Do you agree with BNP Welfare policy?
2009-12-22 09:51:30 UTC
Source 2007 manifesto:

-Make all welfare and social housing available to British citizens only.

-Those on unemployment benefit for more than six months would be put on a scheme of compulsory work and training in order to receive the unemployment benefit.

Labour spends £200BILLION a year on welfare.BNP believes Britain's welfare state is being abused by scroungers-and we would put an end to that.Under a BNP government, no one gets something for nothing.

The BNP aims to dismantle Britain's welfare state, and aims to get rid of the "something for nothing" culture and sense of entitlement that has developed in Britain.

What do you think of our policies?
24 answers:
2009-12-22 13:22:21 UTC
I always thought that the bnp`s welfare policy consisted of fat nick charging the gullible thirty quid a pop for membership, and trousering even more from the even more gullible for gold membership.

It can`t have done the fat lads welfare any harm.
2009-12-22 09:58:09 UTC
I do not see any issues with what you say. The welfare system is well over due for reform.
2009-12-22 10:38:19 UTC
They stink as bad as you probably do.
2009-12-22 11:13:13 UTC
Firstly, the UK Government spent £88 billion on welfare in 2008. Not £200 billion. [see ].

Secondly, please read up on the details of New Labour's New Deal, you might just be interested to read it.

Looks like typical B.N.P. material: ill informed and inadequate.
2009-12-22 09:59:53 UTC
Very good but erm ? im already on a scheme ? labour already does this they put me on a course, so that basicaly its differant funding not JSA and so that the goeverment turns around and shows false figures !!!!!!! saying the empoyment is 6000000 for example when in reality people are in a 15 week training course on their maths and literacey and the unecmployment rate is much hiher thats why they tell you that recession and growth is getting better then all of a suden it isnent because people are straight back on JSA.

I went to college to get decent grades and to get a good education and be quilified for the job i want, guess what CREDIT CRUNCH HAPPEND. T________ T foooking labour !
2009-12-23 09:20:21 UTC

The regulations for JSA are already a "one size fits all" affair.

I have spoken to numerous highly qualified individuals (i.e. numerous degrees) who have found themselves unemployed and the Job Centre system tries to push into the same box as someone without a single GCSE.

They end up not getting interviews because they are ludicrously over qualified for the jobs there are told to apply for. Equally, employers are flooded with unsuitable candidates (both over and under qualified) so the person behind the desk at the Job Centre can fill in the appropriate box.

More discretion needs to be put into the hands of Job Centre staff to tailor a scheme for each individual's circumstances rather than more half-baked schemes designed to please readers of tabloid newspapers that are handed down from Whitehall to deal with "scroungers".

If by dismantling the welfare state you mean get rid of JSA, then you are living in a fantasy land. Temporary unemployment has always existed and will always exist.

On the other side some people are truly unable to work (e.g. ill health, elderly) and need benefits to survive. In that light getting rid of all benefits sounds cruel and selfish.
2009-12-23 01:00:31 UTC
I think that the next government, i.e., the Conservatives, will be forced to reform the welfare state. I like the idea of the compulsory work/training scheme, for the long term unemployed, that you mentioned.
2009-12-23 02:40:30 UTC
Personally I am sick of seeing families with several children earning more in state benefits that I get paid. But I am also very conscious of plunging some people into sheer poverty. And for people who exist entirely on the current benefit culture, I find that their offspring tend to follow suit. And we need to consider the lack of employment out there as we. But yes, the money for nothing regime has to come to an end .... if their is not the paid employment to fill the gap, then there must be statutory voluntary work available to make people on benefit make a work contribution to the state ..... just think of the better quality of life for everyone if people were improving the environment in some way every day as a return for their state benefits. It is wrong to keep someone on say Incapacity Benefit for the rest of their life just because they are depressed or feel that work scares them to death.
2009-12-22 13:45:31 UTC
go die, you filthy neo-nazi scum.
2009-12-22 12:08:22 UTC
Can I ask where you get the figure 200 billion? I have seen various figures and none of them are that big. If you say "BNP website" I am going to laugh at you.

Define scrounger for me. Is that everyone who is on benefit? I get paid child benefit, does that make me a scrounger? Actually I don't agree with universal child benefit but you'll probably want it to encourage your ubermensch breeding program.

Come on RB, you are never short of a link or two, wheres the link to the costings that the BNP have worked out? Haven't got one have you? Why, cos you don't have a credible economist to work these things out for you and you can't just get one of the knuckle draggers to do it because you would be a laughing stock when the press and other parties ripped it into little places for the general populaces amusement.

