Why doesn't the US start beheading and burning terrorist?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why doesn't the US start beheading and burning terrorist?
214 answers:
2015-02-07 04:04:36 UTC
While the "eye for an eye" notion goes back to biblical times, it is considered a barbaric practice by most civilized countries. Personally, I would not want to watch a beheading of anyone, even though I advocate it as a form of capital punishment. The U.S., however, cannot afford to take the "low road" in these matters. The rest of the world already pretty much hates us, so it would be impolitic to start up such practices.
2015-02-08 06:36:13 UTC
Because we're better human beings than them.
Once captured, there's a process for criminals.
I can't say I approve of our excessive drone strikes, bombing campaigns, etc.
(Especially when most of it is geared toward defending or securing oil interests).
But, once a prisoner is captured, we have a system informed by our ideals of justice and liberty.
The Patriot Act and the revised laws over what constitutes torture have betrayed those ideals.
And, I'd hate to see this country slip further away from what once truly made it great,
2015-02-08 01:55:21 UTC
Two wrongs do not make a right. If the U.S started doing that they wouldn't be any better then other terrorist groups such as ISIS for example. Furthermore SIS couldslaughter a million people and they're fate won't change - the larger the terrorist group the quicker elimination, the only thing that will burn in the end is their pride.
2015-02-07 05:42:53 UTC
For the same reason we English don't we are or are supposed to be a democracy and therefor culturally a little bit more advanced than the Terrorists
2015-02-06 16:00:32 UTC
Burning is what we do with incendiary explosives and flamethrowers. We just don't advertise it and you're kidding yourself if you don't think the U.S. does that. Beheading is messy without a guillotine.
Personally, Jordan should have drugged up that suicide bomber woman, strapped her to a 500# bomb, have the drugs wear off after she's airborne, and fulfill her dream of being a suicide bomber... albeit for the wrong side.
2015-02-06 15:50:48 UTC
Because we are a nation of laws.
The Eighth Amendment (Amendment VIII) to the United States Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights (ratified December 15, 1791[1]) prohibiting the federal government from imposing excessive bail, excessive fines or cruel and unusual punishments, including torture. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that this amendment's Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause also applies to the states.
2015-02-08 07:58:55 UTC
Here me out: The United States is one classy ***** of a country.
We are just like our counterparts on the other side of the world in terms of terrorist acts, but we go about it differently. We have world-leading agencies that spy for us, protect us, and infiltrate mass systems all over the world, every day. We fight cyber security before it becomes something more public- like a beheading. ISIS, Boko Haram, and others are trying to make a statement to gain followers- The countries that are affected by these criminals don't have the preventative means to address & eliminate their horrible acts against humanity. The United States might be suffering from a growth in home-grown terrorism, but we know how to counteract them and reassure our citizens that we are fine. As much as we would like to see retribution for heinous acts; we enjoy a fair trial more, because we know that (or should know) that without a free trial- we would be just like the countries that we criticize for stoning, beheading, and killing criminals/people unjustly.
2015-02-07 11:40:36 UTC
There is little to no benefit to resorting this abhorrent tactics - it would give terrorists a much higher moral ground and would radicalize many Muslims to join in the ranks of the terrorist organizations and thus boosting their manpower and making things a lot worse for us. So no, it's better to keep and detain them where we get as much information from them in order to save American lives -that's much more useful that way.
2015-02-07 09:56:24 UTC
Because beheading is messy and leaves large puddles of blood. And as for burning, it generates a terrible stench and leaves an offensive odor in the air. And besides we are no longer in the dark and middle ages, we're almost in the 21st Century.
2015-02-06 20:40:55 UTC
Jordan hung the woman terrorist they talked about trading for her, along with another guy - happy? Like these guys give a f*** or it will help anything.
2015-02-07 06:51:43 UTC
America already has some not very efficient methods to get rid of it's Criminals . Both the Electric Chair and Lethal Injections have proven to be sort of effective in some (But not all) instances. In truth Beheading would be much more effective and Humane than either of the other two methods. As for Burning? Start doing that and everyone in the South would want to Baste and Marinade the poor Prisoner before putting Them on the BBQ to die.
2015-02-09 08:26:31 UTC
Two wrongs do not make a right. If the U.S started doing that they wouldn't be any better then other terrorist groups such as ISIS for example. Furthermore SIS couldslaughter a million people and they're fate won't change - the larger the terrorist group the quicker elimination, the only thing that will burn in the end is their pride.
