How Is dehumanizing an unborn child any different than when the Nazi's used to dehumanize Jews and the disabled?
2015-09-18 11:37:01 UTC
A life is a life. And an unborn child with a beating heart is a life, no matter what junk science you try to use to justify your genocide
127 answers:
Maria S
2015-09-19 14:21:07 UTC
Because you have TWO lives to consider; The mother and the child. A mother has the right to not be an incubator. The Nazis did not need to save Jews by feeding them bodily fluids…all they needed to do was to let Jews alone. A life is a life, but so what? Insects are also alive, that doesn't mean they have the same right to live as a human. Same here; An unborn" life" has less rights then a real living human being.
The First Dragon
2015-09-19 17:52:07 UTC
It isn't.

And it dehumanizes women too, the bearers of the unborn.

Anybody who does not wish to be dehumanized, should refrain from dehumanizing others.

Whether it is a matter of race, sex, developmental stage, disability, or religion, every human is a human and should be respected as such.
2015-09-18 16:06:07 UTC
I completely agree with you. I actually wrote an essay on the issue in my "Nazi History" class in college, and the professor failed me on it because he thought it was offensive to the people who did support abortion. It sucks that I couldn't get my opinion out there, and how it was merely marked as an "F" only because it was offensive. Which means he completely ignored the content of the writing. And he also ignored my belief instead of respecting it.

Anyways, the idea on abortion is that theres many different ways of it. Personally I think that there are some circumstances where the mother should have the right to abortion. Like in cases of rape or if the child is not fully developed, or if the mothers life is on the line. With that being said those are the only circumstances. If those circumstances do not apply I truely do believe you would have to be a cruel human being, a "nazi" to end a childs life like that.
2015-09-19 20:30:30 UTC
Because both the jews and the disabled are fully formed/consious human being, where a fetus isnt it has yet to develop into a fully formed human, and become consious.

These anti choice nutters are completely crazy. Where ius the logic/ethics in continuing a life that is going to be greatly reduced and full of paiun suffered from some sort of disability??? What right do you have to tell a woman who has been raped that that must cxarry a child is poartly her attackers creation inside of her??? Do you want to go back to the days were young girls/women were forced to get dangerous back alley abortiond to terrinate unwated pregnancies???
2015-09-18 12:04:56 UTC
I actually don't care that much about abortion as a voting point, but think it needs to remain completely legal until some viable plan is put into place for caring for all those unwanted babies that would result. Also, I would never be so cruel as to force a victim of incest or rape to carry that pregnancy to term. In addition, I've had 2 co-workers who desperately WANTED their pregnancies to result in children, 2 happily married women who sadly had ectopic pregnancies (it happens) when the fetus attached to a wrong spot. In such a case, if allowed to carry on, the only result could be the death of both the mother and the fetus. What does that accomplish? Both of those women already had other children. For them, their abortions were tragedies, but necessary nevertheless. We should just let them and the fetuses die?
2015-09-19 02:39:52 UTC
A life's a life, just one can't speak and cry out for justice, and there are no survivors to speak for those who were aborted. A two year old baby has no chance of survival without the assistance of adults just as a 13 week old fetus. Unfortunately you will be belittled and marginalized for making such a comparison. 55 Million Abortions in America since 1973 make it a quiet Genocide. It will take history of the time for it to be understood how barbaric our so called civilized culture really is.
2015-09-19 12:28:26 UTC
Nazis tried to take away the humanity of live human beings. A fetus is a potential human being, but is not a human being until some phase of development you can determine. I think that a heartbeat without a fully developed human brain does not make a human being. Are all anti-abortionists vegetarians, and against the death penalty?

For reference, first-trimester abortions with the use of herbs was accepted at the time of Christ, the thought being that until the fetus moves around the 4th month, it does not have independent life, yet Christ never spoke against it. The stated belief was that the soul enters with the first independent breath, after the cord is cut, and again, Christ never spoke against it.
2015-09-18 11:56:26 UTC
Roe v Wade decided the issue over 40 yrs. ago. A legal abortion does not involve a child. How come you can't let go? Are you going to stand there and tell me you adhere to the Constitutional process?

Over half the abortions are performed on the impoverished yet the right wing is notorious for slashing social program funding. How come you abandon the people who are already here?

The decision to abort can be the most difficult in her life yet you busybody righties cross the lines of decency by falsely accusing her as a murderess. I think THAT'S immoral.

