
2016-02-29 14:00:56 UTC
Hell no am I voting for Trump, and it's not just because I live in the UK.
2016-02-27 08:12:15 UTC
You look like you are drunk, high and stupid. That is the only kind of person who would ever vote for Trump.
2016-02-29 03:10:44 UTC
No youngIlady - I won't be voting for Donald trump
2016-02-27 11:11:50 UTC
Well since you're blonde and American it's not surprising that you think Trump's the best candiate.
2016-02-29 13:04:11 UTC
I'm voting for Trump so i can see some mushroom clouds.
2016-02-26 16:37:37 UTC
I think trump is going to win
2016-02-27 17:51:14 UTC
Your photo says a lot. It exemplifies the mentality of a lot of Trump's supporters.
2016-03-01 03:57:07 UTC
As a girl, I think Hillary is the best candidate. Are you voting for her?

2016-02-26 16:17:14 UTC
A vote for Trump is a vote for a winner!
2016-03-01 04:08:41 UTC
I saw this pic on twitter.

If you want the FBI and NSA to spy on you and your children online, that will eventually lead to regulation aka: censorship of the internet itself... THEN YEAH, YOU SHOULD VOTE FOR HIM!

Trump is just like Hillary in this regard. Excuse me, they are identical. The power lies in congress not the president.
2016-02-27 16:19:02 UTC
The morons that dont want him in are third world morons who are too stupid to realize that with out him our country will be just like theirs. Dont believe the Jew lies that niggggers are people and or muslims are nice. Vote Trump!!!!!!
2016-02-26 23:38:20 UTC
I want to see that red tongue under the desk when I'm president in 2028.
2016-02-27 15:26:50 UTC

I'm still confused how someone like trump can even have a chance.

Australia is laughing at you (and slightly terrified)!
2016-02-29 06:24:10 UTC
i think he's way better than clinton, but honestly i don't know a lot about him compared to her. i have seen some of his speeches, and i like the way he addresses things. however, i know theres reasons why people hate him and won't vote for him. he really is a smart guy, and i would think he would make some good changes in america, but some of his choices are bad too. just like all presidents.
2016-02-28 17:49:48 UTC
I like trump
2016-03-02 06:29:22 UTC
As a republican i rather not see him in the office i want crux or rubio but.... to keep a demo out of the office i would vote trump i mean i wouldn't turn my back against my own party & im a black women... i dont think hillary should win at all i honestly would prefer bernie than her for the demo side... number one she is a women i strongly believe a women cant run this whole country... she is a liar i mean she is one heck of a liar... she was prolife 3 years ago now shes not ? she was Against gay marriage and now she is not ? she literally said gay marriage is between a male and women but now since she is demo she is all for it... she is trying to get in the office she doesnt care about nothing else.... she wants to make history that she was the first women president to get in the office... i totally agree with the Mexicans stealing our jobs its ashame that i have to be bilingual to get a job in my own English speaking country its way to many illegal immigrants the Africans are coming here getting the top jobs and the Chinese people are to.... the Chinese people are putting their jobs on lots and they haven't even gotten most of their businesses approved yet like majority of them dont even have licenses to have their own shop ! i am tired of all of the foreigners here i am tired of it being to crowded here i am tired of illegal people taking our jobs they all need to go back to where they come from make businesses over there and learn over not a racist i personally believe that the people that belong here including blacks whites hispanics & etc should stay over here but the ILLEGAL got to GO.... and if we dont win this term its okay because were going to win the next term either way they eventually got to go rather if its next term or hell even 12 more years illegal immigrants gotta go! #GOP2016 #rubio
2016-02-29 08:56:43 UTC
No way. Trump has a short anger fuse and doesn't listen to anyone. He acts like a angered teenager.
2016-02-26 16:46:22 UTC
BTW: Donald is misogynistic towards women. He pokes fun at the simple bodily processes of women, such as menstrual cycles (attacking Megyn Kelly) and urination (attacking Hillary Clinton). As a feminist, I don't think it is morally right to behave this way, not only to women, but to other demographic groups. It is simply not presidential.
2016-02-28 20:37:19 UTC
No, because I don't think he can beat Hellary, who would be an absolute disaster, following the disaster Obongo. I actually prefer Kasich, he has a great record of accomplishment, both in Congress and as governor of Ohio.
2016-02-28 14:46:56 UTC
Have fun, I won't be able to vote since my 18th birthday falls after the date. Even still, I wouldn't be voting for any of the loons running this year.
Linda R
2016-02-27 09:54:13 UTC
ABSOLUTELY! Americans can NOT survive if Democrats are president. Americans are sick and tired of all of Obama's B.S. and that is why Trump is LISTENING to voters and relaying their concerns. GO TRUMP!
2016-02-27 22:42:55 UTC
Yes. I am. I may go out of state to vote. He is the best. We need a good Republican for once(last 20 years). Take care
2016-02-27 22:32:09 UTC
I'm not going to vote for someone just because they're a girl or a guy. It has to be based on credentials.
2016-03-01 00:56:40 UTC
I am not an idiot so no I won't vote for that troll. YOU do seem to be an idiot. I suppose you want representation even though the US needs to have a COMPETENT president instead of an orangutan.

Ethelred Hardrede
2016-03-01 20:59:07 UTC
Yeah sure I'd vote for a man who wants to ban all mexicans from America.
Petra Chor
2016-02-27 08:02:25 UTC
>>As a girl, I think Trump is the best candidate. Are you voting for him? <<

Yeah, I'll vote for him just as soon as someone can tell me when America was ever great for anyone but White men and their progeny.
2016-02-26 17:16:37 UTC
Trump the dump?
2016-02-26 19:04:31 UTC
trump 2016
2016-02-29 10:45:36 UTC
The reason the Mexicans have the job is because they are better hard working people. Trump is a racist loser don't be on that band wagon unless you want to be a looser.
2016-02-28 13:24:47 UTC
One,.your cute as hell, and two. Probably. Trumps a good candidate.
2016-02-27 10:02:41 UTC
Only financially well off racist white people who blindly follow the herd vote for trump.

Make america great again??? Wtf does that even mean? Make ot great again like bring back slavery, only give rights to wealthy white landowners, maybe slaughter the rest of the native Americans? Lmao this country is a joke
2016-02-27 09:27:35 UTC
It's not simple, choosing a president to vote for feels as stressful as taking care of kids.
Grinning Football plinny younger
2016-02-27 00:40:42 UTC
As an English women I can't and I can't tell you I would vote for if I could.
2016-02-26 22:24:28 UTC
You're retardes asd & Donald Trump is a rasict
2016-02-26 17:46:19 UTC
I can't vote in the US as I am English, but his press coverage has posted him in a unfavourable view. In all fairness, just seems like a rich guy with the view of "I can be prez if I want, you know how much I have in the bank?"
2016-03-01 13:35:31 UTC
No, of course not. He is a man without character or wisdom as are those who think he's wonderful. That being said, he's a world and a half better than Clinton or Sanders.
2016-03-01 05:09:14 UTC
That's a laugh. Trump would make America a laughingstock if he was elected...
2016-02-26 21:52:55 UTC
I didn't know Trump is a girl
2016-02-29 07:45:02 UTC
Voting for either of the two main parties will only continue to hurt the country. We need a 3rd party president!
2016-02-29 17:53:41 UTC
I won't be voting for Trump. I don't think he'd be good for America.
2016-02-27 00:39:29 UTC
No! If Trump is elected the whole of America will be considered racist and will not be respected by everyone else
2016-02-29 23:45:10 UTC
Are u nuts....????