Brandon Santana
2015-02-07 04:48:20 UTC
Last time I heard the USA is a Democracy and of course why not behead and burn the White man that shot and killed 12 people in a theater in Colorado and every White Man that has gone on a killing rampage in the USA. Because those are the only Terrorists I see here. And also the USA does far more terrorism than any Brown Skinned man the Media has talked about
2015-02-09 04:04:54 UTC
Because the USA, like most western democratic countries these days, don't usually commit war crimes deliberately (apart from the odd one or two that sometimes happen) - because it's technically illegal under international law - especially the Geneva Convention.
Beheading or burning terrorists would be considered a war crime. In the US they have laws against unusual or cruel punishments, and other countries have similar human rights legislation. However, even if a country does not have such laws, you can't murder prisoners of war under international law. You can kill them in combat, but not after you have captured them. That's a war crime. Soldiers who participate in war crimes could end up in jail, in their own country.
Those terrorists you speak off, are also committing war crimes. They will be held to account eventually, when the west pulls it's finger out of it's a*s.
2015-02-06 11:33:02 UTC
Yes, that's just what Obama was hoping for when he created ISIS.
He wants to make the whole world angry and start another world war.
For the past 100 years, the surest way to get into a war is to elect a Democrat president.
This American was executed in retaliation for the retaliation for burning the Jordanian pilot.
If we start executing people in retaliation, it will trigger another wave of retaliation by ISIS.
Just exactly according to Obama's script.
When will people start stepping back from this mounting insanity, before a world war breaks out.
All just for the profits of the Military Industrial Complex.
2015-02-07 08:55:38 UTC
Well, did I not tell you all that the members of In Satans' Insane Service were torturing, beheading and used babies as live targets for shooting?
Obomba is the worst of the 20th/21 centeries. I saw the video of the muslim woman. Did you not see the terror in her eyes? It makes me want Jesus to come back and take His children home to heaven. I think that because they live such brutal lives when a man gets angry at her because he didn't get his status quo of beheading he beats her. Her little daughters are raped and killed. God, the true God not this alla myth, will have mercy on them and let them into Heaven and toss the men into the most horrible places of hell.
2015-02-10 17:02:32 UTC
America is a developed country with a solid economy and modern technology.
There is also a separation between church and State and the constitution allows
citizens from any part of the world to have a life of choice and the option to worship
any way they choose, all is welcomed. There is no reason to behead or burn anyone
who disagree with any religious ideology in a democratic society.
2015-02-08 11:49:11 UTC
That would just serve to increase the cruelly to US prisoners. I was a kid in the 50's in NJ and all the Dad's had come back from the big war. Later in life I learned about the inhumane treatment of our prisoners by the Germans, Japs North Korea and Vietnamese who even skinned a guy alive and left him tied to the ground with little rodents eating away at him before he was put out of his misery by a US solder. This solder told the story on TV. These people are all freaking animals.
And yet we were always the good guys who were against torture and treated prisoners well UNTIL 9/11 and Guantanamo when that criminal Donald Rumsfeld I think it was who ran the Bush administration and in fact ran Bush, introduced American torture. I must admit that I do have mixed feelings about desperately trying to prevent further loss of US lives. But from I understand now, they never got anything out of the Muslim animals anyway
My solution….bomb them back to the Stone Age with minimal boots on the ground. Napalm the devils and send them back to hell where they came from and let them feel what it’s like to burn while minimizing our casualties as much as possible with airpower, drones, etc. Just my 2 cents worth.
2015-02-08 01:39:26 UTC
I've thought about this too. It's very ruthless though. It's also kind of inhumane. The way I see it, is that it's a battle of ideologies. If your really concerned about 'winning' against islam then it would boil down to who's ideology is stronger. I don't know about you but I have never seen an atheist suicide bomber, I guess islam has a stronger ideology.
Mr. Henry
2015-02-09 15:32:38 UTC
why do people like Brandon Santana have to make everything racial.
Give me a break. Go easy on the white man. Where in the world would Brandon be without Whitey. Brandons folks may have come the hard way but I don't think he would go back where he came from if he had the chance. Just answer the question Brandon!
dawn t
2015-02-09 13:09:36 UTC
Because that would make them no better than the terrorists. Terrorists may do cruel and unthinkable things but doesn't mean that normal people have to take that route. And anyway Americans do execute people.
2015-02-09 14:22:33 UTC
First off you fight terror with terror,then this **** will stop.
I want to ask why the talking heads at Fox News (Cavuto,Hannity,O'reilly) Etc.
Will not admit openly that the current sitting POTUS is a Jihadist Islamic Terrorist in the
Outhouse of the united states of america (he has turned it into) and it appears he is hellbent
on destroying the constitution and the sovereignty of the united states along with the freedoms and liberties of the American people.And it is for the same reason Obama does not use the words" Islamic jihadist"is because he is one.Fox news will not say the potus is a terrorist because they are cowards just like Obama wont admit that he is a terrorist,because he is a coward just like fox news."Wake Up America" you have become complacent about your freedoms and liberties and if so they will be stolen away from you.