If I was you I would stick to immigration, it's the only policy area where people don't laugh at you and thats because your so sinister it's no laughing matter.
2009-12-23 04:27:48 UTC
This is the same manifesto that

- wants to reintroduce the death penalty

- wants to reintroduce corporal punishment

- lies that there are 'tens of thousands of foreign prisoners in UK prisons'

- wants to force christianity on all school children

- remove speed cameras

- recognises that some climate change is man-made, despite the bnp leader thinking otherwise.

- wants to legalise discrimination

No thanks. I believe that if a non-Briton has lived here for a decent amount of time, paid taxes, paid NI etc, then they should be an equal, and treated as such. I also wonder about someone who had a highly skilled job, and was looking for the right job to get back into the workforce would deal with 'forced labour'? In any case, there are already back to work schemes in place.
2009-12-22 17:12:47 UTC
The BNP are a bigger joke than Labour, and the Tories put together! In a Circus, and all dressed as Clowns. Funny, isn't it? There's no jobs around, so the first people to be expected to go and get one are the long term unemployed, who are also the least employable, least skilled, and least likely to land any Job, when competing in a Job-seekers Market, swollen with a fresh influx of recently redundant, skilled workers, with good work histories. So, say the BNP. "We'll stop their money unless they go on a Compulsory Work Scheme" What are these work schemes going to be doing then? If a Government can find, say 1.5 million "Scheme" places, doing useful and necessary work, then why are there no people filling these positions now? If the work needs doing, then PAY SOMEONE A PROPER WAGE TO DO IT! Then maybe there wouldn't be such a high unemployment rate to start with. And the only reason that so many immigrants are on Benefit anyway, is because THEY HAVE NO CHOICE! THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO WORK! So they either stay on Benefits, like the lazy scroungers the BNP would have us believe they all are, or they work illegally, doing backbreaking Farm Produce picking, for less than £2 an hour, that you would never get any British person to even consider doing. For which we reap the benefits, by having cheap food in the Supermarkets. Or are they planning to ship all the illegals out, and replace them with a workforce of indentured Long term unemployed? Either way, large sections of Society are being ruthlessly exploited, by Businesses and Government Departments. Immigrants, by being used as Political Footballs, or Slave Labour, the long term Unemployed, by being disenfranchised from any work that IS there, and kept in an economic Limbo by the artificially manipulated Job Market. And the Working Man kept in a constant fear of getting laid off, because of Labour's continued Policies of dismantling any Manufacturing Industry, and disempowering any Trade Union movement. And this, from a Party, that owes it's very existence to the same Working Class PEOPLE THAT IT HAS BETRAYED, tricked, and robbed, ever since they came to power. What sort of choice does that leave people? I can see massive Rioting, and Civil Unrest for Britain in the very near future, Then, whichever shower of shitheads are in power at the time, will play the race card, like they always do, call them "Race Riots" like they did with the Riots in 1981. Which were nothing of the kind. Anyway, you can all f*ck off. I'm not playing.
2009-12-22 13:45:40 UTC
Welfare and social housing only for British citizens does not take a lot of factors into account. The first being that some people are in this country who would rather be at home, but cannot be. Such a simplistic policy is going to cause problems.

I do think that if a migrant worker comes over here, that they get what they put in. A polish person who has worked for the last five years should be entitled to what they have put in in proportion to this.

But the same could be said about British people. If you are 16, straight out of school, should you be able to sign on? I don't think they should. They have not worked for benefits, so force them to stay in education and reach certain levels, or force them to work somehow.

Those on unemployment benefits should not receive six months and then be force to work or training. This is such a simplistic view that it will cause all sorts of problems. You only need to look at spain to see that it does.

It should again be in proportion to what a person has worked in the past. If a person has work 30 years and is trained and skilled, then they should have more than a person who has worked 5 years. Yes, getting people into training or back into work is a great ideal, but sometimes it is difficult to find someone who is trained and a specialist, to do a job that is far below what they used to do, and they are actively looking for a job.

Yes, something needs to be done about the chav culture, and there does need to be an element of non-support by the govt, but it needs to take an approach that actually rewards those who have contributed, and have shown they are willing to work for their money, as opposed to those who just want to dos.

The problem is you know that the BNP would dismantle it and cause a million more problems than they could ever solve!
2009-12-22 11:09:19 UTC
I hate to admit it because I HATE racism and make no mistake the BNP are vile digusting racists. but that does sound like a very good policy.

