Why does Fox hate on obama as a person?
2011-04-07 21:43:33 UTC
I've seen a ton of fox "slams" on obama recently, but its amazing that they hardly slam his actual policies, but they just make him out to be a terrible person.

For instance, they've had parts saying he is only voted for because he is black, that he is a loyalist muslim that went to a muslim school, that he was born in kenya, that he smokes, 1000 about his middle name, that he plays golf, etc.

Not to mention alot of those turned out to be false claims.

What i don't understand is what any of that has to do with what he's done with the country.

Do you think its fair for a news station to delve so deep into someone's personal life if it has nothing to do with their policies?
Eighteen answers:
2011-04-07 21:44:38 UTC
Foreign owned


Money greedy.

That is 3 4 ya.
☠SinDelle Morte☠
2011-04-07 21:44:30 UTC
Which ones are false?

People turned out in RECORD NUMBERS, especially black people, to "be part of history."

He DID go to a Muslim school.

He DOES smoke.

His middle name IS Hussein.

He DOES play golf.

The only thing that hasn't been proven is where he was born and that is because HE refuses to prove it.

EDIT: You need to check your facts. He was registered as "MUSLIM" in a school in Indonesia when he was a kid. And it isn't a birther rant. I'm not the one bringing it up. It's just the truth. This sh!t will not go away until he shows his original birth certificate. You don't like it, I don't really care.

What you need to do is wonder why he won't just fvcking show it and get it over with. Don't you think that would be cheaper and easier than fighting all these lawsuits? It would go away as soon as he did it. If you have not even WONDERED about that, you are brainwashed.

And LMMFAO at the link you posted.

Here's a real one:

EDIT 2: No one said it mattered at all. But you are saying he never went to a Muslim school. The fact is that it WAS a religious school and he WAS registered as Muslim. The fact that you are splitting hairs over it like this shows that maybe you are more bothered by it than you admit. Why else would you try so hard to prove it isn't true?
2011-04-07 21:51:36 UTC
When their personal life affects their policy making in the country, then it becomes everybody's business, and not their family life, but the amount of time balanced between family, policy, and other. You are speaking of something you know very little of. Obama had time to play golf and coach a basketball game of his daughters, which i wouldn't have a problem with, except that his daughter was skiing and the original coach didn't show only because HE had a schedule conflict. This in itself wouldn't be that bad of an event but the President couldn't take 5 minutes to sit down and tell America what he though of the situation in Libya, until two weeks after the event started and after France already started intervening. This is one of many as this just was dealing with him Playing Golf. Please look into this stuff before forming an opinion.
2016-12-15 16:27:32 UTC
Haha oh you liberals make me giggle. Fox is the only station that provides a 0.5 way common the two sides of the story record. in addition they tutor greater help for our troops, and so as that they televise the yank those that stand in the back of our courageous infantrymen, quite of attempting to make it seem as though each and every of usa of america hates the protection tension. like something of the liberal obsessed stations. definite... speaking of risky and evil human beings, what approximately Obama's cronies, whobelieve Amrica invented aids to grant to blacks, or those that think of usa of america must be destroyed? of direction that must be completely ok suitable? You liberals are so regular and predictable, now pass back to screaming and yelling approximately how terrible our united states is.
2011-04-11 12:55:36 UTC
Because Obama is a Marlboro Man and Smokes Cigarettes and Phillip Morris or Altria Group does not really advertise with Fox. Obama is so cool when he smokes cigarettes.
2011-04-07 21:50:52 UTC
Oh brother.. you are going to hear what you want to hear.

How about how the left wing media bashed Bush 24/7 for 8 years.

Obama is a disaster, only welfare recipients or government workers support that empty suit. Oh sorry forgot to add union members to that, yeah some really nice sweetheart deals you got from him huh, and all those exemptions.

Try standing on your own two feet for a while, you will have more pride in yourself.
2011-04-07 21:58:32 UTC
You mean like when Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz, Katie Couric, Dan Rather, et al, were all anti-Bush?
2011-04-08 04:32:03 UTC
Because Obama is black, and Fox News is racist,
2011-04-07 21:46:59 UTC
Sorta like the other news stations did with Bush, only a lot worse? I hate to say it but I heard NBC really cutting into Obama, and more and more other stations are on his case. I'd say he's in deep doo if the media turns on him.
2011-04-07 21:47:51 UTC
Fox does not have a personality. Is their a person that you have a question about?

Do you watch it or just clips on MSNBC?

I rarely watch FOX but the clips I see on MSNBC are just visibly edited to create bias.
2011-04-07 21:50:01 UTC
G-sus Christ, I wish I could find a political forum that actually discusses the issues instead of tv stations.
2011-04-07 21:45:52 UTC
For the same reason all conservatives hate President Obama: It's because of the color of his skin. Period.

They will say and do anything to try to hurt his presidency...even when it hurts our country.

It's a fact.
2011-04-07 21:48:36 UTC
Advertising $$$$$

It's all about money to Righties, damn everything else.

What's that smells like manure??

Oh, a cowgirl.
2011-04-07 21:46:47 UTC
It's a lawyer's trick called attacking credibility, except they lie while doing it

If you establish somebody as not credible, everything they say is put into doubt
2011-04-07 21:45:01 UTC
Because Fox is owned by Conservative Racists.
2011-04-07 21:45:42 UTC
Got a link to even one of you ridiculous claims?
Annamarie .
2011-04-07 21:47:42 UTC
Because he's not a Republican.

If he was, they'd be all over him.
2011-04-07 21:46:01 UTC
it's racism bearing it's ugly head, but they forget that he is also half white.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.