Do you think America has a race problem?
2020-06-10 20:54:20 UTC
Do you think America has a race problem?
97 answers:
2020-06-12 21:05:53 UTC
Yes. I'ved lived & worked in both White & Black dominant communities.

In the White communities, I've experienced being called Chink, gooook numerous times when I was a kid. I've been pulled over by a cop when he couldn't come up with a reason why he pulled me over to ask if I speak English. When I was in kindergarten my teacher screamed at me "You're not white!" When I was playing with my white classmates and commenting on Disney Halloween costumes. My friend was dating someone when his ex was on the street screaming "Where's your Chink girlfriend?!" That was 6 months ago. A year before a man hit on me (cat-calling) and I ignored him. He started screaming "I hate F'ing Asian people!" Asian females get a lot of hate at the makeup stores because MAC Cosmetics & Sephora employees have this idea running around that Asians are cheap and wouldn't buy their products.

In black neighborhoods, I've never been called a racial slur as I have been in White suburbs. I used to be called Jacky Chan or Lucy Liu. Not as an insult but as a reference. It's still racially insensitive, well racist. I'm not even Chinese, just Asian. People assumed I didn't speak English for a long time. If I used slang they were surprised even though I'm American, I just look different. Customers thought I didn't know how to spell even though I was speaking to them in perfect English. People who didn't see Asians regularly couldn't see past what I looked like and made assumptions. 

Asian women are fetishized. I get a lot of those comments. Compounding racism with sexual harassment is an entirely other thing to deal with.

Throughout dealing with racism my entire life for being Asian. I still know that in this country the darker or browner you are the worse you have it. I don't have to deal with me or my family being racially profiled as dangerous like Trayvon Martin was. I have alot of black friends too and I don't have as many stories of being followed around in a store because someone thinks I'm going to steal something. I came into a convenience store with a group of Asian friends and that's happened once. I've walked into shops where the shop keeper is following a black person because they think they might steal handfuls of times. As an Asian, thinking about my family I don't fear the things black people have to deal with like Philando Castile. 

My Asian family hasn't had to sit us down to talk to us about how to stay safe when we encounter a cop as my black friends have. Only one of my white friend's families has had a discussion about the law and it was, don't get sucked into the jail system.

When people say racism isn't a problem in this country. That it doesn't exist. It really does boggle my mind. 

For all you people who don't think racism is prevalent. That it's media. You need to be aware that unless you are of a different race, you will never experience it. You need to understand how lucky you are that you don't have to experience how dirty it feels. Us POCs live it. It's FUaCKed up to blame it on politicians or the media when there are people being hurt by it. The first time I was called a racial slur, I was 5 and I lived with it in my white suburban school system until I graduated HS.
2020-06-14 08:20:13 UTC
Everythings the white mans fault... even though he fought to free the black man; and the people who bought enslaved the black man who was inslaved by another black man have been dead for 200 years its the white mans fault. Even though we have complete equality on every level everythings the white mans fault. 

Atleast thats what a lot of the racist "victim" blacks keep crying in order to get free s**t for doing nothing.

Everyone has oppurtunity we have plenty of blacks who have been spoon fed since they where born and plenty of impovrished whites in apalachia. Its about the individuals willingness to get of thier *** and stop being a leech.

Hell yes america has racism, against whites.
2020-06-12 09:37:23 UTC
That is simple Democrats create the racial divide, and fears of hate because they are trying to get Joe Biden elected in 2020 as they did in 2016 with Hillary and we all know how that worked
2020-06-12 02:09:44 UTC
I lived in South Africa during apartheid.  Now THEY had a Race problem, and were almost in a real civil war.  Compared to that, we just have some differences of opinion.
2020-06-12 00:12:28 UTC
Blame the media stirring the pot of controversy .  Perfect example  George Floyd and the riots, that could have been preventable , but no CNN and all the rest of the fake news was going crazy on this, than turn around and say its Trumps fault
2020-06-11 21:41:20 UTC
Yes and part of the problem is that it’s the duty of police in this country to primarily protect wealth and not people. So the people that have the least amount of wealth get protected the least. And often abused the most.And the cops will think nothing of shooting a human being be that person black or otherwise, for stealing an automobile or robbing a store, 

 let’s say. They will often execute somebody in a situation like that. Because of this same principle that material goods, property and wealth are more important than human lives. It’s part of the corporate ethos. And corporations run this country.
2020-06-11 17:38:42 UTC
Yes. I think Blacks believe that they are victims who have been held down by Whitey forever. Y'know, some of those "protesters" insist they've been mistreated for 400 years. Blacks believe what liberal Democrats tell them and what, sadly, Blacks in the media tell them as well as their "leaders," like Sharpton who's gotten rich on their backs, tell them: You can't succeed because "Whitey is keepin you down." It's so much easier to be a victim because then you can't change anything because it's not YOUR fault; it's everybody else's fault why so many Blacks live in poverty. They've destroyed most big city public schools. Most of them are born to single, very young mothers who, far too often, don't care and don't want to be bothered. How many of them asked their teenage looters why they have new shoes that they know the kid couldn't pay for? How many of them encouraged stealing a new flat screen TV because they are "owed?" 