2015-02-07 08:44:06 UTC
Tradition. All methods of execution are brutal. In England, traitors were sentenced to be hung drawn and quartered until the 19th century. Witches were burned until the 17th century. Beheading was considered a kinder sentence, usually reserved for nobles. It was the official method of execution in France until 1981. The USA has always considered itself more modern, with the electric chair becoming the method of choice.
2015-02-07 14:54:36 UTC
If they say we're like the Romans then the solution is simple.
Have the governments of the world that protect them (terrorist) handle them.
If they don't then we eliminate the entire country.
If they face total annihilation, they might be willing to coexist with the world.
2015-02-06 12:39:01 UTC
You may be able to behead them. If done right. One of the most painless ways to die. As for burning them. Back as far as when still collonies you had treatys and laws with them. That burning a person would not be done. Look at most Native American treatys and you will find many such there. So against common law at least.
2015-02-08 11:13:27 UTC
Because in the US Constitution there's a part about banning "cruel and unusual" punishment. Which can be misinterpreted and twisted in many ways - the US often does not follow this, but they're supposed to.
2015-02-08 12:34:32 UTC
Because we have our ways. First, if away from home, we kill them with drones. Second, we kidnap them and place them in life imprisonment in Cuba or some other undisclosed place on earth. So, beheading and burning are covered in the drone missile attack. The other method does include torture and since it happens not in the USA the US constitution and US laws do not apply. Rather simple and effective and since not too many Americans care, presidents get to order executions abroad, like the very dictators US presidents claim to get rid of. Very neat. Would you not agree?
2015-02-09 17:26:21 UTC
Hey, we aren't perfect, but we have to keep our morals.
No matter how much they do to us, we can't stoop down to their level. We try to be, and state that we are a nation of ethics, morals, rights, and freedoms. I agree many of those have gone down the drain, but we still have a lot more than those terrorists.
We live in the 21st century, they live in a barbaric world from the dark ages.
2015-02-07 09:19:22 UTC
History it's full of this scenarios ,Mongolian in one day just beading 10,000 people and they make pyramid out of their head .That was highest punishment for the nation that stand against them and it was create a extreme fear of sabotaging .That become later a tactic in the war against the enemy in the old imperials ,which at begin of the war they mass kill entire village or cities in the way of the capital of the enemy to make fear of them selves to the enemy .Same method was use by Germans in second war in Europe and Israel in the Golan but they use gun since beheading .still you can see this type of savageness in the Africa and recently in Iraq and Syria.Did not hear US or any other civilize countries does such thing except in one on one battle in war zone .
The ultimate punishment of most the countries till 16 century was beheading in public to be a listen to other to not commit the crime or act against the kings .
2015-02-09 00:13:18 UTC
Beheading and burning terrorists would lower the U.S. to the level of Mexican durg cartels or the horrible terrorists. Moreover, those actions would spark protests and more sympathies toward the terrorist organizations.
2015-02-08 05:42:05 UTC
The method of punishment would be grounds for an appeals court and later Supreme court challenge on what is cruel and unusual punishment. Amendment VIII.
Note; The death penalty is a given STATE punishment penalty rather than a federal law.
Even then any death sentence is automatically appealed by state law.
Only for treason , the Congress has to right to determine the punishment.
2015-02-07 11:40:03 UTC
Don't be silly. Just because someone does something inhuman doesn't mean someone else should go and do the same thing. Besides, the bible teaches that do not throw stone for stone and we are to love our enemies. So,how would that look???
2015-02-07 11:35:41 UTC
Its too quick.
It would be a signal that this behavior is acceptable.
If at all possible, wounding enemy combatants is preferable on a broader scale. What is it? One wounded warrior needs seven or more support personal to care for them. Its costly, and drains the war chest. Then the question would be; will they start killing their own to save money? I feel that would cause a political conflict within Isis. Use our snipers to wound as many as possible, as frequently as possible. (don't go for high profiles) - shoot everyone in the *** - 24/7. We may be surprised at the result. Then politically this could lean in our favor, except for the *** shots, I suppose.
2015-02-08 05:30:18 UTC
It's against the constitution
Special EPhex
2015-02-06 22:27:33 UTC
You cannot behead what does not exist. Our government has went well out of its way NOT to call terrorist what they are. They appear to be more outraged about a few people who have been water boarded than the beheadings and other atrocities committed by a radical religious fanatics today.
