Obama rejects Keystone pipeline, he just doesn't care about jobs does he?
2015-11-06 10:27:29 UTC
Obama rejects Keystone pipeline, he just doesn't care about jobs does he?
196 answers:
2015-11-06 12:13:29 UTC
I suspect he believes that being able to breathe is way more important than a few jobs. You do know that the pipeline would only bring in a few jobs don't you? And you have seen how badly polluted China and Pakistan are that you can't see your hand in front of you? Obama wants tech jobs here and clean jobs. We've already had the manufacturing jobs here and America doesn't have the money to make those kinds of jobs clean ones here. I can see that Obama has a point. However I guess we'll be using the oil as a last resort when everything else is used up. I'd be wondering why people aren't schooling for the jobs that are available now and should be there in the future.
2015-11-07 20:33:12 UTC
I suspect he believes that being able to breathe is way more important than a few jobs. You do know that the pipeline would only bring in a few jobs don't you? And you have seen how badly polluted China and Pakistan are that you can't see your hand in front of you? Obama wants tech jobs here and clean jobs. We've already had the manufacturing jobs here and America doesn't have the money to make those kinds of jobs clean ones here. I can see that Obama has a point. However I guess we'll be using the oil as a last resort when everything else is used up. I'd be wondering why people aren't schooling for the jobs that are available now and should be there in the future.
2015-11-07 00:21:02 UTC
I suspect he believes that being able to breathe is way more important than a few jobs. You do know that the pipeline would only bring in a few jobs don't you? And you have seen how badly polluted China and Pakistan are that you can't see your hand in front of you? Obama wants tech jobs here and clean jobs. We've already had the manufacturing jobs here and America doesn't have the money to make those kinds of jobs clean ones here. I can see that Obama has a point. However I guess we'll be using the oil as a last resort when everything else is used up. I'd be wondering why people aren't schooling for the jobs that are available now and should be there in the future.
2015-11-12 00:12:42 UTC
"Obama rejects Keystone pipeline, he just doesn't care about jobs does he?"

You are uninformed.

The number of permanent jobs created is 35-50. That's it.

The number of construction jobs is a fraction of what they claim and would be temporary.

Not to mention that tar sands oil is the dirtiest form of fossil fuel energy there is.

And the fact that it won't help gas prices here because it'll be exported overseas.

Also, the presidential veto doesn't matter much at this point because:

1. The newly elected Liberal government in Canada doesn't really support it either. They want to go green.

2. Energy companies have already expanded the capacities of existing pipelines to make up for the loss of the Keystone project. So that dirty stuff is still coming to America whether we want it or not.
2015-11-07 22:52:16 UTC
Yes, the President of the United States hates jobs so much that he'll take every opportunity to destroy them. That's why he nearly ruined his presidency before it got started saving GM and Chrysler.

Do you actually listen to yourself? In court it's called a leading question. You've already made up your mind. You just want to hear people that agree with your or argue with them.

Someone once said that leadership is about surviving into the next century, politics is about surviving until Friday afternoon. You strike me as a Friday afternoon kind of guy.

He has to sit down make a judgement call. A pipeline may create a few thousand jobs that last until thing is built, but it may also leak and poison the water supply a good chunk of the Midwest. He's got more information than you do because he doesn't listen to Fox news. You may question his decision or how he made it. It's not some conspiracy to put people out of work.

I don't know if your problem is simplemindedness or emptymindedness, but suggest you remember one thing...

He's got the job and you don't, and his job is not to take only your opinion into account.
2015-11-07 15:15:31 UTC
Oh yea lets potentially RUIN our environment for some temporary jobs..I hope you are aware of what's being transported with this pipeline, TAR SAND, the lowest standard of oil and if it were to spill (which is going to happen look at all the other oil spill disasters these oil companies have caused) it would be so irreversibly damaging to the environment and Eco systems it runs through that some professionals believe would it would actually tip us over the point of no return. If you care so much about jobs be more concerned with all of the American companies hiring employees over seas, fight for those jobs not a pipeline that would create a few temporary jobs yet ruin the world you live in. One day the land will be completely ruined and it will be our generations fault for not making changes when we still had the chance.
2015-11-06 11:43:16 UTC
He doesn't care about jobs or America's energy future.

To those who think that stopping Keystone XL will stop the consumption of Canadian oil you are mistaken. That oil is currently entering the US via rail car which is proven to be significantly more risky toward environmental impact than transporting by pipeline. In addition, Canada will still export this oil to China and India.

If you think that is the end of this oil being consumed you are extremely naive.
2015-11-06 14:52:43 UTC
Reader has ignored the 10.6 Billion designated for spending

by 7 USA-Based firms by both President Obama and Japan.

It began with an International Treaty also ignored by our lame.

