Best answers ever about this question!
Hitler was a right winger. Scroll down and see the chart here:
The first people Hitler went after wasn't the Jews. It was the unions and the union workers.
"Hitler was now dictator of Germany. His first move was to take over the trade unions."
That makes him exactly like Scott Walker and all the other Republicon governors who are now trying to take down the unions.
Autocracy (dictatorship) is always a very bad idea -- we see Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, and Castro, on the left and Hitler and Franco Mussolini on the right side of the political scale.
Hitler was *not* a socialist -- he *hated* socialists. He jailed and murdered socialists. Almost all the hard-line German nationalists were rabidly hostile to socialists. In addition, Hitler's greatest domestic political rivals were the socialist Social Democratic Party of Germany SPD. Nazis did not tolerate people of all races and religions. They believed in big industry and corporate wealth to bring up a nation. They did not believe in using resources where they were needed, as in socialism, but instead used resources for financial gain, which is Fascism.
Why do people confuse Socialists with Nazis? In fact, one of the biggest socialists of all time, Joseph Stalin, fought long and hard against Hitler and the Nazis. If Hitler were a socialist, then why not attack the west first, instead of Moscow? If Stalin were a fellow socialist, then why not form an alliance? He did form an alliance with the Fascist Mussolini and the Italians, why not the Russians?
If you believe Nazis were socialists just because of their name, does that mean you also believe The People's Republic of North Korea is Republican? See? Names don't mean diddly.