Killary Clinton is a liar, and a coward.

She will make sure the illegals are given whatever they want!

She WILL downplay all of the effects of our nations greatest achievements too.


I WANT DONALD TRUMP.. THe first REAL man to accomplish what AMERICANS NEED.



2016-03-01 05:45:13 UTC
In the beginning I was of the view that he is the best candidate but after his statement against India my view changed.
2016-03-01 21:02:43 UTC
This type of stupidity is what makes Americans look like fools. Trump is out of control, he has no class..
2016-02-28 00:11:45 UTC
No no no na... For Trump!! Really guys he is all bad. He's ok for a TV he's fun to watch (idiot on tv wow) but for president give me a break.
2016-03-01 06:48:23 UTC
Trump is the WORST Candidate out there! #DUMPTRUMP
2016-03-01 16:26:36 UTC
Seriously your going to vote for a racist buisness man?And about "mexicans murdering or raping whites", some american POLICE officers shoot dark colored skin people all becausetheir hispanics.In fact, donald trump is so stupid he was rude to a hispanic newsreporter by not letting her finish.Open your eyes and brain!
2016-02-28 22:18:33 UTC
As someone with a brain it looks like this is a ad for trump..... be careful or you ll get caught like those fox news interns who were told to spam the net with positive republican comments...
2016-02-27 18:18:59 UTC
I would vote for trump he is visual person he can foresee ahead with decisions he makes. Successful he can fix america money wise and security wise
2016-02-28 10:01:18 UTC
YES, I AM voting for Trump. Do not pay attention to those that call you names, it is a reflection of what they are.
2016-02-27 05:11:32 UTC
You vote for trump and he is elected we will laugh at you lol... He would sale America in a heartbeat.
2016-08-22 12:27:12 UTC
Hey I'm here for the first time. I found this question and I find the replies really valuable. I'm hoping to offer something back and assist others too.
2016-02-27 05:06:42 UTC
The only reason she posted this picture was to show off the hat she had. She took the picture and thought she looked good and just made up a random question so she could fish for compliments.
2016-02-28 14:57:52 UTC
You cant be my gf. And im a great mexican guy :). I think trump will make america worst. Immigrants are what make up this country. They work where people dont want to work
2016-03-01 15:51:23 UTC
Yup, I am voting for Trump too. Keep to your guns and vote for what you believe in.
2016-02-28 15:37:15 UTC
i would vote for trump, but i'm in and from Britain. j'adore trump
2016-02-28 15:33:28 UTC
Hell yeah! Hispanicas are with Trump.
2016-02-27 06:55:44 UTC
I always vote conservative, not going to stop. Trump 2016
2016-02-26 23:47:57 UTC
Do you know why you are voting for Trump? Is it the catchy slogan? You want this person to be the leader of the free world? Please think before voting
2016-03-03 08:56:43 UTC
Yes. You have to overlook some of Donald's brashness. The underlying message is he will make this country great again. It will take a good negotiator to make that happen. He is the man for the job.
2016-02-27 14:08:17 UTC
You're pretty ugly and stupid. I don't want to be associated with half-wits like you. Therefore, I am not voting for Trump.
2016-02-27 16:19:41 UTC
You and Donald Trump should hold hands and jump off a bridge together.
2016-02-29 11:00:15 UTC
I'm for Trump. As a man I agree with everything he says: I'm pro-life, but with the caveats. It's: Life of the mother (very important), incest and rape.
2016-02-28 01:17:19 UTC


2016-02-26 18:38:10 UTC
I am thinking about waiting till the last Min. to vote. Hellirey should get one vote from some were for waisting he time running for office.
2016-02-27 18:31:42 UTC
I vote for him too. He's not a lying politician and has good ideas on what to do and will go through with them. He's also not pussyfooting around.
2016-02-26 18:51:43 UTC
Trump will make America great again!
2016-02-27 13:51:06 UTC
You are a good girl. Go trump!
2016-02-28 12:24:38 UTC
Certainly not, the man is a wild cannon and needs to be stopped. Just imagine the untold damage he could do if he actually had some power. It makes your blood run cold to think of it!
Peter Griffin
2016-02-27 11:00:26 UTC
Coming from Scotland means I can't ...

Not that I ever would, the guy's a complete head case
2016-02-29 04:57:31 UTC
I vote for my candidates based on principle and my beliefs, not because it's 'popular' or 'cool'. I'm not a national agrarian populist. I am a constitutional conservative.
2016-02-26 21:49:27 UTC
Yeah,I'm voting for him because there is nobody better out of the "dead pool"

Why is it that every election we only get losers running.

The smart ones must be hiding away from the insanity.
2016-02-27 20:26:49 UTC
Yes. He is the candidate that stands strong for America and is not politically correct.
2016-02-28 13:58:48 UTC
Good Girl
2016-02-26 16:32:35 UTC
Trump is the second coming of Christ, our Savior and our Messiah
2016-02-27 10:06:10 UTC
Well it's a good thing you showed us a picture to show how young and don't have a single clue as to who your voting for. All is forgiving
2016-02-28 08:16:57 UTC
No, I'm voting for Hillary Clinton! Hillary, Hillary Hillary 2016!!! 👍😀
2016-03-01 20:30:35 UTC
Im in Canada but if I could vote it would be for Trump. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
2016-02-29 15:36:47 UTC
No. This is a very sad looking presidential election.

We should have more candidates like Ross Perot. More centrist ones.
2016-02-27 07:27:04 UTC
Trump for dictator!
2016-02-29 09:05:12 UTC
Are you blind?! Can you not see how he views other races with such discrimination? It isn't the 1920's anymore, people of any gender, race, religion and skin colour should have as many rights as each other and shouldn't be seen as any different.
2016-02-27 10:12:11 UTC
I would suggest you not to post pictures of yourself on the Internet where anyone can see them since you are a young relatively attractive female some creepy people will be interested in trying to find you
2016-02-28 16:09:52 UTC
NO, young lady I am not. I saw this article recently when I was checking my e-mail:

He is getting support from the KKK, which is maddening. I am not surprised- Trump seems to dislike Latinos and Arab Muslims.
2016-02-28 06:49:42 UTC
Ohh~ I want to try whatever you're drinking, it's looks like it taste great haha c: well as a girl as well I find him to be SO FUNNY, like my father and everyone I know HATES him but I think he's a pretty funny guy lol *high five*
2016-02-27 14:25:35 UTC
You are pretty stupid if you vote for trump he is a racist asshole and the Worst president ever
2016-02-28 07:13:05 UTC
2016-03-01 20:38:20 UTC
No, he will destroy our democracy and take over. It's the same strategy as Hitler. Don't vote for him to try and be funny, because you won't be laughing when America is destroyed and your house blows up.
2016-02-29 04:36:28 UTC
I agree, I'm all for trump
2016-02-28 07:16:10 UTC
Wow like ur so kewt & stuff, Trump makes sense huh?
2016-02-26 22:41:14 UTC
Over Hillary! Hill yes I'd vote for him! Hill yeah I'm voting for him if he's the republican nominee.
2016-02-29 10:18:37 UTC
No and trump is a terrible canidate by the picture you look like his base dumb white people I'm white but not dumb
2016-02-28 16:45:39 UTC
2016-02-27 19:25:45 UTC
2016-02-27 09:20:40 UTC
I'm lenient on him, I don't like the fact he doesn't want Muslims in the US but I feel like he has potential with taking bad immigrants out of the country.
2016-02-29 17:37:41 UTC
As a man, I think its time to stop giving assistance(state welfare/medical/housing) and social security disabilty benefits to people that are living here illegally in The United States with expired "Non-Resident " Identification cards or free (State identification cards/Drivers Licenses) at tax-paying citizens expense to those not having any at all. And the idea that being provided "Safe-Haven" or hidden by "Religious Organisations" and other groups is the right thing to do preventing:"Immigration and Naturalization Agency" or (ICE) frot legally deporting individuals that violate our countries laws and legal system ..."This must stop...they've got to go....!!!" "Donald J. Trump": is the only person that has "The Right Stuff " when it comes to telling it like it is...!!! "Yes I am voting for him...!!!

If we keep using or allowing this administration or "Hillary Clinton": who let our people in The U.S. Embassy in "Bengazi"( Be Left To Die) "Heaven Help Us All...!!!" (If she becomes The Next President) to send "Humanitarian Aide"That's (supposed to be Medical/Food Supplies) but really is (Weapons:"Guns and Ammo") funded by (Tax-Payer Dollars) to countries that hate us.

I'm tired of seeing our men and women in law-enforcement and the military (including civilians) being treated like dirt and used as "Targets" by "Terrorists" (Home-Grown or Other) wishing to harm or kill "Americans...!!!" This country needs to start "Protecting America First...!!!" If we don't do it Now We've Got A Problem (Another 9/11) coming and the people are "Sitting Ducks...!!!"
2016-03-01 03:18:42 UTC

He is literally the worst person.
2016-02-28 11:30:02 UTC
we had a community workers who cut corn, tomatoes at the homeless soup kitchen, if a man can cut tomatoes and run for president, we need a president who runs a multi-billon dollar business

we need a billionaire, not a man who cut tomatoes at the homeless soup kitchen.

yes vote for Trump
2016-02-28 10:06:09 UTC
I would but by voting time I'll only be 13
2016-02-26 17:16:37 UTC
If I lived in the US I would vote for him - even though I think he's a bit bonkers
2016-02-26 23:58:46 UTC
2016-02-29 13:23:05 UTC
Are you really an idiot, or are you just pretending to be one? Because that's what you look like in the photo.

PS: You also look like you're high on something. Maybe that drink you're holding is spiked??
2016-03-01 07:53:25 UTC
Trump's got our back, he's like our savior and if he doesn't get in office then end times are upon us.
2016-02-27 10:41:00 UTC
If we were to judge you by your photograph, which we do,

then I would say that you are a typical supporter of

Donald Trump !
2016-03-01 19:19:25 UTC
I actually have two questions for you 1) why should anyone care you're a girl 2) are you really as stupid as your updates suggest?
2016-03-01 22:10:06 UTC
If you're white you're American? Grow up. I'm so done with this racism and disrespect. You don't look native american to me. All the whites are taking native american lands, jobs, and calling themselves real americans. Pretty stupid huh. That sounds like you.
2016-02-26 20:47:59 UTC
2016-02-29 16:27:23 UTC
Your a idiot. Trump is going to end are golden age
2016-02-29 19:31:47 UTC
I'm sorry to say this young lady, but it isn't any of your business if I vote for Trump or if I don't.
2016-02-26 19:50:08 UTC
What a dumba*s troll. You don't even look old enough to vote. Go focus on your school work because trolling Y!A isn't working so well for you.
2016-02-27 14:07:42 UTC
You're a disgrace! Americans really are the dumbest ppl on earth
2016-03-02 13:37:56 UTC
Get a life and look at the facts. Ted Cruz for Pres
2016-03-01 22:59:43 UTC
Hell no, i'm not voting for Trump.
Alex Stevens
2016-02-28 03:02:54 UTC
I'd vote for you if I could see that face all the time
2016-02-27 03:39:42 UTC
You are obviously very ignorant and uneducated aren't you little girl? Trump wants to kick out all immigrants even though the majority did nothing wrong. Everyone is saying how it will be safer without terrorists. well guess what, America (and Britain) is probably the worst terrorist group in the world. They are bombing Syria thinking Isis is there, isis isn't in a primary school so why did they bomb that and those little kids? If you are voting for someone that believes that immigrants make the world dangerous, lord bless your stupid soul.
2016-02-28 22:52:09 UTC
If Trump wins everyone loses :(
2016-02-28 05:17:53 UTC
I would say no, trump to me is the crying laughing face emoji, well known, overly used and absolutely meaningless
2016-02-27 14:02:21 UTC
I will vote for him should he get nominated. Anyone who would ever vote democrat in the main election should have their head examined by a doctor.
2016-02-29 16:27:46 UTC
2016-02-27 02:29:11 UTC
No, I will not vote for Trump. "All it takes for the triumph of evil is for good men to stand by and do nothing." ~Elie Wiesel.
2016-02-27 12:18:55 UTC
I'm NOT voting for trump his heart is ful of hateness and racism...... And YOU shouldn't for your country...
2016-02-27 15:36:53 UTC
Oh my god. You just kick the beehive and I'm going to get fat eating popcorn because of it.

People just can't handle other people's opinions, and I'd have it no other way.