Masturbation kills innocent sperm. Have you ever masturbated?
Antique Silver Buttons
2015-09-19 12:54:29 UTC
There are thousands of children languishing in foster homes. They spend their entire lives moving from family to family, never being adopted because nobody wants to take care of them. Unless you are willing to adopt some of those unwanted kids, then you can't really say much about abortion, now can you? It has been my observation that those who are against abortion really are not pro-life--they are pro-FETUS. A fetus doesn't need food, clothing, shelter, medicine, and education, but a child does. Many poor families are unable to take care of another child, and so they need help from the rest of us to ensure that their kids don't go hungry, that they get a proper education and get medical help when they need it. But the anti-abortion crowd don't want that. They want a child born, but not a child fed; a child born, but not a child educated; a child born, but not a child given any opportunity to grow up healthy and strong. They worship the fetus, but don't want to deal with what a fetus becomes once it is out of the uterus.
2015-09-19 15:36:48 UTC
Why are people gay? Well because they think that fighting God is fun and will give them a purpose in life. Everyone on this planet is looking for a purpose but how many find it? Is your purpose to be gay or fight for a woman's right to kill her unborn child? Because if so I know that those things will not give true peace or happiness. In fact to me that sounds like a life of anguish strife and unhappiness. Only through Jesus can all our shame and sin be washed away and we be given true peace. Not just temporary peace or temporary happiness but the hope and promise that this world is not the end. It is filled with sin that we make but through Jesus we can escape the world and find true peace in God. Only then can we truly love our neighbor and live a fulfilling life.
2015-09-18 12:15:18 UTC
It isn't, but so what? Barring legislation that can stand up to a supreme court challenge. It doesn't seem likely to change.

The country being as divided on the subject as it is, that doesn't seem likely either. Some people just like to kill things that can't fight back.
2015-09-19 17:12:35 UTC
People will create their own rationalities to what they WANT to believe. People have tried to use science to disprove the existence of God BUT the same science went "In the Womb" and proved that life existed before birth. Soon, they will *rationalize* killing babies born with imperfections and justify it by saying it isn't a REAL baby until it's a day old - or something along that line.
2015-09-19 16:10:46 UTC
De-humanizing a hiv/hpv baby that is unborn-might save a lot of people that have already been born from being de-humanized-! Did you ever think of the std/drug healthcare bills involved-and what effect that has on our economy--in the future--? For a baby that might make it to the age of 20 before it dies and ring up 100 million$ in healthcare bills--? In reality--that hiv/hpv baby is already dead without a million$ medical treatment-and to think money grows on trees--is not real.------AND in fact how do you primarily get a deadly std--? By committing high end racketeering felony's like drug and prostitution racketeering felony's etc.-(and accessory also)---So we need to de-humanize unborn children or our "society" that our generations fought and sweated for might not make it etc.
2015-09-19 11:35:25 UTC
Condoms bro, it's all you can do.

Until people can actually wear condoms then abortion is the best way in many many cases. It's not a desireable choice, especially for the female doing it, but until people can keep from busting their junk inside of another human being it's going to have to happen.
2015-09-19 12:13:54 UTC
It's not. A person's a person, whether or not they've been born. That's a fact atheists need to come to terms with. Although, it was also atheists who organized the holocaust in the first place.
2015-09-19 19:04:25 UTC
The difference is Adolf Hitler told the truth about a Zionist Communist conspiracy to other throw Europe which made him so popular but wrongly assassociatod all Jews with the Zionist agenda when he himself was part Jewish out of extreme paranoia fuled from meth use and mental illness. Eugenic supporters here do not use any truth and habitually lie that a fetus is a subhuman to promote their agenda.
2015-09-19 10:48:00 UTC
I believe in some instances abortion can be morally and rationally justified. Its not a question of dehumanizing the unborn child.
Lord Aizen
2015-09-18 11:43:48 UTC
Patsfan, just a thought.

Using emotion to drive your argument makes for a weak logical case.

I'm probably more of a scientist than you, and a beating heart means nothing.

A fetus is no more than living tissue. Like a kidney.

Plus, you know...Libs feel. Cons think.

I guess you just invalidated the oft-stated con talking point.

2015-09-19 20:04:51 UTC
Uhh this is not a question and more you trying to publicize your beliefs. I have never believed that abortion should be used as a form of birth control. However, if a woman's life depended on it or if a woman conceives due to an act of rape there is no one that should take her options away from her. No government should make that decision for her.
2015-09-18 11:40:26 UTC
Revised --

When does a soul enter a body?

"then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature."

Adams soul may have entered him at the moment the first breath entered the body.

Is it the same for babies in wombs? There are things God knows that we don't know, but.... one can wonder at *what moment* that might happen -- when a soul might enter....

Psalms 139:13

"13For You formed my inward parts;

You wove me in my mother’s womb." -- NASB version

"For Thou -- Thou hast possessed my reins, Thou dost cover me in my mother's belly." -- Young's Literal Translation

This is poetry:

"15My frame was not hidden from You,

When I was made in secret,

And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth;" -- NASB

What is woven could be one's physical self, the could be that the soul is at some point woven together with the body.....

If soul is intimately connected to consciousness, then we cannot conclude the fertilized egg yet has a soul, as it has no consciousness of any kind, no nerve cells are formed yet. That is still much time away....

Yet, nearer to birth, babies in wombs can hear music and be influenced by it.....

Somewhere beyond my knowledge, it is possible the soul enters before birth. I do not know.

