You are rewriting history. No sane or informed person believes he was a good president and, in fact, rates among the five worst. There's a reason he was not at the GOP convention.
9/11 happened because Bush was on vacation that August and ignored warnings that planes would be used in a terrorist attack.
He put us into two wars for no reason, claiming it was related to 9/11 and terrorists, but it wasn't.
When Bush had the chance to take out Bin Laden, or capture him, he told the military to stand down.
He took a surplus and turned it into a huge deficit. Far bigger than people think because he hid his spending on the wars and didn't include them in his budget. Which means he is fundamentally dishonest.
Four years ago we were losing 750,000 jobs a month, the down was dropping like a rock, banks were closing down, businesses were closing, foreclosures were sky rocketing, housing prices plummeted. (Notice how all of that has improved under Obama)
So, other than being good for his buddies, the war profiteers, he was bad for America. And Romney wants to go back to the same policies that put us into the great recession.