Good on you! :)
2016-02-26 19:52:01 UTC
2016-02-27 18:50:03 UTC
Well, honey, why would you vote for a dead man. Trump is going to be assassinated BY ME! AND THE OTHER REDNEKS! AMERCA! FREEDOM! CRUZ4LIFE!
2016-02-29 05:10:59 UTC
i hope that trump wins, so that my country will become the only super power in the world
2016-02-27 23:03:14 UTC
Wow you sound stupid. You voting for sexist ignorant Trump is like a "minority" voting for a kkk member. And thanks for the image I get to put a face with the stupidity you ooze out.
Mr.4-1-2 💯🇵🇷🙏🏽✡️🗽🌉
2016-02-29 18:19:50 UTC
You're cute , but , as someone who is Jewish I can't support him. He lied about his involvement with the kkk. Also in the Torah it says that you were once immigrants too, therefore you shall not deny this alien right outside your door.
2016-02-28 08:06:42 UTC
I'm a guy and I'm voting for Bernie I suggest you do the same.
2016-02-26 19:01:28 UTC
Im australian and we had a sexist, racist, homaphobe who thought he was gods gift to australia running our country, trust me its hell. For womens rights and your rights in general its just ******* stupid. The rubio bloke seems the most normal one. The one coming in second just seems like a psychopath. But seriously you dont want him in as the president or opposition leader and neither does any other country.
2016-02-28 15:42:15 UTC
Who ever is the next President where all skrewed like the beginning one way or the other. Get a LIFE.
2016-02-28 15:47:45 UTC
Personally yes. I'd rather see him in office over Hillary or Bernie any day.
2016-02-28 11:11:00 UTC
And with that I say Canada is the best country after Mexico :p
2016-02-29 14:18:59 UTC
Yes only an idiot would not vote for him, but there were a lot of idiots who voted for Obama twice
2016-02-27 07:53:57 UTC
2016-02-29 17:21:38 UTC
She's not stupid, just ignorant. If no one is going to take the time to write a proper rebuttal of his policies/issues why even bother?
2016-02-28 14:04:45 UTC
With your baseball hat and tongue stuck out I can see why you support Trump
2016-02-27 18:46:26 UTC
2016-02-26 18:17:34 UTC
2016-02-27 12:31:21 UTC
Nooooo. way. in. hell. This short news video just shows the kind of people who support him (clue: one of them is a former grand wizard from the kkk). He's an awful man. Sexist, racist ,ignorant, prejudiced- the list goes on and on.

I understand this is your opinion, but please just think for a second before you vote/surport him. All he does is make horrible comments on people and empty promises like "I'll make America good again".
2016-02-29 13:42:01 UTC
2016-02-29 10:14:12 UTC
You're actually an idiot.

I can tell from this silly-face selfie with a smoothie that you just want to be edgy.

Get a life.
2016-02-28 15:32:32 UTC
i don't know enough about him to have a strong option on him. but from what i know i do think his intentions are good, and he seems certainly better than hillary clinton, and most other candidates.
2016-02-27 10:40:23 UTC
Why as a girl? Do you have a brain at all? Try using yours.

Mo University Lecturer
2016-02-27 06:20:47 UTC
Do you make fun of the disabled, think Obama is a muslim, hate minorities, and argue with the Pope, and put people down and call people fat and disrespect women? Well NO he is a whack job.
2016-02-26 16:18:08 UTC
I want a Trump hat!!!
2016-02-29 06:19:53 UTC
i am here to say something different india was been robbed 75 years back and with that money uk and us have developed now u r taking about great america what if we ask our money back hey just wanna know results of comments nothing serious if u dont believe pls check india gdp 100 years back and what happened to to that gdp in last 100 years pls once check
2016-02-28 23:38:22 UTC
yes i'm voting for trump.
2016-02-28 20:56:35 UTC
I aint even American and I don't like him, im Australian.... he's racist and rude, and I gotta be honest, you obviously wanted this attention so bad to upload such a photo of you with your tongue almost reaching your t*ts.... go back and read a book.
2016-02-27 11:07:32 UTC
about 85 years ago somebody else was saying things like he does - his name was Adolf Hitler. Actually in the beginning he did some good for the German people but we all know what became of him.
2016-02-27 11:11:44 UTC
i would write myself in as a write in before id vote for trump. hillary ATW
2016-03-01 19:02:52 UTC
As a girl you have single handedly proven why females shouldnt vote.
2016-02-26 16:50:24 UTC
I am not voting for him. But good for you for participating the process. I hope you enjoy the next four years.
2016-02-27 22:11:59 UTC
Wow I hope you enjoy not having rights to your body for the next four years, and I hope you enjoy watching poc's and lgbtq+ peopel having all of their rights taken away.
2016-02-27 07:55:41 UTC
I'm sorry but you look like your medication just wore off, whether you've got breasts or not can't hide the vacant space behind your eyes.
2016-02-28 21:40:51 UTC
Ha! I think you took some girls picture from "Hotties for Trump" and posted it here.
2016-03-01 15:25:56 UTC
Yes he's better than Hillary or Obama in my opinion
2016-02-28 09:44:36 UTC
You are hot but it is such a shame that you are a Trump supporter
2016-02-29 02:04:28 UTC
you are so ugly in your trump hat with your tounge sticking out. you are seriously one of the most hiddious girls ive ever seen
2016-02-28 12:21:48 UTC
If I was American I wouldn't vote for him as I wouldn't vote for any right-wing party or person.
2016-02-27 15:53:35 UTC
I'm not sure yet I haven't really decided. Anyone but Clinton
2016-02-28 21:43:43 UTC
That's your right. But I'm going for Runio 😊
2016-02-27 21:17:34 UTC
Of course not and i recomend that if anyone doesn't understand how the US economy works then please don't get involved in politics these elections unless you want to see the US economy fall right infront of you
2016-02-27 19:52:50 UTC
damn girl you're hot and i support trump too. you make me want to come all over your trump face.
2016-02-29 14:57:29 UTC
No I can't be bothered voting for anyone
2016-02-27 05:24:29 UTC
Not sure if you're mocking trump or not
2016-03-02 01:29:14 UTC
No I prefer to get shot in the head then vote for him.
2016-02-27 03:13:59 UTC
Your hot and GO TRUMP! TRUMP 16!
2016-02-27 14:17:39 UTC
I don't live in the USA but if I did I would
2016-02-26 20:37:52 UTC
not. at. all. he discriminates immigrants, people of color, and muslims. he's an idiot. if he's ever president, america would fall. do yourself a favor and dont vote. you're too young to understand the things he would do and has done
2016-02-27 21:33:56 UTC
2016-02-28 21:31:48 UTC
You are a disgrace and an INSULT to women the world over.

That pathetic excuse of a man is a sexist, racist, abusive asshole who deserves NOTHING. Did you know he once beat and raped his first wife?
2016-02-26 21:34:20 UTC
2016-02-29 07:51:15 UTC
I am voting for The fine bros
2016-02-29 10:48:38 UTC
Who will caused the most hassle? I'll vote for them
2016-03-02 01:57:02 UTC
Trump is terrible.
2016-02-27 07:16:02 UTC
Please, even Amanda Bynes is better than Donald Trump! He is ignorant and turns a blind eye to real world problems. He is racist, and has the stupidest ideas!
2016-03-01 09:38:35 UTC
YES! We need ToMakeDrumpfAgain! Drumpf 2016!
2016-02-28 02:34:37 UTC
Live in New Zealand, so can't vote for him.
2016-02-27 05:23:00 UTC
You go girl! It doesn't matter what gender you are, you can vote for anyone you like.
2016-02-28 10:14:35 UTC
2016-02-27 18:59:49 UTC
So if you like him vote for him. It should not matter to you who other people are voting for
2016-02-28 03:44:58 UTC
He is a tough powerfull guy who Vladamir Putin called a smart man. I support your decision
2016-02-29 18:29:22 UTC
he talks a big game but can't back it up or do the math and what I heard he sounds like a idiot he being drag for a good reason.
2016-02-28 11:14:07 UTC
Trump talks nothing but bull ****
Marina 1
2016-02-28 07:31:00 UTC
No! he is not presidential material.