But....mothers do know a moment when they feel a kick, when a baby jumps for joy even:

"When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit." Luke 1:41
2015-09-18 12:18:54 UTC

Because of the age old question? When does a Fetus become a Living Being? Because until then it is a Fetus. That is why doctors have a set limit as to how old the Fetus is that they will agree to an abortion, And as far as I am aware there is a Legal limit

Andy C
2015-09-19 17:05:51 UTC
Both are bad, but it is the intent and philosophy that differ. Nazis wanted to destroy people just because of a disability/religion/orientation/etc. The point of abortion is to easily get out of the consequences of being irresponsible. I am not saying that the mentality of abortions is okay, but the mentality is nothing as as bad as nazi mentality. Some woman even feel bad doing an abortion but regardless, the abortion mentality is different.
2015-09-18 15:41:13 UTC
While some people want to argue whether or not a clump of cells is a human with full rights, I skip ahead to the real issue: does the state have the right to force one person to share blood and organs with another person to save their life?

I would say no, the state does not have the right to force that, or else logically we should all be forced by law to donate blood and bone marrow, at minimum.

The reason that logic does not apply to this situation is because of the (understandable) emotional feelings we have about babies, and also because of social views that women should be forced to bear their children in sorrow, as that delightful book said.

Ask yourself if you would vote for a person who would make it legally required for you to donate one of your kidneys.
2015-09-19 17:24:54 UTC
I am against abortion 100%, because a life is a life and you don't have the right to take that away. But what about rape victems? Do your really think someone who is raped wants to have a child made from such a hateful and awful thing?
2015-09-18 16:03:01 UTC
Because one episode consists of living breathing independent human beings forced to strip and march into the gas chambers and the other consists of a non-breathing prospective human that cannot survive outside its host. And may actually kill its host. Being pregnant, giving birth can lead to death to the woman, who should have the right to decide if that's what she wants to do. Risk her life and her health for anothers.
2015-09-18 23:07:01 UTC
There is no difference whatsoever. An unborn child has human DNA from the start, as do the Jews and every other race on earth. Murder is murder. Renaming murder "convenience" still does not change the fact that it is murder. So many people say that it is immoral to refuse abortions. Oh poor women that do not want to accept another human's right to life. There is adoption. Leaving said child at a hospital or church is legal as well. Having a child is NOT slavery.
2015-09-19 05:17:43 UTC
Nature itself is extremely wasteful of the unborn or unrealised foetus, and people go through the very traumatic process of induced abortion for a range of reasons, many (one would hope 'most') after great soul searching. To compare such people to a bunch of extremely flawed and damaged human beings who ponced around in tasteless uniforms spouting hatred and impersonal venom whilst bringing about an unprecedented number of deaths in grubby and degrading circumstances, often after unspeakable suffering, is to bring yourself down to their level, you self righteous bastard!
2015-09-18 23:49:18 UTC
You really asked a question and then followed it up but saying and don't give me this crap that... ? Basic 101 there... Learn how to initiate constructive conversation first then move on to bigger issues if and when you can wrap your head around them. Stay in the baby pool, your questions reeks of ignorance and immaturity hidden under the superiority
2015-09-18 17:46:12 UTC
when you agree that 'women are property' then the church has the right to deny them abortions.

Walz decision

The U.S. Supreme Court, by a vote of 8-1, upheld the tax exemption of churches in Walz v. Tax Commission of the City of New York, 397 U.S. 664 (1970). Walz, a self-described Christian who did not belong to any church and owned real estate in Richmond County, N.Y., sued the tax committee over property tax exemption for churches. Walz claimed he and other taxpayers were forced to indirectly subsidize churches. The majority decision, written by Chief Justice Burger, held that the tax exempt status granted to all houses of worship is the same privilege given to other nonprofit organizations:

if you are right, rather than to let a child be born into the kind of country that you are in, i am going to use contraception, and if that fails, then i will have an abortion for an unwanted child.

that is far more humane, isn't it? for everyone.
2015-09-18 22:36:54 UTC
It really doesn't matter, we are at 7 billion people and our planet can only support 10 billion, with every abortion it cuts off a line, think about it, that baby cannot make more babies in the future so it saves more resources for the rest of us. Not only that but it will also save that baby from the pains of life, and life of course is something that it never asked for, how do we know it wanted it? Hell, it could take its own life in 14+ years, wouldn't you want to save the baby from that pain? So it's mercy killing if you ask me
2015-09-20 06:45:06 UTC
I always find it funny when pro-lifers act like people are dehumanizing a fetus.

When they in fact not only personify the fetus.

Give the fetus traits it does not have during 99.9999999999999999999% of abortions, but in fact dehumanize the only actual person in the equation.

They dehumanize the person who is pregnant in the first place.

I'll make this simple for you.

If you believe a fetus has a right to life.

You believe a fetus has rights no one else has. Rights to enslave, rights to use a person's body against their will, and a right to torture.

Meanwhile, you also believe a person who is pregnant has fewer rights than a corpse. Because even a corpse has rights to bodily integrity.