The race problem is with the Blacks who think nothing has changed since Martin Luther King, Jr and who don't want to hear that much has changed. That more Whites are killed by police officers than Blacks--a study by a BLACK professor at Harvard who tried to prove the opposite. Once they take control of their destiny instead of blaming Whitey for their misfortunes, things will be different but that requires hard work. It's easier to be a victim.
Warren T
2020-06-11 17:11:51 UTC

2020-06-11 16:14:56 UTC
Not as a whole. There will be pockets of people here and there everywhere you go looking to make any individual differences into reasons for someone being more valuable than others, but they are few and far between here. There is, however, the growing problem of blm supporting racism again whites, which is just as wrong as racism against blacks. Of course that's what the media covers. I've only met a handful of people in my life, white or black or any other pigmentation, who have had genuine racist views. Most people here just like to imagine what someone else thinks of them, build it up on their minds, and then attack with fiery vengeance instead of asking.
2020-06-10 20:56:40 UTC
No. The black community has a crime and violence problem, which of course no one is talking about. If people actually admitted that blacks (especially black men) have a serious problem with crime perhaps things could change for the black community for the better, but as expected liberals are scared of that discussion and conservatives are too scared of being called a racist for pointing it out. 
2020-06-14 02:01:49 UTC
YES!!! For hundreds of years. 
2020-06-13 10:47:45 UTC
This is sad because the United States is a land of immigrants from many countries. I once made the mistake of saying I was Heinz variety in this regard but have learned in the meantime I mostly Jewish and some of that comes from the Indian race and some of them are Jewish and do not even know it.  But you would never guess it because my eyes are like a chameleon lizard with the ability to change color.  Perhaps this helps me to remain a mystery.
2020-06-13 05:32:44 UTC
Always has had one.

What is different now is that we have a President in Trump who seems to make it a point to always pander to the racists and as a result they feel empowered to be more vocal.
2020-06-13 00:45:04 UTC
Yes especially black and white. It can't be solved forever
Mr. Wizard
2020-06-12 17:38:41 UTC
Yes indeed. All factual indications lead to current negative black/white race issues in the U.S. being politicized by key Congressional Democrats ( discreetly, through "tiers" of "assistants" ) on down "the line"--and it's being well funded purportedly by George Soros, who is known to pay individual "protest ACTORS" at least $50 per performance.

I feel certain key "protest leaders" are being paid $500 ( 2 leaders per 100 "protesters", pushing them to act out for free ) from Soros sources in the latest ugly violent eruptions under the racism banner.

In short, between the purported "COVID-19 PANDEMIC" and these riotous violent "protests" and anti-law enforcement attacks--it's strategically logical key Democrat Congresspeople ARE planning political chess moves in their bid to:

a) Politically cripple and damage President Trump's image as a leader.

b) Have Joe Biden elected as POTUS November Election Night 2020.

And U.S. Democrat Congresspeople are NOT above using illegal means to accomplish these 2 goals.
2020-06-12 12:36:31 UTC
Yes. I america has race problem.
2020-06-12 08:31:18 UTC
Yes, I would say they do.
2020-06-12 02:08:27 UTC
I don't think it does .. I know it does
2020-06-12 00:51:05 UTC
I think most of it is baseless accusations by them.If there is somewhere else they would rather be,they should get there soon.
Raymond L.
2020-06-12 00:38:57 UTC

The media has lied about this subject since the 1950's they keep at it, and it, and at it.

I'm white and I seriously dont know of anyone who hates largely any race( that is of people who i regulalry associate with,.]\

oh and BTW, I'm also a Republican who votes 75% of the time for the republican candidate.

God bless
2020-06-11 23:02:33 UTC
Yes, The United States of America have a really bad race problem.
2020-06-11 20:20:53 UTC
No, in Floyd's case a resounding no. It was a personal enmity, when Floyd was Chauvin's boss and paid his salary. In detention Chauvin saw an opportunity for revenge. No racism.

Only racism I see is anti-white racism

          in the protests
2020-06-11 19:56:48 UTC
America has a race-baiting problem.
2020-06-11 19:41:07 UTC
No, it doesn't. People have to understand to gain the right knowledge. 
2020-06-11 18:11:27 UTC
Yes. And the blacks and the jews are to blame. the blacks are tearing s h i t up, and the jews that control the mainstream media were the ones who riled them up.
2020-06-11 16:54:31 UTC
america has a problem with americans always claiming "america is the greatest country in the world!" not true, get your head out the clouds. no country thinks america is the best. america's like that one annoying girl who constantly talks about herself and how perfect she is when no one actually cares because trust me, no one does. so step off your high horse and start learning how to be humble. 
2020-06-10 23:02:08 UTC
Questions about the answerer are not allowed.