I'm fed up of working a hard 40 hour week for a very modest living while the big fat c*nt next door sits on his **** all day, drinking cider and playing Xbox, yet if you include the rent that gets paid for him by the state he's on more money than me

Hard working people are punished in this country, the lazy are rewarded.

This would also solve the "yob rule" that dominates Britain today.

If spongers wern't paid for every offspring they produced, and having more children simply meant making the same amount of money go further, they wouldn't have them. Hence there would at least be far less of them, rather than a burgeoning rat population we have now.

It isn't none whites the BNP should be concerned with, its delightful white men like this one

Mandatory sterilisation springs to mind...
2009-12-22 12:30:03 UTC
"The BNP aims to dismantle Britain's welfare state"

what, all of it? Even for those white english people who've never worked a day in their lives, or only for those who are non-white? And what is your definition of scroungers?

And what about those of us who have been paying into it for years and years and yet never claimed? Will we get our money back under the BNP then? After all if there's no system to pay into, surely they will get rid of income tax too?

Also, if you dismantle the welfare state would Britain be forced into a system like the US where 40% of the population can't even get to a doctor for 'flu?
Patriot Paul
2009-12-23 00:06:22 UTC
Benefit payouts will exceed income tax revenue

The state will pay out more in social security benefits than it raises from workers in income tax this year, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.

Here's a couple of other inconvenient truths.

Bang goes the myth that immigration helps the economy.

Under the BNP policy, income tax could be virtually abolished.
Mr Sceptic
2009-12-22 10:13:54 UTC
But, since you don't consider non-whites to be British, will you allow them access to welfare and social housing. What about families where one partner is a British citizen and one isn't? Hang on, doesn't the BNP 'disapprove' of such liaisons?

In principle, I agree with the principle of providing jobs for people, rather than giving them cash for doing nothing. But some will not co-operate, and like you, I have no time for such people. But what will happen to their families and children? Will the children suffer even more from the fecklessness of their parents?

However we know the truth; any such policies would be used by the BNP as part of their campaign to harass ethnic minority citizens into wanting to leave this country.

The welfare state is long overdue a re-think with a view to making it a safety net, not a lifestyle choice; but the racist cretins of the BNP aren't the people to be trusted with this task.

Thankfully, it will never happen. The BNP have never yet managed to convince 1% of the voters in a general election to endorse their shabby brand of race hate.

EDIT: Paul claims that :

"Under the BNP policy, income tax could be virtually abolished."

Could you show us how that claim is costed, please? Only, as a general rule, ideas that sound too good to be true, are.
2009-12-22 10:08:28 UTC
"Those on unemployment benefit for more than six months would be put on a scheme of compulsory work and training in order to receive the unemployment benefit."

This already happens under labour so why would it work differently under the BNP?
2009-12-22 10:05:01 UTC
Its aims are good but it will never work.
2009-12-22 10:48:14 UTC
Something has to be done doesn't it? and this is just the sort of progressive assertive thinking this country needs at the present time. I think these are the type of changes that the people want to see not just be seen to do something about the outrageous benefit fraud but to give those that actually work for a living hope to carry on working.

Nick Griffin has pointed out on several occasions that where immigrants want to work then the problem of immigration softens. Those Sceptics that keep harping on about the race card should keep themselves up to date with what is happening. On the Andrew Marr show on sunday Nick was asked ''would you send back all the immigrants''? Nick replied ''it is far to late for that, we must adjust to the fact that some immigration has taken place but also realise that illegal immigration is just what t it implies, it is illegal. He went on to say that immigration quotas were set to high etc.

So yes, I do agree and those Sceptics that are deliberately telling fibs to demonise the BNP are just making themselves look extremely 'simple minded'.

The Patriot
2009-12-22 14:49:44 UTC
No as I know what the BNP are like when it comes to saying who is British and who is not. That means that whites would get benefits, and non-whites would not.

Britain is great. It can be so much better. Lets work together to make it so and not let extremists like the BNP ruin it.
2009-12-23 05:51:29 UTC
I agree totally .
2009-12-22 09:59:43 UTC
Whoops! That's half your supporters gone. Where are you going to find jobs for the brain dead?

Well thanks for the email Sparky. What a shame you've excluded yourself from email so I can't reply. If you read my answer again, you'll see that I haven't claimed that people on JSA are brain dead - only benefit dependent BNP supporters. Of course, if you come into that category, it explains why you didn't understand my answer.
2009-12-23 06:34:21 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.