What do the protesters want? ?
2020-05-31 15:08:44 UTC
The cop has been charged with murder. Why are they still protesting and causing destruction and chaos in every state?
269 answers:
2020-06-04 17:37:40 UTC
This is a good question.. If protestors really hope to accomplish something, they must be clear & specific about what they want.
2020-06-03 00:01:56 UTC
To destroy America 
2020-06-02 18:43:09 UTC
They want to cause as much destruction as possible and make everyone else suffer because they’re mad.
2020-06-02 04:23:56 UTC
Lets look deep into this police beat to death many and get off with only time off and not pay and don't lose there jobs , whats that take a life do life ! many are good police out there not all are bad

but many are upset that someone is beat to death by beating or even hold them down and they die on the way to jail , but if you look at the video of the person a few days ago was he screaming or mad no the video shows him not upset , it was a cop who got out of hand and many are upset and they fear for there lifes will they be next

yes it is a stand for the black many who did lose his life to a cop who

got out of hand whats why so many are up set over this and many are going to make sure it never happens again , every color is standing up for the person who lost his life , that brings tears to my eyes they really cared for him he was a good good man !!!  one thing you have to under stand being a cop is hard work and some just snap and others know how to deal with it , again the PD is there to help us that's what we are paying them with out them crime would get out of hand ! 

mind you if this cop didnt do what he did this would not have happen
2020-06-01 21:29:52 UTC
Go-Go and rock bands, jammin, slammin all nite long....During protest t-shirts, and hats stands could've made a boatload of money. I don't know people just aren't that civic minded, to much airborne stuff going on (I'm tired).  Anyway protests have slowed down a curfew issued by DC mayor 7pm until 6am. 
2020-06-01 20:15:11 UTC
1) Charge all 3 cops. If one of them were out of control, his teammates had the responsibility to put him in check.

2) According to the BLM website, to defund cops. (I don't agree with it. They should actually push for Federal cop training, be part of creating the training and be part of re-creating and restructuring what the system is supposed to be like to prevent,  criminalize & bring excessively police brutality to justice. That goes for police screening, who can be out policing on the street. The current system has obviously not been working and needs to be re-made.)

3) They are just people. Riots are a symptom of a large population of the government's citizens being ignored. 

-Right-wing media has denied that racism is happening when it has happened, Right wing media says that there's something wrong with the people complaining about racism happening, that the people who protest are messed up, you can't kneel and express that if you are feeling injustice. Essentially, leading Fox news supporters to gaslight all those who experience racism while they do not have diversity in their close group of friends, lack the understanding that they do not have the possibility of experiencing it themselves and mainly have the news to shape their pov on the subject of racism. Making everyday people who live in predominately white communities that support white nationalism to be racially insensitive or even racist without realizing it.

-black activists have been doing petitions, confronting the White House, involved with peaceful protests. Doing it by the books and none of it has been working. Confused & frustrated that doing everything the right way hasn't been working, what are the people suppose to do?

-combine all that with America's history, racist anti-black propaganda, the government who basically ignores them, the continuous killing of black people by the state & citizens who racial profile, to then not be persecuted by the fullest extent of the law; Trump not denouncing the Neo-Nazi community but threaten more violence towards black people. The pressure cooker will explode by the way things are going. It's the white nationalist propaganda who has been adding to this pressure cooker that created this bomb. At this point, it's the government's job to diffuse it. 

Alot of the arrests that have been tied to the looting are actually from out-of-staters. NYC hasn't had looting since the 90s. Many of the people arrested for looting were actually from out of state, like Texas.




Youtube thumbnail

(scrub to 4:04 Chris Wallace ADMITS BIASM, CW from FOX got in alot trouble for admitting that MsNBC was biased Liberal Media & Fox news is their counterpart. Chris Wallace got in alot of trouble for this statement and had to issue a new statement the next day. Also, you're quoting their tagline, that's not thinking for yourself. I know plenty of kind book-smart people propagandized by FOX. I actually watched these people this past decade have their opinions of POC, namely black people shaped by FOX without having black friends of their own. I've watched people I love who are isolated in the suburbs become racist or more radicalized because of FOX, if news could do that, that is not balanced.)


