Was it always this dangerous to go outside?
2010-01-27 01:20:30 UTC
What happened to Britain?
Sixteen answers:
Peter C
2010-01-27 02:43:45 UTC
The 1960s, Labour and Roy Jenkins happened.

When I was a teenager in the mid sixties in South London there was some robbery and violence, mostly carried out by professionals, but very little drug abuse. There were the Mods and the Rockers, of course, but they targeted each other and if you weren't dressed inappropriately no-one would bother you. There certainly wasn't the random stranger violence seen today. People did get drunk, did fight in the street, but usually among their own crowd as it were.

People were in general respectful both to each other and to authority, although acquiesced to authority would probably be more correct. The local copper was, for the most part, local and knew who was downright criminal, who was a bit of a lad and who was plain stupid, and treated them appropriately.

Children creating havoc would get told off by the nearest adult and while they would vehemently protest if they were innocent would accept the reprimand if it was justified. You might even get a clout round the ear or a thwack from a stick if you were daft enough to let them get too close. Complaining to parents would only gather more retribution. And if the neighbours or the local copper came round to complain then you would really be in trouble.

People in general were much poorer, of course, but they had a set of virtues that included a strong sense of fair play, public decorum, self restraint, self discipline and self reliance.

There were faults in society, of course, censorship, regulation, class divide and so on. I think it went wrong when all the restraints in society were simply dumped and we allowed, even encouraged, all those good virtues to be dumped alongside the bad. Now we have two generations where there has been no real discipline in schools, no real discipline in public, no training in self restraint, self discipline and self reliance. Instead we have the instant gratification culture, the 'I want it' culture, the 'no need to put yourself out' culture, the 'how dare anyone criticise me or my kids' culture, the 'how dare stupid old people get in my way' culture.

And where has this brought us? Look around you.

I too, as teenager, used to go out with friends and come home late. There were no buses and I would walk the two and half miles at midnight or one in the morning most of it via a convenient footpath that ran alongside the railway without ever thinking it a risk. Would I do it now? I wouldn't even walk down the High Street alone at that time now.

It is not that we can't deal with these things it is because the 'authorities' choose not to deal with them.
one shot
2010-01-27 08:40:20 UTC
No. But back in the 60's we still had a judicial system that worked, Police that patrolled on foot and "liberal thinkers" were confined to the Universities.

Unfortunately the liberal thinkers were allowed to spread their ideology, the coppers took to their cars and the judicial system was taken over by human rights.

Now we have the scenario where every criminal had an abused childhood, the Police give you a crime number over the phone and those banged up at HM's pleasure get compensation if the colour TV ain't working.

The best description of Britain today - the loonies running the asylum.
Rob Roy
2010-01-27 04:41:04 UTC
It became dangerous to go out late evening or in the night about twenty odd years ago with the interference in policing by the political idiots in Parliament and local authorities. It has got far worse since 1997 because in SW London where I live you only ever see a 'bobby' speeding by in a car probably on his way back to the 'nick'. Still daytime mostly it's fairly safe if you mind your own business,this of course is a condemnation of society in the 21st century in Labour's Britain.
2010-01-27 07:34:15 UTC
It used to be much safer.

The problem is that there is no police force. All there is a para military rapid response force drawn from the lower levels of society.

Remember Dixon of Dock Green? (OK I know he was murdered in the Blue Lamp by Richard Attenborough!).

He went home in uniform. He lived locally. He went to shops in uniform as a customer. He knew people in his work area and they knew him. He ate in restaurants and cafes in uniform.

When did you last see a policeman in uniform eat in a restaurant?

Do you know your local policeman's name?

When did you last see a policeman in uniform travelling home on the bus?

If you live in the country, when did they sell off the police houses and close the police station?

I hope you get my point. Britain no longer has a police force. The police have become isolated from the community they serve.

When I was travelling by bus in Bromley a few years back I witnessed an accident involving a police car.

The locals were laughing and cheering!

I asked why and was told that everyone was sick of them driving at excessive speed up the main road and that it was only a matter of time before someone was killed. They told me that the police were out of control and that they were frightened of the police and their speeding!

