Why are conservatives so scared of Syrian refugees?
Chewy Ivan 2
2015-11-17 04:00:34 UTC
So what if 1 or 2 turn out to be ISIS terrorists? Can't we trust the good guys with guns to stop the bad guys with guns? Are conservatives such cowards that they would rather hide from the possibility of having to take down a terrorist personally?
23 answers:
Cindy LGPB
2015-11-17 04:35:34 UTC
Cons are afraid of their own shadows. This was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt after 9/11 when Bush brought out the Threat Level Indicator. Homeland Security and right wing media planted a propaganda seed that Muslim would be crossing the country with crop dusters and model airplanes spraying every small town with poison gas. Rather than thinking about the impossible logistics involved in such an operation the nervous cons cleared hardware store shelves of duct tape and plastic sheeting.
Cali d
2015-11-18 21:02:35 UTC
They just attacked France. Are you dumb or not? You can't stop an attack in public like that. How can you? I don't have an ak-47 on me at lunch.

Screw those refugees. Why have the attitude of 1 or 2 ISIS could get in? 1. That's a low estimate. 2. A couple of trained guys can kill 100s. 3. LIberals don't use logic, they use emotion. Look up how stupid people are that use their emotions as their guidance rather than logic. You "feel" sorry for women and children so you overlook the fact that ISIS will come in with them. Even if ISIS doesn't come in with them, there is a chance that some of them will become radical later due to racism, unacceptance, no money, etc. If you don't think so. You're a moron.

These people are medieval. Wtf is wrong w/ you? They are not like me and you. They will not assimilate. Why don't you move a few families next door to you on each side? Yea, I didn't think so.
2015-11-21 21:54:20 UTC
The U.S. has its hands tied with its own domestic criminals committing murders, rape, home invasions, drug dealing, black markets, welfare fraud, & Illegal Migrants. If you take in more of other countries problems it could overwhelm the system and crash (law enforcement, welfare, housing) the fabric of stability that may pave the way to a double talking totalitarian schemer.

The Tsarnaevs didn't just have guns and the cops didn't arrive on time to catch them. Events like this could become a routine way of life for instability, just as it is in crime ridden cities and their part of the world.

Why do you think Russia, Iran, Saudi, Israel, and much of the world outside of western Europe and North America are taking in any North African and Middle Eastern refugees or illegals.
2015-11-18 22:11:45 UTC
Guns won't stop a bomb. I suspect Obama's terrorists will use more bombs than firearms in the US. Except for the liberal "gun free zones" in the US it is doubtful that a terrorist will get through more than a magazine of ammo before being shot by someone. I suspect many conservatives would welcome the opportunity to interrupt a terrorist act, though some would probably be a little slower on the draw before saving a group of liberals being shot at.
2015-11-17 09:52:25 UTC
Ah yes, "fear"; the universal adjective for those who don't understand anything about the world but desire to "other" their opposition. You do know there are more possibilities than "fear" that drives people to have a stance? I don't remember Yahoo answers having so many idiots.
2015-11-17 07:26:29 UTC
I hope that the situation in Paris has now convinced you of the reasons

no one can take on thousands of refugees with the possibility of ISIS

and those like them also shadowing in among them. We're all sick and

tired of terrorists blowing up planes, buildings, and more. You should be

2015-11-18 06:24:16 UTC
Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait and many other countries won't let them in. maybe similar reasons to them?
2015-11-17 06:31:50 UTC
as a Dem-only, Lib-only voter for yrs,

I see Cons are exactly right on this.

Obama's proved himself pro-immigrant ideolog :

his goal is allowing as many immigrants as poss,

regardless of their legal status,

health status,

and now disregarding [or not even assessing] their terrorist, or pro-terrorist status.

probably a large majority of Americans agree w/ the Cons.
2015-11-17 10:01:09 UTC
They think ALL muslims are terrorists, or at least potential terrorists. A few muslim extremists are intent on wreaking havoc, so in the conservative mind, ALL muslims are to be treated as guilty. That train of thought is easier for them and doesn't require much brainpower.
2015-11-17 04:32:00 UTC
One or two terrorists is bad. One or two thousand is inviting trouble. And we seem to be unable to identify which is which until they start planting bombs or shooting up a public event.
2015-11-17 04:10:42 UTC
Because their selfish nature causes xenophobia. Righties think America revolves around them and they want everything their way w/o exception ... just like a spoiled child.