Hello ?. Reader has five years to earn some shovel-ready

work before the 9 year contract term expires in 2020. This is

building USA bases for the Air Force, Marines, and Navy. Its

been triple shifting 24/7 from the get-go. Afterward civilians

familiar with the infrastructure can expect post-contract hire to

service the military bases. Those are two USA administered

islands formerly best known for exotic vacation resorts. I don't

think reader has what it takes to ride this Love Boat into that

worker paradise. You'd rather sit like Congress and do nothing.
2015-11-07 10:08:50 UTC
There are a lot of responders on here who are ill-informed. What might help is to understand one of the biggest donors to the Democratic party is Warren Buffett. He owns the railroad company that would compete with the pipeline. If you think this is anything other than a reward to one of Obama's and Hillary's largest supporters then smoke some more weed. It's that simple.
2015-11-08 22:03:10 UTC
If you got a job on the Keystone pipeline you wouldn't make much and in six weeks you would be replaced and be unemployed again.

The merits of supporting versus not supporting the transportation of oil is a discussion to have, but Keystone didn't create jobs.
2015-11-07 15:45:49 UTC
Obama DOES care about employment in the USA... he's done everything the GOPs have neglected and refused to do in Congress... er, what exactly have the GOPs in Congress done to increase jobs in the private sector in the last 6-7 years? What have the GOPs in Congress done to bring back the jobs lost to outsourcing American jobs to foreign nations, or stop the exodus of American jobs? Insofar as the pipeline, you must be ignorant of the oil spills that have occurred and have permanently destroyed wildlife, wildlife habitat and untold acres of land that have also endangered underground drinking water... why is that? Yeah, the GOPs CLAIM that there will be "thousands of jobs" with the pipeline... but the reality is that there will only be scarcely 100 jobs available, and that AIN'T worth risking our environment and our fresh water bodies, farm animals, farm and agricultural lands. Obama is far more interested in preserving our environment than GOPs who are only interested in the profits of the super-rich and powerful billionaires, multimillionaire corporatists and industrialists that are the main polluters of our natural resources. HOW MUCH LONGER can the GOPs continue to contribute to the destruction our environment for the sake of profits for the rich and powerful? And to make maters worse, that pipeline will be endangering AMERICAN lands for the sake of CANADIAN companies profiting while risking poisoning and destroying OUR lands and water bodies so they can EXPORT to other nations, and not to America? Dude, or dudette, get real. American best interests should be YOUR first prority!
Armchair Goddess #1
2015-11-06 17:45:38 UTC
Thirty-five jobs is all that would be created, and those would be mostly in Port Arthur, Texas---a duty-free EXPORT site where the pipeline is supposed to go. NONE of the dirtiest oil possible (fracked) would remain in the U.S. because the Canadian oil company peddling the Keystone Pipeline is doing so in order to SELL their dirty oil on the foreign markets. Republicans were pushing for this project without telling the American people the truth---that no profits would be made here in the U.S. and that the aquifers (drinking water supplies) for the states where this pipeline passes would be in danger. Fine print in the contract has the U.S. states responsible (economically) for the maintenance of this Canadian pipeline, and also responsible for costs of clean-up if there is a spill, even though the states make no profit from having this filthy oil coming through their farmlands. And worst of all, the Canadian oil company (with rightwing Republican support) was trying to use EMINENT DOMAIN (forced relinquishing of people's land) here in the U.S. in order to STEAL property rights, so desperate for greed-driven profits was this ruthless Canadian company (as shown on "The Ed Show" in 2014).

President Obama protects this nation and the American people---that has been and continues to be his primary objective as President of the United States. Those who claim otherwise have not done their homework.
2015-11-07 17:50:37 UTC
Warren Buffet is making Millions a day moving the oil via his railroad. Obama was on TV just days ago claiming transporting the oil by Rail was the best way. Of Course!! Obama will be compensated very nicely by Warren for stopping the pipeline. Big money not some illegal Kenyan makes the decisions in this country.
2015-11-06 12:09:40 UTC
He says he wouldn't pass the bill even for the sake of lower gas prices more national revenue and more permanent jobs created because he doesn't want to undermine Americas leadership on climate change. If YOU don't like it then you can vote for a republican for president in 2016 and even join the Republican Party to support candidate Lindsay Graham who claims he has a better plan for dealing with climate change than Obama.
2015-11-08 05:49:51 UTC
No he really doesn't care about jobs. The Energy sector is a hotbed of Republicans and he wants to git those suckas. Republicans are those who think there ought to be some jobs left that aren't in the direct control of the US government.