Also, you should read up on a little history.

Hitler was pro-life.

However, he had no problem with using pregnant people as test experiments, and burning babies alive.
Pac Man
2015-09-19 08:06:08 UTC
Ok, ya little ****, you can't care about a fetus which by the way is not human by scientific standards and then when it's born not give a damn about it. That's what we sane people call a double standard.
2015-09-19 17:23:12 UTC
There not actually people yet, unlike the Jews. An unborn fetus did not yet know the pleasures of life
2015-09-19 10:35:33 UTC
It's not.
2015-09-19 16:02:08 UTC
The holocaust is a hoax. I didn't believe it either under I researched the matter. Ernst Zundel is a great place to start. Now stop describing everything you think is evil as "Nazi."
2015-09-19 23:38:01 UTC
I am a women. A life is a life. By the women making a choice to have sex before she is ready to have the baby she is responsible for another life weather she likes it or not. What about rape? Well, in that case I think it's okay. If you aren't ready for a baby.. Then don't have sex. It's as simple as that. You might think that sort of thing would never happen to you. But it very well could. Don't murder a child just because you were not responsible. I respect everyone's opinions and hope you can respect mine :)
2015-09-18 13:12:22 UTC
Because a fetus isn't a child, a buhhhh
2015-09-18 20:04:34 UTC
"an unborn child with a beating heart is a life, no matter what junk science you try to use to justify your genocide"

And this just sealed the fate of your question. You blatantly stated that you were not asking a question but looking for supporters and to irritate those who don't follow your set of beliefs. Basically, what you just said means "I don't care what your points are. My beliefs are right because they're right", which already puts you in a pretty uncomfortable position when it comes to what kinds of answers you'll likely get (Ones that won't persuade you, as you're not looking to be persuaded).

But because this is a topic I'm intrigued by, especially as a woman who will probably have a child someday, I'll give you an answer because I have too much spare time.

In this day and age, an age where the population is so high that the kind of decadence we live in is unsustainable (The way we live can sustain 2 billion people on Earth, not 7 billion), abortion and lowered birth rates seem like a pretty good idea. However, that's not the only standpoint from which one can see things. Let's say, for example, you're a woman (Though I doubt you are), and you get raped. You get impregnated. Would you rather give birth to and support a child you did not ask for, not to mention be reminded of an event that's likely quite traumatic? Not to mention how horrible a child would feel to be associated with such a thing - It just seems all-around bad, don't you think?

Not having enough money to support a child could also be a motivator for abortion. If you're raising someone or something, obviously you would want to care for it as best as you could, right? If you can't do that, or if you're struggling to support yourself, why would you want to have a child? While you could argue there are other options, like giving birth to your child and putting it up for adoption, pregnancy isn't exactly a comfortable experience.

I can understand valuing a human life. Everyone has the potential for greatness, but looking at things that way is like thinking "My number will come up eventually" when gambling. Who's to say it will? And with the population at an all-time high, do we really need to worry about those numbers dropping, or the number of people that could potentially do great things dropping? I hardly think so.

And, finally, I'll end with this; Not allowing people to get abortions is taking a freedom for control of one's own body. Everyone, I believe, deserves the right to do with their body what they please, because when it comes down to it, that's all you have, and it's the only thing that anyone can guarantee will always be yours and yours alone.

So, in short, I'm pro-choice because our population's really high so why raise it further, non-consensual sex that results in a child shouldn't happen, not everyone can raise a child financially, being pregnant isn't comfortable, and then there's the ever-present "It's a woman's body, so it's a woman's choice".

Good day, sir or madam. I sincerely hope you change your mind on this topic, even though you've made it clear you don't want to - The choice, ultimately, is yours. But maybe you don't support having a choice in that matter, either.
2015-09-20 03:26:49 UTC
Simply because both jews and also the handicapped tend to be completely formed/consious individual, the place where a unborn infant isnt it's however to build up right into a completely created human being, and be consious.

These types of anti option nutters tend to be totally insane. Exactly where ius the actual logic/ethics within ongoing the existence that will end up being significantly decreased as well as filled with paiun experienced some kind of impairment??? Exactly what correct is it necessary to inform a female that has already been raped which that has to cxarry a young child is actually poartly the woman's assailants development inside the woman's??? Would you like to return to the times had been youthful girls/women had been pressured to obtain harmful back again street abortiond in order to terrinate unwated pregnancy.
2015-09-19 15:08:20 UTC
I agree with you. That baby has their own set of DNA and organs so I do not understand why people say they are not a human when they clearly are.

People that are pro-choice do not care about women because if they did then they would be empowering women. Leading them to pregnancy centers, offering the help that they need, encouraging them, teaching them responsibility, and reminding them of how capable they are of doing anything and everything.
2015-09-18 20:31:09 UTC
Fundamentally the issue to me is that it impacts the women who carry the children too, not just the 'children' (and please understand I say that because of the disagreement on what a child is, not to trivialize you). A poor woman who doesn't get an abortion may 'save' a child, but they child would still be raised in poverty and enter a public school system that the Republican party (I know you didn't say that, but they are the party that is pro-life) and enter a system that is against them.

