why are americans so unbelievably ignorant about other countries?
2006-02-20 11:18:35 UTC
why are americans so unbelievably ignorant about other countries?
Eleven answers:
2006-02-20 11:19:17 UTC
I've thought about this one for years.

My theory is that, for the most part, especially those outside of major cities, Americans don't have to worry about other countries. Who is on our border? Canada? They're Americans! Mexico? They just send over tons of illegals! (Note: I personally don't think those last two things.)

The rest of the world seems far away and not terribly relevant. And, to be honest, for most Americans that is probably fairly accurate. Unless a local factory is moved to South Korea, why would anyone be concerned about South Korea?

This contrasts with other countries which are constantly reminded of the rest of the world. Small countries - like say the Baltic States - in particular have very good reasons for wondering if their big neighbors will plow through them. Even major European countries - Germany, Poland, France - are constantly reminded of their neighbors on TV, radio etc.

This sometimes leads to silly reactions in the US like "France is a traitor." Well, even if you think French policies hurt the US, France is still a western democracy and in NATO (more or less). Sometimes it seems that people are equating France with the Soviet Union. Get some perspective people!

Back to the media point, American TV shows and movies are major exports around the world. Everyone gets a chance to see us (to the extent that Desperate Housewives and Charlie's Angels represent us). But how often do foreign shows end up in the US? Sure the British will show up on PBS, but more likely foreign shows are Americanized - from Big Brother to the Office. They even tried an American version of Faulty Towers once! (Staring Bea Arthur, forget the name of the show, it stunk and was quickly canceled.)

On top of this is the American ideal that we are the beacon of democracy in the world. In many respects this has been a good thing (Marshall Plan) but in other more recent foreign policy adventures - which shall remain nameless - it hasn't worked out so well. I think this gives us a superiority complex. And the worst part about it is, we have a pretty darn good country over all (there are major issues) and so that opinion isn't ridicilous.

So, basically I think it is because we are a big country, relatively isolated by geography, we have a superiority complex, and that we export culture, so most Americans don't need to know - and so don't care too much - about the rest of the world.
2006-02-20 11:49:10 UTC
I agree with the first answer.

America is a large contry. Most people don't even travel out of their state, much less out of the contry.

I for one would LOVE to go all over the world and learn all I can about the different cultures and people, I find that very intresting and it has been a dream of mine for a long time.

But I know that, unless I win the lottery and get lots of Money, I most likely won't be able to afford to travle and educate myself about other contries. All I can do is go on the internet and reseach.

Plus.. America has a CRAPPY school system. I know everyone blames americans for being stupid.. but we only know what is being taught to us. School children can't know about things if their never taught. So they grow up not knowing alot of things about other contires. So unless they grow up and teach themselves, via the internet or some other form they will never know.

It's like that question, "Why don't we teach Americans how to speak more than one language?"

I think it's because when in out lifetime will we need to speak another language. I for one know a bit of spanish only because my family is spanish, even though we live just a 2 hour drive from Mexico, hardly anyone knows spanish, because no one is planing on going to Mexico.

And Canada is way far away (from where I am).. and they speak english most the time to. (some speak french).

But overseas where the contries are smaller and it's just a hop skip and a jump to reach five other contries. One would have to know many lnaguages. Where in America, we can drive for days and still be in america.
2006-02-20 11:27:01 UTC
because there is so much here that it's easy to believe that this is just the way it is or should be. that's why we have the president we have now - all those people who don't know a thing about the outside world, except what meager information their simple minds can comprehend. as long as it stays that way, the view of mericans from other countries will not improve at all. kind of embarassing but then the intellingent people who are not in the united states at least do realize not all of us are that way.
2016-09-24 11:09:09 UTC
Hmm I advantageous there yet a great number of agrument and that i'm advantageous there are amcerians who're severe-high quality. even though it does look that theres plenty with features you're refering too. this is a loss of subculture, different cultures of the worldwide have been around for one thousand's of years and have one thousand's of years of suffering, happeness etc etc. on an identical time as amercia has basically had approximately 4 hundred years, and has been construct on the backs of slave labour, even with the actuality that they do have some subculture, what often comes via is that bigger and louder is larger, yet unforntally something of the worldwide does no longer agree.
2006-02-20 11:36:19 UTC
I grew up on Military Bases all over Europe. My Dad made it point not to live off Base. Rather, we rented apartments off-Base so we could grow up "open-minded" to how "other people" live and think. This made me an open-minded individual as well.

Upon my return as a teenager to finish HS, I was SUPER amazed of how ignorant our own American teachers were about other cultures. And....the academic school program was cheap. While I lived in Europe, our Middle and High Schools organized trips to other countries. Try organizing a trip to Canada from here thru one of your local!

Here in Maryland, they're about to close down 9 city schools down due to cost. The class room sizes are about to get larger. I believe education is everything. Our government sees it as an "expense." It's cost efficient to study one country and their ways....this country.
2006-02-20 11:33:01 UTC
I dont know, but it annoys me. On my first trip out of the country, my friend and I were staying in a hotel, and she was talking very loudly because they didn't understand her. I finally said they aren't deaf, they speak spanish. I am going to have to go with how we are educated. In other countries, English is a required subject, here its an elective. its really a shame. I love My Icon's answer. So eloquent.
2006-02-20 11:26:58 UTC
why are other countries so ignorant to the fact that earth is now named planet america !!!!

So pay your proper respects or else be labeled a terrorist nation :D oh and if you wouldnt mind presenting all your countries resources in an orderly manner so we may assimilate them thank you for your coperation during this time of transition
Flying with Owls
2006-02-27 10:50:03 UTC
They dont care about others. it has nothing to do with the school education coz many other countries have way worse, but our minds are open, unlike "Americans"
2006-02-20 12:11:41 UTC
That is pretty offensive, regardless if true. Although my personal experience is that Indians are even more ignorant, being that they are a super power.
2006-02-20 11:24:25 UTC
Probally because were not being told the truth. Were told only what our government want's us to know. Nothing more.
2006-02-20 13:23:03 UTC
I dont believe we are.

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