I recently read that they were right. An off duty officer, speeding in his car, killed a woman not far from the accident I witnessed. Filth!

We need a well paid, well educated, professional police force. Not a bunch of cowardly placements from the labour exchange.

It can be done. I live in Spain, and have seen how, with good faith from politicians and the public, a police force can be reborn.
stromboli the magician
2010-01-27 02:56:37 UTC
well said bhudda in the sixties you never had pervs as today i remember1965 i was 15 yo in the amhurst arm hackney there he was ths old boy looking at me and winking this is before i new what a gay was he must have though like to day all men are po erm gay i soon drank up and got out fancy a dirty little sod like me being looked on as a p erm gay fuckin cheeky i should have give him a kikck in but that was not the right thing to do then i was rather partial to women not gays rather i gave it than get shafted so thats the only time in the sixties i felt threatened other wise i could stay out all night with out trouble even though there were gangs to whatch out for like the highbury mob even the royal tottenham was safe people still got legless had a good nites dancing then went home no trouble if you picked up a girl she usually stayed up alnight with you or came across if you no what i mean
Kit Fang
2010-01-27 02:06:39 UTC
Dangerous? It's not dangerous to go outside. Don't be silly.

Attacks on people are still very rare - you're chances of being attacked are very low, unless you stupidly wander around back streets on your own in the middle of the night, or invite attacks by getting involved in gangs etc.

I often walk home by my self or with a couple of other people through the city I live in at around midnight, and I've never felt in danger or been approached or anything. And it's nothing to do with multiculturalism - the town where by uni is and my home town are two of the most multicultural places outside of London, and we don't have some massive crime problem.

One or two isolated incidents do not make it in any way dangerous to go outside - people are just more paranoid than they used to be.
2010-01-27 01:41:39 UTC
The problem is we have tied ourselves up in so much red tape, that when we do catch these offenders, we cannot punish them,this and the case of a 13 year old that raped a 20 year old woman, and got 3 years, they should be hanged no question, if their dead the can't re offend, and I dont care if its a deterrent or not,
2010-01-27 01:28:10 UTC
didnt go to website sorry

but it is always dangerous to go outside and sometimes its more dangerous to go/stay inside

judging by the question il make the assumption that you mean something along the lines of increasing murders/gangs/other horrible things/people

and i dont know anything about britain really

but yes i suppose it has always been dangerous but then life is dangerous in itself its just there are increasing numbers of horrible, often violent things occuring in this world so it is dangerous just to live but its part of life

and once long ago it probably would have been far less dangerous to go outside but there were still rapists/criminals/disasters occuring just less people

this probably doesnt make any sense sorry
2010-01-27 03:51:15 UTC
New bloody labour is what happened to Britain. thousands of unchecked people flooding over our borders week after week, from criminal gangs to paedophiles, from rapists to murderers, New labour couldn't give a toss as long as they get their vote. and the British people are too servile and spineless to do anything about it.
2010-01-27 01:26:31 UTC
Dangerous? That little pipsqeak is going to get the crap beaten out of him by a woman who won't take his stupid adolescent perverted ways.
2010-01-27 01:25:27 UTC
No, it wasn't. I used to walk home at around 2am from various venues in the early 1960s and was never approached once. I always had my friend with me but she couldn't have protected me. It just didn't happen in the midlands anyway. There was no multi-culturalism at that time.
John D
2010-01-27 01:23:58 UTC
You obviously haven't read the new Government statistics on crime, apparently it has never been safer.
Easy, later tonight my rm.
2010-01-27 01:25:25 UTC
As long as you have your emergency duct tape and plastic sheeting it's safe.
2010-01-27 04:03:44 UTC
Yes, ask the victims of Dick Turpin, Jack the Ripper, etc, etc down through the ages.
2010-01-27 01:24:35 UTC
I'm impressed that British media publicizes reports of missing persons who aren't white girls. We don't get that here in the US.
The Patriot
2010-01-27 02:26:38 UTC
Simple answer, yes.

Learn some history.

The link below will help.

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