Even in less extreme circumstances, carrying a child you don't want inside you for nine months, going through labor, and then having to deal with it is a horrifying thought, and while it doesn't have the 'dead baby' imagery that pro-life arguments do, it is still something to think on.

Maybe fetuses are children, and by extension, human. But the women who carry them are human too and to restrict their choices like that is ghoulish.

There are a lot of legitimate arguments against abortion, but Politifact, a bipartisan/unbiased website, and others have said the video is heavily edited.

And as for the Nazi comparison, the Nazis went after a group and tried to murder them all, liberals think that if someone doesn't want to carry an organism inside them, they shouldn't have to. They're different and you should know that.
2015-09-19 23:46:29 UTC
The Jews were legal citizens who owned businesses and had families, and feelings.

Fetuses are nothing but a sack of cells.

No emotion, very little consciousness if any, no more alive than a pile of 💩

That's the difference.

😊 😁 😊 😀
Gottfried Rittermarsch
2015-09-18 17:05:28 UTC
The Germans of ww2 got rid of mentally disabled and people of genetic deformities, they saw it, it would facilitate untold generations of healthy people in the future if the rejects did not breed and further leech off society. They also did not want them on german streets because the deformed represent ugliness, degeneracy and unhealthiness - exactly what the nazis wanted to get away from. For lesser disabled people they did not euthanize, they merely paid them and provided them with benefits if they did not breed. For the really messed up people, they euthanized them.

Well the Nazis were against Jews because they were of the conviction that the jews ate away at the vitality of their country by taking over its banking, law, medical, medical, and educational high authority offices. Everywhere germans went they saw jewish bankers, promoted jewish writers, lawyers, high authority doctors, and jewish education authorities. The upper eschelon had largely become part of a Jewish self serving inner circle and did no service to the great masses of now bankrupt and desperate German people. This facilitated the rise of Hitler who vowed to restore the german government to the German people and to make it healthy and strong.

As for an unborn child, I personally believe that it is different and has no connection with Nazis and the problems they faced. In our modern times people have lost much of the christian fundamentals that their great grandparents had. A soul and life were the most precious things, but now they aren't that highly regarded. Everyone recognizes fetuses as being a product of humans some are just not inclined to let it develop into a fully grown human, usually out of economic desperation or the inability to care for the fully grown child. I don't think anyone dehumanizes fetuses because that would imply that unborn fetuses are fully developed humans. When in fact they are not.
2015-09-19 15:34:39 UTC
Well...let's be honest...a lot of Jews, esp the mainstream ones, are usually pro abortion...maybe not with their own people, but other people? Yeah.

Not the spiritual ones, per se.
Simon T
2015-09-18 11:39:44 UTC
And what if the fetus does not have a beating heart?

How is abortion genocide? How is it an attempt to kill an ethnic group of people?

Did you want to talk about the real world, or just rant away on hyperbole rather than what is true.
2015-09-20 21:18:11 UTC
Carly Fiorina is supposed to be a smart women but how on earth does she not know that the video from planned parenthood was a "Fake" It's amazing what edditing can do to make videos look real. The Repub's are using this only for political motives for sure. They took a real live baby & inserted all the other crude stuff to look as though it was from that child. That's a big fraud to me. my opinion I won't even get into the other abortion stuff. Each women has their own reason for abortting be it good or bad. It's their business not the general publics.
2015-09-19 04:37:41 UTC
The difference is Jews and the disabled were actual people, with actual rights.
2015-09-18 21:00:25 UTC
You know what is dehumanizing and Hitler-like here?

Your demand that the state decide whether a woman lives or dies for a fetus.

Choice means an individual decides what medical steps she will make.

Your pro-life argument is that the State should decide this.
2015-09-19 14:41:12 UTC
There isn't the only difference is the age in which the death takes place.
2015-09-20 18:23:52 UTC
When Planned Parenthood needs someone to witness

crime I'll happily testify against reader in a court of law

since you won't accept my YA response.
2015-09-18 11:46:26 UTC
They even refer to it as the smallest level of existence as they can... the zygote'... to describe one. And then refuse to explain 'scientifically' how a single celled creature has ORGANS... fingers and toes.
2015-09-20 00:50:40 UTC
A fetus is nothing more than a potential human life (and I know I'm gonna get downvoted due to the views of a lot of people who use yahoo) so it's not yet human. I personally still disagree with abortion but it's not my place to tell others what to do with their life. Oh and the videos are fake you dumbass.
2015-09-21 10:07:41 UTC
Look up the word dehumanize.
2015-09-18 16:19:24 UTC
It is no different! Why should it be? Us good liberals know Hitler was a great man that just did one bad thing. Us good liberals hate the Jews and the useless feeders!
2015-09-18 12:13:04 UTC
It's not. There is no difference. None. The only difference is that nazi's preyed on Jewish people. gays and gypsies. Pro-abortionist prey on DEM plantation dwellers --- poor citizen blacks, poor citizen latinos and poor citizen whites --- who don't know no better.

