Am i the only one who thinks George Bush was a GOOD president?
2012-09-11 12:48:25 UTC
Yes he is.And am sick of hearing"Bushs fault" "Bush is evil" the Country was strong when Bush was the President!
24 answers:
Chewy Ivan 2
2012-09-12 08:53:24 UTC
You aren't the only one. There's other ignorant fools in the country.

Bush left the White House with the country losing 800,000 jobs per month. I wouldn't call that "strong."
2012-09-12 20:35:40 UTC
He took the largest budget surplus ever seen and turned it into the largest deficit ever seen to that point.

He got us into two unnecessary wars costing trillions of dollars, thousands of American lives, and millions of Mideastern lives, most of whom were not involved in any activity against us.

Good president? He isn't even a good human being. He ruined the economy and raped the country up one side and down the other, but the saddest thing is that people willfully remain ignorant of the magnitude of the catastrophe that was Dubya.

He trashed the country for eight years and now the idiot cons are screaming at Obama for not fixing it in four, while the congresspeople they elect block Obama's every attempt at fixing things. Cons should all be exiled, they are destroying America.
2012-09-11 19:56:25 UTC
You are rewriting history. No sane or informed person believes he was a good president and, in fact, rates among the five worst. There's a reason he was not at the GOP convention.

9/11 happened because Bush was on vacation that August and ignored warnings that planes would be used in a terrorist attack.

He put us into two wars for no reason, claiming it was related to 9/11 and terrorists, but it wasn't.

When Bush had the chance to take out Bin Laden, or capture him, he told the military to stand down.

He took a surplus and turned it into a huge deficit. Far bigger than people think because he hid his spending on the wars and didn't include them in his budget. Which means he is fundamentally dishonest.

Four years ago we were losing 750,000 jobs a month, the down was dropping like a rock, banks were closing down, businesses were closing, foreclosures were sky rocketing, housing prices plummeted. (Notice how all of that has improved under Obama)

So, other than being good for his buddies, the war profiteers, he was bad for America. And Romney wants to go back to the same policies that put us into the great recession.
2012-09-15 01:54:30 UTC
I think history will remeber him as a slightly above average president; years from now, the Recession will be forgotten, but the elimination of Hussein and the AIDS program for Africa started under Bush will be remembered.

I say this as an avid Obama supporter; people like Bush, and McCain, stand for me as respectable Republicans who I can respect despite disagreeing with them on a number of things. They are nothing like opportunistic scumbag Mittens.
2012-09-13 19:10:05 UTC
A good president? Are you serious? 9/11 happened under his watch. I have doubts about his not knowning it was going to happen after having read about him. The economy went into the toilet. If he was such a good president, why didn't they ask him to speak at the Republican convention? Most former presidents do that. Clinton was at the Democratic convention, where was Bush? Sitting in Clint's empty chair alongside the imaginary Obama?
2012-09-11 20:01:14 UTC
I disagreed with Bush on a number of issues (spending, the expansion of medicare, etc) but on balance I think he was a decent president that saw us through 2 resessions and the 9-11 attacks.

I also find it pretty hypocritical that democrats keep chanting "Bush's fault". While Bush could have done a lot of things differently, he did fix the economy for Obama (the recession ended June 2009, only 5 months after Obama took office). What we are experiencing right now is Obama's management of the recovery. He owns the situation, not Bush.
Uncle Pennybags
2012-09-11 19:54:08 UTC
I rate his presidency as mixed. He did some good thing, such as his response to the 9/11 attacks and war on terrorism. But he also did some bad things like getting us into a needless War in Iraq that cost thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars.
2012-09-11 19:51:40 UTC
No , but you are one of 4 people .
2012-09-11 20:10:05 UTC
Liberal Rule #1. Never, never , never, never take the blame.

Liberal Rule #2. If you feel the briefest of moments like you will tell the truth, revert to Rule #1 and take three aspirins.

Liberal Rule #3. It is all Bush's fault. (For the next fifty years at least.)

Who was the President when Egypt was stable? Look on Drudge. (The attack on our embassy.) That is not Bush's fault.
2012-09-11 19:55:03 UTC
You are certainly in a minority if you think he was good. Remember, he starts a couple of wars for someone else to finish, and gives away a surplus so the wealthy can have tax cuts.
2012-09-12 22:15:36 UTC
I liked him. Even though he wasn't the best president he was one of the few that actually loved the country and not the power like that scum Obama.
SeƱor Gato
2012-09-11 19:54:59 UTC
You must be the exception which proves the rule. You also have a short memory.
John Hinkle
2012-09-11 19:54:41 UTC
History will be the judge of not only GWB but obama and my bets are GWB will go down in history as a mediocre president and obama as one of the worst.
2012-09-11 19:50:48 UTC
Im not gonna call him names. But its apparent you've been asleep or in a coma. Heck I like George. Hes a Texan.
2012-09-11 19:51:28 UTC
No - there's another two or three of you.

The rest of the world knows better.
2012-09-11 19:50:15 UTC
Yes you are. When he left office, he had the lowest approval rate and highest disapproval rate of ANY US President in recorded history. Lower than Carter. Carter's overall approval rate was SLIGHTLY lower but there are only a couple points difference.
2012-09-11 19:50:34 UTC
George W Bush was NOT a "good" President! he was a GREAT one! his visage should be on Rushmore next to Washington, Lincoln and Reagan!
2012-09-11 19:51:13 UTC
Good for two things.

No Good, and Good for nothing.

Your youth, or ignorance is showing sonny.
2012-09-11 20:05:32 UTC
Yes, you are.
2012-09-11 19:50:27 UTC
Only the ignorant like bush2.
2012-09-11 19:49:43 UTC
he was best, i love medicare part d!
2012-09-11 19:51:58 UTC
**** Texas. He did pretty good
right is right, left is wrong
2012-09-11 19:52:02 UTC
he was good and loved America even if he had his hiccups...difference is, Obama has hiccups but has NO love for America
The Leftwing Conservative
2012-09-11 19:49:44 UTC
yes, you probably are.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.