2015-02-09 11:47:35 UTC
because that wouldn't be humane yes they weren't humane when they did what they did but that shows we deal with things better btw how would you feel if they said why don't they just behead and burn Americans? neither what you want or what they did is right
2015-02-06 15:44:38 UTC
What would that achieve? Don't you think there's enough blood shed. If the US decides to do that do you think it will achieve peace? No, it wouldn't in fact it would make the war on terror much harder and in fact it probably cause more terrorist attacks. Me personally i would just lock them away for life or death penalty depending on their crime. I wouldn't bow down to the same level as the terrorist.
2015-02-07 10:14:59 UTC
The reason is because in the US, one of the amendments of the constitution forbids "cruel and unusual punishment". The US HAS, however, came out with a "torture report" that says that the CIA has been illegally tormenting terrorists, forcing them to go without sleeping for many days, or even hurt, kill, or even TRAUMATIZE terrorists through a drowning torture called "waterboarding". It's so cruel that it makes you start to lose faith in humanity.
2015-02-08 13:40:09 UTC
Because we're a developed country who would never use such primitive or inhumane manners of killing, if at all, because most people on death row wait for years before they actually get executed. Also methods such as electric chair lethal injection etc are much less messy and easier to clean up.
2015-02-09 19:51:40 UTC
Our ancestors have been there and done that. We've evolved since then. A majority of Muslims have not. El Presidente Obozo thinks it's ok for his Muslim Brotherhood to do it, since Christians did it 900 years ago.
Linda R
2015-02-07 12:05:13 UTC
Because Obama is a terrorist. When a terrorist kills an American............Obama releases (from Gitmo) terrorist leaders. I just can't hardly wait until he's gone.
2015-02-06 20:15:32 UTC
Well as much as my emotions would love to do it, I believe the other way eventually will win out, that doesn't mean we stay idly by and let things slide, OH NO, we fight back and that means blood and guts. But there is a better way to do it, with war combined with diplomacy, combined with alignment.
2015-02-07 08:52:26 UTC
Terrorist is just a propaganda word used to dehumanize the opposition or foes. Before the propaganda word was Savages against the indians now it is terrorist. It is not a legal term!!! Also the official definition of a terrorist is one who uses violence for political ends, thus the U.S. and most of its allies and most everybody can be said to be a terrorist.
2015-02-06 20:00:39 UTC
Maybe because they don't want to be just like them... Or maybe just because there would be too much public outcry, since the US government does not seem to entertain scruples about targeting innocent civilians in drone strikes and torturing alleged terrorists at secret black sites like Abu Graib.
2015-02-07 19:59:01 UTC
Do you really think that by the USA doing the exact same thing that other countries are doing to our people we will get ahead at all? No. It is wrong regardless of where you live or what other places are doing and you have to remember that not ALL people in these foreign countries and what not agree with these practices, Most of these places are socialist countries so what the government says, goes.
2015-02-08 20:53:13 UTC
If we beheaded and burned terrorists there would be more of them. Right now the only terrorists are a bunch of crazy assholes that the world gets rid of like weeds. We are not crazy assholes. If we started acting like them people would hate us like they hate them.
Sal Viggiano iii
2015-02-06 20:32:11 UTC
Other than the Consititutional reasons, if we did that, then we'd be no better that the terrorists that we're fighting against. Thanx.
2015-02-07 21:34:48 UTC
because if we did the entire planet would suddenly switch sides and start talking about how America is evil and that poor innocent terrorists are victims of another one of the psycho war monger Americans homicidal rampages......and im not being sarcastic..the people around the planet are so desperate to find something to blame on American that they have no problem ignoring what other people do and consistently take whatever side is against the US.
2015-02-07 05:35:11 UTC
Awwww, that's not civilized and Obama has defended ISIS calling them "junior varsity", while watching them grow.
But then, he does want to bring some terrorists to New York to have their day in court.
He is a lawyer after all and wants murdering thugs to have a chance to get off using his "Christians did it too" defense.
2015-02-07 19:53:14 UTC
No, don't stop arming these so called Syrian moderates then you will be surprised how quick the terrorists run out of ammo. That is what they do just shoot them.
2015-02-08 16:42:48 UTC
Other methods for putting people to death are easier, and most Americans are as lazy as heck. As for why we don't nuke ISIS, it's because Obama's a sissy who can't defend a world superpower.
2015-02-06 18:38:13 UTC
Because the average American is not Catholic , Muslim or any other obscene religion, that demands such barbaric actions. That goes for burning alive as well. Don't smirk if you are of the Christian right you're not far from going that way if you had the power. The French had the guillotine till the 60s, the symbol of democracy for many years.
2015-02-08 20:25:14 UTC
Beheading and burning people is the way ISIS deals out justice. We have to be better than that.
2015-02-06 15:18:17 UTC
Time to create Pig skin body bags for the islamic regions. It worked for the Brits in Afghanistan back in the 1800's. Since they are more into their religion today, let's give the body's respect fanatics deserve.
