I was referring to the song but since you're complaining about a lack of substance in your answers, here you go (and don't be mad about a lengthly long answer from me that you might not like, you asked for it).
What is the war on/in ________ good for?
The War in Iraq: While I do believe that the approach the US government took in getting us into Iraq wasn't the best of ideas, nor was it the most intelligent in terms of maintaining the trust of the American people, I do think that the fact that since March 17, 2003, the Iraqi people have been able to advance so much in their school systems, laws, etc.... and the fact that Saddam and his regime, who had tourtored and killed millions of people needlessly, have since been disipated, that our being in Iraq may not be all bad after all. I cannot say that I fully support the fact that we are in Iraq, or that there would be no other means of producing the same affects that the war has but one cannot deny the fact that, for the most part (in MOST aspects, NOT ALL) The Iraqi people are indeed better off. *Hopefully* the US will be able to get them on their feet and come home soon.
The "war" On Illegal Immigration:
As far as I'm concerned, there is no war on illegal immigration as evidence by the fact that we have YET to close or secure our borders. I could not BELIEVE how easy it was for me to get back in from Mexico to the United States when I was on vacation. Just because I am an American or "look American" I was not asked for ANY type of identification to prove that I am infact a US citizen, I was baffled. Do I think that there should be stricter policies implimented to protect the United States from outsiders, absolutly. I think, at this time, that with the population increasing at such a rapid rate and with the mass amounts of illegal immigrants crossing our borders on a daily basis that if something is not done soon, we will have a much greater issue on our hands down the road. So like I said, in response to your question......what war on Illegal Immigration? Seems to me like the government isn't doing a whole heck of a lot to stop it at this point.
The War on Poverty:
ARE YOU KIDDING ME????????????? The government, as well as private organizations do so much to help those in need. Of course, it will never be good enough. I cannot believe that you said the war on the impoverished. You *must* be joking. God forbid you ever end up in need and the government ceases helping people. I think you need to do some research on the vast variety of organizations funded by the government to help people in need. Or are you simply too ignorant to care?
The war on drugs:
It does bother me that most of the time someone who is convicted of rape or manslaughter serves less time in prision than someone who gets caught growing pot in their back yard.....If you ask me, that's bull. I do, however, completely understand the apprehension that the government has with the use of recreational drugs many of which are completely dangerous (this is excluding pot, even though I do not use it) and can kill you. In most cases, the punishment for those who are providing illegal and dangerous drugs to the public is completely justified.
The war on Crime:
HELLO?????? Would you not want a country looking to prevent and stop crime from happenning to you???? Wow, I would be shocked if you said no to this question.
Bottom line, these so called "wars" on things do not imply violence (for the most part) rather, they imply that we are going out on the search to END whatever topic the government has attached to it. The war on poverty attempts to END poverty. The war on Drugs attempts to END the use of dangerous drugs. The war on Crime attempts to reduce and eliminate CRIME on our streets. I see, for these things, no better approach then their absolute non-existance.
And America is not losing all of these wars, the poverty level in this country has been significantly declining over the years, importation and distribution of expilcit drugs is decling, the crime levels have dropped over the years.
Sure we could be doing more to help in the effort to actually restore Iraq and not harm anything and we could do a lot more to lower the illigal immigration rate but before you continue with your ranting and raving about how bad America is, maybe you should try spending time overseas.
And FYI, stop insulting those of us who are answering your questions. Get off the internet and read a freaking book.
There, I answered your question, are you happy now? Probably not, you'll just find something else to complain about.