USA has a racISM-problem, as in too many people pretending that humans come in races and blaming things that are caused by society on genetics
2020-06-10 21:05:26 UTC
Yes. Americans hate each other.
2020-06-10 21:02:37 UTC
It's not a matter of thought,  it's a matter of fact. 
2020-06-10 20:56:32 UTC
This is on par with asking, while the Titanic is about to make it's final plunge into the deeps:

'Do you think the Titanic has a sinking problem?'.
2020-06-15 02:50:45 UTC
The only race problem we have is the political race where the dems are constantly trying to rig elections.
2020-06-13 18:10:46 UTC
Yes, it has but I don't believe it will ever be solved. Too many people feel disadvantaged for some reason - real or not - and that will not change. 
2020-06-13 14:04:26 UTC
I'm sorry to not fit the narrative, but racism will go away if we simply quit talking about it. I mean, who is really racist anymore? No one. The only ones I see bring racist are the people burning down cities over fake news. The democrats plan is to keep creating crisis after crisis so the American people will grow tired of it, and hopefully vote someone else in. The silent majority will once again speak very loudly in November. 
2020-06-12 17:19:27 UTC
Every thinking person knows that it does. The people who deny it are usually ignorant and don't want to be corrected or educated. They get really offended and fight back hard.  When was the last time you tried to explain the truth to a racist and he listened intently and finally said, I never thought of it like that before...You're totally right...I've been such an idiot !!  What can I do to make things better ??        Never happened, never will.  We gotta wait for that old fashioned breed to die the dinosaurs.
2020-06-12 10:11:52 UTC
Yes, of course it does.
2020-06-12 06:40:56 UTC
Yes & it's against the Europid Majority that ended slavery & acknowledge the need for Civil Rights for all to move on to a better future, but the hustlers (Al Sharpton/BLM) wont move on & aren't satisfied until the destroy & erase reminders of history (like NAZI book burning/censorship) of the sacrifices the country has gone through to get where we are.

BLMs Socialist revolution has created Protection Racket Militia in their Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone where if businesses & residence don't pay up, they get looted & vandalized by ANTIFA & any criminal street gangs, also coming to Minneapolis. So if you're not Congoids according to BLM, you deserve every grief or suffering that any Congoid inflicts on you. The Chant & Graffiti BLM period!!! pretty much says that Caucasian, European, Persian, Turkic, Oriental, Siberian, S/E, Asian, S. Asian, Central Asian, Amerindian... lives do not matter as much. Non-Congoids can empathize, but to demand that they should be subservient to Congoids victimhood delusion is bullying. BLM chants Pigs in a Blanket' Fry em' like bacon, what do we want dead cops, & tags BLM graffiti on vandalize & looted buildings, how's that peaceful? BLM wants to use any incidents involving Congoid victims innocent or guilty of a crime to keep the victim mentality alive for Congoid crimes & Congoid bigotry to be tolerated for them to intimidate & oppress non-Congoids. The US is probably the softest & most lenient country in the world when it comes to crime & punishment that contributes to large amount of re-offenses & incarceration rate.

If Congoids want their existence to matter then be independent, self sufficient, honorable, humble, & honest to build up a positive society or nation as great as Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan. Follow the examples of these non European descent nations. Tribalism & Bigotry will never disappear as it's not only human nature, but animal nature as well that can be suppress by being self reliant, honorable, humble, honest & kind. Do not follow the example of Congoid ruled nations like Haiti that destroyed what the French left behind 216 years ago, they still haven't recovered from it. Liberia a Nation for freed slaves was ruled by freed slaves much worst & ruthless than the confederate states. South Sudan, The Congo, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leon are all falling Apart despite all the foreign aide spent to help them. Trying to paint Bigotry, Discrimination, Hate & Tribalism as inherently European is false as such behavior along with slavery started with Early humans in East Africa when early humans expanded into separate tribes competing for territories & limited food resources that are still practiced there since before the great migration of early humans. Journalist Keith Richburg Author of Out of Africa 'Thanked God for Slavery' bringing his ancestors to the USA.