Btw, America was always great - we just need to make it whole and quit dividing it by coming together and having respect for each other. .
Living to Serve
2016-03-02 08:34:47 UTC
Girl you crazy! You ain't no pure blooded American, you are of European ancestry.Stop trying to make your foreign self feel better, lame.
2016-02-27 03:28:04 UTC
Chump stole lots cash from students what a pos
2016-03-01 15:19:49 UTC
Girl you are just asking for trouble to come your way by writing something like that
2016-03-01 18:36:33 UTC
Your parents should have been sterilized before they conceived you. They obviously haven't bothered to teach you anything useful, including how to think.
2016-02-29 17:01:23 UTC
Yes, because I'm not voting for the rest of them. These politicians are all the same.
2016-02-28 23:48:06 UTC
Well, personally, I think youre one of the most idiotic white girls ive ever seem. As a mexican american I must say you are so ******* racist you white supremist. ******* mexicans can be american too. Why the **** should mcdonalds only hire whites? Whites arent the only ******* americans. Its people like you who ruined america you ******* idiot. Who even first explorered most of america? The spanish, not the ******* white asses so shut your god damn mouth.
2016-02-27 18:13:11 UTC
He's racist, he's selfish, he's openly insulted most other counties, majority of his comments on interviews and social media is just talking down and insulting everyone he can. So many of his supporters twitter accounts consist of "**** jews" "**** muslims" "you're dumb, you're dumb" they are all just like him - full of hate. He doesnt care about America, he cares about himself. He's rich and power hungry, that is all.
2016-03-01 16:46:19 UTC
You probably stole that picture from someone's Instagram
2016-02-29 00:17:53 UTC
William F. Buckwheat Jr.
2016-02-29 09:41:15 UTC
Slap that red slurpy tongue on my red headed lollypop.

TRUMP 2016!
2016-02-28 20:16:36 UTC
I am not and i think it's wrong to vote for him
2016-02-26 19:16:51 UTC
I will vote for whomever is the Republican nominee. Anyone except another disastrous Democrat!!!!!
2016-02-28 10:45:21 UTC
first of all i would like to commend u on your slushie bc it looks v tasty and glamorous. also i am hungarian-british and cannot vote but im convinced that donald trump is actually satan. bc like he wants to build a giant wall to keep all the mexicans out and make them pay to segregate themselves he literally called all of them rapists a nyc reporter asked relevant questions so he blamed it on her period he said muslims cheered at 9/11 in new jersey like how does he know man he was not in their houses it is v. odd. he wants to make muslims wear a badge + carry a card stating their religion and like compared to bernie sanders he has no policies regarding the treatment of black people im p.sure the only thing he has said is like 'i am good at speaking with the coloureds' yes and he believes that immigrants stealing jobs is a thing like wut is this man. also he said he would have sex with his daughter if she was like a person who was not his smaller daughter. and its not rlly v important but on his website like theres so much merchandise with his name on it like theres this dog t shirt thingy which says trump make america great again and the dog is so sad like all hope for humanity has left its tired smol eyes. and he said we are afraid in britain of going into areas of london bc muslims and bojo was like no u we are afraid of that bc we might meet u donald trump which is a tru fact. yes
2016-03-01 17:56:58 UTC
You're a child
2017-03-03 16:24:52 UTC
2017-02-17 01:21:03 UTC
Choice between Hillary Clinton or Trump-- well known liar, thief under color of law or a somewhat foul mouthed truth teller that has his own money, unlikely to take bribes or solicit bribes--- but might be able to bribe some other politicians. Intelligent, relatively honest voter concerned about US survival will vote for Trump. I did.
2016-02-29 15:57:24 UTC
Great. Now we all know what you look like and that you are a racist. Hopefully, you won't be recognized on the street, moron. lmao
2016-02-27 16:22:12 UTC
2016-02-26 21:57:44 UTC
2016-02-28 02:08:27 UTC
2016-02-29 20:13:02 UTC
trump sucks
2016-02-26 18:02:16 UTC
your probably not even a girl, this is probably just some picture of a girl wearing a hat (saying what you needed it to say) you found. If my theory is true,

your a dude, and so **** you.
2016-02-27 09:14:50 UTC
We will be voting Trump into the presidency!.................... : ) Smart girl!
2016-02-29 08:39:41 UTC
Don't you get it?? YOUR TURNING INTO HIM! If he becomes president he will brainwash America into dumb hicks like you (sorry no offense) then we'd have no common sense or thought process
2016-02-28 03:42:24 UTC
Yes, please vote for the Trumpster.

He is the perfect narcissist - your nation deserves no less :-)

The rest of the world looks on with great amusement.
The Football God
2016-03-01 06:27:00 UTC
Only against Hilary.
2016-02-28 13:32:16 UTC
What makes you believe he's the best choice?
2016-02-29 19:29:04 UTC
His asinine behavior is so famous that a web domain has been dedicated to him.

Check out
2016-02-29 09:52:22 UTC
As a woman, I know better. You must be young to NOT know that his type, women need to stay clear of, if they have any self-respect at all.
2016-02-26 21:58:17 UTC
Either a troll or just brain freeze from a frozen drink, lol.
2016-02-27 22:06:35 UTC
In my opinion, he will be the world's second Hitler, if elected as our next president.
2016-02-28 07:04:47 UTC
Yes, we’ll pledge allegiance to his hair and his small loan of a million dollars
2016-02-27 00:13:44 UTC
I'm not American so I don't care who you vote for.
2016-02-27 17:24:38 UTC
you're a privileged white girl of course you're voting for him.
2016-02-27 15:37:35 UTC
'as a girl'

what's being a girl got to do with your stupidity?
2016-02-27 20:04:22 UTC
To sleep with? Maybe. He IS rich.

But I pick Hilary for president.
2016-03-01 08:06:33 UTC
Heres me wanting to put a dunce cap on your head
2016-02-27 09:55:55 UTC
Yes. And kudos to you for shrugging off the crap from the ignorant masses against him.
2016-03-01 21:18:07 UTC
he basically said John McCain was a loser for getting caught during the Vietnam war... I honestly hate him
2016-02-28 11:56:57 UTC
Honestly, I feel bad for you. Enough said, Good luck America.
2016-02-26 18:47:02 UTC
Nah I'm probably votin for sanders.
2016-03-01 14:56:41 UTC
This is the man that uses spray tan that doesnt match his skin and who says that he loves poorly educated people? okay nice choice
2016-02-28 14:23:20 UTC
Tongues are incredibly strange i've just realized.