Furthermore what better way to outsource US jobs than to make jobs too expensive for American Employers and energy too expensive to use to run the factories? My favorite picture of the Democratic encouragement of the environment are the weeds growing up through the cracks of vacant lots next to closed factories.
2015-11-07 04:26:10 UTC
In most every deal there are winners and losers. Right now if you're drilling for oil you're a loser based on the price per barrel, but who cares about the drillers and oil workers when your pumping your gas at $2.00 bucks a gallon. Regardless, since the oil from Canada was just passing through to our ports why take the environmental chance of a spill? China is on its way of imploding with their phantom cities and extreme pollution that continues to float to us and the rest of the world. This oil pipeline is not the answer for the world and for the U.S..
2015-11-06 13:58:19 UTC
Don't worry - I am going to build my own pipeline along the same route, and create the same number of jobs. I won't seek the State Department's permission because I don't believe the government should be allowed to tell me what to do! If anyone is looking for work and is interested in a full-time job w/ benefits helping me to dig an illegal pipeline across international borders, please message me. Immediate start!
Linda R
2015-11-06 12:25:53 UTC
No he does not. Remember, since he's been in office; tons of businesses/companies closed and

now we have OVER 50% of Americans on welfare, food stamps and NO jobs.

Obama's agenda, 'Socializing America' means NO jobs for anyone....everyone

is a 'subject', NO rights at all and God only knows where he's getting the money to do this.

Oh yes, now I remember, he's been stealing money from Social Security and Medicare (they

BOTH had billions of dollars in reserve for aging Americans who paid into it) to pay for welfare,

food stamps, Obamacare and lining his pocket before he's kicked out of the White House.

I saw a photo, a few days ago, showing the 'richest' presidents (him and those before him).

Since being a government employee, a public servant, is NOT supposed to make anyone

'rich'......he had to get it from somewhere. Now, he's also NOT agreeing to paying the

military more money at all.....this would mean less money in his pocket. Obama HATES

America, HATES Americans and HATES the American military.
2015-11-06 12:42:59 UTC
Warren buffet is behind this. He. pressured obama not move on the pipeline because of oil trains he owns. The trains that he owns will become useless and lose alot of money if obama went on with keystone. It's Buffets fault
2015-11-08 17:16:27 UTC
Oh yes absolutely, Keystone was such a good pipeline. All those 50 permanent jobs it would've created that would've had such a great impact on our economy.
Marina 1
2015-11-09 08:24:03 UTC
Of course he cares about jobs. The last sixty seven months of continuous private job growth has added five times more than the previous administration. Government job creation has dropped significantly. Over nine million jobs have been created in the last five years. The Keystone pipeline would only add 35 permanent jobs, whereas US infrastructure would add millions. .What we need are more higher paying jobs, but that is up to the private sector job creators. Most new jobs are in the health and retail fields. Unfortunately many of our industrial and telecommunication jobs have been outsourced overseas.
2015-11-07 14:15:30 UTC
Sounds like a lot of republican's answer this . I don't classify myself to any one party. I look at all parties arguments and search the facts to consider the good and bad our president is doing for our Country. This one Obama does get a thumbs up from me if it wasn't for our earth we all wouldn't be here arguing about issues. So caring and taking care of the earth is one of the biggest most important issue to ALL humans on earth! Unless your a scientist with equipment and tools to test and know climate is changing it's hard for people to understand. They may have a very cold bad winter and laugh yeah global warming because they don't understand how scientist predicting global warming . Rejecting the pipe line is protecting our earth water and air. Why create jobs that will eventually end only to keep to the same bad habits of polluting the earth and seeing price of gas rise over 4 dollars gallon like it was under bush. It's our biggest most important duty as human to turn our focus on preserving our earth for us and our children and generations to come. Nothing else matters not color, race, cultures, religions who's right and who's wrong ect with no earth no humans! .. The fact is, under President Obama we’ve had 57 straight months of private sector job growth leading to nearly 11 million jobs added. In producing more solar cars, wind energy, solar power ect these jobs are here to stay! There's a lot I disagree with president Obama this issue no brainer I give him thumbs up! Be thankful for Life and work together for cleaner environment and better Health for you and those you love .
2015-11-06 12:53:17 UTC
The KXL is a zombie project with little future either way. More Canadians oppose it than support it and it's their own pipeline. The few long-term jobs this pipeline to nowhere would create is insignificant.
2015-11-10 12:55:20 UTC
If only the 8.6 million people who got a job with him as President would see him and how much he doesn't care. You know the oil would just go to refiners and hit the global market right? So it doesn't matter if Canada wants to send tar sands oil through the entire US to the gulf coast or if they pipe it through their own country to the east/west ports, soon as their oil hits the international market all oil prices drop because oil is based on international supply and demand. PS - Where's all the GOPers who in 2012 said elect me and I'll get you $2 gas.
2015-11-09 05:19:23 UTC
Presidents don't create jobs. People just need someone to blame when the economy isn't great, so they blame the president. Obviously there were other consideration involved in the president's decision to reject Keystone. Get all the facts.
Art G
2015-11-06 20:40:08 UTC
Long term jobs created by the Keystone pipeline are only 36 !
They Pelted Us With Rocks And Garbage
2015-11-06 10:31:18 UTC
So you'd steal American's land for a couple dozen jobs?