Abortion is murder. Abortion is racial genocide.
2015-09-19 18:48:12 UTC
It's not different.
2015-09-18 11:48:44 UTC
You racist cons are all the same! The life of a useless feeder (low income minority) is worth nothing and should never begin! Us good liberals know all useless feeders need to be aborted!
2015-09-18 16:14:59 UTC
Only in the minds of cons. Funny how "Christians" are against abortion when the bible says to kill adulterers and women who are not virgins on their wedding night, not to mention being told to slaughter pregnant pagan women. But these same "Christians" support the endless wars.
Byting badger the awful
2015-09-18 11:38:20 UTC
Apparently Joe Hovah never got his own memo. Every second of everyday someone crying and praying to it asking for help and all they hear is infinite indifferent silence.
great knight
2015-09-22 11:07:53 UTC
Those planned parenthood videos show the horror of babies with beating hearts! They said africans weren't people through corrupt courts. They said in germany jews weren't people in corrupt courts. Now they say babies aren't people in corrupt courts! Govt has 13% approval, we know it is corrupt so don't live in denial! Get a kjversion Bible and believe.
2015-09-20 10:52:09 UTC
100% of Jews are pro choice - FACT!
2015-09-19 09:49:08 UTC
2015-09-19 08:46:25 UTC
It is not any different. That is a lie liberals tell themselves to avoid taking responsibility for what they are doing, and so that they can feel better about baby murder.
2015-09-18 17:32:16 UTC
It is not any different. People who try to say a fetus is not human or is just part of a woman's body are just basing it on emotion and not science. Science has shown that from the moment of conception the baby has a distinct DNA from the mother. Abortion is murder and eventually history will look back on this time as even worse than the holocaust. Many Germans did not know the extent of the holocaust until after it was over. One mayor of a German town and his wife were shown the death camps after the war and went home and committed suicide. I am not saying people should commit suicide, I am saying many Germans did not know about the holocaust. But we know about the number of abortions, so history will look back on this time as worse than the holocaust. And those that deny science to say it is not a human or not murder really know they are just wrong. Most abortions are babies of color so that maybe that is the reason people are so strong in support of it. I said maybe it is the reason. People who would support murder it is not unreasonable to question whether or not they are racist.
2015-09-20 14:49:30 UTC
Fetus is not a child. Hence the term unborn.
Joseph hola
2015-09-19 17:38:05 UTC
It is only because you have one baby vs millions. But I don't think you should kill a baby, and neither should you.
2015-09-19 06:16:45 UTC
You mean the anti-choice videos edited to make a previous point ? As in "sentence first, verdict after?"
Mike S
2015-09-20 06:57:50 UTC
If you believe that a "soul" is created at conception, then you might want to start questioning your deity of choice as to what happens to the souls of the almost 50% who never make it to nidation if you want to talk about dehumanizing.....
2015-09-20 14:26:43 UTC
I personally don't have a view on abortion, mainly because in certain circumstances rape victims should be allowed as it wasn't planned but i don't think people who have planned and are married or whatever their relationship status is they chose to have a baby…
2015-09-18 18:38:18 UTC
Unborn child ? It's just a foetus bro.
2015-09-18 22:32:35 UTC
It's not different, except for one thing this time it is sanctioned by the government, everybody knows it and many people simply accept it. but it's still murder
2015-09-19 19:57:12 UTC
Use condoms when you f&ck, Con-boys, and you'll prevent a lot of abortions!
2015-09-19 20:59:57 UTC
Listen here, I am assuming this is coming from a male. And as a male, you have never gone through morning sickness, or labor. You have never been told by your doctor that you could potentially die from childbirth. You haven't been raped and become pregnant by a man who gives you nightmares at night. You have no uterus. Therefore, no opinion. This isn't up to men to decide. It should be a woman's choice to decide what happens to HER body. And also, there are so many children living in poverty, on the streets, and in foster homes. If you are so focused on saving lives, go take care of those kids who weren't aborted. But no, you only care if they're born. The minute they come out of the womb, you stop giving a **** about whatever happens to them. You would much rather have them grow up worrying about how they're gonna for the rest of their lives. And in conclusion, the fact that you compared abortions of fetuses to the Holocaust is disgusting.
2015-09-19 19:58:28 UTC
2015-09-19 08:39:53 UTC
I'd agree if you agree to raise the fetus.
2015-09-20 09:34:07 UTC
Because the fetus isn't human yet
2015-09-18 19:15:09 UTC
The parent decided to abort, it is all on her. If heaven or hell really exist we will find out when we meet our end. Dead beats, rapist, deformities, abnormalities, & hideousness are degenerative characteristics, unless Designer genetics can reverse if not contain the degenerative factors. The spread of degenerative DNA will burdens society financially, in stability, & intellectually. I have arrogant deadbeat siblings in their 60s with a litter of arrogant deadbeat illegitimate offspring who's been living off of handouts & squatting from relatives since the they they were born. Handouts seems to be the only thing that motivates them. Sacrifice & Gratitude means nothing to them.