Al Sharpton & the lawyer (hired by families of death by police) whose livelihood depends solely to sowing the ills of society to profit from are preaching that it happens everyday calling it a genocidal pandemic. WAPO reports 10 Congoids shot unarmed, 20 of Europid shot unarmed, & 18 others shot unarmed, down from 32-38, 3-4 years ago. If it happens everyday, there will not be 40+ millions of Congoids as reproduction won't be able to keep up since emancipation. Congoids population grew from less than 30 million to 1 billion+ from 1500-2020 because of Europid industrialization, science, technology, medicine, food preservation, academics, economics & Europid pursuit to abolishing slavery. Brazil, Cuba, Caribbean Islands & N/E South America had a slave population of 40%-60%+, 20%+ slave owners, 2-5 decades late in abolishing slavery. Haiti had 2/3, if not 3/4, but didn't really end slavery rather replaced the masters with lighter & better haired version of themselves. Prior to the end of the US CIVIL WAR, the US had 3.5-4 million slave population owned by 1% of the free population of 40 million at the end of US Civil War. 28% of Louisiana & Mississippi had Congoids & Capoids Slave owners & owned plantations.

FBI Stats Intra-racial Homicide among Congoids is 89% & 82% among Caucasian (European, Arabs, Hebrews, Bedouins, Afghans, Turks, Persian), includes Mestizos in the mix. US law enforcement takes a lot of abuse, harassment, & assassination for being very soft & lenient to law breakers, only in America.

European descent have a higher chance of being victim of interracial crimes. In Interracial Homicide 15% are Perpetrated by Congoids upon Europids & 7% are Perpetrated by Caucasians upon Congoids. There should be more emphasize on Interracial Homicides, Rape, Mob Assaults & Robbery. All interracial crimes 60,000 Blk victims by Wht perps; 600,000 Wht victims by Blk perps. 42% of cop killers are Blk 3.5 times more than the Blk population ratio.

At 12% of the Population Congoids are already Committing twice the rate of the 72% of the Caucasian Population. If you adjust the Congoid Population to match Caucasian Population by multiplying 15% Interracial Crimes by 6 how will the total be, or Both Population can meet in the middle which is 36% therefore multiplying 15% by 3 and dividing 7% by 2 , the result is (B) commits 45% vs (W) commits 3.5% when equalizing population in the middle.

Blk on Wht interracial rape is at 80%-90% annually. Wht on Blk rape is virtually 0 at 0.1% annually in terms of population. A Mulatta with a higher percentage of European ad mixture (60%-99%) has a higher chance of being raped by all degenerate of any ethnicity than a pure or mostly Congoid female. Must have something to do With the standards of beauty that Arabs-Islam created when purchasing wives or harems putting eastern Europeans on top, Northern Europeans 2nd; Assyrians, Persians, Southern Europeans, Mediterranean, Mongol, East Asian 3rd; Indian/south east Asians 4th; Australoid, Congoid/Capoid 5th.

The push to abolished slavery world wide would not have been expedient if the US Civil War hadn't Happen. England abolished slavery in the late 1700s (Serfs)- early 800s (Sub Saharan). Russia abolished slavery & emancipated Russian Serfs (Europid Slaves/Slavs as Eastern Europe didn't have African Slaves) in 1862. USA Abolished Slavery in 1864. Brazil abolished slavery in 1890s but continued it with the Xingu Amazonian Tribes through 1920s for rubber. The Russian waves of Immigrants in the late 1800s & early 1900s before the 1914 Russian Revolution were most likely former Russian Serfs/Slaves turned indentured servants. European slaves existed since 3K BC & there were European Slaves up to 1880s in Turkey when the Sultan abolished slavery for Europeans (mostly Crimean, Circassian, Ukrainian & Slavic States) & Congoid Slaves. When Russia turned Communist after the Russian Revolution: Royals, Nobles, Aristocrats, commoners, & former Serfs were subjugated into state bondage forcibly or voluntarily. Southern Europeans in Spain were enslaved for 800 years until the late 1400s when the Moors were expelled from Spain. European slaves gradually got their freedom before WWI, but could've persisted until 1964 when Saudi Arabia Abolished Slavery. Europeans growing strength from their technology & push to abolished slavery globally likely convinced Islamic states in N. Africa & Arabia  to end slavery in 1964 with the exception of Mauritania where it continued until 2007, but slavery continues in N. Africa, Yemen, Sahel... as Al Jazeera reported just 5 years ago.

Before the Portuguese sailed around Africa & set up trading ports with costal Bush kingdoms. Africa was the worst continent for Congoids & Capoids. Tribal warfare controlled population through sacrificial ceremonies that may involved having to consume sacrificial offerings, a practice that still exist. Joshua Blayhi (Gen. Butt Naked) being notorious for conducting these sacrificial ceremonies as its High Priest in Liberia (VICE: Cannibal Warlords). In Tanzania Albinos, mostly children, are killed for their body parts as charms, souvenirs, & even consumed in the same manner that Gorilla hands and feet are sold as charms or souvenirs, the rest being consumed in the beliefs of gaining some powers.