You're an example of why Republicans lie when they claim they're against big government.
2015-11-06 19:08:02 UTC
I think the Keystone XL Pipeline is a fantastic idea. It brings new jobs and benefits the economies of both the United States and Canada.
2015-11-06 13:01:24 UTC
When George W. Bush left office, unemployment was 7.8 percent. Now, after almost 7 years of Obama, unemployment is 5 percent. But if you are a follower of Ben Carson, I guess you don't really care so much about the truth.
2015-11-09 15:10:57 UTC
"Obama rejects Keystone pipeline, he just doesn't care about jobs does he?"

Problem wit the pipe line is that it goes through some very sensitive wildlife areas.

The "trade agreements" he signs is more of an indication that he "hates" US job makers.
2015-11-10 20:32:39 UTC
America does'nt need it. B.P. refused to return to certain areas, so Americans in those areas drilled for oil & hit the Bananza. If I had my way & the funds I could put thousands of people to work & when each was done they'd each have a career & it would lower all the oceans & all lands taken by water would return like it was before global Warming. Also Glaciers are past record highs & still building. Mike
2015-11-10 10:44:04 UTC
Which jobs? The 42,500 temporary jobs building the pipeline would create or the 50 full time jobs the pipeline would create after it was built?
2015-11-09 19:44:42 UTC
He is getting ready to leave office and doesn't care about what anyone thinks.
2015-11-09 17:18:58 UTC
He is not interested inUS.He is like a significant person for them in a bad way & all those liberal *****
2015-11-09 17:01:13 UTC
Mr.President Obama is handsome
Billy Butthead
2015-11-09 16:54:13 UTC
He cares about himself
2015-11-09 16:39:32 UTC
If the satellite from the previous question wanted to escape earth’s gravity, what would its escape speed be a distance of 4*106 away from the earth?
2015-11-09 15:33:50 UTC
that's great
2015-11-09 10:50:27 UTC
work myself
2015-11-09 08:13:45 UTC
It's more a case of protecting a billionaires profits from his railway moving oil around. If the pipeline went in the big money guy would lose millions in fees. So guess who gets all the campaign money and from who.
2015-11-09 07:32:11 UTC
Why should he
2015-11-09 04:22:32 UTC
So without the pipeline the petrol will be transported in trucks which burn oil and pollute. The US just lost.
2015-11-09 03:25:57 UTC
He hates jerbs just like he hates white poeople
2015-11-09 03:24:41 UTC
2015-11-09 02:22:25 UTC
He doesn't care about anyone or anything but himself. Obama is the worst president of our lifetime.
2015-11-06 10:28:39 UTC
Could create as many jobs fixing our roads and bridges, so why don't Republicans in Congress care about jobs?
2015-11-06 10:28:41 UTC
He never has which is why we have the lowest rate of job participation since the 1920s.
2015-11-06 10:28:50 UTC
He likes government jobs, government spending and government control. LOL
2015-11-06 10:28:54 UTC
Its not a problem. The next president regardless of party will approve it. Its a slam dunk.
2015-11-06 10:29:22 UTC
Yes. He does not care about Canadian jobs. Trans Canada was already backing out of the project because building a pipeline was not feasable for them. Price of dirty oil was too low.
2015-11-06 10:29:58 UTC
He knows that the jobs are lie. And he knows that the few jobs that would be created would be for skilled workers who already are able to get jobs if they want.
2015-11-06 10:30:49 UTC
I agree. Obama need to be kicked out of the office now. He has been doing nothing but destruction from day 1.
2015-11-06 10:32:28 UTC
No he doesn't...he must keep his idiot environmentalists happy.
2015-11-06 10:33:04 UTC
Obama doesn't give a damn about the average American.
2015-11-06 10:36:38 UTC
It would only have created 40 permanent jobs. When weighed against the potential harm, his decision was a no brainer.
2015-11-06 10:36:54 UTC
I don't care what he cares about. American property owners were saved from eminent domain, that is all I care about.
2015-11-06 11:17:00 UTC
Obama doesn't care about anyone except himself. He's a REAL MOFO!
2015-11-06 11:21:19 UTC
The Keystone people claimed the project would create only 9,000 temporary jobs. The pipeline would have robbed thousands of property holders of their property through eminent domain. Canada will find other ways to monetize its oil.
2015-11-06 11:34:28 UTC
everything he does is a lie!!!!
2015-11-06 11:39:48 UTC
and u obviously dont care about the future of our environment.

