No. Minimum wage is a bad bad bad socialist idea.
If you give a man 10 to survive because he doesn't have a job you're drawing a line that he's not going to cross. No job position is possible under 10. Those who are not able to create wealth for 10 won't get a job ever (it's 20 or more actually).
Next thing you need is to support all of them by giving them something. Hopefully less than 10 but in fact most socialism are giving more on welfare than the minimum wage in some cases. As a consequence, workers on minimum wage wants to move to welfare and quit the job. Plus, the money you need has to come from the workers. You may rationalize that it's coming from the companies or the rich people or whatever. It's not true. Wealth comes from the work of the workers. All the rest are living from that wealth.
Most likely, to support the system, the minimum wage is going to go up killing more job positions. Meanwhile, people without jobs and no prospects loose skills, don't get new skills and are worth less in the market place.
Now you have job positions only above 15 and people with the skills to work for 5. A problem with no solution.
The market place always finds a way. The non-workers are going to a parallel world where their skills are worth enough for them to survive. It could be crime or the black labor market. You can't expect them to lay down and die.
As more workers go from the labor market to unemployment, things keep going the same way. More money needed from the workers, minimum wage going up, job positions closing, more people unemployed, bigger black market, more money needed to "solve" the problem, labor cost goes up, prices goes up, minimum wage goes up.
Sound familiar, isn't it?