How should we improve our image abroad?
2009-07-07 23:12:20 UTC
America's the undisputed king of the world. We have helped poverty-stricken nations rise and become rich like us, eg: Britain.
We have funded third world countries and helped their countries experience freedom. We have shown the world that through hardwork and determination, anyone can achieve the American dream. We have single-handedly beat the crap out of Germany and defended Europe from German tyranny, even though we didn't have to. We export much of our technology abroad so rich nations like Australia, UK can live the American dream and not experience poverty.
Why do people hate America then?
23 answers:
Capt Cold
2009-07-07 23:20:46 UTC
Wow! Home-schooled weren't ya? That was so misinformed I'm still picking my jaw up off the floor.
2009-07-08 03:55:14 UTC
This is why people hate Americans , it's a paragraph of deluded nonsense and historical inaccuracies .

America's the undisputed king of the world. We have helped poverty-stricken nations rise and become rich like us, eg: Britain.

We have funded third world countries and helped their countries experience freedom. We have shown the world that through hard work and determination, anyone can achieve the American dream. We have single-handedly beat the crap out of Germany and defended Europe from German tyranny, even though we didn't have to. We export much of our technology abroad so rich nations like Australia, UK can live the American dream and not experience poverty.

Why do people hate America then?

I seriously suggest you get some real education .
2009-07-08 09:38:11 UTC
Because of people like you. I'm going to systematically break down your points:

- Britain has been one of the richest countries in the world for 1000 years. 300 years ago North America was tribal.

- So before America no country possessed hard work and determination? If it wasn't for other countries hard work and determination America wouldn't have been discovered would it? Not to mention the Age of Enlightenment occurring prior to the US becoming a major nation.

- Single handedly beat Germany? Nothing to do with Russia then no? Had Hitler not wanted to crush Russia Germany could have concentrated all his resources on Britain - thus knocking Britain out of the war. The US would have been next and it would have been short.

- So you think countries like Australia and the UK rely on US technology? The UK has pioneered the computer, the television and invented the internet, the mp3 and radio. Not to mention countless other major inventions, far more than Americans have invented. Take a little look at this:

So to answer your question anyway... I like Americans personally - well intelligent ones. Unfortunately when Americans are stupid they have a habit of being really stupid! You are a prime example of the peak of American stupidity.
No name.
2009-07-08 03:21:25 UTC
It is people like yourself which makes people hate America. Maybe if you had a better education things would start to improve.

I'll try to educate you a bit.

1. America has helped nations in poverty, but its not the only country which has done.

2. The World Wars were not just an American victory, it was an allied victory. The country which did the most in WW2 was USSR.

3. Japan and Germany also export their technology.

I would like to carry on but its a better idea to educate you a little bit at a time. Your brain might not be able to handle it.
Fresh Princess
2009-07-07 23:27:14 UTC
You have clearly been reading your history textbook upside down.

1)Britain is not considered a "poverty stricken country"

2)If by helping third world countries, you mean robbing them of their natural resources, you've done a great job of that.

3)The American dream is highly unlikely for those who do not qualify for a visa in your country.

4)You did not "single handedly" beat the Germans, in fact you were some the last of all the Allied forces to join both world war 1 and world war 2. Those victories were due to the joint effort of all allied nations.

5)What technology? Everything is made in China. America is extremely far behind technologically speaking.

People hate America because of the overwhelming amount of Americans (not all, but many) who are so arrogant and selfish, and the fact that you slap the "We're #1" bumpersticker on everything... doesn't help much.
2016-11-05 09:26:55 UTC
do no longer evaluate each thing with the U. S. and consider the U. S. as being stronger in everyway. in the united kingdom do no longer open your mouth approximately some subject which you be attentive to slightly approximately via fact this is possibly that the Brit would be attentive to so lots greater, no longer enable on till finally you're completely committed to the wordplay, then drop in a rapid one liner to make you crash and burn. Tipping and ostentatiously throwing your money around is seen vulgar in the united kingdom the place society is far less money oriented than the u . s . a ., however that's changing. Telling people what cloth possesions you very own, interior minutes of assembly somebody is seen bragging, and no one likes a bragger. i substitute into as quickly as in a pub (Bar) close to Stratford Upon Avon on the fringe of ultimate time, while a party of elderly individuals wandered in. the area substitute into rocking, and those individuals wandered as much as the bar and asked for 3 lattes and a danish pastry. They then shuffled out back empty exceeded, leaving me feeling particularly sorry for them and aggravated with the bar team for no longer attempting to a minimum of rustle up a rapid on the spot coffee for them on the domicile. factor is however, that my night choose no longer have been ruined if those people had purely appeared around and observed that everyone substitute into ingesting beer, and not assumed that England substitute into yet another US state, the place pubs sell lattes and danish 24 hours an afternoon. Politeness is the foremost; as quickly as I shuttle to the U. S. and a waitress hands me a coffee, I say "thank you" and the waitress in many cases beams a beautific smile and says "you're very welcome", stunned that I thanked her, yet that's predicted in the united kingdom and known very undesirable manners if a thank you isn't impending. Throwing a pair of pounds on the table as you pass away won't redeem this omission in the waitress's eyes. I won't even start up approximately loud speaking and shouting to Myrtle from around the line. I know that no longer all individuals are like this, however each and all the prescribed incidents, i easily observed ensue; purely as all Brits are no longer hooligans while in another country, yet you probably did ask the question. Kindest Regards M
2009-07-08 01:36:42 UTC
Dwayne, seriously get some help, because you either :-