use your head
2015-11-06 11:43:19 UTC
Nope he doesnt care :l
2015-11-06 11:44:14 UTC
When its all said and done history wont be kind to Mr. Obama .
2015-11-06 11:45:33 UTC
The jobs that are produced for the construction of the pipeline are mostly temporary. After it is built only routine maintenance is required.
2015-11-06 12:45:46 UTC
Come down and live in La Porte Texas and breath some of that sh!t in!!! And then tell me how much you care about a few jobs that the dirtiest oil on the planet would produce, the only significant thing it will produce is a 14 to 20% increase in greenhouse gases!!!

La Porte Texas is south of Houston, otherwise known as the Carcinogenic coast!!!
2015-11-07 04:23:43 UTC
It's nothing to do with Obama, but the price of oil dropping like a stone.

The US cannot afford to build Keystone.
2015-11-08 15:06:38 UTC
The Alaska pipe line did not bring any jobs to the state once the job was finished. Obama was right! Sand oil is the worst oil of them all and cost a fortune to get it out of the ground. You would not see any flow from it until oil prices go a lot higher. Crude goes in a ten year cycle we still have nine years left of cheap crude, daaa! Dam you guys are not informed enough to post a comment!
Hail Satan
2015-11-07 12:35:32 UTC
Wouldn't create enough jobs to matter anyways. Honestly, if you're just hanging on Yahoo! Answers and trying desperately to bait people, you probably had no plans to work to begin with, so who cares?
2015-11-07 12:24:02 UTC
Of course he cares, but his haters don't want to believe it.

I bet you've been furious with the Republicans who have turned down over 40 of Obama's jobs bills
2015-11-06 15:52:19 UTC
2015-11-06 13:01:51 UTC
This is NOT a question, it's a political rant.

Get a life!
2015-11-06 12:17:45 UTC
Ben w
2015-11-06 11:56:48 UTC
He does. He also cares about the environment and our survival and health.
2015-11-07 08:26:03 UTC
this is a very controversial subject, there are pros and cons on both sides and I have yet to read anything that I can really rely on to make my decision if it is a good or bad idea

I thought we already had a huge resevoir of oil already in the southern states that has limited access to as a precaution, and with more an more mandates to get gas guzzling cars off he highway isn't investing in more gas exploration and pipelines a bad idea
Coop 366
2015-11-07 11:21:12 UTC
Are a few hundred jobs worth the possibility poisoning the water to millions of people including some of the families who get jobs at Keystone. You are looking at it in the short term, it sounds great if and a big IF nothing goes wrong.
2015-11-07 08:59:59 UTC
At the end of his second term, he is suddenly more in favor of ecology and environment. Indeed, all countries pollute and, with the huge amount of coal used for heating in the US, the country has somewhat of a bad result there. Keystone won't change much except that Alberta will seek to make its product "cleaner".
2015-11-06 17:36:33 UTC
Yeah. Those 15 long term jobs to serve another country's interests are definitely worth fighting for.
Don't Fear The Reaper
2015-11-06 20:54:25 UTC
He cares about Soros's wealth and the union jobs Soros holds. That's donations, access to more influence peddling and VOTES. That's a lot of trains, a lot of 19th century rails and lots of spilled/overturned oil.
2015-11-07 09:54:41 UTC
Bush did 9/11
2015-11-08 07:32:24 UTC
A chunk of pipe 300 km long creates how many jobs once constructed? Something between 2-100, jobs are a bad argument for that one.
2015-11-06 14:47:25 UTC
Keystone would only create 36 jobs according to TransCanada of all places
2015-11-06 23:45:25 UTC
You just don't care about the environment, do you?

He obviously cares about the environment, which is a good thing. Oil is bad and we should not use it, but people like you don't give a f***, you just think ladi dadi d, I'll drive my truck 30+ miles to work, just sh*tting more pollution into the environment!

How would you like it if I farted in your face all day huh?
2015-11-06 16:46:21 UTC
I personally think he made a bad decision.

He has been debating about this situation for a long time.

And six years later, he says no

if he was going to say no, he should've done so a long ago.

Wasted a lot of supplies.

2015-11-07 17:31:32 UTC
pump WATER from Canada to South west america

WIN WIN for all. Tar sands are the worst possible way to get oil

the age of carbon fuel is OVER. the cost of global warming already costs billions ant will cost tens of trillions and hundreds of millions of dead and suffering.