Righties have what I call the "Rudolf (red nosed reindeer) Syndrome". It's OK to shun the one that's different unless it proves some value to the herd. This is what right wing authoritarian people do ... point the finger of disapproval f/ their lofty perch of condescension at everyone but them self.

When was the last time you heard one express gratitude for what they have been blessed with, in this forum?

We live in the same world. I wake up in the best place and time in history but the righties insist on telling me how awful it is.

We are in charge of our attitude. Life is 10% what happens and 90% how we react to it.
2015-11-17 14:45:13 UTC
I'll bet you have never been military personnel.
2015-11-17 14:21:30 UTC
Conservatives are afraid of everything.
2015-11-17 04:09:47 UTC
To be fair, ISIS is a threat and does have both the will and the ability to attack in the US. But conservatives learned a long time ago that fear is a powerful motivator, and have embraced fear as part of their ideology. Pretty much every single policy held by conservatives is based on the fear of something.
Cacoethes Scribendi
2015-11-17 04:04:16 UTC
After the attack in Paris, Police found a Syrian passport near the body of one of the terrorists. It clearly showed that he entered Europe along with the thousands of other refugees who fled to Europe. The reason to be afraid of them is that there's no way to vet each one of them to ensure they're legitimate refugees and not terrorists.

Under the circumstances, the real question is, "Why aren't YOU scared of them?"
2015-11-17 04:03:34 UTC
Conservatives are scared of everything. They build bunkers, hoard guns and money, and act like your next door neighbors are out to get you.
2015-11-17 05:33:56 UTC
Mostly because they have the brains to be cautious of murderers, unlike the brain dead liberal idiots that don't have the brains to be afraid of anything that their liberal gun control bigot handlers don't tell them to be afraid of like law abiding citizens with firearms here in the US.

Let me see if I can explain this so even a brain dead liberal idiot can understand this. “Here in west Texas, I have rattlesnakes on my place, living among us. I have killed a rattlesnake on the front porch. I have killed a rattlesnake on the back porch. I have killed rattlesnakes in the barn, in the shop and on the driveway. In fact, I kill every rattlesnake I encounter.

I kill rattlesnakes because I know a rattlesnake will bite me and inject me with poison. I don’t stop to wonder WHY a rattlesnake will bite me; I know it WILL bite me because it's a rattlesnake and that's what rattlesnakes do. I don’t try to reason with a rattlesnake or have a "meaningful dialogue" with it…I just kill it. I don’t try to get to know the rattlesnake better so I can find a way to live with the rattlesnakes and convince them not to bite me. I just kill them. I don’t quiz a rattlesnake to see if I can find out where the other snakes are, because (a) it won’t tell me and (b) I already know they live on my place. So, I just kill the rattlesnake and move on to the next one.

I don’t look for ways I might be able to change the rattlesnake to a non-poisonous rat snake...I just kill it. Oh, and on occasion, I accidentally kill a rat snake because I thought it was a rattlesnake at the time. Also, I know for every rattlesnake I kill, two more are lurking out there in the brush. In my lifetime I will never be able to rid my place of rattlesnakes.

Do I fear them? No, not really. Do I respect what they can do to me and my family? Yes!! And because of that respect, I give them the fair justice they deserve....I kill them... As a country, we should start giving more thought to the fact that these jihadists' are telling the world their goal is to kill Americans and destroy our way of life. They have just posted two graphic videos on the internet showing them beheading Americans. They are serious. They are exactly like rattlesnakes. It is high time for us to start acting accordingly!

I love this country. It's this liberal politically correct government I'm afraid of!
2015-11-17 04:14:42 UTC
Not scared, just wise unlike Obama. The Statue of Liberty holds the sign, "give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses." It doesn't say, give me your criminals and terrorists.

Not to mention we still have our own poor and huddled masses like homeless women, children, and veterans that are ignored because Syrian "refugees" are sexier to the media and obama.
2015-11-17 14:21:28 UTC
The Islamist have been invading our country for decades.
2015-11-17 04:02:09 UTC
we don't want no go zones in the u.s. we don't want another france, even before the attacks.
2015-11-17 04:35:26 UTC
sadly libs support the terrorists movement. You msnbc rant is actually false and as usual lib propaganda!
2015-11-17 04:06:02 UTC
Unsubstantiated paranoia.
2015-11-17 04:17:16 UTC
Some of them have guns and bombs.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.