-I have plenty of friends who are of different races. None of my black friends would ever say Trump has done more for them than any President before him. That's a blatant lie. Has Trump ended systemic racism like Lincoln freed the slaves? IF Trump ends systemic racism, then I'll give him credit for it. 

-ALSO, there's plenty of people posting from BLM on social media where they call out or isolate the violent one in the crowd. I saw videos of a 'protester' throwing water at a cop and the BLM crowd tackling him down. I've even seen videos of the BLM crowd take the one violent guy in the crowd tackled and handed to the cops. All the protests I've been to have been peaceful and it's been diverse in race.

-I Don't agree the Nazi's excuse that they were doing as they were told. Don't be an accessory or bystander to murder. I don't care if you are a cop. The Cops needed to have been better than the average citizen by intervening instead of watching this guy suffocate to death for 8 minutes. 

Note* people in different countries RN are protesting with BLM like Japan. The rest of the world is aware of mistreatment and racism in BLM. United Nations said the US owes African Americans for racism terrorism. The global community is well aware of the abuse of black people in the US. All those who were with FOX on Kapernick, Trayvon Martin was a thug, saying racism doesn't happen, why do black people keep ripping off the band-aid, Santa & Jesus are white. (I watch FOX too. It's trash.) You're the minority in this and in the wrong side of history.

BLM has officially said, the looters aren't them. The looters are the people left over after the protesters leave. They said looters aren't protesters. To be fair, I think if that's the statement BLM put out, they needed a stronger statement to say they don't condone the looting
Jetpacks Was Yes
2020-06-01 17:43:56 UTC
Spread the coronavirus
Warren T
2020-06-01 16:12:50 UTC
2020-06-01 02:44:34 UTC
100% off at Target.
Phil M
2020-06-01 00:51:42 UTC
They certainly don't want to be taken seriously or treated with respect. Their actions warrant neither.
2020-06-03 03:47:25 UTC
They want their MTV!
2020-06-02 23:06:02 UTC
They want all of the cops present who did nothing to stop the killing of George Floyd to be charged. Are you that dense?
2020-06-02 23:05:34 UTC
To remove the white race.
2020-06-02 16:25:39 UTC
There are a few people out on the streets showing their disgust about the death of George Floyd. The other group which are destroying property and stealing property ought to be arrested.  Those looters are going from city mingling with the non-violent protestors, then they commit crimes. The criminals are being organized and paid by Soros and his orgs. The demorats are also involved, because they are now afraid that some of them are going to jail for crimes they committed under the Obama era.
2020-06-02 15:19:38 UTC
Protesters want free access to immorality 

At this point. Their motive isn't justice. Their aim, now, is to bear false witness against an overwhelming majority of good, decent police officers. Immorality flourishes when law officers can't work effectively. 
2020-06-02 11:27:23 UTC
They are far left anarchists who look for any excuse to cause violent and havoc and simply took advantage of a tragic situation in order to do so.
2020-06-02 09:11:36 UTC
Money and to be on CNN
2020-06-02 07:02:25 UTC
At the very least to not get murdered by cops any more. But that's a stretch when we discuss America.
2020-06-02 05:47:13 UTC
It is now not clear what does they want because it is all not making sense now.
2020-06-02 05:09:59 UTC
The protesters want justice, reform, and massive changes in public policy.

