The Tea Party is so completely stupid that they don't realize that the health
care program has already been funded and there was no way to de-fund
the program or new law...And our current President was not going to
Congress, oh gosh gee. I guess we should end the program. And during
the 2 weeks that at least 20% of the federal agencies were shut down
at at cost of 24 billion dollars; the **** for brains assholes and bitches of
the Tee Party / GOP made demand after demand for reopening the departments
all closed during that 2 week period. And each time that a demand was made by
these completely stupid idiots / bitches of the GOP and Tea Party; the President
and Democratic members all said NO. And after the pathetic idiots and bitches
of the Tea Party and GOP didn't get any of their pathetic demands for reopening
the federal agencies closed at the time; after 2 weeks, the so called leadership
of the House, allowed the pathetic GOP / Tea Party members to vote along with
the Democratic members of Congress..and the 20% of federal offices were again
reopened. Two weeks later, Nothing gained by the pathetic assholes and bitches
of the Tea Party and GOP ...but at a cost of 24 billion dollars. Oh and one more
thing, the current health care law is not a disaster but what is a disaster is the
record of the assholes and bitches of the Tea Party and GOP. And when the
people again go to the polls in November 2014 and 2016; the vast majority
of people will again be in agreement with me as to whom is worthy of being
elected...and whom is not..