Trump supporters-How are you any different from people in third world nations(Russia,Iran, China)who believe anything that their leaders say?
2021-01-18 17:30:54 UTC
Trump supporters are exactly like those people in Russia, Cuba, Iran, Ukraine, China, North Korea, Turkey etc. Who believe whatever their "dear leaders" say. 

Claim election fraud-they believe it
Claim that covid is not deadly and we should not wear masks-they believe it
Claim that all Muslims are terrorists -Believe it 

How are you any different from people in third world nations(Russia,Iran, China)who believe anything that their leaders say?
66 answers:
Phil M
2021-01-21 14:20:53 UTC
In four years we WILL be a third world nation!
2021-01-20 22:17:57 UTC
brain washed peeps
2021-01-20 18:27:01 UTC
Ruth, I know somebody from Iran, and I knew somebody from China, and though I've never known anybody from Russia, I can assure you that all 3 of those are vast countries filled with all sorts of people, and they don't all believe the same as each other or believe whatever their governments say.

On a smaller scale, the same is true of Trump supporters. I know many Trump supporters, and I am one, and we don't all believe the same things as each other, and we don't all believe that Trump is right in everything he says. 

Here's a question for you to consider: who told you that all Trump supporters believe the 3 things you listed, and why did you unquestioningly believe that source?
2021-01-20 13:49:40 UTC
yes exactly i need itt
2021-01-19 04:55:47 UTC
Well let's talk about this without a biased view point. These are common options from both sides.

Trump Supports / republicans:

- Believe democrats are corrupt and belong in jail

-Think non Trump supporters are brainwashed and are idiots

- are concerned about the future of this country in the wrong hands

- Believe the other party is promoting racism while acting like they stand for equality

- Believe big corporations are taking over this country

- Believe that democrat supporters Believe anything they hear

- Believe democrats are selling us out to other countries for personal gain

- Believe democrats are trying to strip away all human rights from the people

- Belive Democrats are trying to destroy the middle class

Biden Supporters/ Democrats:

- Believe Trump is corrupt and belongs in jail

-Think Trump supporters are brainwashed and are idiots

- are concerned about the future of this country in the wrong hands

- Believe the other party is promoting racism

- Believe that Trump supporters Believe anything they hear

- Believe Trump is using us for personal gain

- Believe Trump is trying to rule this country with an iron fist

- Belive Trump is trying to destroy the lower class

Bottom line is, we have way more in common then people are willing to pay attention to. As long as we let big business, corporations, and the government divide us, we can never stand united. Regulardless of what side you stand on, these are the facts!

- The people are brainwashed

- big businesses are corrupt

- Our government is corrupt

- Our government and country is already being controlled by foreign countries to certain degrees

- The American people are being used to line the pockets of the rich

The longer we stand against each other, the worse this country will get. If we can't unite under one nation, then we are doomed to fail and history will repeat itself. If we can't find a way to weed out the corruption without turning to violence, we will eventually find ourselves in the midst of another civil war and other countries will most likley siege the opportunity to take out the most powerful country in the world while we are weakened.
The First Dragon
2021-01-18 21:29:54 UTC
You know what, you are insulting the citizens of a lot of countries, there, saying they all believe whatever they are told.  Sure their governments may encourage this, but it doesn't necessarily happen.  

Nor is it true of Trump supporters.  People came to support Trump because they are critical thinkers who were willing to move out of the conventional authorities.  They aren't going to stop thinking for themselves once they start supporting Trump.  
2021-01-18 20:42:08 UTC
Ruth, I listen to the Lord Jesus Christ and not Trump or Biden.  There is a God in heaven who rules over the affairs of men.  Both Trump and Biden are limited to what God allows.
2021-01-18 17:41:35 UTC
LOLOLOL How are YOU any different than those same people who believe what YOUR leaders tell you? You believe everything CNN is saying: That Trump caused the virus and did nothing to stop it. That there was no election fraud. How absolutely ridiculous! Both the CDC and Fauci told us that masks wouldn't do any good. Then they changed their minds. Trump closed the border to the Chinese 2 DAYS after China came clean. Pelosi and Biden were telling people to party in Chinatown. Biden didn't support the Lockdown until April. Trump got 3 vaccines done in less than a year when Democrats insisted it was poison and it couldn't be done in less than 5 years. Harris, who wouldn't take it, already has hers. Biden is in China's back pocket.
2021-01-18 17:37:18 UTC
The difference is we're not chinks, russkies, or gooks. We're white people and have been discriminated against by having to acknowledge the "humanity" and "rights" of spooks, wet backs, slopes, fags, chicks, dudes with boobs (trans "women"), and every other sick thing out there. Gooks don't have to put up with a horde of wetbacks, and russkies don't have issues with dues getting boob jobs so they can rape women in public bathrooms. We're being forced to be nice to all those people whose feelings get hurt when you don't give them hugs when they cry. Grow up. If I don't like you, then stay the hell away from me. Don't go crying for anti-discrimination laws. I'm a gunna punch ya more fn u do.
The Oracle of Omigod
2021-01-18 17:35:57 UTC
Yet you sit here and believe that Biden is going to eliminate petroleum and run the entire country on solar panels and windmills?
2021-01-22 00:26:06 UTC
Conservatives don’t believe everything their leaders say. Conservative leaders say everything their constituents believe. 