With the arrival of Arabs (1000CE-1100CE) in the interior of Sub Sahara then Europeans (1500CE), it became more profitable for Congoid bush kingdoms to sell rival bush kingdoms, tribes, criminals, & peasantry. After abolition of slavery swept Europe, N. Americas, then central & S. America 20-40 years later Congoid bush Kingdoms, later republics, still had a reliable slave trading partner with Arab & Arabize nations for another 100-140 years. The most famous slave market was in Egypt well into the 60s. Sunni Islamists ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram... brought back slavery in their territory & Caliphate. Europids tried to develop Sub Sahara Africa. Now China tries to finish where Europeans left off.
2020-06-12 03:23:34 UTC
No! There is a certain percentage of the population in America who have a bad attitude towards anyone who is from a different race and different religion. The rest of American people are decent law-abiding citizens who just want to go about living in a free and safe society without fear, reprisals, and intimidation.
2020-06-12 01:53:37 UTC
I think I have a extra dimensional conscious problem :D I have a passive interest in Atlantis. Lately I've been doing a little searching.  I came across a random youtube video about Atlantis... and did a little searching...I'm  on facebook posting on a tomb raider thread.... and then I do a totally unrelated search of grey aliens which I see a Atlantis theme map for Tomb Raider 2 out of the blue. Nordics it says.... then I do a little searching about Atlantis and I see something called Tiwanaku ...

I pick a random Tomb Raider game which by chance I bought off Steam just recently...the first level of the game is Tiwanaku....

What does all of it mean? I've met certain alien types , the blondes and the greys but I don't know what exactly they are trying to tell me. 
Obi Wan Knievel
2020-06-11 21:32:13 UTC
No.  It has a huge problem due to victimhood culture.
2020-06-11 17:36:35 UTC
Yes I do think there is a race problem, the problem is that the different races don't want to see the truth. Black people need to honestly look at their culture if they want things to change so do latinos. Are there still racist white people Yes but the other skin colors only reinforce stereotypes
2020-06-11 17:01:25 UTC
America was built on racism and billions of slave skeletons are buried in it's foundation so of course there is. 
2020-06-11 16:16:12 UTC
the problem is so many minorities don't want to 'fit in', they want to be here but remain separate ....
2020-06-11 15:20:53 UTC
Actually, we have a liberal problem.  A lot of noise and mayhem, but not much common sense.
Ralph G
2020-06-11 12:47:05 UTC
Never fear, the tracks will be open soon. Oh, wait, wrong kind of race. Never mind.
2020-06-11 11:53:28 UTC
No, There is Not a Significant Race Problem in America. The issue of race has divided people for hundreds of years. Race is no longer as significant of an issue as it was in the past. 
2020-06-11 07:59:31 UTC
not exactly a race problem.   It is more  like an attitude problem for the self proclaimed "the greatest country on Earth".     There are too many "great things in America".  One of the worst of the "great things" is Americans are ignorant.   The dont want to know about other foreign culture because they are the "greatest country on Earth".  They always look down on other cultures including Africans and Mexicans.   Well I know most Africans are poor and uneducated  (sorry this is FACT and not being racist).  Also most mexicans dont want to speak English in America.     But it doesnt mean you can treat them like dogs.   Catch them and put them in jail and send them back to their countries.  

Americans need to learn about being nice to other countries.    Maybe if that happens, American could be the "greatest country on Earth".  maybe.....

PS: the source is not from CNN.  I actually LIVED in the USA.... met some blacks mexicans whites Americans.... those are the source....

2020-06-11 00:33:51 UTC
Yes for sure.   
2020-06-10 21:11:36 UTC
When immigrants arrive and have the audacity to declare themselves superior to the natives and more entitled than everyone who arrives before and after- this is a problem.
2020-06-10 21:06:06 UTC
No. I don't. 

But I do think that the African American community has a community problem. They're totally screwed up and blaming all their problems on whitey. They're like a totally dysfunctional family blaming their dysfunction on the folks next door. Makes NO sense. 
2020-06-10 21:00:17 UTC
Yes, and anybody who says otherwise is an indoctrinated moron.
2020-06-14 00:22:02 UTC
Sure, America does have a race problem...but I think it functions in all directions, and the impact it has on individuals needs to be studied honestly.

"In the White communities, I've experienced being called C***k, g****k numerous times when I was a kid. I've been pulled over by a cop when he couldn't come up with a reason why he pulled me over to ask if I speak English. When I was in kindergarten my teacher screamed at me "You're not white!""

Yeah there's something about this write up that just screams FAKE!  Don't get me wrong, I think it is completely possible that you did have racial slurs tossed at you when you were a kid, and that is not cool. 

However when it comes to the cop, there's a red flag that goes off there.  Either you were doing something wrong, or you're making it up.  That's my feeling.  And a kindergarten teacher screaming "You're not white?"  Yeah, don't buy just seems fake.

"My friend was dating someone when his ex was on the street screaming "Where's your C***k girlfriend?!" That was 6 months ago. A year before a man hit on me (cat-calling) and I ignored him. He started screaming "I hate F'ing Asian people!""

