"an unborn child with a beating heart is a life, no matter what junk science you try to use to justify your genocide"
And this just sealed the fate of your question. You blatantly stated that you were not asking a question but looking for supporters and to irritate those who don't follow your set of beliefs. Basically, what you just said means "I don't care what your points are. My beliefs are right because they're right", which already puts you in a pretty uncomfortable position when it comes to what kinds of answers you'll likely get (Ones that won't persuade you, as you're not looking to be persuaded).
But because this is a topic I'm intrigued by, especially as a woman who will probably have a child someday, I'll give you an answer because I have too much spare time.
In this day and age, an age where the population is so high that the kind of decadence we live in is unsustainable (The way we live can sustain 2 billion people on Earth, not 7 billion), abortion and lowered birth rates seem like a pretty good idea. However, that's not the only standpoint from which one can see things. Let's say, for example, you're a woman (Though I doubt you are), and you get raped. You get impregnated. Would you rather give birth to and support a child you did not ask for, not to mention be reminded of an event that's likely quite traumatic? Not to mention how horrible a child would feel to be associated with such a thing - It just seems all-around bad, don't you think?
Not having enough money to support a child could also be a motivator for abortion. If you're raising someone or something, obviously you would want to care for it as best as you could, right? If you can't do that, or if you're struggling to support yourself, why would you want to have a child? While you could argue there are other options, like giving birth to your child and putting it up for adoption, pregnancy isn't exactly a comfortable experience.
I can understand valuing a human life. Everyone has the potential for greatness, but looking at things that way is like thinking "My number will come up eventually" when gambling. Who's to say it will? And with the population at an all-time high, do we really need to worry about those numbers dropping, or the number of people that could potentially do great things dropping? I hardly think so.
And, finally, I'll end with this; Not allowing people to get abortions is taking a freedom for control of one's own body. Everyone, I believe, deserves the right to do with their body what they please, because when it comes down to it, that's all you have, and it's the only thing that anyone can guarantee will always be yours and yours alone.
So, in short, I'm pro-choice because our population's really high so why raise it further, non-consensual sex that results in a child shouldn't happen, not everyone can raise a child financially, being pregnant isn't comfortable, and then there's the ever-present "It's a woman's body, so it's a woman's choice".
Good day, sir or madam. I sincerely hope you change your mind on this topic, even though you've made it clear you don't want to - The choice, ultimately, is yours. But maybe you don't support having a choice in that matter, either.