On the flip side liberals will parrot everything the MSM says because most of them cant think for themselves. 
2021-01-21 11:37:12 UTC
I'm sure there are plenty of Trump supporters who did not agree with some offices policies and statements. But you prefer to ignore such people as it suits your own prejudices. 
2021-01-20 20:09:19 UTC
You ask how Trump supporters are different from Russians, Chinese, Iranians, or Cubans?  Well, being that they want freedom from the ruling party who is suppressing their rights, I would say they're probably quite a bit the same.  For decades under the USSR regime, your phone calls were listened to, your associations monitored, your mail confiscated, your freedom of religion outright denied to you.  You could be arrested for speaking out against the leadership, sent to a gulag, forced labor, downright killed for your opposition, real or perceived.  You were not allowed to have certain jobs, go certain places, and you were monitored on every level.  Your neighbors were encouraged to rat you out to the secret police and were rewarded for doing so.  The news, such as it was, was greatly censored and the only thing that you were allowed to hear or see or read was given to you by the regime.  The same thing has been happening in China, North Korea, and Cuba since the late 50s, in Iran since the 1970s, and the people have suffered and want change. 

Today in the United States, media pundits and Congressmen and women on the Hill are calling for "citizen army squads" to "patrol" and "spy on" the words and perceived thoughts of conservatives; that the children of Republicans should be removed from their homes and placed in re-education camps; that Republicans, conservatives, and especially the religious; Catholics, Christians, "Evangelicals" should be "reprogrammed'; that any person who dissents from the party line on a social media platform, or anywhere, should instantly be censored and removed from such platforms.  AOC is actively, loudly advocating for the "reining in" of the news media.  First Amendment, anyone?  The loudest voices on the left are calling for the suppression and suspension of any conservative voice, calling for the shutting down of right-wing media sites, news outlets, and publications.  Left-wing leaders and media pundits have been and are calling for the blacklisting and denying of jobs to any person who either worked for or supported President Trump.  People have been fired from their day jobs for posting conservative memes at night, off the clock, on their own time.  First Amendment, anyone?  Several European leaders, including Angela Merkel, said this is very dangerous. 

One should stand up and listen to what Angela Merkel said.  She's the Chancellor of Germany whose parents grew up under the nazi regime and has firsthand knowledge of the slippery slope of first abridging and then denying altogether people's Right to Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of the Press, and the right to freely assemble. 

You accuse Conservatives of being fascists, but you agree with all that is being said and done by your party leaders.  That makes the fascist you.
2021-01-20 16:26:50 UTC
Sweetie. you fail to realize something factual...if a politician is talking, they are lying. 

ALL POLITICIANS just want power and they historically do anything to achieve THEIR personal goals. Yes, both Demorats and Repulsicans.

You are in pure and utter denial if you believe otherwise. Delusional, actually.
2021-01-20 15:07:57 UTC
How are you diffent you belive your media these people belive in a person not some square box I know who side I'd pick 
2021-01-20 13:34:27 UTC
 They are all sheep who lack critical thinking skills zxjq

 . . . . . . . . . .

Little Ms Sunshine
2021-01-20 10:02:34 UTC
Supporters must have some kind of justification

for why it's all part of "God's Plan."  

It's hard for folks to admit they were "prey"  

for people who inspired them to pray.  

When they heard mmm had called DT a demagogue,  

what they heard was "Demigod" and ran with it...   

