No he does not. Remember, since he's been in office; tons of businesses/companies closed and
now we have OVER 50% of Americans on welfare, food stamps and NO jobs.
Obama's agenda, 'Socializing America' means NO jobs for anyone....everyone
is a 'subject', NO rights at all and God only knows where he's getting the money to do this.
Oh yes, now I remember, he's been stealing money from Social Security and Medicare (they
BOTH had billions of dollars in reserve for aging Americans who paid into it) to pay for welfare,
food stamps, Obamacare and lining his pocket before he's kicked out of the White House.
I saw a photo, a few days ago, showing the 'richest' presidents (him and those before him).
Since being a government employee, a public servant, is NOT supposed to make anyone
'rich'......he had to get it from somewhere. Now, he's also NOT agreeing to paying the
military more money at all.....this would mean less money in his pocket. Obama HATES
America, HATES Americans and HATES the American military.