The handful of professional agitators and opportunistic criminals who've infiltrated their ranks are another story entirely...
Donnie Doom
2020-06-02 02:53:14 UTC
They just want to have fun and get free stuff, from local business in the immediate sense, and from the government in the future sense.
2020-06-01 23:35:59 UTC
Many people have a natural desire to "belong" to a popular cause or movement. They feel their lives are dull and unimportant, and "joining" a movement or protest makes them feel larger than themselves, although anonymous, and more significant. So it's as much about boosting personal self-image as it is about the protest. They are simply "joiners." 
2020-06-01 18:26:36 UTC
They want Nikes from the shoe store, booze from the liquor store, food from the grocery store, tools they don't know how to use and will never learn how to use from the hardware store, big screen TVs from the electronics store, new appliances from the appliance store and other things they are too lazy to work for..  They don't really care.  They just want to steal everything that isn't tied down.  They aren't "protesting" anything.  They are rioting.  There is a HUGE difference.
2020-06-01 16:17:40 UTC
The violent protesters are idiots who were constantly fueled with hate and victimization culture by leftist media. They are  instigated and manipulated to bring the country to chaos and to use this against Trump, to remove him.
2020-06-01 07:39:19 UTC
 The protesters want something to be done,because, they don't believe in the system. They think that at the end nothing is going to happen. My 11 years old brother told me that. I guess many people don't believe in justice anymore. In today internet era, there are too many information that anybody can see, Including children. Some politicians, and older people don't realize that they can not use today, the same lie the use in the past.
2020-06-01 07:36:01 UTC
The protesters went home - and stayed home - days ago. Soon after the rioting started. What did they want? All four officers charged. 
2020-06-01 02:33:27 UTC
A Just Society.......
2020-05-31 20:25:51 UTC
Yeah, well maybe that cop shouldn’t have done that in the first place along with his fellow pigs. It’s just the latest act of police brutality in many many decades of it. People get fed up after a while. Then they take action. We also had to fight an American revolution against an oppressive British monarchy. Just because you’re a coward doesn’t mean everybody else is 
2020-05-31 15:39:42 UTC
Police brutality, crime, poverty, drugs, unemployment, racism, lack of healthcare, deprivation of voting rights, unfair court system, lack of inheritance or assets because of past discrimination, and so on need to be addressed.
2020-05-31 15:15:46 UTC
Because there are three others that day that weren’t, along with dozens of others now dead 
2020-06-06 02:54:27 UTC
Fam are you retarded. They want everyone to be equal. Every time there’s a peaceful protest nothing changes. 
Const. King
2020-06-05 16:52:04 UTC
They want that free TV and iPhone.  The worst thing is they are letting them steal & destroy buildings & property with no repercussions for their actions.
2020-06-04 20:39:24 UTC
They want all the cops who dealt with Mr Floyd to be given the death penalty. They also want Minorities to be able to commit all the crime they want and not be punished for it.
2020-06-04 03:28:58 UTC
No one really knows - other than George Soros and Obama paying people to cause havoc.  They want to control the November election - so they can put a Democrat in office and turn us into a Socialist/Communist country.

American citizens, living in Democratic run cities/states, are sick and tired of being locked up at home and not being able to work.
2020-06-03 19:56:56 UTC
it might vary person from person at least one would think, In example some just want to take the police force down it seems, but others want equality  but they are in two categories I see the protestors and the looters 
2020-06-03 13:50:16 UTC
Im sorry, but how are you even questioning that?

 The cop that was nealing on George Floyd's neck is so far being charged with third-degree murder. THIRD-DEGREE???? Third-degree murder is an accidental murder. GEORGE WAS SAYING HE COULD NOT BREATH AND THE COPS COMPLETELY IGNORED HIM AND WAS STILL NELT ON HIS NECK WHILST CHECKING HIS PULSE TO SEE IF HE WAS DEAD. 


The English people who stole land from the Natives pillaged raped and killed them.

They have every right to go and cause "chaos". Most protests are peaceful anyway, and law enforcement was sent to tear gas and shoot rubber bullets at them. 


2020-06-03 11:32:23 UTC
They are upset a guy got hurt and it is sad because they family of the guy who passed proved the police are innocent and were doing what had to be done and the guy who died had chemicals in him that caused  the death.
Captain Obvious
2020-06-03 03:28:08 UTC
They want a 60" Samsung TV, Coach Purse, Louis Vuitton shoes, and whatever else they can get.  Look out Tiffany's...
2020-06-03 03:23:29 UTC
Real protesters are the ones who wanted justice for Floyd but the looters on the other hand are using Floyd as an excuse to loot and vandalize, those are not protesters but opportunists. 
2020-06-03 02:40:35 UTC
They want us citizens to migrate to Mexico
You Think You know it all ghess
2020-06-03 01:44:23 UTC
There are 2 sides to the protest and this will be a controversial answer so please bear with me.