If God does exist & is against abortion, he would have struck down every abortion clinic into rubble with lighting or tornadoes. Obviously god doesn't care whether parents or practitioners are aborting fetus, & if he does he may forgive them in the afterlife, if there is such a thing. Freedom of Religion doesn't just mean that government should not impose on religion, but also for Religion to not impose on each other as well as disbelievers. All Religion can do is try to convince individuals to not undergo what they perceive to be a sin, but then again, pro-lifers end up forgiving individuals who did undergo the procedure.

When it comes to funding, Rapists, Deadbeats, Eugenicist & private entities supporting Eugenics should fund the clinics.

Honor Killings, Slavery, Born into Poverty with deadbeat greedy (swindlers/moochers/theives) abusive family without manners & discipline is worse.

Science & Evolution is the key to the success of mankind's evolutionary future. As in the case of mother nature, degenerative factors must be separated, weed out, & erase for the fittest, healthiest, wises & most adaptive to evolve further in the chain of life.
2015-09-20 19:52:14 UTC
The Jews are evil.
2015-09-19 04:23:18 UTC
Homicide, Not Dehumanizing.
2015-09-18 18:13:35 UTC
Logic escapes people on the abortion debate because there is so much programming going on. Emotionally-charged rhetoric about women suffering some horrific existence because they are pregnant.

Never has there been a worse affliction in the liberal mind than a woman being pregnant.

Logically, and scientifically, we are what we are at conception. That's where our fundamental selves start. Everything afterwards is simply another stage in the human life-cycle.

Before conception, we have two sex cells that are nothing but sex cells. After conception, we are an entirely distinctive organism all our own.

To say that we become human at some point is to say that we magically transition into humanity. No, it's not magic, it's biology.

We start as a single cell because we physically have too. We are a distinctive single-celled individual who is progressing through the stages of human life from embryo to death.

The fact that this simple logic escapes so many only demonstrates how brainwashed they are.
2015-09-19 06:14:32 UTC
Foetuses taste good, after they're born they taste bad.
2015-09-19 12:23:25 UTC
Because one is based on junk science and hate, the other has a purpose
2015-09-18 14:35:54 UTC
Because of the ideology "It's different when I do it".
2015-09-18 19:28:52 UTC
Because when mothers do it, it is many single actions by individuals who are personally involved. When the Nazis did it, it was government policy.
2015-09-20 07:36:20 UTC
Notice the "unwanted" posts? Interesting isn't it.

Maybe put all the babies on atrain?
2015-09-18 15:51:36 UTC
One is done out of convenience and the other out of hate. How do you not see the difference?
2015-09-19 06:43:57 UTC
I agree I think that I think the comparison is false. I believe that all people who are against abortion should adopt.
2015-09-21 01:43:00 UTC
following your reasonament i challege you.

if a life is a life so as well love is love. you should be OK for omosexual marriage is it right?

if a killing a person is killing a person so every murder is the same. no matter what.

if a guy kill another man with bare hands with intention or not (maybe for a incident in the car) ithere is the same responsability because there is the same result right?

now i think you can understand the poor quality of your reason.

you know that there are a lot of case in wich the surviving twin ingests or absorbs the remains of the co-twin who died in utero? is him a killer?

I know clearly that your comparison is bullshit because my spirit and my brain suggest that.

having said that this not means is right make abortion in the 99% of the situation. is not right planning this to lighly. the sensitivness change..

if you can Death having childre, if your children cames for a raped and you have other project for your life and you are not ready or in particular situation, if the children has terible all this situation i cannot, morally, with my sensitivness (don't know if it s right but that's it), exclude the abortion option in the FIRST period of time.
2015-09-19 22:30:25 UTC
life starts at conception. Scientific FACT. Its no different from government and the majority discriminating against any minority, whether it be kids, white males, black males, non-union members, or productive workers, except this time, the minority pays for it physically with their life.
2015-09-21 07:19:14 UTC
Don't put too much faith in those videos my dear, especially when they have a vested interest in seeking support for their rubbish.
2015-09-18 16:46:46 UTC
The Liberal Atheist agenda is to kill everybody that isn't one of THEM.

The measure of a society health, is in the way it protects its most vulnerable.

Who is more vulnerable than an innocent snuggled in its mothers womb, awaiting care and nurture from its cozy little environ?