America lost jobs when big companies outsourced them! in the next decades the Robots will take far more jobs. For example, self driving computer cars and trucks will eliminate almost all need for paid drivers.!
Pennie k
2015-11-08 18:25:18 UTC
If you read you can see the papers that do not support obamas claims -use internet its real easy to get informed.
2015-11-08 17:01:45 UTC
Less than thirty jobs and we wouldn't get any of that oil.
2015-11-08 16:43:39 UTC
2015-11-08 15:38:21 UTC
yes, I agree with you
2015-11-08 15:08:30 UTC
i've always wondered this. Does Obamba care about anything except Blacks and Muslims
2015-11-08 13:21:45 UTC
Obama is SCUM!
2015-11-08 12:13:31 UTC
he does care
2015-11-08 12:08:10 UTC
Indeed not
2015-11-08 10:53:46 UTC
He doesn't care much about CANADIAN jobs, Sweet you believe he SHOULD?

(Then why don't you just go ahead & move to Canadia?)
2015-11-08 07:57:20 UTC
2015-11-08 07:05:47 UTC
He will be gone soon. Thank the Lord.
2015-11-08 06:48:27 UTC

Of the 12 presidents since World War 2, here are the job increases per year by president. After cleaning up the 800,000 jobs being lost per month at the end of Dubya's Reign of Error, Obama has created more jobs in 7 years than in the 23 years of Eisenhower, Ford, Poppy Bush and Dubya.


3.90 Dem Johnson

3.06 Dem Carter

2.93 Dem Truman 2nd term

2.69 R --- Reagan 2nd term

2.64 Dem Kennedy

2.52 Dem Clinton 1st term

2.38 R --- Nixon

2.24 Dem Clinton 2nd term

1.80 Dem Obama 2nd term

1.61 Dem Truman 1st term

1.43 R --- Reagan 1st term

1.34 R --- Eisenhower 1st term

1.29 R --- Ford

0.87 R --- Eisenhower 2nd term

0.60 R --- GHW Bush Sr

0.28 Dem Obama 1st term

0.21 R --- GW Bush Jr 2nd term

0.00 R --- GW Bush Jr 1st term


Dem 19,663 Clinton

R --- 13,621 Reagan

Dem 8,895 Johnson

Dem 8,781 Truman

Dem 8,601 Carter

Dem 6,566 Roosevelt

R --- 5,254 Nixon

Dem 4,875 Obama

Dem 2,729 Kennedy

R --- 2,235 Ford

R --- 1,556 Eisenhower

R --- 1,084 GHW Bush

R --- (337) GW Bush

Of the 12 presidents since WW2, the only Republican to make the top 5 list for jobs created per year was Reagan at #4.
2015-11-08 01:59:54 UTC
he could be thinking in other themes
James F
2015-11-08 01:38:19 UTC
He only cares about his place in the history books as the worst president we've had so far. Beware. It could get worse.
2015-11-06 11:58:37 UTC
Canada got tired of waiting for el bozo and canceled the proposed deal with Obama.That is what took place.
2015-11-06 12:17:46 UTC
glen b
2015-11-06 12:21:57 UTC
will it help America if it does hes against it he Obama hates the usa anything he can do to hurt or destroy America is what he wants
2015-11-06 12:27:22 UTC
Obama knows that there are other ways to create jobs without destroying the environment, without harming our lungs, and without overheating the planet.

If only the Republicans would stop vetoing them.
King Nobama
2015-11-06 12:33:34 UTC
You got that right!!!
2015-11-06 12:35:08 UTC
Jobs??? The price of a barrell has substantially lowered on the world market, the Keystone is only going to make the value go down, so how is that going to create "more jobs".
2015-11-06 12:38:59 UTC
Stop crying.
2015-11-06 12:41:05 UTC
obama is secretly working with ISIS.
2015-11-06 12:43:47 UTC
if the pipeline were approved and built, Bummer could not bow down to Arab sheiks any more.
2015-11-06 12:46:39 UTC
2015-11-06 13:00:33 UTC
You just figure that out?
2015-11-06 14:39:12 UTC
You know 0bama, he's off somewhere in left field chasing butterflies.
2015-11-07 17:01:23 UTC
i agree with obama on very few things, but i agree with this.
2015-11-07 16:11:43 UTC
No, he cares, but a pipeline is something that will solve one problem to create another, because it involves environmental destruction, and other things.
2015-11-07 14:56:14 UTC
Transferring tarsands is extremely dangerous. Plus, it's not worth ruining our environment. Humans need to stop being selfish, and stop trashing the earth.
Gandy Dancer
2015-11-06 19:39:51 UTC
it would have been an excellent way to guarantee energy independence for the next generation.
2015-11-06 19:23:34 UTC
what obummer doesn't say is that the oil is making it to Texas refineries anyway by train even when it is a more dangerous way to transport
2015-11-06 18:17:44 UTC
I think the government didn't want him to approve it.
2015-11-06 17:53:08 UTC
Preventing global warming is more important
2015-11-06 14:25:35 UTC
he cares about the enviroment
2015-11-06 14:05:05 UTC
No, he doesn't, but he cares about "HIS" people getting paid for sitting at home.
2015-11-06 14:58:42 UTC
I'm Canadian and I strongly oppose it; it's my pipeline either way. I believe being able to, perhaps, breathe is more important than jobs...
Ivan Cruz
2015-11-06 17:49:19 UTC
He probably cares more about people's health than a few jobs.
2015-11-06 13:57:36 UTC
There wouldn't be that many jobs created, and even fewer permanent jobs. The oil would be sold on the open market, so it wouldn't necessarily find its way into your gas tank. And it would do nothing to keep oil prices low.
2015-11-06 19:42:09 UTC
Obama doesn't care about anybody. He is the worst president America has ever had.
2015-11-06 20:31:23 UTC
He wants to keep his word with his stanch supporters as he thinks this will be his legacy, but he's mistaken and his logic is flawed.