1) have an obsessive disorder - you keep on posting inane rants like this over and over again. OR

2) you are a "billy no mates" kid with too much time on your hands. Get out of your bedroom, leave the keyboard behind and go out into the world and make some friends and live a little!

Your obsession is unhealthy and if I was your Mother I would have serious concerns about your mental health.
2009-07-08 05:31:51 UTC
America and Americans already have a good image abroad and there's no need to do anything. If people outside the USA chant rude words and burn the flag, so what. It's their flag and they've had to pay for it at their own cost.

I'm a Brit and frankly don't give a fig what people think of me or my country.

Here below is the Xenophobe's Guide to the Brits - I'm sure there's one for the Americans somewhere - stick to your guns and never give up -why change a winning formula?




American Xenophobes' Guide to the British.

The following advisory for American travellers heading for Great Britain was compiled from information provided by the US State Department, the Central Intelligence Agency, the US Chamber of Commerce, the Food and Drug Administration, the Centres for Disease Control, and some very expensive spy satellites that the British don't know about. It is intended as a guide for American travellers only. No guarantee of accuracy is ensured or intended.

General overview: Great Britain is a small-sized island (in fact smaller than Oregon) located in Western Europe. Despite its vigorous denials, as well as tentative attempts to poison the rest of Europe (beware, do not eat any beef product when visiting the country, you might never return), it is effectively part of Europe - albeit geographically - and is now physically linked to the Continent (what's more, to France!!) by a 35 km tunnel. Great Britain is a very old country with many treasures, such as the Millennium Dome and the Diana Museum and the Millennium Dome. Among its contributions to Western civilisation are Mrs Thatcher, mad cow disease and beer.

Great Britain likes to think of itself as a multi-cultural nation, yet has not yet settled the many international disputes that often disrupt politics on the international scene: Northern Ireland (with Ireland), Gibraltar (with Spain), the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (Argentina), the island of Diego Garcia (Mauritius), the Rockall continental shelf (Denmark, Iceland, Ireland), and the British Antarctic Territory (Antarctica). Trips to all of these places are organised by the Southampton Tourist Board and you can board a ship twice daily, with a complementary set of body armour and Kevlar helmet. The Britons speak an ill-formed version of American English with little use of Z's, where you walk on pavements and hire cars. So, when "queuing" at McDonalds's, stay in line and point out what you want to order when you get to the front of the queue. If the shop is understaffed, be patient; this is an indication that the Parliament needed additional recruits.

Geography: The British climate is said to be temperate. In reality, more than half of the days are overcast. And in practice it rains 364 days a year. The rest of the time it snows. Natural resources include coal, petroleum, natural gas, limestone, malt and beer. Meadows and pastures occupy 48 percent of the land - this is to cater for the large number of wandering cows who were denied ownership by the farmers who were previously in charge of them.

The People: Great Britain has a population of 58 million people, the majority of whom are male, therefore addicted to public houses, beer and televisions sets. The latter mentioned majority are extremely adverse to romanticism, probably in yet another attempt to distinguish themselves from the rest of the European population. The Britons seem to spend their time queuing, and their money dying their hair blond or purchasing expensive personalised number plates for their vehicles.

They stick to the rules, any rules. For some strange reason they even seem to enjoy this, as they create new rules every time they play a game of "cricket" - a national sporting entertainment, in their own definition - with which, if subjected to sitting through a cricket match when visiting the country, you are fully entitled to, and even bound to, disagree.

