Do you think George W. Bush deserves to be compared to Abraham Lincoln?
Quynh N
2007-10-18 23:43:58 UTC
I remember not too long ago, when George W. Bush's team tried to defend the Iraqi War and said that Abraham Lincoln also "took the United States to war as well" (the Civil War) and that Abe wasn't a very popular President during his time, like Bush, yet he is considered one of the greatest American presidents today.

Hmmm! I don't know if Honest Abe would quite agree with that - but anyway, what are your personal opinions? Does George W. Bush deserve to be compared to Abe Lincoln?

Just don't resort to name-calling or personal attacks - thank you. :)
24 answers:
2007-10-19 06:43:59 UTC
To some extent.

Like Bush, Lincoln basically ignored Constitutional boundaries and used his power to clamp down on those who spoke out against him. However, unlike today, during the Civil War, there was a clear enemy within the United States and there was a lot of support for the separatist South from some Northern populist Democrats, leading Lincoln to effectively shut down newspapers that spoke ill of his policies. Sure, Lincoln was not popular during his presidency but at the same time, take into account that emancipation of black slaves was not popular either. Therefore, in hindsight, one could say that in this case, the ends did justify the means.

However, history may not be so kind to Bush II. His "war on terror" has nothing to do with freedom of oppressed peoples because the same people Bush professes to help have turned against the US due to its out-of-control military campaigns. Also, his foreign policies have nothing to do with defending America as the countries currently under occupation are of little or no threat to American sovereignty or freedom. These military incursions are for the benefit of corporate and special interests, not for the American people.
2007-10-19 06:58:43 UTC
Actually there are some relative comparisons which can be made. Both held the office in challenging times and both have been despised by large sections of the population. If you study the press Lincoln received during his tenure it is very similar to what Bush receives today. Now the question of whether Bush will ultimately be remembered as fondly as many remember Lincoln today is another matter and one that only time will tell. What you need to understand is that history deals with events and not the sentiment of the times in most cases. There have been many significant events during the last 7 years.

Nettel: Not to be a stickler for accuracy and detail, but I think you mean Franklin Roosevelt, not Teddy.
2007-10-19 07:07:36 UTC
You can't compare the 2. The reason is that Although both were unpopular during the war. Lincolns war (Civil War) shaped America. The Iraq war has not. One other note. Even Teddy Roosevelt was unpopular during WWII. No president is popular during war.
2007-10-19 09:03:21 UTC
You have got to be kidding...right? I don't care for either of them...Lincoln's motivation's were not all that noble...Getting rid of a social crime against humanity was just a very good outcome was more of side one hand waving at us while the other one picks our pocket! The people who write history- are the ones left after the true heroes have been slain. And as far as 20 years from now...if Bush has his way..we will all be lucky if we are still alive ...let alone have our country still! (He is already prepping us for World War III)
2007-10-19 07:08:29 UTC
Lincoln is commonly known as "Honest Abe".

I'm trying to imagine schoolchildren being taught about "Honest George"

Curious George, maybe.

Lincoln was known for being a homely man, so maybe there are similarities there. Apologies to the chimps.
2007-10-19 06:59:03 UTC
Nobody who makes tough decisions is ever loved by everyone during that period. Wait 20 years and then read a high school text book and who knows they could be saying Bush was the greatest president ever.

Time changes all opinions. People who hate him could come to love him a decade from now.

I"m not so sure about the Abe comparison I'll have to research that one.
2007-10-19 06:55:39 UTC
well...they were both hated in their time...they both made mistakes in a war...they both were blamed for the death of Americans...they both went through many generals...only history will tell if what Bush did was the cornerstone on which democracy was started in the middle east or not...but there are many other thing...Lincoln suspended more civil right than Bush has i guess Lincoln was given a little more leeway on getting things done...
2007-10-19 06:48:36 UTC
I would think that George W Bush would more likely be contrasted with Abraham Lincoln.
2007-10-19 06:57:33 UTC
umm no bush put us in a war we cant get out of and abe helped us win one...bush will be in his grave from old age before this war in iraqi ends thats just what i also thinkin that ill be dead before it 23 by the way so can you see how long i think its goona last
2007-10-19 07:11:59 UTC
No. Lincoln was an Aquarius. And he was also assassinated. keep in mind as well that Lincoln founded the Republican party.
here to help
2007-10-19 06:57:17 UTC
some people you just can't reach. neither was a good president but at least lincoln was doing something for America
2007-10-19 06:51:14 UTC
Hell NO!

His military, diplomatic & law-passing strategies more closely resemble HITLERs than Lincolns!

Those of you giving me thumbs down neglect to realise that

2007-10-19 06:55:37 UTC
george bush will be remembered by history as a fool and one of the worst leaders america ever had.
2007-10-19 07:02:14 UTC
No. Each of them were different men, different years, different war, different kind of government and different etc...
2007-10-19 07:23:56 UTC
No.Abraham is a class apart.
Eddie C
2007-10-19 06:47:37 UTC
IMHO, No. Totally different situations. Totally different motives.
2007-10-19 06:47:24 UTC
Hahaha. I guess time will be the real judge, but no, I don't think so.
sea link2
2007-10-19 07:10:18 UTC
Yes, mainly the way he ended his life.
2007-10-19 06:46:54 UTC
Yes. They are both fascists who raped the constitution. Of course Lincoln could write some beautiful prose...Bush, well....
2007-10-19 06:52:41 UTC
No. Never noway.
2007-10-19 06:51:17 UTC
No way
2007-10-19 06:56:38 UTC
Only time will tell...
2007-10-19 06:47:41 UTC
Sure! Each understood the necessity of applying force for the greater and future good! Lets come back to this question in 30 years!
wider scope
2007-10-19 06:49:39 UTC
Bush will go down as one of the best presidents of our era and rightfully so.

In that sense, yes, I would say so.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.