Black people are protesting because there has been continuing instances of racial violence against them with 911 calls, to back to back police misconduct. As a result, Black people are getting tired of the systematic discrimination.

You can deny racism and discrimination all you want, but these things are driving the continuing protest as protesters say "No Justice, no peace" simple as that

White people on the other hand are protesting because they are frustrated that they can't do the things they normally did which was vacation, or go out on the weekends. Plus, many white people are broke and angry. So they are out along with the Black protestors for the wrong reasons.
2020-06-02 23:11:20 UTC
Here's a good start:
2020-06-02 19:00:44 UTC
The black ones want free things.

It's in their genes to loot and steal.
2020-06-02 08:57:21 UTC
The death of freedom, the death of America 
2020-06-01 17:35:12 UTC
If you don't know that by now, you'll never know it 
2020-06-01 01:52:38 UTC
the rioters are just savages out for blood. But, if it werent for covid this probably wouldnt be as bad as it was. people are collectively afraid and angry right now, they have to stay at home, spend all day on social media hearing how terrible everything is. Their work is down so they dont have a job, or they got laid off because the business shut down, or their friends have, their family have, someone they know is now dealing with unemployment and cant keep a roof over their heads, most people are digging into savings they painstakingly collected to put towards a house, or finally to get into college to make a better life, but its all dissolving away, so everyone is depressed and angry and this is just somehting tangeable they can focus their rage on
2020-06-01 00:45:21 UTC
Something better than the current toilet-rind leadership we have currently...
2020-06-01 00:27:58 UTC
Apparently it's merchandise.

I know this answer might rub some people the wrong way, but hey... 

This is just making everyone look bad. 
2020-06-01 00:04:32 UTC
They want the other police who helped the criminal cop/stood and watched doing nothing to stop, to be charged. As they should be.
2020-05-31 19:45:02 UTC
They want Black people to not be Beeton to death by police, the Guy in Minneapolis was not harming anybody. nobody deserves to die, everybody deserves to live. 
2020-06-04 18:15:49 UTC
destruction chaos anrachy,mayhem,,they want it they love it
Alan H
2020-06-04 10:19:03 UTC
Justice/    And a land where all are treated as equal
2020-06-04 02:36:55 UTC
Because they are losers with a misplaced sense of justice and a sense of entitlement.
2020-06-04 01:58:01 UTC
For white people to get tired of their **** and start lynching them again.

"That's racist!" No ****. Give me one reason to like blacks. Nobody has ever given a single valid reason to worship them like you cucks do. Basketball and rap are not very good reason to like them. I hate that stupid sh1t and it adds no real value to the human species.

Blacks have never done anything other than take from other groups and complain about racism. **** off with that sh1t already.
2020-06-03 18:06:13 UTC
They want to be heard and for systemic race-based problems to be addressed and changed. Is that so wrong? These protests may have been triggered by the cop killing that guy, but that terrible incident is only a part of a greater issue that isn't being fixed and is instead always being ignored.
The Global Geezer
2020-06-03 13:29:45 UTC
The initial incident in a situation like this is usually just the spark, and then it broadens out.  The cop being charged with murder has been superseded by bigger things; an umbrella of concerns around the country, which activists are highlighting, now that they have a platform, and media attention to do so.

They are looking at greater civil rights, greater racial and social equality, and better governing of police and authorities. 
2020-06-03 08:28:27 UTC
if they want racism to stop they should stop being immature thug looters. They should start acting like civil humans instead of savage monkeys. After thousands of years of evolution they still have not evolved.
Green Puffin
2020-06-03 08:16:08 UTC
They want Police reform, they want racism to disappear.  They want equality for all, It's not much to ask in 2020
2020-06-03 05:00:54 UTC
Democrats started the 1st civil war and Republicans finished it.  It's starting to look like history is repeating.
2020-06-03 03:26:09 UTC
Apparently Free Stuff.  I guess the work boots and work cloths they left behind when looting were just not their style. 
2020-06-02 13:39:27 UTC
Apparently, free televisions and electronics for an early Christmas with their families. Look, it’s a dog eat dog world and they’re wearing milkbone underwear!
2020-06-02 12:51:01 UTC
Let’s stop the senseless killings and let love rule
2020-06-02 09:30:32 UTC
Having fun destroying stuff while they posture that they care so much about justice.