I mean look at them.
2016-02-27 20:02:36 UTC
Nope definitely not!!!!!! Hillary Clinton is the best candidate!!!! :)
2016-02-28 01:04:33 UTC
Yeah, you look like a responsible, informed voter. Good luck with that.
2016-02-28 12:08:21 UTC
You go girl!! I am too! Don't let the haters get to you! We are all people
2016-02-27 17:20:38 UTC
Smart girl.
2016-02-28 21:59:25 UTC
Your just a dumba*s period no explanation needed there's enough alreadt your just a straight up dumba*s stick your damn tongue back in your mouth.
2016-03-01 15:55:23 UTC
Okay so you dont want Mexicans working, but you still want Taco Bell to be open which is a Mexican restaurant?...okay then
2016-02-28 06:45:01 UTC
He also got a small lone of 1 MILLION dollars from his dad.

(Trump called it "A small lone")
2016-03-01 06:39:36 UTC
Hahaha all the U.S. people are getting it big time from Donald!! I'm Canadian so I have nothing to worry about. ;)
2016-02-29 03:11:29 UTC
Grow up
2016-02-28 02:47:25 UTC
trump will only support and aid rich people you don't look rich and you probably aren't rich i bet your makeup isn't chanel or ysl anyways.
2016-02-27 07:46:19 UTC
hes got my vote
2016-02-27 18:35:34 UTC
I'm sorry but you look like a complete fool and your makeup is ****
2016-02-27 22:49:12 UTC
Are you still living on your moms tit? Otherwise you wouldn't be voting for him.
2016-02-29 08:08:13 UTC
Trump is my bae
2016-02-26 17:04:41 UTC
Would you mind posting a picture with that straw being licked?
2016-02-29 20:29:55 UTC
you're a girl tryna get some old dick eh ? don't be racist, Caucasians aren't pure blooded americans, only natives are which you aren't
2016-02-29 19:53:16 UTC
How can anyone steal a job? The business owners offer these jobs to them.
2016-02-28 12:58:43 UTC
Just like your other beliefs, you are too young to claim any meaningful opinions. You got them from your parents - just like your belief in a god.
2016-02-27 12:26:57 UTC
Yes, i don't want Hispanics raping you
2016-02-29 19:07:46 UTC
All of you are just plain idiots....smh. Too bad white ***** is a dying race. Haha
2016-02-29 03:03:41 UTC
Im not even ganna waste my time on this post. You seem like a troll.... Look like one too
2016-02-28 12:17:25 UTC
Mont K
2016-02-28 04:07:15 UTC
This cracks me up. All these people who read this are all fired up over nothing. This is clearly someone trolling. lool
2016-02-28 06:51:54 UTC
Yes. Plus I am donating money to his campaign.
2016-02-26 22:11:56 UTC
Yes, he will diminish our debt, like no other candidate.
2016-02-27 04:22:48 UTC
Pft, women can't vote anyway.
2016-02-28 19:43:45 UTC
I don't like Donald, but I must say that you're cute :)
2016-02-28 20:56:19 UTC
Your an idiot if you vote for him. I have NO IDEA why people don't see how abselutely STUPID he is.
2016-02-28 09:11:10 UTC
Looks like the hot ones usually are stupid.
2016-02-27 21:35:57 UTC
Your stupid, and you don't know squat of what your voting for.
2016-02-28 13:29:00 UTC
Ur beautiful
2016-02-28 11:46:12 UTC
He is not qualified to be President, and I certainly will not cast my vote for him.
2016-02-27 11:51:41 UTC
Honeslty your just a dumb blonde go read a book or something
2016-02-28 11:42:53 UTC
Good entertainer, no presidential skill sets whatsoever.
2016-02-28 04:59:01 UTC
Without wishing to be rude, you look about 12 so I will take your opinion... and ignore it.
Home Chicken
2016-02-27 22:37:12 UTC
Oh yeah. Go TRUMP!!
2016-02-28 14:14:32 UTC
"As a girl"

You don't look old enough to vote.
2016-02-26 20:29:58 UTC
hmm Trump ..
2016-03-01 02:47:46 UTC
Are you even old enough to vote?
2016-02-27 16:38:33 UTC
yes I am . I am voting for him because he is white
2016-02-28 16:06:54 UTC
you are very naive. that photo doesn't make you appear to be of a high intelligence, either, just saying.
2016-02-28 12:48:54 UTC
No way Jose
2016-02-27 12:15:55 UTC
Good sense of humor
2016-02-28 18:46:28 UTC
Are you even old enough to vote?
2016-02-29 10:41:33 UTC
If ur ok with his racist policies n supporting racism then um ya
2016-02-26 16:19:10 UTC
As a woman I think you're stupid
Kei Winchester
2016-02-28 08:10:28 UTC must be an idiot...have fun getting raped, evicted, and reaping 40 wars at once...
2016-02-28 15:25:04 UTC
No unless it is him against Hillary and then he is the lesser of two evils.
2016-02-26 22:00:02 UTC
Are you Pupinia Stewart?
2016-02-26 19:12:26 UTC
2016-02-29 11:59:42 UTC
Nope I am not voting for the RUMP, he is too radical, it is not telling what he will get this country into.
2016-02-27 08:21:24 UTC
You are the exact definition of a dumb blonde. LMFAO. Poor c*nt.
2016-02-28 15:24:55 UTC
Well first off, you're pretty sexy, but second off, you a racist ***** *** that I assume is dating a small white dick'd ******
2016-02-27 18:54:18 UTC
Makes sense that she's blonde..
2016-03-01 00:55:09 UTC
I'm a girl.

And I think this is bullshit.
2016-02-27 15:25:17 UTC
Trump means fart or flatulence either way they stink
2016-02-27 14:53:34 UTC
Funny you are women yet you don't realize what he called you? .. Your mother? Your grandmother? lol

Good luck.
2016-02-29 18:21:02 UTC
2016-02-27 11:52:47 UTC


We don't need socialism or its cousin communism.
Captain Smartass
2016-02-28 09:37:30 UTC
I can't take anyone seriously when their surname is another word for 'fart'.

2016-02-28 00:19:51 UTC
You look like a spoiled brat.
2016-02-29 10:35:27 UTC
You're a retard for being a woman.
2016-02-29 22:05:06 UTC
He a great sugar daddy
2016-02-27 20:19:32 UTC
I did! Oh wait, oops did I make a mistake?
2016-02-29 18:55:59 UTC
No Trump is a MONSTER.... FEEL THE BERN!!! BERNIE SANDERS 2016!!!!!!!
2016-02-26 21:06:59 UTC
I'm more concerned that you're not washing your hair enough... or properly.
2016-02-29 17:41:59 UTC
nope nope nopity nope nope

