A question for Ron Paul supporters?
2012-07-02 05:08:17 UTC
I'm having a respectful conversation with an obama supporter (she's super cute lmao) and was wondering why I could say to her on these arguments she made on ron paula positions

okay...first off ill talk about healthcare.
so he says that medicare and medicaid have bankrupted the goverment and that the free market will provide health insurance. well thats really unstable just because of the nature of the free market. the free market is run by coorporations who dont hav peoples best interests at heart nor and they would hurt millions of people if they made a profit off of the backs of every day citizens. medicaid and medicare did not bankrupt the country. thats factually wrong. sorry paul. what did bankrupt the nation, is the enormous military budget, the deficit because of both wars, the free markets mistakes leading to the housing markets crash and the financial crisis. these are the things that bankrupted the nation and taking away medicaid or medicare is like taking away financial aid to working mothers who cant sustain their family. its like 1 percent of the US budget and it wouldnt make a difference. medicare and medicaid is allows retired citizens to have afforable health insurance without bankruting them. now saying that obamacare is unconstitutional is well....frustrating because everyother country in Europe and across the globe has government controlled health care that works perfectly, and no country is saying that their sociall net is what is bankrupting their nation. these systems work incredibly well and are the best healthcare systems in the world. now everybody says that europeans pay more taxes for their social system, lemme clarify that as my parents pay both american and french taxes and that is a completely false statement. my parents pay like 30 to 40 percent of their income to taxes in america and in france they pay 8 percent. the middle class and the poor pay much more in taxes in america then the rich. in france its the opposite. if your rich, you can pay more taxes, thus you will have higher taxes then the poor. so thats my take off of healthcare lemme watch the other videos now hehe

social security- ima keep it brief cause to me its pretty straight forward hhehe. okay so im happy that he wants to cut the military budget! finally someone who says it! but taking away social security would be such a disaster! it keeps forty percent of all retired people out of poverty, and for that very simple reason, it needs to stay. now it could be reorganized and redone, but at the end of the day, having competition with the fed like he says would be a disaster
Nine answers:
Falkland G
2012-07-02 05:21:04 UTC
Ron Paul worked in medicine BEFORE a lot of the government intervention that we saw in place even before Obamacare was proposed. He understood that there are ways to help people without government programs like medicaid and social security - many physicians offer free or deeply discounted services (or at least did before Obamacare became law). One way to drive down medical costs is to promote Medical Savings Accounts which, unlike insurance, put more power in the hands of consumers. Another way is to allow insurance companies to compete across state lines.

Many things are helping to bankrupt the country, including our military bases that dot the globe including in places the local populations do not want them. But yes, Social Security and Medicaid will help in that bankruptcy.
2012-07-02 15:31:11 UTC
You error is just spectacular. Your argument is so erroneous it takes couple of books and perhaps years to correct them.

I'll point out ONE OF THE most obvious fallacy, which is downright dimwitted and humiliating, hope you don't have hard feelings:

"the free market is run by coorporations who dont hav peoples best interests at heart nor and they would hurt millions of people if they made a profit off of the backs of every day citizens."

If they "hurt millions of people", how could they make any profit at all? Are you assuming people as consumers and patronizers are all idiots? They would switch to companies that do not "hurt millions of people" as soon as possible.

On the other hand, if it were run by the government, you clear do not have a choice then do you? Unless you are ridiculous enough to think you can switch your government to a Chinese one.

But, isn't America a democracy? Can't we change if the government screw us over?

First, you have only 2 option at the moment, with both of them supporting opposing healthcare schemes. So for liberal people like you, it's the choice between "vote for democrats" and "vote for democrats".

Last and the most fallacious, the free-market is run by selfish American pigs who are your friend, your ex-classmates and your neighbors. But that's clearly different with the government because the government is run by... selfish American pigs who are your friend, your ex-classmates and your neighbors.

Free-market is bad so we need people, exactly the same people that make up the free-market to regulate free-market? Considering how power-seeking people are usually liars and a vicious crowd like Bill Clinton, GW Bush, G Bush Sr., Reagan, LBJ and J Carter?

In free-market, if someone want the money in your pocket, worst case:they hoax you into buying something you don't want. Best case: they provide something you need the most and you love and worth every penny.

For the government, if someone want your money, worst case: point a gun at you, FBI, the IRS, CIA, homeland security, patriot act. Best case:hoax you into paying for something you most certainly do not need the most.

And for stable: Coke Cola has been providing products globally since 1900. The US government has been involving conflicts and wars around the world since the declaration of independence. If the constant involvement of killing is what you call "stable", then you are right on the money.

BTW, government uses healthcare money to pay for its war effort.
2012-07-02 14:01:24 UTC
Every Ron Paul supporter will agree with you that the wars are a waste of money and are unconstitutional... Especially all the military coups and funding of regeimes that the Obama administration is doing right now. If the Chinese were occupying our country and paying off our leaders, we would take up arms and fight the Chinese soldiers just like the Iraqis and the people of Afghanistan. The wars are a huge destruction of wealth. So we can agree on that.