Edit: Beheading & Burning attacks the body while a Pig skin body bag would attack the afterlife of the Jihadist.
It is funny that Muslims are so angry at westerners for decadence, but their reward for marterism is decadence.
2015-02-06 21:33:51 UTC
It's very simple. The U.S. Value every human being. You are not wrong with your question. It's your mindset which needs some tweaking. Try to get help and you will feel more human like and not feel demonized. Poor you.
2015-02-07 00:51:44 UTC
if the government wouldn't have removed Saddam Hussain he would taken care of anybody who came or tried to come into power over there period. we did not like him but He was good for the region. He would have bombed the **** out of Isis long ago.
2015-02-07 06:46:46 UTC
Holder defended the terrorists prior to becoming AG. Obama makes excuses for them. Hillary hates Israel.
You better change administrations and vote for people that like America and are proud of it to run it.
2015-02-10 09:41:18 UTC
Because they have 40 virgin's waiting for them!!! Why give them that satisfaction? Let them rot in prison and enjoy the well deserved A$$ $EX.
2015-02-06 11:14:15 UTC
Well, as tempting as it may be to give them a taste their own medicine, the US is a nation of laws. However, dying in an air strike isn't always quick.
2015-02-08 21:56:39 UTC
Because we're not terrorists.
2015-02-07 00:29:48 UTC
Politicians ......we used to play in a sandpit, now men dress up and pretend there is a big deal in the world. So sad. We are nothing and aliens would laugh at us playing silly little man games. All the horror in the world is man made.
Scarlet Rainbow1
2015-02-10 16:31:18 UTC
That would only prove that we're no better than they are. We have to be better than that. I don't have a sure-fire answer, but this is NOT one of them.
2015-02-07 03:57:09 UTC
If doing it, they would bee seen as the evil they are fighting against. And usually, things like that will only escalate. The same is with guns. the bad guy / or enemy will try to stay ahead. Sadly, sufferers is normaly people,
2015-02-08 22:17:05 UTC
Because..we're supposed to be a liberal nation that isn't barbaric as 11th century vikings, maybe that's why.
2015-02-07 13:21:23 UTC
It's inhumane.
Douglas L
2015-02-08 14:00:26 UTC
Because the USA is better than the terrorists. It is a stain on the honor of the USA to execute people in a cruel manner. It is enough to kill them. There is no need to torture them.
2015-02-07 23:24:00 UTC
Because half the people the US hold as terrorists aren't even criminals.
2015-02-08 02:05:19 UTC
They can't , simply because they are the real terrorist .
2015-02-07 10:31:37 UTC
Because burning and beheading people is wrong
2015-02-08 06:02:39 UTC
because we are animals and savages.
Personally.........if you're being killed......the method of Death probably doesn't matter much.......the result is the same.
I think we should bring back the electric chair......lethal injection seems too namby pamby-
2015-02-06 21:04:33 UTC
We haven't burned people since the lynchings.
2015-02-08 08:30:34 UTC
For one thing, there is the US Constitution which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. Second, such a punishment would be illegal under the regulations that guide the military overseas,e.g., the UCMJ.
2015-02-08 04:45:51 UTC
Well, even though the Bible says
"An eye for an eye.", we are, hopefully, more civilized than that. However..I tend to go along with the Bible's take on it.
2015-02-09 21:03:37 UTC
What does that solve? Yes we are ridding the world of them in the same manner they do others, but they are savage animals not even fit to be called humans for the evil they bring. But if we do to them what they do to others, how does that make us any different?
Just Hazel
2015-02-06 14:27:09 UTC
In my lifetime, the good state of Virginia was identifying poor, rural, uneducated Americans as useless, undesirable and unworthy of procreation so they sought to limit the undesirable population with the sterilization of thousands of men and women as well as incarceration in mental hospitals. America has the blood of thousands of unborn Americans on their hands. Have we the right to criticize the actions of other countries. Killing is killing. Beheading is used for the shock value alone.
2015-02-10 09:24:48 UTC
Give Al Sharpton a ring - he may agree with you that this could be valid for certain subpopulations in the USA. Actually, you could even call some of his friends for support(as well).
2015-02-08 09:41:01 UTC
Can't do that because Obama is busy turning most of them loose.
2015-02-07 08:27:24 UTC
Because the US has a higher standard of treating others with integrity. The US is no saint, but then again no other country is either.
2015-02-07 07:36:34 UTC
The Bush administration got CAUGHT doing torture, but not Obama. We are a civilized nation that does not kill because of different beliefs, nor do we train our children to kill, we are aloud our own opinions without fear of death. Why even ask? Are you Republican? Do you want to become evil?