What's odd is that the same people complaining about the police being beyond the law are the same ones who vote for the candidates who created the police state. 
2020-06-01 22:16:35 UTC
I guess they want to do whatever they want without consequences because being held accountable is "racist"
2020-06-01 16:50:19 UTC
Mass systemic change in policing and the so called "justice" system
2020-06-01 15:38:15 UTC
They want police departments to get rid of the racists bully cops who infiltrate their ranks. 
2020-06-01 15:13:22 UTC
They want to be heard, i dont blame them, cops cant just do what they feel like?
Jas B
2020-06-01 08:52:10 UTC
How many decades or centuries do people have to demonstrate and call for justice before the system is changed, the African American people have been doing this for over 100 years.

African Americans make up around 14% of the population yet 39% of those who are killed by the police. You can find hundreds, if not thousands of examples of racism from the police on Youtube, resulting in arrests, assaults and even murder done and until every one of these cases is investigation and African Americans see the police held to the same rules as they are then this will happen over and over again.

What they want is racist police officers weeded out during a vigorous nationally mandated interview and training programme.  A system where those police officers who are racist  are weeded out early and if they are missed, then they should be  sacked and when they assault or kill unarmed African Americans, for their to be justice.  

A justice system has to be the same for everyone and just because you carry a police badge, it should make no difference.
2020-06-01 03:53:53 UTC
Protesters are not always rioters. Seems to me they and others including myself would like to be treated like human beings, not a cop or racist's bullet, kneecap, fists, feet etc.

ps: Blocking Back, how many concussions did you get while a Tight End and Wide Receiver for the Penn State Sanduskys ?
2020-06-01 02:56:38 UTC
They want all to be treated equally. If a white guy gets to sit down and have a drink of water by the Po Po after committing a mass murder.

Then a black man should not be killed for Forgery of a $20 dollar bill. 

How can you not see the problem, that needs to be addressed??
2020-06-05 16:10:46 UTC
called justice they need more then being charged
2020-06-04 18:02:41 UTC
First off I think people need to know the difference between the protesters and the looters. The looters are taking advantage of the situation and using it for their person gain to steal. I’ve seen white black and even cops do it. Now the protesters really just wanted justice. We started with justice for Gorege Floyd because that was the last straw, people are tired of the systematic racism and lack of justice. The man was clearly murdered and we needed those four cops to be charged for that. I’ve seen too many cases were they were let off the hook and I’m glad we’re speaking up. And now we just want equality. We always have, the difference is that we’re letting our voices be heard and people don’t like that they want to keep us repressed (obvious not everyone but you know what I’m saying). And that’s all :) I’m not sure why there’s so much controversy with people just wanted to reform the justice system for equality. It’s pretty sad to see how many people want to stay in the past. 
2020-06-03 21:53:18 UTC
New Nikes and a TV!
Free Advice
2020-06-03 19:34:40 UTC
peacefully protesting is one thing-- stealing cars, looting stores is another-- I refuse to go to hell based on my stealing things based on me hating someone because they  are white or black, etc.
2020-06-03 00:35:58 UTC
They want the police to stop killing black people.
2020-06-02 18:24:14 UTC
Protesters and rioters are two different groups, if you can't separate them then you are the part of the problem. 
2020-06-02 15:45:39 UTC
They forgot the teachings of Civil Rights leaders like Gandhi and MLK Jr. 

They believe violence is the only way to respond against violence. 

They forgot that these famous Civil Rights leaders used peace to solve the unjust violence towards innocent people. 

