Why does the GOP think "Conservative" means "Horde everything for yourself"?
2009-01-02 22:46:45 UTC
Doesn't Conservativism preach just that; Conservativism? It's right there in the word; Conserve.

Pronunciation [v. kuhn-surv; n. kon-surv, kuhn-surv]
1. to prevent injury, decay, waste, or loss of: Conserve your strength for the race.
2. to use or manage (natural resources) wisely; preserve; save: Conserve the woodlands.
3. Physics, Chemistry. to hold (a property) constant during an interaction or process: the interaction conserved linear momentum.
4. to preserve (fruit) by cooking with sugar or syrup.
5. Often, conserves. a mixture of several fruits cooked to jamlike consistency with sugar and often garnished with nuts and raisins.

Look at #2, "To preserve or manage wisely".
So why is it that the GOP thinks 3 million new jobs won't be good for the economy? Don't we have to spend money on the "market" in order to stabilize it? I'm not a math wiz... it was my worst subject but even I am not that stupid. Let's break out the trusty calc.exe tool.

$3,000,000 new jobs
paying just $8.00 dollars an hour (just for example)
brings in roughly $24,000,000 dollars an hour.
let's multiply that by 40 hours per week; $960,000,000.
Then we multiply that by 4 weeks; $3,840,000,000
Finally we multiply that number by 12 months in the year; $46,080,000,000.

And that is just at 8 dollars an hour. My mom, a shift manager, makes 8 dollars an hour, plus her "benefits package" isn't worth paying for... too bad she is 50 and her body is breaking down on her.

But yet these GOP politicians don't seem to care about my 50 year old mother. I don't get it? If you have some alternative proposition to earn more money so we can spend more money... a concept the GOP doesn't seem to be too good with considering how much they spend that they have never earned... then by all means please speak up and be heard.

But I think I speak for the entire planet when I say that nobody likes to listen to it.

Good luck finding ways to report this one.
Nine answers:
2009-01-02 23:21:15 UTC
The terms we use to describe the parties and their followers are all cracking nowadays.

The funny thing about the right wingers is most are not wealthy. They are willing to support their team, the Republicans, like they support their home football team. They've gotten themselves tied up fighting for their wealthy party leaders opportunities before their own. Few voting Republicans have seen any benefits at their levels of society for a long time. Most of the benefits go to the wealthiest members of their party. You see this reality around the world when you see ignorant people cheering dictators who ruing their country. It's megalomaniacs like Limbaugh, Bush, and Cheney and others propped up by have-nothings. Just like the Germans cheering Hitler at the beginning of WW2.

All politicians from all parties are trash. We need to take them down when they lie no matter where they come from. Political parties need to be devalued. It's not my country right or wrong and it's not my party right or wrong. It needs to be the people verses the leaders. The people together against the leaders.
2009-01-02 22:59:51 UTC
The GOP understands economics, obviously you do not. Those 3 million jobs would not go away without the bailout. A few of them in the low 100,000 might go away temporarily. Liberals seem to think that the company goes bankrupt it will just disappear. That is wrong, it would restructure, or be bought out by other people and/or businesses. The jobs would not go away, they would just have a different employer. The GOP is conserving by not supporting the bailout, because a better more efficient company and/or person would be in charge and employing those people.
2009-01-02 23:01:56 UTC
Interesting. And I wish your 50 year old mother the best. Some of us do care about her. (I'm not Repub or Dem). But if she isn't wealthy, many wealthy Republicans probably will not. "8 dollars an hour". What a joke in this day and age!
Reba K
2009-01-02 23:08:16 UTC
Hoards of everything for white male selves. The Neocons believe in white supremacy but only for males. They let the women look like ditzy cookie makers or evil buffoons like Ann the male vampire Cou'ter.
2009-01-02 23:07:25 UTC
Here we go with the greedy stereo type again. Never mind that conservatives have been shown in several studies to be more generous with their money (even when factored as a % of income) and their time. Lookup the ABC news report on it.
Boss H
2009-01-02 23:45:41 UTC
Because the New Right has taken over the GOP, and they think they are conservatives.
2009-01-02 22:55:22 UTC
See I can do the same thing with Liberal Do you agree with everything below????? If not then do you really think conservatives believe your whole definition???

1. favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.

2. (often initial capital letter) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.

3. of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism.

4. favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, esp. as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.

5. favoring or permitting freedom of action, esp. with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.

6. of or pertaining to representational forms of government rather than aristocracies and monarchies.

7. free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant: a liberal attitude toward foreigners.

8. open-minded or tolerant, esp. free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc.

9. characterized by generosity and willingness to give in large amounts: a liberal donor.

10. given freely or abundantly; generous: a liberal donation.

11. not strict or rigorous; free; not literal: a liberal interpretation of a rule.

12. of, pertaining to, or based on the liberal arts.

13. of, pertaining to, or befitting a freeman.


14. a person of liberal principles or views, esp. in politics or religion.

15. (often initial capital letter) a member of a liberal party in politics,
2009-01-02 22:54:37 UTC
Horde everything and loath a level playing field.
2009-01-02 22:50:25 UTC
You're confusing republicans with conservatives again.

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