He's punting the issue to the next Administration which I believe he knows that it will be a Republican that will ratify the deal.
Jake No Chat
2015-11-06 17:21:06 UTC
Jobs, energy or the big picture that the oil will still make it to the US. He is just being political, and when you do that you only care about yourself, your own image, etc, and not other people. It is political, not business, not personal. If you take the politics out, many more things would get done and be better.
2015-11-06 13:47:34 UTC
Obama and all these Dems are too attached to the corporate tit of the green energy firms... which I notice he is not promoting anymore since all of his Stimulus pals took that money and RANCHINA where they could care less about that "living wage". One more reason (as if anyone SHOULD NEED one) to not elect Hillary or any actual socialists since the poseur ones are bad enough!
2015-11-06 14:59:42 UTC
Yeah, we don't need no stinking pipeline-and employment figures are lower under Obmama than under 8 years of the Bushit. YOu guys are Obama-phobes frothing at the mouth over nothing. Prove what you are saying - where are your sources!
2015-11-06 20:20:07 UTC
Rhetorical question -right?? It seems rather obvious that he doesn't care about main stream Americans.
Carol W
2015-11-07 13:17:17 UTC
I suspect he cares about something you've never thought about.. the environment. Which won't be here with people like you around.
2015-11-06 15:52:34 UTC
Reading the first comments from a poster makes no sense. If this is what the President is thinking, he's way off. A Pipeline certainly would not cause more emissions problems . The problem is first automobiles and second industry. But the President is correct to assume that jobs would not be permanent in building a pipeline and it would only affect companies prepared to follow its building. And once it is completed most jobs would be done and completed. But if a pipeline would be advantageous to fuel consumption of Business, and homes then certainly, it is very much needed in particular in the states that would be supplied alone its path and distribution points.
2015-11-06 16:46:31 UTC
At some point we need to put the environment above jobs. If we keep up this nonsense we won't have jobs because there won't be ******* people\ living.
2015-11-07 20:28:01 UTC
No because if he did, the gas prices would be much lower.
Dream Achiever
2015-11-07 20:03:23 UTC
He wants a clean planet.
2015-11-07 19:45:48 UTC
Creating jobs doesnt need to involve ruining the Earth you brainwashed imbecilic Faux news assfucking piece of ****. You can create jobs by building wind turbines.
2015-11-07 19:34:34 UTC
That is why I;m voting for a Republican
2015-11-07 19:02:24 UTC
it is what it is.we vote
General Chaos
2015-11-07 19:01:38 UTC
do you tjink he hawe a reson to care the jobs ? does he hawe a reason to care ?

probably he wants his ***** friends (arabs?) to run the job may be im not sure :D
2015-11-07 18:34:58 UTC
Obama cares about OBAMA and NO one else..
2015-11-07 18:15:36 UTC
Enough to suit me. I'd blow off this boondoggle, too, if it were up to me....
2015-11-07 18:10:19 UTC
What are you talking about???? He LOVES jobs.