and btw, I really hope you're just a troll.
2016-02-28 02:16:25 UTC
no sir becuse never every candide will be limit vowe.
2016-02-27 19:36:24 UTC
Damn girl I tryna fck. Whats your # lolz
2016-02-27 10:41:12 UTC
hell yes trump is my g
2016-02-28 00:32:39 UTC
I will beat the hell out of you if I saw you wearing that hat!
2016-02-26 21:46:09 UTC
I don't know, I'm not even america, so it's not my problem.
2016-02-26 16:23:18 UTC
Was this question an excuse for you to post this picture?
2016-02-26 16:24:18 UTC
Do you believe in love at first sight?
2016-02-29 01:16:08 UTC
How foolish. Sound-bites have won you over.
2016-02-27 01:32:29 UTC
Ur hot
2016-02-26 16:24:15 UTC
2016-02-26 20:32:24 UTC
Smart and beatiful. You are my type of girl
2016-02-26 18:35:59 UTC
America will be a goner with him as leader.
2016-03-02 02:37:19 UTC
Wanna try to make a 4th Reich? xD xD xD
2016-02-26 20:34:36 UTC
I bet you she gives a great dome
2016-02-26 18:51:30 UTC
Screw Donald Crump... He is making it known that he dont care about anyone. He is insulting anyone...
2016-02-28 08:21:11 UTC
You look like a dog who is sticking his tong
2016-02-28 18:32:59 UTC
nope.america will be invade by the slavs from russia and eastern europe.
2016-03-01 07:16:39 UTC
Your mom and dad had special needs. Now you have special needs.
2016-02-28 23:51:06 UTC
Sure ! Ignorant people think like that !
2016-02-28 09:38:48 UTC
I definitely would if I could Oh yessireebob.
2016-02-27 03:26:48 UTC
Right with ya. Trump is okay and best candidate of them. I would probably vote someone else but he is the best. Now, for you Trump haters, there is the 1st amendment and he is better than Hillary Hitler and Commie Sanders. Socialism is awful and you don't want it. When I was young I lived in Yugoslavia because I was born there. We got Internet in 1997, technology was 10 years old and we were poor. To prevent this I am voting for Trump. And best for the end is that everyone wats to take your 2nd amendment rights. And there ALREADY IS A WALL BETWEEN MEXICO AND USA and guess who built it. It is your dear George Bush. Don't be stupid, vote Trump.
2016-02-28 00:14:18 UTC
Please, leave civilization and go live under rock and never talk to anyone ever again so nobody has to deal with your stupidity anymore.
2016-02-29 05:32:22 UTC
You want to "make America hate again"?
2016-02-29 08:37:48 UTC
2016-02-27 11:05:17 UTC
Nope, i dont wanna get deported
2016-02-29 19:42:43 UTC
600 answers, you might as well forget about your future jobs.
2016-02-29 20:29:43 UTC
Three. Words.

You are racist.

Three. Words. (again.)

Feel the bern.
2016-02-29 02:53:44 UTC
Yup. If you vote for him, I will follow you. lol
2016-02-28 12:54:16 UTC
Stupid ***** , you probably come from a White trash American home
US Terrorism
2016-02-29 04:33:40 UTC
2016-02-27 19:48:57 UTC
No, I'm not. #Feelthebern
2016-02-27 21:09:00 UTC
You're an idiot
2016-02-26 17:05:52 UTC
2016-02-27 03:09:35 UTC
YES I AM so is my wife who just happens to be black.SEE YOU AT THE POLLS !
2016-03-01 16:07:40 UTC
Im pretty sure this girls joking jeez chill guys
2016-02-28 08:42:08 UTC
Says the dumb blonde 😂
2016-02-29 00:53:41 UTC
I would if I was American
2016-03-01 06:54:26 UTC
nice troll
2016-02-27 09:30:48 UTC
Ew lol
2016-02-29 10:07:24 UTC
nope simple as im from england
2016-02-27 12:06:15 UTC
Of course not. Such a dumbass and failed businessman
2016-02-27 09:01:28 UTC
Don't do it
2016-02-29 19:09:43 UTC
Shut up.
2016-02-26 17:38:56 UTC
You bet you cutie pie.
April Jeanette #1
2016-02-28 15:55:23 UTC
Me too! Rock on!
Little Ollie
2016-02-28 07:48:38 UTC
Not a chance.
2016-02-27 04:51:48 UTC
careful, that stuff rots your brain and makes you vote Republican.,
2016-02-26 16:20:25 UTC
2016-02-27 08:01:06 UTC
I said your probably blind and deaf and a gold digger...
Igor Jivatofski
2016-02-28 04:55:15 UTC
You look as goofy as your opinion!
2016-02-27 03:21:23 UTC
That would be highly inappropriate of me.
2016-02-28 11:10:30 UTC
You are very wise for your age!
2016-02-27 06:03:45 UTC

Watch this video and tell me this is the man you want controlling your country!
2016-02-27 12:27:15 UTC
No, Clinton.
2016-02-27 14:07:27 UTC
You are absolutly adorable. And your head is in right.
2016-02-29 23:21:49 UTC
Yes I am!
2016-02-27 01:56:30 UTC
2016-02-28 22:54:32 UTC
I have already support him. he is the great then other.
Alright alright alright
2016-02-28 17:10:06 UTC
lmao nice your awesome go america!
2016-02-28 00:49:43 UTC
No way
2016-02-28 07:58:58 UTC
yes I am
2016-02-29 14:19:14 UTC
2016-02-28 21:55:02 UTC
You are a dumb human being
2016-02-29 15:58:52 UTC
Two words screamed at me when I read your dumb comment. EDUCATIONAL REFORM!!!
2016-02-27 03:13:24 UTC
Damn you're hot
2016-03-01 10:29:32 UTC
2016-02-28 06:45:46 UTC
It's okay.We know you're stupid.
Immune to Indoctrination
2016-02-26 16:17:41 UTC
I'd hit that.

... wait what was the question?
2016-02-27 12:47:10 UTC
2016-02-27 04:54:14 UTC
Your AWSOME, I want a Hat~!
2016-02-26 21:58:53 UTC
yes sure
Fgh F
2016-02-28 18:53:54 UTC
Well i think your mad hot lol
2016-02-28 23:24:50 UTC
White people. -.-
2016-02-27 14:51:46 UTC
No, I'm not retarded.
2016-02-26 17:31:04 UTC
2016-02-28 17:30:47 UTC
yea he's hot
2016-02-26 16:42:07 UTC
Good for you !
2016-02-27 23:29:25 UTC
um no and he is not a good canidate
2016-02-28 12:28:16 UTC
no because I have a brain
2016-02-28 12:00:07 UTC
ummm no what planet are you from sweetie
2016-02-27 14:03:43 UTC
no one cares what you think cracker
2016-02-28 04:12:06 UTC
gr8 b8 m8.
2016-03-01 12:10:44 UTC
yeah sure
2016-02-29 15:51:41 UTC
Nope no way.
2016-02-28 08:14:42 UTC