May have happened, but once again it seems stereotypically fake.

"In black neighborhoods, I've never been called a racial slur as I have been in White suburbs. I used to be called Jacky Chan or Lucy Liu. Not as an insult but as a reference. It's still racially insensitive, well racist." you were called both "Jacky Chan" and "Lucy Liu?"  And I can't help but notice that you gently arrive at the perspective that that was racist...but only in the most delicate of ways.  

Just out of curiosity, in which neighborhood do you live now?  

"Asian women are fetishized. I get a lot of those comments. Compounding racism with sexual harassment is an entirely other thing to deal with."

Wow, you seem to be borrowing from an intersectional feminist playbook.  

"My Asian family hasn't had to sit us down to talk to us about how to stay safe when we encounter a cop as my black friends have. Only one of my white friend's families has had a discussion about the law and it was, don't get sucked into the jail system."

Yeah this is the point at which I can't help but see the mularkey in your entire answer.  I grew up in the most multicultural neighborhoods in one of the most multicultural cities on the entire planet, and I've never been asked if my parents ever sat me down to talk about how to stay safe when encountering a cop.

Since you hinted at it however, parents did tell me that if I were stopped by a police officer, to comply with what was asked of me unless it would be illegal.  And yes, I'm a white guy, and I have been carded by a cop once while I was on my way to work.  

I also had police banging on my apartment door in the middle of the night when I was in university.  Once again, didn't give attitude, listened to and answered their questions.  Would the result have been different if I were black?  Possibly...but having seen the police rough up a pair of young white guys who were drunk and sitting in the back of their car, and nearly seeing my dad get beat up by the cops when one of the guys that were roughed up stopped breathing and he tried to administer CPR, it's possible that it was just a matter of complying with a police officer was enough to help it.

"You need to be aware that unless you are of a different race, you will never experience it."

I suppose it depends on what you're referring to as "racism."  I mean I worked my heart out from the time I was 13 to acquire the education necessary and put myself through university so that I could apply for my dream job...only to be told upon graduation that my application for the job would not be accepted because I'm a white male! 

If you and I had the same education, YOU would've been permitted to apply for the job.  Indeed you'd have been favored because in addition to being a "person of color," you are also a woman.  

I put almost 15 years into amassing the qualifications for a job; I worked to put myself through university (the first in my family), but my race and sex were held against me!  And you're going to sit there and claim that I "will never experience it?"  Yeah, let me know when your race and sex are used to deprive you of the right to even apply for a job you put in almost two decades to qualify for...y'know, so I can tell you how you will never experience systemic racism.

And it is racism...though I do find it fascinating how you can downplay MY lived experience because of my race.  At least I doubt yours because of little tidbits here and there that just seem to artificial to believe.

"Us POCs live it."

Actually you don't.  People who are victims of racism "live it."  Perhaps you have experienced it in your life...but so too have I.
2020-06-13 23:26:00 UTC
No. Majority of Americans do not use racial slurs.
2020-06-13 20:00:36 UTC
Not at all.  Everyone just love each other like kissing cousins.  (Sarcasm)
2020-06-13 12:43:33 UTC
And it is 400 years old
2020-06-13 11:44:25 UTC
dont hang out with people who make u feel that way. if they constantly bring it up go somewhere else. i want to enjoy my time with someone because i enjoy what they bring to the table. thats why i like koreans dont have a problem with them being racist in general
2020-06-13 06:27:20 UTC
Yup my black coworkers just attacked me at a meeting for speaking up and saying I am an ally and how much I support the Black Community. They said I was just trying to hog the spotlight.

Then they berated my White colleague because they said, "She stayed silent during the meeting".
2020-06-13 05:24:41 UTC
No NASCAR , Leguna , Daytona, Thunder-hill, Indianapolis are still open and drawing mass crowds of Race fans
2020-06-13 03:00:55 UTC
i think they do against people from china who started this nasty disease. its not wrong people just need to get over it they are nasty they come from places where they are raised without things like us that is why they just don't care so it it wrong to not like other countries NO it isn't we are the best in the world so why are you asking such stupid questions?
2020-06-13 00:55:56 UTC
Yes, & sadly I don’t think it will ever change!
2020-06-12 16:03:13 UTC
This is very sensitive. I just think that there are those people who just thinks so highly of themselves. 
2020-06-12 15:37:09 UTC
Personally? I don’t think it’s as bad as some make it out to be. 

I agree wholeheartedly that there are too many racist out there, but not as many as portrayed. 

The media blows up every single act of racism, which makes it seem a lot more prominent than it is. 

And the racism today, while still 100% wrong, is not the same racism from when racial segregation was extremely prominent. 

Many racist today are not going to protest sitting next to a black person on a bus or refuse to form friendships with them, instead they see black people as inferiors. Meaning they are racist against the idea of blacks maybe getting promoted before them. 

