The BNP are a bigger joke than Labour, and the Tories put together! In a Circus, and all dressed as Clowns. Funny, isn't it? There's no jobs around, so the first people to be expected to go and get one are the long term unemployed, who are also the least employable, least skilled, and least likely to land any Job, when competing in a Job-seekers Market, swollen with a fresh influx of recently redundant, skilled workers, with good work histories. So, say the BNP. "We'll stop their money unless they go on a Compulsory Work Scheme" What are these work schemes going to be doing then? If a Government can find, say 1.5 million "Scheme" places, doing useful and necessary work, then why are there no people filling these positions now? If the work needs doing, then PAY SOMEONE A PROPER WAGE TO DO IT! Then maybe there wouldn't be such a high unemployment rate to start with. And the only reason that so many immigrants are on Benefit anyway, is because THEY HAVE NO CHOICE! THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO WORK! So they either stay on Benefits, like the lazy scroungers the BNP would have us believe they all are, or they work illegally, doing backbreaking Farm Produce picking, for less than £2 an hour, that you would never get any British person to even consider doing. For which we reap the benefits, by having cheap food in the Supermarkets. Or are they planning to ship all the illegals out, and replace them with a workforce of indentured Long term unemployed? Either way, large sections of Society are being ruthlessly exploited, by Businesses and Government Departments. Immigrants, by being used as Political Footballs, or Slave Labour, the long term Unemployed, by being disenfranchised from any work that IS there, and kept in an economic Limbo by the artificially manipulated Job Market. And the Working Man kept in a constant fear of getting laid off, because of Labour's continued Policies of dismantling any Manufacturing Industry, and disempowering any Trade Union movement. And this, from a Party, that owes it's very existence to the same Working Class PEOPLE THAT IT HAS BETRAYED, tricked, and robbed, ever since they came to power. What sort of choice does that leave people? I can see massive Rioting, and Civil Unrest for Britain in the very near future, Then, whichever shower of shitheads are in power at the time, will play the race card, like they always do, call them "Race Riots" like they did with the Riots in 1981. Which were nothing of the kind. Anyway, you can all f*ck off. I'm not playing.