We will all be judged how we reacted to the images of monsters tearing apart these little people, for profit, gain, & expedience.
2015-09-18 18:37:30 UTC
There's no difference whatsoever, the arguments that the pro abortionists use to support abortion is the same arguments that Hitler used to support his "final solution" also he legalized abortion and put many abortions clinics in neighborhoods heavily populated by people that he deemed "inferior"
2015-09-21 14:13:30 UTC
These people who defend abortion. Wouldn't it be nice if their mom's had aborted them? I wonder what they would say about that. Oh that's right, they wouldn't say anything cause they'd be dead!
2015-09-19 14:14:54 UTC
There is no good muslim.They are collectively pushers of Sharia slways
2015-09-19 21:49:23 UTC
You are a very biased and ignorant person. You choose to see and understand one perspective, which is your own. This is a very unhealthy mindset. I, however, understand ALL of the opinions and perspectives of this so-controversial topic.

My personal opinion is that if a woman does not wish to give birth to the child, it is HER RIGHT to abort it.

(Especially if her pregnancy is the result of rape.)

What is the point of having a child that you do not want? You do not understand the situations of the women that choose to abort their babies/fetuses.

HOWEVER, I do understand the opinions of anti-abortionists. I fully understand that you believe that a fetus is a living, breathing person. You are correct to some degree. A fetus is not fully developed.

Getting an abortion is not the same as giving birth to your child then stabbing it to death.

By the time you give birth, your child has fully developed. (By "fully developed", I mean that it is a baby. Not in the sense that it is a fully developed, grown adult)

I suggest that you get a little bit more of a perspective on the whole situation before you go off and start an argument about it.
2015-09-18 13:11:42 UTC
One is a procedure

The other is true genocide.
2015-09-19 21:06:17 UTC
Agreed, it isnt any different, and people fail to see that, they deny it, unborn babies may no be conscious, but we are, and yet we kill them. they are still human, just because they arent born yet, doesnt mean they arent alive. But people are becoming more and more careless these days.
2015-09-19 03:54:20 UTC
I agree. Life is life. It starts at conception.
2015-09-19 19:33:01 UTC
If a woman got raped, and the pregancy would hurt her and the baby, what would you say then?
2015-09-19 20:43:34 UTC
Impossible to dehumsnize something that is not yet human
2015-09-19 11:39:28 UTC
for some ****** up reason people think pro-choice is freedom and pro-life isn't
2015-09-18 17:57:05 UTC
The video that Carly talked about was put together by an anti abortion group. None of it came from Planned Parenthood. That is what they showed her a "doctored" video. Actually the video was of a 19 week miscarriage, the audio was false, dubbed in. Every news outlet (Probably not Fox), and journalists went to work investigating this video. These Cons pull dirty tricks. Not one nickle of government money goes to abortion.

If the Cons shutdown the government again, then they all need to be booted out. Taxpayers foot the bill, and I

do not want my taxes paying for tantrums. Many bad things happen when they pull this stunt.Civilian contractors don't get paid, nor veterans, nor military, no income from National Parks, and the list goes on. Last shutdown cost the TAXPAYERS 23 Billion. Nov 13, 2013 - Standard & Poor's said the shutdown equaled some $1.5 billion a day and "shaved at least 0.6% off annualized fourth quarter 2013 GDP growth." Moody's Analytics reported similar numbers, saying the shutdown cost $1.4375 billion per day, for a $23 billion wallop to U.S. gross domestic product. It's nuts! These "children in Congress" have to stop this craziness.
2015-09-18 11:43:10 UTC
you mind everyone's business don't you?
2015-09-20 21:19:32 UTC
Holocaust is a hoax
2015-09-18 17:18:40 UTC
There is no difference, they are both the same. It's no different from shooting someone in the head.
2015-09-18 11:39:12 UTC
How is being overly emotive productive.
2015-09-20 21:23:18 UTC
2015-09-20 20:00:42 UTC
This a bit more complicated than a yes or no answer.
2015-09-19 19:43:56 UTC
The commie Jews had it coming,
2015-09-19 10:01:23 UTC
Ask this to a Native American!!!
Art G
2015-09-18 22:11:40 UTC
There is absolutely no difference between the two !
2015-09-19 01:24:24 UTC
I say, if you want to pontificate, get yourself a pulpit.
2015-09-19 14:18:50 UTC
Call me back when fetuses have feelings.
2015-09-20 11:03:16 UTC
A fetus is not a person.
2015-09-19 21:31:30 UTC
no difference
2015-09-19 01:34:15 UTC
2015-09-21 07:52:51 UTC
2015-09-18 16:28:10 UTC
It is no different but it is fun watching the slow minded liberals try to explain how they are different.
2015-09-19 19:14:53 UTC
2015-09-18 17:22:26 UTC
Shame on those that deny the facts of this.Defund the barbarians.
2015-09-18 16:43:21 UTC
Same thing. No difference.
2015-09-19 14:07:20 UTC
it isn't
2015-09-19 00:06:03 UTC
good lord, please tell me this is a troll post. you can have your beliefs, but that comparison is just sickening.
2015-09-19 18:59:17 UTC
2015-09-21 09:27:43 UTC
2015-09-19 10:47:35 UTC
2015-09-19 11:04:20 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.