If someone stoops low then everyone should stoop low.
2020-06-02 01:28:04 UTC
You dont want an  answer. Youre just a jackas`s. REPORTED!
2020-06-02 01:00:48 UTC
If you don't know the history of the justice system in the US by now you probably wouldn't get it if I told you. It's better if you did your own research at this point. Nothing I say is going to help. 

Also who said the people protesting were the ones causing the chaos? You have no proof if they were protesters or not. The looting was happening at night after the initial organized protesting.

What you are doing either consciously or subconsciously is trying to invalidate all of the protesters concerns because of a few actions of illegal activity by small groups of people that may or may not be protesters. We have even seen some protesters trying to stop the looters themselves. Even if some of the people that partook in the protests were doing bad things, condemn that small percentage and focus on the protesters with a message if you actually give a damn. If not then stop asking questions you don't care about. 
2020-06-02 00:03:02 UTC
Socialism and better police.
2020-06-01 21:54:28 UTC
Hung, drawn and quartered with a piece sent to every corner state in the US.
2020-06-01 19:12:41 UTC
Free stuff, burning and destruction.

Beating up White folks when they can.

Lawlessness, seen it all before.
2020-06-01 09:27:34 UTC
Other 4 people have not been charged for not stopping the killer officer.
2020-06-01 08:01:45 UTC
For the subhuman thug police to stop killing black people. Peaceful protests are ignored. 
The Devil
2020-06-01 03:17:36 UTC
Conviction, not being acquitted.
2020-06-01 00:54:52 UTC
These aren't protesters that are causing destruction and chaos in every state. These are criminals. 

I'm watching protesters on one screen & looting on another. These are people taking advantage of police being distracted by protests to go and rob people. 
2020-06-01 00:15:01 UTC
There is NEVER a good reason to riot. The ones actually rioting, IMO, just want to make trouble. All those hotheads are doing is hurting the cause and making hatred worse.

The decent, peaceful protesters want the other cops held accountable too, not just fired, as they have been.
2020-05-31 22:23:26 UTC
An end to racial inequality, racial injustice, and police brutality!
2020-05-31 15:23:06 UTC
Mass hysteria takes a long time to go away.
2020-05-31 15:15:56 UTC
The lockdown protesters want to get their leg hairs permed. 
2020-06-05 03:19:22 UTC
Change is hard-fought, but worth a fight when a movement addresses a fundamental inequality in our society.   Few people would disagree with the fact that the criminal justice system is flawed. 

Look at what those cops in Buffalo did today knocked down a 75-year-old man, very frail and just standing on the sidewalk-- and then dozens of cops just walked past him as he lay bleeding on the sidewalk and did nothing! It is all on camera. 

Now, the poor old man is dying in the hospital. We need criminal justice reforms and communities have the right to --peacefully --protest social injustice.  

We must stand in solidarity with our communities who are voicing their anguish with an oppressive system that physically abuses people in their custody.  Change is good.

 Looters are dumb criminals who are looking for an opportunity to rob stores.  
2020-06-04 10:50:46 UTC
   the promise of america
2020-06-04 01:03:50 UTC
Becaw day black, ho!!
Still Standing
2020-06-04 01:00:26 UTC
WHAT DO THEY WANT ...ARE YOU KIDDING ME? They want a voice , and they want it to matter ...Black Lives Matter dammit !!!!!.....They want to be heard . They have been stepped on lied to murdered, falsely imprisoned . Hung from trees!!!!!! WHAT WOULD YOU WANT IF YOU had to deal with the kkk...???    The truly prejudiced , will tell you ...oh the black man has as good ..or better as far as jobs go.....LIES LIES LIES ...that is so much BS. This is not a isolated incident!! for heavens sake this is their LIFE .....when theyn walk out their door , they are thinking , Lord , just let me get through my day with out getting pulled over by the police. SOMETHING ELSE you don't know ......every black man , and these days women too ....get ....THE TALK. and just to show you how much you don't know ....i am not telling you what ...that is. If you do not know what they want you need to enrich your life and make some black friends. 