The British people are in general distant, arrogant, disciplined (another example - sex is only to be practised in the missionary position) and incapable of speaking any language other than their own. "If in doubt, shout louder" seems to be the extent of polyglotism. A minority (1.9 percent) of the population is Welsh, and an even smaller minority (0.005 percent) speak Welsh. The male section of the Welsh population are easy to recognise as they often follow sheep - or any other animals - very, very closely. Other languages commonly recognised in Great Britain are: Indian, Pakistani, Cantonese, Che-Chuan and Puli-Pilu.

History: Great Britain obtained independence on 1st January 1801, and no one ever wanted them to come back - e.g. Europe, the organisers of the World Cup, the Michelin Guide of best restaurants in the world. In the latter two instances, they are still trying. Their constitution is unwritten, and is mostly based on common law and practice. In other words, they do something wrong and it then bec
2009-07-08 04:53:25 UTC


You never will as long as you think the WORLD will dumb down enough to reach your intellectual levels.As you have funded,trained and armed every terrorist group on the planet since WWI.Including the Nazi Party,I.R.A.,Taliban,Al Quaeda, may get it??Now you are going around the world stealing OIL under the guise of Liberating countries.Why is the USA referred to as DUMFUCKISTAN??

Look at your question and get your mum to help you with the long words on your visiting days.Pr*ck
2009-07-08 00:13:35 UTC
By literally SHUTTING UP as an entire nation for 10 years. Seriously. I'd be fascinated to see what the world would be like. The US butts in where its not welcome. The country is like a fat kid in the room who's loud and ALWAYS has an opinion on something.
2009-07-07 23:40:47 UTC
Your over playing your hand here I love nothing better than to piss off the brits But your over playing it Are you sure your an American?

Foxy pissing off a brit is like beding down a women you take you time let them talk their little hearts out than when the time is right you stick it to them This one would walk up and say ''hey babe y'all want to do it''
2009-07-08 11:17:53 UTC
How about minding our own business and answer only when they ask us.

The real world is not Hollywood.

Teleprompter: That´s exactly how the image of the USA was damaged. The Sith way is not the answer.
2009-07-07 23:31:27 UTC
But since poverty stricken China owns your backside, what's that make you? And the next time you want help with your war on terror (practically every day), don't come knocking on Britain's door...... crying like a little girl like you Yanks do.

Maybe Raymondo gives you good advice here sunshine.
2009-07-08 08:19:13 UTC
Perhaps not describing yourself as 'the undisputed king of the world' would be a nice start. Oh, **** off and stop being wankers as well :)
2009-07-07 23:30:28 UTC
Because we've also paid farmers to let food rot while millions are starving.

We've supported dictators in order to buy their oil cheap.

We're the only country to successfully complete a genocide with several Native American Tribes no longer existing thanks to our American Dream of Manifest Destiny.

We allowed the fictional character of Jack Bauer to convince us that torture is an awesome tool for good.

And we have the unfortunate habit of invading countries that aren't a threat to us (ie...Vietnam and Iraq).

And for those of you who are frothing at the mouth and wanting to scream at me, I am a veteran. I disagreed with Bush about Iraq and I still served my country proudly in Iraq. I'm going to Afghanistan in 5 months. I love my Dad but I can still tell you all of his bad habits. Likewise, I love my country but I can easily list the bad things done by my country. Awareness of failings does not mean an absence of affection. And Patriotism does not mean ignoring facts in order to scream, "We're number one." over and over again.
John D
2009-07-08 02:30:52 UTC
The majority of the U.S. citizens are fairly decent and have a fairly good image abroad, then there is your type that destroys it. Take of your rose tinted glasses and come back when you have finished, or even started, your education.
2009-07-07 23:26:49 UTC
Screw our image abroad. Who cares about a bunch of socialist and Islamonazi world leaders and what they think?

This is the REAL world. Not a popularity contest. Sometimes doing the right thing isnt the popular thing. Boo Hoo.

"Either youre for us or youre against us."

-President George W Bush
2009-07-08 00:37:16 UTC
This is the second such question you've asked. Your clueless arent ya?
2009-07-07 23:37:19 UTC
We could easily improve our image by prosecuting Bush/Cheney for war crimes.
2009-07-07 23:25:50 UTC
Lead by example. Do unto others... that sort of thing.
2009-07-07 23:20:16 UTC
Superpowers are hated, period. We will be liked when we are past our prime, like Europe is now.
2009-07-07 23:17:14 UTC
Because we keep messing in their internal affairs?
2009-07-07 23:22:36 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.