Troll Spotter
2015-02-08 12:58:28 UTC
Because we are civilized . Those that do this only motivate others to destroy them ..a bomb dropped on a terrorists head works just fine anyways.
Chinese-Americans for a FREE TIBET
2015-02-08 15:08:26 UTC
Because as the foremost economic and military superpower in the world, we of all people are expected to turn the other cheek even when our enemies do not.
2015-02-07 06:11:53 UTC
Because we don't have the same level of brazenness as those pieces of sh*t isis.
2015-02-07 07:50:03 UTC
Instead the US uses the more cruel methods of long-term psychological torture and repetitive torture. At least the Muslims are to the point and get it over with.
2015-02-07 00:07:58 UTC
If we act the way they act than what the difference would be between the two?
Remember, hatred creates more hatred and violence the more violence.
You can't extinguish fire with the fire or add more inflammable fuel to fire.
2015-02-06 11:11:59 UTC
A little thing called the 8th Amendment. Pesky liberal Constitution!
2015-02-07 13:36:35 UTC
Because they have to keep up an image and not stoop to the level of terrorism, fighting with the power of democracy.
2015-02-08 02:36:47 UTC
because that would make them just as bad then. soon you'll be asking why doesnt america just become terrorists and attack all main muslim buildings
2015-02-08 12:57:53 UTC
Cruel ways of inflicting suffering may involve violence, but affirmative violence is not necessary for an act to be cruel. So says the ACLU.
2015-02-06 12:42:44 UTC
Because we aspire to be a CIVILIZED society, not a society of barbaric, sub-human brutes.
If you had any brain and any humanity, you'd understand.
2015-02-07 18:20:44 UTC
Because it's barbaric savage setting people on fire alive what the heck?!
2015-02-07 14:05:14 UTC
The Fear that one day the real Terrorists will be caught.
Ursus Particularies
2015-02-07 17:21:55 UTC
Many of us do not wish to become one and the same as the terrorists***. But we will also defend ourselves as well as bringing them to justice with humane and far less cruel and frantic efforts.
***cruel, unusual. despotic, tyrannical
2015-02-08 20:02:26 UTC
Because they are too hypocritical. After all they allowed the KKK to exist for 150 years.
2015-02-08 22:57:38 UTC
The terrorists should do that to US citizens over there than, instead of just holding them hostage.
2015-02-07 13:12:02 UTC
Because we're not barbarians
2015-02-09 01:11:52 UTC
Because that's what they did in the olden time....
2015-02-09 11:23:24 UTC
I don't know but I think they should let us vote on it.
2015-02-07 07:29:26 UTC
The U.S. does behead and burn terrorists...They just do it with drones now....
2015-02-07 22:27:44 UTC
there are laws and morals that have to be held and the government has much more effective was of stopping terrorist
2015-02-09 07:59:40 UTC
They should, but they won't.
2015-02-07 20:00:05 UTC
the reason why we don't do it is because its dehumanizing. Its not right to do something like that to someone
luis l
2015-02-07 00:04:47 UTC
Why usa invade Vietnam,because they are communist.
Why usa never invade cuba,if the usa people think the usa troops control the área, russia build atomic bases around.,and they have the power of this área for over 30 years.
SIMPLE ;CUT THE MASSIVE OVERBUDGET OF WEAPONS ,AND A LOT OF GREEDY MAD PEOPLE,WHO LIKE MAD POLITICIANS.vote for the best of our own,not for mad people whit mad feels,outside of our own good.
Chris Harper
2015-02-08 14:28:59 UTC
Because the US would be no different than the terrorist.
2015-02-08 07:09:31 UTC
They are presumed to be more civilised.If you behave like a terrorist, then you are no different.Then who wins : Terrorism.
2015-02-08 21:19:59 UTC
Good Question
2015-02-09 00:30:00 UTC
Because the US is not like them. if they do the same it makes them a terrorist as well. because this is such acts of terrorism,
2015-02-09 09:18:41 UTC
Because the US is a civilized country with laws and morals ?
2015-02-08 11:15:28 UTC
maybe someday we will capture some of these animals over there that are puling these- things and send them back over there piled in a dumpster- were the trash belongs
2015-02-06 11:08:50 UTC
Politically correct wimps in office, we need to slaughter all the Gitmo prisoners and impeach Obama so we can fight ISIS.
2015-02-06 20:09:34 UTC
Forbidden by the Constitution
Better in Texas
2015-02-06 21:47:14 UTC
Because Obama is a terrorist Muslim and refueses to kill all Muslim's
2015-02-09 13:50:28 UTC
Why you think it doesn't?