Jobs for people in Mexico, China, Japan. Really anywhere but in the US.
2015-11-07 17:54:49 UTC
I feel that decision is unfortunate....
2015-11-07 16:28:15 UTC
Well that, and he listened to everyone in those states it would have gone through saying they did not want it. One thing to understand is that pipes do one thing with certainty - they leak.
2015-11-07 16:26:28 UTC
Why do Republicans love money so much.
2015-11-07 15:10:00 UTC
I agree; he should realize that the pipeline would create thousands of jobs, research, and technology and ease the tension of getting and buying over sea oil.
2015-11-06 13:10:23 UTC
2015-11-06 13:46:44 UTC
I don't think adding thirty five permanent jobs would be that big of a help to the economy.
2015-11-06 13:49:27 UTC
Yes he does
2015-11-06 13:49:39 UTC
Why hasn't he been impeached is my question!~!~!~
2015-11-06 13:52:59 UTC
Hooray, for the end of class based capitalism.
2015-11-06 14:02:21 UTC
He is a scumbag
2015-11-06 14:06:08 UTC
2015-11-06 14:11:31 UTC
He's a careless president.
2015-11-06 15:27:58 UTC
Dima, maybe you don t get that fewer than 100 jobs in the end is no great leap forward.
2015-11-07 15:09:56 UTC
What good is a job if we all have cancer from the pollution .
2015-11-07 13:28:49 UTC
He is concerned with the environment, not such a bad thing. Clean energy and such.
2015-11-07 12:14:49 UTC
I hope not
2015-11-07 08:49:56 UTC
What kind of logic is that
2015-11-07 00:03:59 UTC
To be fair, most of those jobs would be temporary.
2015-11-06 23:45:14 UTC
2015-11-06 20:19:26 UTC
fossils fuels are not unlimited
2015-11-06 22:31:01 UTC
Maybe there can be more environmental jobs like maintaining community gardens or people can start working less days if theyre not needed to work as often (to divide work fairly)
2015-11-06 19:20:18 UTC
One of our presidents will approve it if the demand remains high. We are just waiting on the technology and money to ensure a clean viable source of energy. I suppose Obama got one right, but as for anything else remains a mystery.
2015-11-06 16:16:44 UTC
obama is great. he has great leadership.

we never have needed the keystone pipe line.

if the conservatives cared for the american people then they might consider building a pipeline for WATER, since the current drought is expect to grow larger and more widespread through the end of this century. such a large drought is expected that it will cover most of north and south america.
2015-11-06 18:49:04 UTC
He is pro green energy. Also we pump up that oil in N & S Dakota. As we pump oil from the North trickles in to replace what we pump out. So free Canadian oil to us for the future. But I would need see information I can not see to be sure here.
2015-11-07 09:31:57 UTC
The jobs won't go to Americans.
2015-11-07 04:57:11 UTC
Warren buffet the local railroad baron will benefit from this cause they need to transfer oil by rail now and into the future. I wonder why he supports obama
2015-11-07 13:09:19 UTC
2015-11-07 11:42:10 UTC
obama is stupid
2015-11-07 11:27:33 UTC
Believe so
steve d
2015-11-07 11:20:45 UTC
This project would not have created enough jobs to offset the danger to the environment.
2015-11-07 10:35:06 UTC
I'm sorry.
2015-11-07 09:30:01 UTC
What does he really understand other than aggravating the populace. Halt, he cares for himself.
Gerry G
2015-11-07 09:00:34 UTC
Apparently not.
2015-11-06 16:14:21 UTC
I dont understand?
2015-11-06 16:20:58 UTC
He has created more job than Bush.
Elyse Rose
2015-11-06 16:34:57 UTC
Who, among you, believes that Obama is going to tell the Oil Industry what is going to do? lol
2015-11-06 17:12:43 UTC
Well since I have yet to see Obama come out w\ith a "true jobs bill I doubt it"
2015-11-06 17:13:26 UTC
He is all about jobs! He rejected it for a reason.
2015-11-06 18:31:02 UTC
Ya he hates shiznit
2015-11-06 19:02:28 UTC
2015-11-06 19:04:01 UTC
you're just NOW realizing this?
2015-11-07 08:17:25 UTC
Obama is in a no win situation. If he okays the pipeline, the environmentalists will be all over him.
2015-11-07 04:25:53 UTC
Fossil fuels need to go the way of the dinosaurs. There are better ways to meet our energy needs.
2015-11-07 08:17:52 UTC
Nope he doesn't, it's all about the environment.
2015-11-06 21:57:09 UTC
2015-11-07 02:29:07 UTC
2015-11-07 08:52:45 UTC
He wants the US to keep buying oil from his foreign buddies so they can get control over us.
2015-11-07 05:45:28 UTC
I don't think he cares.
2015-11-07 04:48:33 UTC
#manna #ceiling
2015-11-06 23:26:51 UTC
If Obama was a little smarter he could be AN IDIOT !
2015-11-06 22:52:43 UTC
seems not like it !
2015-11-06 19:18:00 UTC
He cares more than the GOP which has moved jobs and hidden money overseas.
2015-11-06 19:20:06 UTC
he is oing the right hing
2015-11-06 19:39:11 UTC
President Obama is still working on the "shovel ready jobs" he promised years ago...
2015-11-06 19:43:03 UTC
Tiziano Ferro
2015-11-06 19:43:20 UTC
He hates America
2015-11-06 20:07:18 UTC
he a piece of **** he only cares about you if you make a clock that looks like a bomb

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.