(PS - Not sure about Iran, but I believe China & Russia are Second World countries, not Third World.)
2021-01-20 07:26:52 UTC
there never has been difference , you believe the propagander the different american government gives out , you have been programed and dont know xeample the covid virus came from china but you blame trump why , after all you flew the chinese back to america didnt you . dont think the democrats are innocent , do we or are you too dumb to think .
2021-01-20 00:33:40 UTC
trump did for american unlike china joe will do for you idiots who voted for him.. you all got scammed, sit back and watch,,
2021-01-20 00:10:48 UTC
They are no different. It’s quite sad!
2021-01-19 22:06:37 UTC
I can say samething about you

You believe what ever your fake news tell you
2021-01-19 20:45:43 UTC
Russia is second world nation.
2021-01-19 18:38:45 UTC
PLEASE educate yourself on 3rd world countries before you embarrass your minions
2021-01-19 13:12:39 UTC
We are different because we were "educated" in government skuls.
2021-01-19 04:45:54 UTC
I guess you will find out as soon as China takes over.  By the way, would somebody explain to me how Biden won Arizona when at one of his rallies, ZERO people showed up in Phoenix.  
Md Kawsher
2021-01-19 02:28:57 UTC
World pioneers have communicated their stun after allies of the U.S. ... Among enemies, China contrasted the savagery with fights in Hong Kong, Russia said ... the U.S. has no ethical option to rebuff another country under the appearance of maintaining popular government ... We have faith in the strength of American majority rules system.
2021-01-19 02:12:29 UTC
I'll bet CNN tell you to ask this.

I don't believe Trump, but then again, I don't as a rule, believe what elected officials say, I believe what they do.
2021-01-18 22:02:01 UTC
Who says they believe it all but they may have the intelligence to pick the good they see outweighs the bad. And we’re not different then those people everyone was created equal.
2021-01-18 17:37:13 UTC
Is today the day libs can only base their "questions" on false premise?
2021-01-18 17:35:41 UTC
     None of your empty claims withstand fact-checking.

     No one I know who voted for Trump believed any of those things based on his statements, alone. We have this odd, laborious tendency to check facts for ourselves. 

     No one in my very conservative area went without a mask after Gov. Abbott mandated them. 

     And I questioned election fraud IMMEDIATELY when I read reports of Democrats filing 300 lawsuits filed in 44 States to change their tried and true election laws. Most conservatives read beyond the mainstream media echo chamber. And that MSM includes what your sort call "conservative" media outlets. 

     It's lazy and dangerous to do anything but learn how to effeciently search for UNEDITED videos and text of ORIGINAL statements, such as Trump allegedly calling neo-nazis and white supremacists are "very fine people". Completely debunked years ago. Yet MSM-heads STILL believe that.
2021-02-26 23:06:11 UTC
What makes you think Trump supporters agree with everything he says? Not true. People have a mind of their own. They do in those countries you mentioned. I would say North Korea is the exception to free will.
2021-01-23 02:27:06 UTC
The ONLY one here blindly believing the people you listen too for your information is YOU. Your belief in what what some of the things you simply think Trump supporters blindly believe is evidence of that.
2021-01-21 17:43:58 UTC
Excuse me but please don't drag us into this. China is not third world. The USA is. And our subjects are happy and taken care of. Trump supporters are crazy and dangerous especially to China. That's why he had to go and be replaced with someone is pro China and who will do as he is told. You should be grateful that the CCP got Biden. We're on the same page. Trump's gone.
2021-01-21 02:52:29 UTC
I could ask you the same question. How are no different from people in third world nations(Russia, Iran, China)who believe anything that their leaders say?

Biden has a party with no social distancing yet he wants people not to go to church, die alone, kids not to go to school and small businesses shut down and can not survive the shut down just to make big corporations richier. 
2021-01-20 12:55:02 UTC
Kim Jong-un told his people he was starving along with them, as he waddled up to the podium and lied through his fat face. We're done with liars today. I'm ready to see trump go to jail now. 
2021-01-20 00:31:57 UTC
Those people don't truly believe anything their government says. They are beaten or jailed if they don't go along with it. 

We are starting to become like that. A Trump supporter can get fired for speaking out. Are you Liberals proud of that accomplishment? 

What you say can go both ways. You believe there was NOT election fraud. The evidence is very compelling, evidence from both ballot counters, and voters as well. There were counties that had 99% turnout, a physical impossibility that has never happened. There were ballot counters who say they had pristine, never folded, "mail-in" ballot, as if they came off of printer. They were told to enter ballots for Biden in twice. There was a change in voting machines a couple of months before the election. I'll bet you've never even heard the evidence. I believe Donald Trump. I do not believe he is a liar. I believe he would respectfully concede if he felt it was the true will of the people. 

If you really look at the facts, it would appear there was fraud. If you look at Sydney Powell's whole life and history; she is a reputable, intelligent woman who is not making up the evidence she believes to be true. 
2021-01-19 23:11:58 UTC
You do know that can be said about All of You on the Left too.

