2009-01-02 22:46:45 UTC
Pronunciation [v. kuhn-surv; n. kon-surv, kuhn-surv]
1. to prevent injury, decay, waste, or loss of: Conserve your strength for the race.
2. to use or manage (natural resources) wisely; preserve; save: Conserve the woodlands.
3. Physics, Chemistry. to hold (a property) constant during an interaction or process: the interaction conserved linear momentum.
4. to preserve (fruit) by cooking with sugar or syrup.
5. Often, conserves. a mixture of several fruits cooked to jamlike consistency with sugar and often garnished with nuts and raisins.
Look at #2, "To preserve or manage wisely".
So why is it that the GOP thinks 3 million new jobs won't be good for the economy? Don't we have to spend money on the "market" in order to stabilize it? I'm not a math wiz... it was my worst subject but even I am not that stupid. Let's break out the trusty calc.exe tool.
$3,000,000 new jobs
paying just $8.00 dollars an hour (just for example)
brings in roughly $24,000,000 dollars an hour.
let's multiply that by 40 hours per week; $960,000,000.
Then we multiply that by 4 weeks; $3,840,000,000
Finally we multiply that number by 12 months in the year; $46,080,000,000.
And that is just at 8 dollars an hour. My mom, a shift manager, makes 8 dollars an hour, plus her "benefits package" isn't worth paying for... too bad she is 50 and her body is breaking down on her.
But yet these GOP politicians don't seem to care about my 50 year old mother. I don't get it? If you have some alternative proposition to earn more money so we can spend more money... a concept the GOP doesn't seem to be too good with considering how much they spend that they have never earned... then by all means please speak up and be heard.
But I think I speak for the entire planet when I say that nobody likes to listen to it.
Good luck finding ways to report this one.