War, what is it good for?
2007-01-05 19:07:00 UTC
America has the war in Iraq, the war on illegal immigration, the war on poverty (more like, the war on the impoverished), the war on drugs, the war on name it... America is at war with it.

Can anyone think of a better approach? Because the way I see it, America is losing all those wars.
23 answers:
2007-01-05 20:08:34 UTC
the only thing all of these wars are for is to provide jobs for the people who fight them, talk about them, provide computer platforms for others to discuss them, to create news and something to be doing....

it is unthinkable that everyone could learn to leave everyone else alone and mind their own business on occasion, do what they are supposed to do without being told, but alas

i would say it is the nature of the beast to have sad to define happy ..... bad to define good .... war to define peace...

i simple believe that it is human nature to seek conflict to provide drama to have a reason for doing whatever it is people devote their lives to

mine is the war on ignorance... i teach

i would imagine with your probing question that you do the same on occasion through provocative discourse

but i do wish they would give up on some of those wars... especially drugs, poverty, and illegal immigration...
2007-01-06 03:34:06 UTC
Lamp thats a good question. I was going to tease you but I won't. I wont because your right and I agree.

Look for all those that think the war in Iraq was illegal or whatever it isnt.. I wish it would not have started. but we are there and have to finish it.. if such a thing is possible.

The immigration issue I have posted what I would do. remove the incentive to come here illegally.

War on drugs is a joke. prisons are filled with people who got busted for having a bag of weed on them ( no I dont smoke the stuff ) yet child molesters and murderers get released early all the time.

That ties to the war on crime. we dont enforce the laws on the books that should be enforced instead more laws are made and lawmakers shake their fists triumphantly like that is going to fix it.

well actually they do enforce stupid laws quite often.

A better approach at this point is, wrap up the Iraq situation. Give Iraq a timeline of how soon they are going to need to be ready to to completely autonomous and then follow through.

Its time to focus on America.

Immigration through teh legal process im for. other than that, end Cafta/Nafta should be ended. Border closed otherwise. We can talk about a new agreement later when the US and Mexico both have its s--t together better.

Most drugs are trafficed through Mexico to the USA, that would help taht situation but lets get our priorities straight.

quit letting out violent criminals while joe pothead sits in jail.

Lets cut the tax law to a flat tax so its even across the board everone pays the same %age.

Welfare needs to be replaced with something like a Workfare program that was proposed back in the 80s.

social security and medicare reform by way of what works, allowing investment of the money ( one Bush proposal that was actually good )

And for hell sakes we need to cut down the bloated burearacracy.

In the words of a friend who works for State government.

Government workers are people who couldnt make it in the private sector.

Electoral college changed to popular vote. and electoral representative vote casting removed.

Equal face time for legitimate 3rd party candidates in the media

the end of exit and push polling.

100% accountablility and reporting of campaign contributions and government money. ( the IRS people we dont need anymore after the flat tax implementation could work on this oversight )

Congressional term limits .. Judiciary term limits.

Theres alot more but thats plenty to start with...
2007-01-06 03:39:45 UTC
War in many of your examples is a figure of speech not an actual "war". I don't think America is wasting time by trying to control drug use, stop crime, and help the poor nor are we losing. We have chosen to go to war because of terrorism. We have not made all of the right decisions in our war against terrorism but I do believe we had to do something after September 11th and war was a prudent decision.
2007-01-06 03:15:13 UTC
war is great for the economy,(if u win and get stuff like land or resources) but if u don't ur pretty much screwed. The U.S is loosing against many wars, thier wasting their money on the mexican/american wall.(immigrants will only find another way) drugs, more people do them than u think. i go to high school and i hear someone talking everyday about drugs. The war, Bush wants to make the world a better place right? not what i think, he's just trieng to get free oil, and if he did want to make the world a safer place he would have to attack most of the islamic world, Pretty much the world is going to hell, sad but true...
2007-01-06 03:33:39 UTC
When I saw your question, I was reminded of the lyrics to a song: "War, what is it good for. Absolutely nothing."

To be serious, just about every country is losing the above wars. It seems to be the way of the world anymore. Sad.
Summer Sunset McGee
2007-01-06 03:20:56 UTC
You can't fight a humane war. The pourpose of war is to anhilate an enemy, subdue his lands, and posess his possessions so he cannot rise again.

We piddy pat around and don't go in to war to win. We go into it (even when it is a just cause) to boost our economy or for some political gain.

War is only good for fighting when the true pourpose is freedom of an oppressed people (Revolutionary and American Civil Wars) To break the bonds of a tyranical regime (WWs 1&2, Korea, and Vietnam [although Vietnam and Korea were administrated badly])

And to give liberty to those who have been captive or invaded by unjust agression, (Gulf War and Faulklin Islands).

P.S. Please do not forget the one war we've won without one shot fired "The COLD WAR."
2007-01-06 03:09:56 UTC

I was referring to the song but since you're complaining about a lack of substance in your answers, here you go (and don't be mad about a lengthly long answer from me that you might not like, you asked for it).

What is the war on/in ________ good for?

The War in Iraq: While I do believe that the approach the US government took in getting us into Iraq wasn't the best of ideas, nor was it the most intelligent in terms of maintaining the trust of the American people, I do think that the fact that since March 17, 2003, the Iraqi people have been able to advance so much in their school systems, laws, etc.... and the fact that Saddam and his regime, who had tourtored and killed millions of people needlessly, have since been disipated, that our being in Iraq may not be all bad after all. I cannot say that I fully support the fact that we are in Iraq, or that there would be no other means of producing the same affects that the war has but one cannot deny the fact that, for the most part (in MOST aspects, NOT ALL) The Iraqi people are indeed better off. *Hopefully* the US will be able to get them on their feet and come home soon.