@Keita, I support and believe everything you stated in your Answer as being 100% Factual and True. 
2021-01-19 18:29:28 UTC
They're no different AT ALL except maybe they are WHITE!
2021-01-19 18:27:25 UTC
Like how you believe everything the media says?
2021-01-19 17:34:32 UTC
Trump fanatics will soon become a lost group in politics. After the

treasonous assault Trump and his family made on the Capitol and 

eventual emails that will directly tie Trump to it the only people that will listen to him are the uneducated and confused. Within the next few weeks as more of his attack group get arrested and put away for years and they watch Trump play golf at Mar-a-Lago they will wake up and realize that they were conned. It won't take long for all the

disciples to realize their lives are ruined by a psychopath that

wanted to be another Kim Jong UN but who was too much of a coward to actually join them in the treasonous march he set up.

Trump's excuse, the secret service wouldn't let him go for his protection. The Senate has ONE last chance before all Trump's law suits to vote 100-0 to take away all future office attempts and if the

republican Senators are too stupid to see that then they deserve

what they get later from Trump. Regardless Trump will NEVER be in office again, nor any of his tainted children.
2021-01-19 14:21:54 UTC
It's recognized as 'Illusory truth effect', in laymans terms, If you tell idiots (Trump supporters) lies repeatedly they believe it to be true.,1977%20study%20at%20Villanova%20University%20and%20Temple%20University.
2021-01-19 14:11:42 UTC
Dude, get a life. Russia & China are not 3rd world. China has the strongest economy & Russia is a republic. The Russian economy is yet small, but escalating. They supply Europe with oil & private industry is growing.

You believe Joe is a "good guy" & will bring prosperity by forgiving student loans & by "The Great Reset". You are blind. How many will die from Covid? How many will go hungry without jobs?
2021-01-19 12:47:23 UTC
The insurrectionists at the Capitol on January 6th, said a prayer in the Senate chamber after hunting for lawmakers to take captive and possibly kill. The KKK also says a prayer before burning a cross.

This reminded me of Muslim Jihadists who feel like they are doing the work of God. No different than foreign terrorists, only they are homegrown and inspired no less by our twice impeached disgraced President, Donald Trump.
2021-01-19 11:36:42 UTC
Biden's plan is to turn this country into a 3rd world country by opening the flood gates. Just ya'll remember, whoever voted for this puppet president and his vice puppeteer Kamala, you're gonna suffer the consequences of your actions.

Bumpn poster are you serious??? #:-O  shocked, but then I'm laughing so hard...I hear ya!
2021-01-19 01:42:04 UTC
I personally know someone from Iran and he does not believe much of anything that his government says in fact he reprimanded me for calling them his government, "Don't call them my government the do not represent me." 
Uncle Pennybags
2021-01-18 23:07:41 UTC
And yet you believed your leaders and news media when they told you Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election.

You Trump-haters don't have the moral high ground here.  You are simply getting mad at us for doing the same thing you did before!
Blue Skies.
2021-01-18 23:05:43 UTC
You sure haven't looked in many mirrors lately have you.
2021-01-18 18:40:55 UTC
a programmed voter for the idiot left couldnt begin to understand the basic logic and ethics of voting for the capitalist system that built this nation.  your question/rant has no answer as explaining basic capitalist reality to a snowflake is an exercise in idiocy.
2021-01-18 18:07:59 UTC
LMAO, I thought you were being serious you Left wing Programmed ROBOT.

2021-01-18 17:56:25 UTC
Trump supporters would rather it was Kim of North Korea who won the US elections.
2021-01-20 23:59:02 UTC
I'm not a Trump supporter. But just wanted to say, none of those countries you listed are third world countries. In fact, I'm pretty sure they are ALL second world countries. Second World means communist. It's a classification that was used during the cold war to determine our (as in America's) enemies - aka communist countries. It doesn't mean poor or undeveloped or worse or whatever you're trying to imply. A Third World country is a country without a defined political structure, like Haiti. Third world classification was used to identify essentially the non-parties to the cold war, essentially countries that didn't care if capitalism or socialism prevailed. To communists, First World countries were vain capitalist pigs while to First World countries like America, Second World countries were corrupt systems of oppression. Today, a lot of these countries have evolved their political structure. So it's not really a relevant classification anymore. Also, having lived in China and Russian I can tell you that very few people actually believe the government there. The vast majority of people do not. In China, especially since Tiananmen Square, people are afraid to speak out against the government. But most feel very not pleased with their government. In Russia, most just don't want trouble. So it's not discussed. Russians are also much much MUCH poorer than Chinese people. So they have other things to worry about, like not starving. Chinese people, especially in Beijing are kind of like your typical rich LA brats. 
2021-01-20 18:01:31 UTC
you have been brainwashed by the military industrial complex connected media of CBS NBC ABC CNN MSNBC and Fox News that the most anti war President in modern times who didnt get the US involved in new wars was a racist who colluded with Russia. 