2016-02-29 17:09:31 UTC
this is a troll right
Erika Calles
2016-02-26 22:14:25 UTC
"As a girl.." Wait what?
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2016-03-10 21:17:06 UTC
Well, he did say he has a bigDick!
2016-02-28 00:07:15 UTC
Oh hh yeaaah, lick that slurpy.......(awkward slurping noises).........thas right........
2016-02-29 09:36:04 UTC
hes racist to muslims he should rot in hell
2016-02-29 11:06:22 UTC
if he wasn't a racist fascist, i would.
2016-02-28 17:57:54 UTC
2016-02-29 11:39:40 UTC
Blondes are so stupid....*siigggh*
2016-02-26 17:04:10 UTC
Ada R
2016-02-29 09:27:00 UTC
I agree !
2016-02-26 23:21:11 UTC
i don't like him.
2016-02-29 10:37:44 UTC
i dont get why u put the photo
2016-02-28 13:03:27 UTC
i can easily tell you love giving oral
2016-02-29 07:07:02 UTC
No lol
2016-02-26 18:01:18 UTC
CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND VOTE SANDERS 2K16.......... AND YOU're cute
2016-03-01 21:16:58 UTC
Hmmm....Your picture explains alot about you and alot of it is not good stuff so....yea...I-G-N-O-R-A-N-T.
2016-02-26 20:42:12 UTC
You know he's racist right?
2016-02-26 20:55:33 UTC
You reek of intelligence. .-.
2016-02-27 14:04:55 UTC
You look like a ****
2016-02-29 01:18:51 UTC
I hope you are not a lesbian
2016-02-28 04:41:26 UTC
Lmao that is all
2016-02-27 01:57:17 UTC
Ugly, silly and stupid.
2016-02-29 18:37:48 UTC
Honestly, just kill yourself.
2016-02-27 10:09:18 UTC
Can I borrow that tongue?
2016-02-29 10:33:27 UTC
2016-02-28 12:58:23 UTC
2016-02-28 11:36:57 UTC
2016-02-27 07:10:50 UTC
2016-02-28 13:53:31 UTC
You are so very, very hot.
2016-02-28 21:23:16 UTC
What is wrong with your tongue
2016-02-26 17:15:18 UTC
Yes and you are so pretty :)
2016-02-28 18:44:01 UTC
Hell yea i am
2016-02-27 18:27:26 UTC
you scare me
2016-02-28 08:18:37 UTC
You must be pretty stupid then.
2016-02-27 22:15:45 UTC
how old are you
2016-02-27 05:34:48 UTC
You are ugly.
2016-02-28 07:30:50 UTC
eww no
2016-03-01 07:46:29 UTC
i would if i was american
Leave the Riches Take the Bones
2016-02-28 12:06:26 UTC
No you troll.
2016-02-28 12:27:23 UTC
I might.
2016-02-28 21:03:42 UTC
nah. You're dumb as hell. #FeelTheBern.
2016-02-28 17:13:41 UTC
**** that xenophobic racist piece of ****!!!
2016-02-26 16:53:46 UTC
I am now.
2016-02-28 15:58:17 UTC
No.....that would be a dumb decision
2016-02-29 09:22:50 UTC
AHAHAHAAHAHA. ok, quit the jokes.
2016-02-27 16:00:37 UTC
Yea no the *****
2016-02-27 06:38:09 UTC
Whatever. You are cute! ;)
2016-02-27 14:48:34 UTC
WHAT i will never vote for him he is *%$##@&**^
2016-02-27 15:32:12 UTC
Up to u
Weasel McWeasel
2016-03-01 04:19:14 UTC
you're so, watch this.........and slurp on this
2016-02-29 21:09:48 UTC
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is a joke right?
2016-02-27 11:01:28 UTC
no he is a douch
2016-02-26 20:22:24 UTC
2016-02-27 13:14:24 UTC
2016-02-27 09:09:56 UTC
No, not a chance.

2016-02-27 16:35:48 UTC
2016-02-27 20:02:40 UTC
he's a dumbass.
2016-02-27 18:21:54 UTC
**** yeah #trump2016
2016-02-27 16:19:34 UTC
I am not a Nazi.
2016-02-27 08:22:40 UTC
2016-02-26 17:18:59 UTC
2016-02-26 23:34:39 UTC
Sure am!
2016-02-29 06:17:01 UTC
2016-02-29 12:42:00 UTC
2016-02-28 06:21:43 UTC
You idiot
2016-02-28 13:58:51 UTC
im not
2016-02-28 22:20:29 UTC
2016-02-27 22:31:18 UTC
2016-02-27 22:16:15 UTC
2016-02-27 12:42:27 UTC
2016-02-27 07:09:31 UTC
HELL NO...not that freak!
2016-02-29 04:36:11 UTC
2016-02-28 05:35:13 UTC
You're really hot. Can I please get more pictures of you or can you link your Facebook please??
2016-02-27 18:54:07 UTC
Hell no
2016-02-27 12:49:55 UTC
I love your tongue...
2016-02-28 15:53:30 UTC
Hell no
2016-02-29 16:37:05 UTC
Hell no
2016-02-29 16:43:51 UTC
Hell no!🚫🚫🚫🚫
2016-02-28 23:59:29 UTC
OMG, PLEASE! Tell me you're not old enough to vote!!!
2016-03-02 23:23:23 UTC
2016-03-02 04:42:04 UTC
2016-02-29 14:18:25 UTC
2016-02-27 17:20:27 UTC
2016-02-27 15:34:49 UTC
2016-02-26 20:24:38 UTC
2016-02-28 10:12:00 UTC
2016-02-29 14:11:01 UTC
I am!
2016-02-28 11:03:20 UTC
no,no i am not
2016-02-29 10:18:38 UTC
2016-02-28 09:02:05 UTC
god help you
2016-02-27 15:42:44 UTC
2016-02-27 04:30:27 UTC
2016-02-29 05:28:20 UTC
"It's a doggy dog world"......................"a DOGGY DOG world"......................................."DOG-GY-DOG"...........................I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it really works...
2016-02-27 12:57:55 UTC
Hell. No.
Rockefeller Republican
2016-02-27 16:32:48 UTC
Hell no.
Art G
2016-02-27 09:21:55 UTC
2016-02-27 15:11:39 UTC
Hell no.
2016-03-01 11:52:01 UTC
He|| no
2016-02-28 05:38:22 UTC
oh no.
2016-02-29 08:02:57 UTC























2016-02-29 06:17:24 UTC
2016-02-27 23:00:45 UTC
Captain Nigg
2016-02-29 08:34:55 UTC
2016-03-01 03:29:47 UTC
2016-02-28 12:53:29 UTC
Trump will ruin America. Please please please don't vote for him!
2016-02-28 09:44:25 UTC
your dumb...
2016-02-27 05:48:51 UTC
2016-02-27 11:32:01 UTC
**** NO!!!
Kara Will
2016-02-27 03:01:45 UTC
No thanks, I'm moving
2016-02-29 04:44:16 UTC
die, nazi
chev varann
2016-02-28 12:00:47 UTC
NO.I.WON T !!!
2016-02-28 02:37:22 UTC
Oh my god...........................
2016-02-27 19:59:03 UTC
2016-02-26 17:02:53 UTC
2016-02-27 22:06:33 UTC
2016-02-27 08:43:33 UTC
2 points thanks
2016-02-27 01:34:57 UTC
idk not sure

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.