In regards to healthcare .. First off, the free market does a far better job at providing health care than any government agency ever could. In general the free market is better than the government at everything. Socialized healthcare is great... If you are healthy. This actually isn't a joke, the UK's healthcare system euthanizes 140,000 patients a year, mostly elderly due to lack of hospital resources... that is the amount of people they purposley kill each year because they don't have enough resources for them, that number does not include the people that naturally die because they aren't receiving treatment... Of course the Queen and all the rich people won't have any trouble getting adequet healthcare because they are wealthy and can get whatever they want. Everybody agrees that the quality of health care in America is far superior than anything you could get overseas. The question is the cost. Many people, including Obama, will have you believe that the free market has jacked up the price of health care. Not true. The health care industry has had the government on its back for at least 70 years.

Here is an analogy for you... Say that Insurance is a pizza and the things you are covered for are pizza toppings... Most people don't want too many toppings because they want their pizza to cost less, but the government mandates that each pizza has to have at least 75 toppings... Obviously the price of the pizza will go up. So for my policy I am covered for many things that I will never be using such as drug rehabilitation programs (I've never done drugs),mammogramss (not even a girl...) and loads of other crap. Ideally I would just like my policy to cover injuries, diseases and routine checkups, but now I have to also pay to be covered for the things I will never use.. This is just one reason that Insurance andhealth caree costs have gone through the roof. Another reason is restricted competition. The only companies that can get drugs and products approved by the FDA are the big multinational corporations that have lobbyists paying off the bureaucrats. There are very few, if any small businesses that can create new drugs or medical equipment to compete with the big companies because they can never get passed thebureaucraciess... Since the government won't let anybody compete with these big companies, the big companies don't have to worry about competition they can raise their prices, because they are the only people that are allowed to do business.

I can't list all the things that the government has done to drive up prices, it's far to long... But most politicians will have you believe that the free market did it and apparently people are ever so eager to eat thatbull crap up. I guess the solution to the government driving health care prices up, is to get the government even more involved... That's what the companies who wrote Obamacare want you to believe, because they will be able to make loads more money.

"It is easy to forget that for decades the United States HAD a health care system that was the envy of the world. We had the finest doctors and hospitals, patients received high-quality, affordable medical care, and thousands of privately funded charities provided health services for the poor. I worked in an emergency room where nobody was turned away for lack of funds. People had insurance policies for serious health problems but paid cash for routine doctor visits." - Ron Paul

The free market was not responsible for the housing bubble either... The government and the Federal Reserve were responsible... The Federal Reserve got the free market drunk with easy credit... The problem would never have occured if the Fed never liquored everyone up in the first place... The Federal Reserve (private bank) lowered interest rates making it easier to get mortgages... As more people, who normally wouldn't be able to afford homes, got homes, the prices of homes started to go up... The government also required that lendors be more liberal with who they loaned money to. So now you have minimum wage people purchasing houses that they really couldn't afford.. Once people couldn't pay for the homes anymore they had to forclose. As more homes started going on the market, the prices of homes dropped.

In a free market there wouldn't be one private bank in control of the entire money supply.
2012-07-02 05:23:00 UTC
4 Years of this Kenyan İmposter and where has he taken you Change Yep just about what all you suckers who support this Clown from Kenya will end up with Lose Change? Transparency well after what he just did to the Fast & Furious inquiry throwing a Cloak of Secrecy over the whole Botched plot to remove the 2nd amendment should open a few of the Obamination supporters eyes?

If Ron Paul does no more than get the FED under control or out of buisness he will have succeded in removing a Cancer thats effecting us all!

As max Keiser say,s we should Hang a Bankster a Day till they get the message?

Whole system is Corrupt from the top to the bottom and These so called Elite want Global Power

"Never" they are doing enough Damage to USA let alone the world War,s War,s and more War,s

You reap what you sow guy,s
2012-07-02 06:00:07 UTC
Free-Market is not run by corporations but the consumers, this country hasnt seen such freedom in almost a century. Crony capitalism/Fascism is the merge between corporations and government this is the system we are in now, Romney and Obama want to stick with this system while Ron Paul wants change its that simple.
2012-07-02 05:45:02 UTC
the over spending is more social programs than the military. the military uses less than 8% of the budget. we actually pay more in interest than we do to the military. social programs use over 30% of the budget. It looks like Americans are either too stupid or too lazy to take care of themselves and they need a overbearing government to take care of them. 1 in 5 people work for the government. WOW that's a sad and they still cant the a single job done effectively, efficiently , economically or fairly. and we just handed over our health care to them LOL sad sad day.
2016-10-14 08:27:42 UTC
the guy has alot of relatively solid innovations. yet on the comparable time, i'd desire to work out those innovations unfold international. purely then would there be a manner we are able to all inhabit this little globe peacefully. Ever get of challenge, ask him approximately area exploration. he's a hundred% for it. yet he additionally has an identical opinion that we ought to become extra conservative(ie clever) in how we use our organic aspects right here. as quickly as we accomplish this, then the probabilities are high infinite for us as mankind. even regardless of the indisputable fact that, like me, he does not think of government interference is the respond. Which it relatively is not.
2012-07-02 05:15:32 UTC
A vote for Ron Paul is a half vote for Obama,don`t make that mistake unless you want 4 more years of Obama.
Live Free or Pancakes
2012-07-02 05:16:58 UTC
tsk tsk, to talk to Paulites you have to boil it down to tiny little bullet points.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.