Again that is not okay and I’m not defending them, I’m just trying to explain that it’s different. 

Racism needs to end that’s for sure, but it isn’t as severe as people make it out to be. 

Trust me, I’m from the Deep South. If racism was still a prominent thing, I’d see A LOT  more it. 
2020-06-12 08:27:01 UTC
Tell me this was not racist...
2020-06-11 22:52:03 UTC
It's a problem for blk ppl because they need to play the victim to get anywhere.  I saw blk kids at pizzeria waiting and no one serving them.  Racism, they cried.  The Hispanic owner comes out complaining that's what you ppl always do.  Starbucks apologizing because a store didn't let some blk kids use the bathroom is ridiculous.  If I count how many times I been denied access to bathroom because I wasn't a customer I would be sooo blk according to these ppl.  It's a good idea not to let everyone use the bathroom otherwise it will be so filthy and a magnet for bums to hang out.  Race problems will always persist as long the minority happily play the victim and as long there are inherent inequalities in intelligence and behavior.
2020-06-11 17:50:32 UTC
Not so much racism but more prejudice and stereotyping.  I think racism has turned into a faceless factless scary Boogeyman that lives under your bed and hates you for the color of your skin. Unfortunately this tale has been taught to people especially blacks and has held them down and not help them at all.  Being taught that everybody hates you is not healthy and basically false.
2020-06-11 16:07:14 UTC
Yes, and it comes from BOTH sides
2020-06-11 06:19:39 UTC
Main problem is, I feel like white people, who have privilege because of skin color right now, are afraid of losing their privilege. Thus, equality seems like oppression to them. 
2020-06-10 23:49:35 UTC
Yes, and democrats try to fix it with the welfare program, but it’s only a temporary band aid and does more damage to the community.
2020-06-10 21:08:46 UTC
Yes. A black race problem.
2020-06-10 21:03:13 UTC
Not so much in the West. More so in the North, East and South.

The West is Liberal and free.
scott b
2020-06-10 20:55:31 UTC
gee.....ya think? What astounding observational skills you have. What was your first hint? The protests in the streets?
2020-06-13 00:32:18 UTC
Yes, we are one of the most racist countries in the world
2020-06-12 23:52:13 UTC
Racism is a "universal problematic behavior everywhere" which is exhibited by people who have a  learned habit of responding to situations in which they perceive a necessity to be superior to others.  It is a selfish act done at the expense of others.  They attempt to demonstrate the superiority of the group in which the individual identifies.  One does not have to be white, brown, red ......, or any color, to be a racist.  They are merely trying to establish a perceived superiority over others.

A person who demonstrates racists behavior also will have chauvinistic practices.   As such, America is a  group that contains countries that have many different races in each.  The term American is often misused to describe Caucasians who live in the United States.  Native Americans are Americans, and they are not white Americans, none the less they are among the first Americans.China as an example where racism is occurs among people in different ethnic regions. close friend who is of Chinese ancestry once stated he felt China was more racists than the US due to the varied ethnicity.
2020-06-12 22:09:05 UTC
Yes, there has always been a race problem in America. Ever since this country was established.
2020-06-12 21:35:14 UTC
With blacks yes they are very racial against whites & latinoes. Education has caused a lot of that.  There does need be change in them & there attitude. 
2020-06-12 17:12:23 UTC
Race Hustlers and their enablers are the problem because it's lucrative.
2020-06-12 10:35:57 UTC
No, we have a human problem. People being hateful to each other happens for reasons that are irrational, so, NO, factor X, isn't the problem, WE are the problem. We sell each other out without a second thought and then wonder why life has so little meaning or joy left in it, and we don't trust each other. The human race is the problem. We aren't cohesively relaying or able to trust each other, and that will always be the problem. Just look at the bible. 2000 years ago, what was going wrong? So much conflict internal conflict a guy lost it, said that he was god and was going to make all the bad go away finally and got himself killed in the midst of some hate rage BS. Nothing else is the problem but us. We need to change and we can't, and it's making us sick. Hate is poison. It's a fast poison for the person being hated and a slow poison for the one who hates, but it's all just poison, and we're all really sick.
2020-06-12 06:24:31 UTC
You are merciful.
2020-06-12 00:34:49 UTC
Does America have a race problem. No. There

are people within our borders that have racial

Judy and Charlie
2020-06-11 22:20:31 UTC
Yes, I do.

And 55 years ago when our Congress passed the Civil Rights Act, it cemented our founding values of equality and rights for all.  So what went wrong?

Individual family values went wrong.

Although Americans are raised with learning the SAME FOUNDING VALUES OF EQUALITY AND RIGHTS FOR ALL, it was not taught at home.  And this is a serious social failure in individual households.