The "war" On Illegal Immigration:

As far as I'm concerned, there is no war on illegal immigration as evidence by the fact that we have YET to close or secure our borders. I could not BELIEVE how easy it was for me to get back in from Mexico to the United States when I was on vacation. Just because I am an American or "look American" I was not asked for ANY type of identification to prove that I am infact a US citizen, I was baffled. Do I think that there should be stricter policies implimented to protect the United States from outsiders, absolutly. I think, at this time, that with the population increasing at such a rapid rate and with the mass amounts of illegal immigrants crossing our borders on a daily basis that if something is not done soon, we will have a much greater issue on our hands down the road. So like I said, in response to your question......what war on Illegal Immigration? Seems to me like the government isn't doing a whole heck of a lot to stop it at this point.

The War on Poverty:

ARE YOU KIDDING ME????????????? The government, as well as private organizations do so much to help those in need. Of course, it will never be good enough. I cannot believe that you said the war on the impoverished. You *must* be joking. God forbid you ever end up in need and the government ceases helping people. I think you need to do some research on the vast variety of organizations funded by the government to help people in need. Or are you simply too ignorant to care?

The war on drugs:

It does bother me that most of the time someone who is convicted of rape or manslaughter serves less time in prision than someone who gets caught growing pot in their back yard.....If you ask me, that's bull. I do, however, completely understand the apprehension that the government has with the use of recreational drugs many of which are completely dangerous (this is excluding pot, even though I do not use it) and can kill you. In most cases, the punishment for those who are providing illegal and dangerous drugs to the public is completely justified.

The war on Crime:

HELLO?????? Would you not want a country looking to prevent and stop crime from happenning to you???? Wow, I would be shocked if you said no to this question.

Bottom line, these so called "wars" on things do not imply violence (for the most part) rather, they imply that we are going out on the search to END whatever topic the government has attached to it. The war on poverty attempts to END poverty. The war on Drugs attempts to END the use of dangerous drugs. The war on Crime attempts to reduce and eliminate CRIME on our streets. I see, for these things, no better approach then their absolute non-existance.

And America is not losing all of these wars, the poverty level in this country has been significantly declining over the years, importation and distribution of expilcit drugs is decling, the crime levels have dropped over the years.

Sure we could be doing more to help in the effort to actually restore Iraq and not harm anything and we could do a lot more to lower the illigal immigration rate but before you continue with your ranting and raving about how bad America is, maybe you should try spending time overseas.

And FYI, stop insulting those of us who are answering your questions. Get off the internet and read a freaking book.

There, I answered your question, are you happy now? Probably not, you'll just find something else to complain about.
2007-01-06 03:10:56 UTC
1. In Iraq, close off the borders to Syria and Iran. Lob some missiles at both so they know we are serious. Fight to win. Remember, our mission there is to teach the Iraqi people to defend themselves, not leave with complete peace.

2. The war on illegal immigration is a joke. Neither party will deal with it.

3. War on poverty. Government cannot win this. Only individuals can get themselves out

4. The war on drugs is won by severely punishing anyone caught with illegal drugs.

We are not losing in Iraq. What you said is treason.
2007-01-06 03:19:38 UTC
Halliburton for one of the many corps profiting from this war.

Where is the public outcry for the billions of contracts awarded and rip offs?

Republican admin, house, and senate = NO, not one conviction or anyone held accountable for any of the rip offs, lies, scandals, or corruptions.. They can't seem to find any wrong doing on the part of a republican or a supporter, but they seem to "see" the democrats as "evil doers" of every American malady?

Congress needs to pass a vision test requirement for all elected officials.
2007-01-06 03:23:08 UTC
War is good for economic rejuvenation. Scientific discovery. Social change. Political Change. Plus, many more.
2007-01-06 03:57:17 UTC
decriminalize drugs. that would take care of 2 and almost a 3rd issue you speak of. illegal immigration, maybe its time to listen to buchannan. iraq, can't help you there.
2007-01-06 03:12:33 UTC
Creating a false sense of intimidation and POWER?

It sometimes does a bang up job of ethnic cleansing, too. . .

A N D . . .

Think of all the jobs that this creates !!!

For soldiers, weapons makers, transportation companies, etc, etc, etc. . . in short, war is a great 'generator' for economies !!!
2007-01-06 03:35:48 UTC
Sporting the bell bottoms tonight, eh?
2007-01-06 03:39:59 UTC
Are you using your daddy's picture? Because you can't possibly be that old with some of the questions you ask.
2007-01-06 03:15:44 UTC
ya get people elected to government that actually have a brain and not follow some religious ideology that claims to work but doesn't!
2007-01-06 03:09:17 UTC
The Revolutionary War, the Civil War, two World Wars, .............

What is it good for? Getting rid of dangerous enemies.
government slave
2007-01-06 03:12:45 UTC
I agree that war solves nothing, but where would we be today without any action on these issues?
2007-01-06 03:11:46 UTC
Hate to lose huh?

The answer to the question is "Absolutely Nothing"!

And we are losing in Iraq. When the Commanding General say's we are losing in Iraq, we are losing!
2007-01-06 03:10:36 UTC
And soon they will be at war with us! I tell you the truth!
2007-01-06 03:14:39 UTC
i can see your one of those liberals that want the worst for America
2007-01-06 03:09:42 UTC
At least we try and not sitting on our as*ses like other countries just waiting to be destroyed.
2007-01-06 03:10:06 UTC
2007-01-06 03:21:41 UTC



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