The warmongering establishment is very happy their candidate who voted for the Uni Party Iraq war and wanted war in Syria "won".


You are no different than people in Iran Russia North Korea who believe the propaganda of the establishment like that Trump supporters believe all muslims are terrorists.
2021-01-20 14:31:44 UTC
maybe if people who were perfectly healthy with no other diseases or health issues had actually died of covid we'd believe otherwise 

if people couldn't get the virus through the mask we'd believe otherwise
Sid Boggle
2021-01-20 09:36:46 UTC
He pulled out the Paris climate group.
2021-01-19 18:57:43 UTC
You mean Biden/Harris supporters and those that still trust the MSM propaganda machine for the DNC and the social media giants?  The only way people know "what is happening" is through media and social media.  Guess who has the bully pulpit there and what their narrative must be.
2021-01-19 11:26:05 UTC
As you sit there, accepting a military coup in Washington DC that's happening right under your nose because your leaders say we must protect this illegal inauguration from "insurrection", how can you point fingers at what others believe? 

As you sat there all summer long and watched leftist terrorists burn and loot and murder and riot while your leaders refuse to do anything but condone the destruction, yet thinking Proud Boys and other patriotic organizations must be  terrorists because your leaders said so, how can you point fingers at others credulity? 

As you sat there and watched the Democrats steal an election right before your eyes but thought it was fine because your leaders told you "the ends justify the means" and now you sit there, smugly watching and even helping as your fellow Americans are censored and robbed of their free speech because they don't see the world the same way your leaders have brainwashed you to see it, how can you point fingers at others concerns?  Hypocrite.
2021-01-19 04:25:50 UTC
Incorrect premise.  Many Russians/Chinese know their leaders are lying but are smart enough not to say anything in public to criticize because of dire consequences.  Whereas Trump's followers willingly believe in Trump even though there is no consequence in not believing him.
2021-01-19 04:02:38 UTC
Well it's just like a dictatorship
2021-01-19 01:59:56 UTC
Because he truly made America great again. Also because Trump is the leader and we know that he speaks for us because he cares about us and he made America great in a way that no man ever has or ever will. Trump is the greatest man to have lived on this planet and he is the man that saved America. 
2021-01-19 00:45:24 UTC
I would compare Trump supporters to the supporters of Kim Jong-un in North Korea.  Anything the Great Leader says is a blessing from God an is law.  The peasants there cannot comprehend the idea that their leader is human and fallible.
2021-01-18 22:44:54 UTC
Many Trump supporters don't see everything in black and white.  For me, the good that Trump did outweighed the bad.  I voted based on policies, not personality.  The media is filled with very simplistic people who base their hatred for Trump on the fact that they don't like him, and so think he is evil.  Many people are brainwashed into thinking as the media does, rather than looking factually at the Trump administration's policies.  It will be sad to see Biden start to ruin the energy independence and the focus on US jobs that Trump brought to us.
2021-01-18 22:32:21 UTC
They are cultists!
2021-01-18 22:20:08 UTC
Mark Zuckerberg, Nancy Pelosi, Mike Pence, Joe Biden, Kamal Harris and every Democrat in the Senate except for 10, Twitter owner, EVERY Democrat Governor, Secretary of State of ALL states were arrested for committing HIGH TREASON Wednesday morning at 2:30 AM. The CIA, FBI criminals and the liberal MSM all and have launched a GIGANTIC propaganda campaign to keep this from the American American People. Link can't be posted because of ongoing communist type censorship but can be researched through the TONS of liberal propaganda saying just the opposite. The military build up in Washington DC is there for a reason. BIG CHANGES are coming. Now get with it America and don't say: "I just seen one of those people speaking" This is all part of a very sophisticated digital propaganda machine to make you think the above hasn't happened and is completely fake. Take heed America. 
2021-01-18 19:47:18 UTC
Change "Trump supporters" to "obama sycophants" or "biden lackeys" and answer your own question.  Some followers of any person in a "leadership" position will believe anything that comes out of the noise hole of the "leader".  FORMER chairman obama said the "Unaffordable No Care Debacle" would reduce health care costs.  "hands" biden has made promises and threats covering the entire gamut of politics and pandering.
Disco Stu
2021-01-18 19:20:02 UTC
In Thailand they are fighting their monarch (who isn't constitutional or open to criticism like the UK one). Trump would have said that was 'left-wing fake news'.
2021-01-18 17:37:14 UTC
Didn’t you believe in Russian collusion?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.