In American Public Schools we are all taught the SAME VALUES.  And so it takes a dysfunctional family to negate the lessons learned.
2020-06-11 20:56:30 UTC
Fr more a class problem where flks r 

sdly judged by the size of their walt & nt

the Heart &/o Brain which shows in ur wn


2020-06-11 18:01:09 UTC
On the whole, I don't believe there's a "race" problem between black and white in America.  The problem (and it's not really a "race" problem) has always been caused by that element of violent, worthless, and lazy thugs (predominately black) who have always caused problems - an example of which are  those who have been rioting and looting and destroying property for the sheer fun of it and usually for any reason they can come up with.  Both races in America (black and white) hold those people in contempt. 
2020-06-11 17:08:50 UTC
In 1964, the year after President Kennedy was assassinated in a coordinated effort by his own political party, The ACLU took over every USA police force with the idea that people of color should not be policed by people of color.

Does that answer your question?
2020-06-11 16:59:02 UTC
Always had a race problem since and before the USA was established.
big dog
2020-06-11 15:46:22 UTC
We have a leader problem. He wants to create problems with the people. We should focus on unity, and not let one person create problems for millions. Dump Trump!
2020-06-11 15:34:30 UTC
yea cuz people fell indignated with george floyd, there's huge racial problem
Jake No Chat
2020-06-11 14:54:16 UTC
Absolutely YES.  Politics as usual is dividing the nation, and that is causing people to complain more and try to blame others instead of seeing what the issues are and working to create unity and solving the problems.  It seems that politicians are only after trying to score cheap political points, and not interested in working together for common solutions.  If the political hypocrisy and hate were resolved (that is by people showing respect for others with different ideas, people working together, etc) then I believe the citizens would see that we all can build everyone up and not just tear things down.  So, yes, America has a race problem, but politics as usual is the even larger problem.
2020-06-11 12:53:16 UTC
I cannot believe that you could ask this question with a straight face.  Are you trying to make a joke?
2020-06-11 06:46:47 UTC
It has had a race problem from Day one when they started to murder the Indians to steal their land

From the First Treaty, the USA has lied to the Indians then they Introduced Slaves and lied to them

Lincoln lied about the Emancipation declaration it never freed any Slaves the Only free slaves are the ones who went back to Africa
Nazrul Islam
2020-06-11 04:25:19 UTC
Yes, I think America has a race Problem. Recently Floyd was killed by a white color police officer.
2020-06-11 02:54:46 UTC
Yes for sure.  
2020-06-12 07:13:58 UTC
The USA has numerous problems, starting with its government. And I'm not talking about the president. I'm talking about everybody else! Right on down to the city policeman and the city judge!!! Constitution violators! Violators of the law! Ad nauseam!
2020-06-12 03:45:09 UTC
It has a deep state problem that causes people to be divided against each other and pretending to care about Black causes. When you see how African countries are run, you might put things into perspective that maybe things weren't that bad in America. There are many Asians, Jews, Indians who want to immigrate to America, so it couldn't be all that bad. No one told them to come. No one told the Mexicans to come. If diversity is such a good thing, you have to ask yourself why isn't Mexico, China, India and Israel more diverse? From that point of view, don't they have a race problem?

Why don't other non White countries listen to this 'old wise Jewish lady?' Quote:

"I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."

Why o why has no one listened to her that are not Western countries?

If there is a race problem, it's only certain races that get heard, and there is severe double standards. In actuality, multiculturalism constantly creates fear and paranois that America (or other Western country) has a "race problem," then there are people like Barbara Spectre (that I quoted) contradict that when it comes to their own countries like Israel (she's Jewish in origin, not Swedish.)

Maybe there is a race problem and double standard with quotes like that and when they keep mentioning "White police officers" as doing the brutality. If race "doesn't matter," why do they always mention a police officer's race? And just like that quote, why is it only Western countries are demanded to be more "multicultural" when clearly reality says it doesn't work. How can that "transformation" be made when the country continues to be ruined? It seems like there is a certain rule applied to White countries and White people but not the other way around. So I would say from a White person's point of view (who get it) "Yes! There is racism," but only Whites seem to have a responsibility to worry, be concerned or change their society to please other races because of the Satanic deep state!
2020-06-11 22:38:23 UTC
YES !  Whenever you have race that becomes a  majority  racial tensions arise very quickly 
2020-06-11 21:53:21 UTC
Yes, & its bad, but no worse than any other continent.  Like all of them, it's worse in some countries & areas of them, but better in others.   

Staggering to see the number of damned fools who think America is a mere country.  Do they also think Michigan is a mere county?  So what's Wayne County to these geography-challenged?  Is it now a city?      
2020-06-11 14:35:15 UTC
No if left alone all will be fine.
2020-06-11 12:02:39 UTC
There is no race problem. There is a Race-Baiting problem, people use race relations to further a hidden political aghenda.
2020-06-10 20:55:14 UTC
yes its called white supremacy

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.