2015-02-06 23:23:23 UTC
well... i dont think its actually a good idea to do that.. because US government hav to maintain their " savior of the whole world status.. beheading is not something that suites their image which they r trying to maintain.
2015-02-07 06:29:11 UTC
HOw about trial in a state with the death penalty, not Illinois for now. then lethal injection
I Like Sexy Fat Girls
2015-02-07 05:27:30 UTC
Isn't that what they are already doing with their air strikes and wars on terror?
2015-02-06 19:27:20 UTC
I am sure we kill. maim, and do every horrible thing to them with our bombs, napalm, cluster bombs, hell fire missles. and 30mm cannons. We can sit home and feel self righteous but war is hell on earth so there is nothing humane or clean about it. Maybe it is time to but out of everyones business.
2015-02-08 10:07:52 UTC
I would keep the heads in a secret room so they could stare at anybody who walked in. O.O
2015-02-08 21:03:58 UTC
USA regime already done such thing
by droning them ( burning them in great flame)
2015-02-06 11:12:38 UTC
Cowardice. America lost its testicles in Vietnam and shows no sign of regrowing them. We are more concerned about not offending the enemy than killing them.
2015-02-08 09:17:35 UTC
That's just daring them to bomb our country.
Spiny Norman
2015-02-07 04:23:36 UTC
Because the US does not live in the dark ages.
2015-02-07 18:06:00 UTC
Brandon Sanatana who was talking about race? why not kill all the blacks that use every excuse in the book to commit crimes? looting, and violet demonstrations
2015-02-06 20:27:30 UTC
The US is a progressive sophisticated country. We treat our pets better than they treat the women and children, in their country.
2015-02-06 22:21:17 UTC
What do you think our bombs and drones have been doing? Of course, most of those killed are completely innocent, but what American cares about the life of a foreigner, right?
2015-02-07 00:42:11 UTC
So your saying ISIS should be our role models? We should try to be more like them? I guess in that case they should be our friends or maybe our leaders. Do you think we should surrender to them and let them rule here?
2015-02-10 07:47:01 UTC
Obama wants to give them amnasity and a work permit.
2015-02-08 22:07:52 UTC
2015-02-08 11:03:35 UTC
Because that way is totally unethical and against human rights.
2015-02-07 12:50:04 UTC
Lack of moxie we only talk a good game
2015-02-07 10:32:52 UTC
Because if you do this, how are you better than the terrorist?
White Warrior King
2015-02-07 09:37:46 UTC
Because the terrorists are not white, so the liberals would consider it "racist" if we did that.
2015-02-07 13:48:12 UTC
Too much emphasis on equality and diversity ect
2015-02-09 12:08:29 UTC
Because maybe its Unethical and immorral and it wont help solve the problem
2015-02-08 16:20:19 UTC
Payback by other Countries.
2015-02-10 05:34:41 UTC
Cause they are afraid of terrorist.
2015-02-07 06:22:35 UTC
Because our constitution prohibits death by cruel and unusual punishment, which is why it still puzzles me that we still use the electric chair.
2015-02-08 11:36:55 UTC
Killing won't help them at all.
Tad Dubious
2015-02-09 05:32:52 UTC
We are civilized. We are above those types of acts.
2015-02-06 16:23:00 UTC
because beheadings have never been an American form of execution
2015-02-07 17:47:53 UTC
Great suggestion, then let them know that their head and heart will be buried with a sick slaughtered pig!
2015-02-08 19:27:48 UTC
because the US is still a somewhat civilized country
2015-02-08 00:10:02 UTC
"The strength of our civilization is not how much needless suffering we can inflict in anger, but how much we can endure without losing our civility." - Wayne Gretzky
2015-02-06 13:06:09 UTC
Not necessary just give me a body count of the enemy
Jack R
2015-02-08 05:17:07 UTC
America is aware that this is the 21st century.
2015-02-07 14:59:37 UTC
thats messed up, fighting fire with fire will only build a bigger fire, plus terrorists usually dont care hence why they do what they do, so it will only make them do the unimaginable
Casper McFadden
2015-02-07 01:10:06 UTC
Someone once said (I forgot who), and I quote, "The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury."
Art G
2015-02-06 21:41:11 UTC
Two wrongs doth not a right make !
2015-02-09 16:04:26 UTC
Two words...."Geneva Convention"
2015-02-09 03:34:29 UTC
If you cannot tell the difference between our actions and their actions they have won.
2015-02-06 15:33:01 UTC
Political correctness.
2015-02-06 12:18:46 UTC
We should start with Obama!
parochial school graduate
2015-02-08 18:55:58 UTC
We have bombs for that as well as burning people alive.
2015-02-08 06:21:20 UTC
I think it is against the constitution
2015-02-07 13:46:37 UTC
because we wish to remain a civilized nation.
Patriot !
2015-02-07 07:51:28 UTC
..."we" are a Constitutional Republic of Laws ! (you really need to get some fresh air !)
2015-02-09 15:25:14 UTC
Dont stoop to their level
2015-02-06 11:23:03 UTC
That goes against American custom and laws, just like torture.
Ryan B
2015-02-07 17:23:21 UTC
Those methods are disgusting first off.
2015-02-07 22:04:51 UTC
We cant even pour water on them
2015-02-07 11:49:08 UTC
Why should the US descend to their subhuman level?
2015-02-09 23:05:56 UTC
because then we would have to hold another fake election for a new president
2015-02-07 17:06:46 UTC
because we aren't somalia or iraq
2015-02-07 03:41:19 UTC
look it up
2015-02-07 09:52:37 UTC
Tit for tat? Because an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind? (Ghandi).
I have no sound ???
2015-02-06 22:22:53 UTC
But GOD said do unto others as you would have them do unto you, but he also said and eye for an eye???
2015-02-07 07:50:25 UTC
Because WE are civilized!
2015-02-08 08:23:53 UTC
It does both but by proxy
2015-02-09 20:34:10 UTC
because america is still based on some Christian beliefs.
Lord Vader
2015-02-06 21:16:48 UTC
Americans aint got da balls
2015-02-08 05:04:54 UTC
do you think US bombs and missiles don't decapitate and burn and worse?
2015-02-07 16:20:56 UTC
I do have to admit, you do make a lot of nonsense.
2015-02-08 13:15:39 UTC
Because, Obama is a giant pussy.
2015-02-06 11:17:00 UTC
Because then you legitimize their actions.
Bolo is Watching You!
2015-02-06 11:14:08 UTC
We are very busy executing innocent black people.
2015-02-06 11:10:33 UTC
No leadership
2015-02-09 04:25:45 UTC
Because they are also on the CIA staff ;)
2015-02-06 11:13:38 UTC
Because we are better than that. At least I am.
2015-02-08 15:34:32 UTC
'Cuz santa is watching
2015-02-09 16:23:33 UTC
THEN, what is the difference between us and those savages?
2015-02-06 19:05:50 UTC
Because they lack the masculinity and strength which most Muslims possess in excess.
2015-02-07 12:34:28 UTC
Because we then would be no better than they are, gutless low-life cowards.
2015-02-07 02:38:02 UTC
We are not barbarians. Doing what they do would turn us into them.
2015-02-07 08:49:35 UTC
lets do it but you must stop being a coward
2015-02-08 11:25:18 UTC
Because we are terriost ourselves
Unlucky Road Stain
2015-02-07 16:35:05 UTC
eek. They should check your outdoor sheds out...
2015-02-09 12:33:32 UTC
thats awful
2015-02-08 01:51:53 UTC
2015-02-07 08:34:32 UTC
What The ****?
Jouwen Dean
2015-02-09 07:19:46 UTC
because terorrist must be punished
2015-02-08 10:34:30 UTC
they probably still do somewhere. We just do not hear about it.
2015-02-06 16:53:11 UTC
And stoop to their level? Are you stupid?
2015-02-08 09:02:14 UTC
Then we would be no better than them.
2015-02-10 19:18:17 UTC
I dunno mayb cuz we don't want to fall to the same level as the savages
2015-02-06 22:05:18 UTC
why do you hate america
2015-02-09 10:28:47 UTC
becuase that would start a war.
2015-02-08 13:24:15 UTC
because that is extremely uncivilized
2015-02-07 20:20:21 UTC
because we are busy
2015-02-09 11:22:10 UTC
That would be mean
2015-02-09 11:34:11 UTC
purple purple
2015-02-08 06:25:42 UTC
2015-02-06 11:38:44 UTC
No reason to.
2015-02-07 22:30:45 UTC
Because everyone would cry "war crimes!!".
2015-02-09 08:51:19 UTC
cause we have morals
2015-02-08 14:40:40 UTC
because Mexican people... and small jumping beans...
2015-02-09 11:31:23 UTC
That's exactly what they want.............................
2015-02-07 02:13:52 UTC
because that will start serious ****!
2015-02-08 09:35:40 UTC
Big ques....
2015-02-07 11:28:49 UTC
we are civilized.
2015-02-07 08:34:17 UTC
2015-02-06 16:14:57 UTC
Why not?)
2015-02-06 17:36:51 UTC
u mad brahhhh
2015-02-07 21:12:38 UTC
well they had Guantanamo bay were they tortured people. idk
2015-02-08 11:21:43 UTC
duh its illigell get into the modern times
2015-02-07 12:01:53 UTC
This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.