This is a shame too. I am so far down in the answers I wont be read and so far I think I say it best it would be nice be heard ...
2020-06-03 23:49:58 UTC
Nike’s or whatever you don’t need.
2020-06-03 00:06:07 UTC
And they're spreading the virus.
2020-06-02 21:54:02 UTC
They not only want to be heard, but to want change
2020-06-02 19:43:59 UTC
They only want the attention and to be on TV.
2020-06-02 18:25:54 UTC
They want justice for George Floyd's case.
2020-06-02 15:22:42 UTC
I think you mean to say, what do the rioters want?  There a big difference between protesting and rioting.
2020-06-02 13:17:48 UTC
They seek only death and destruction. They see this as their only opportunity for communism since Bernie has been defeated. 
2020-06-02 09:45:37 UTC
Protestors see the same scenerio played out over and over again.  White cops are excessively aggressive with large Black men (Rodney King, et al).  They want equality.  Merely asking for equality doesn't get results.  Solidarity, with protests all around the country, certainly gets attention, and makes people aware of the problem.  If we could assure the Black community that we are addressing future problems, they would calm down.  Granted, the officer has been fired and arrested.  But will that arrest result in prison?  In the Rodney King beating case, some younger officers were considered too young to know that they were not supposed to beat a surrendered Black man and call him insulting bigoted names.  It seems to me that a 5 year old child knows enough not to abuse a fellow human being like that.  Officer Timothy Wind was aquitted.
2020-06-01 17:53:19 UTC
Justice and to make a point
2020-06-01 14:34:22 UTC
It is 4 letter word, it's spelled LOOT
2020-06-01 14:22:12 UTC
So .. he's been 'charged' with murder.

Can you imagine what's going to happen if he's found not guilty ?
2020-06-01 14:00:45 UTC
Brilliant question. Black Lives Matter never has suggested solutions, nor do they seem to care. A cop can be as careful about safety as can be, and still, accidents happen. What are we supposed to do, that would bring about a happy result for people that break the law, resist arrest, threaten the public, etc. 

This whole thing was set up to influence the election. 
2020-06-01 13:33:02 UTC
Dem tv's and designer clothes ain't gonna loot themselves ya know.
2020-06-01 06:30:30 UTC
I don't speak for the black community, or any other race or even my own. So please forgive me if I sound inaccurate or insensitive when I post my answer that includes my opinion and my belief and my perspective. 

So think about this, even if those cops did go to jail and have been charged with murder for killing Floyd, it's not really over. Think about the other incidents that happened, like the Trevor Martin incident for example. It may have not been a white cop for that particular incident but it was still a huge deal right? But then a month later, people just kind of moved on from that. Those protestors who truly cares don't want this to be another somehow forgotten incident. Those protestors and I'm sure a LOT, a LOT and a LOT of people want this to change instead of having the numbers rise. Floyd and many others like him should have never died. If all lives matter, then why isn't the entire nation of America taking that to heart? It shouldn't be some people, it should be every one of us that should understand that every single one of us matters. Including the Black Community. 

They're angry that this continues to happen and very little change has been done to help the Black Community and other minorities. Wouldn't you be angry and sad too? 

But then you have to think about the police officers. There has been plenty of amazing examples where the police officers and the protestors marched together as one and many other examples where police officers are just attacking people. The police officers have the ability to either listen and join them OR to fight. Unfortunately, there are police officers who have chosen to fight the protestors instead of understanding them. Unfortunately, that's seen a lot more than the police officers who chose to join them peacefully and unfortunately, people cling onto the negatives much, much, much more than positives. Thus resulting in saying that all cops are bad based on my perspective. I will never understand the experiences of what ANY community has gone through and only in my own way and my own experiences, but I still believe that not all cops are bad. I believe that it's the system that we have built that creates awful cops like the stated ones that went to jail. It's probably pretty damn hard for one good cop to fight the system and maybe it can be why their silence is just as deadly. I don't know. I wasn't there and I don't speak for anyone but myself. But I believe in good-hearted people. 

To say that all cops are bad is just another way of saying all (blank) are bad. What's the point of saying ACAB? Don't you think there's police officers who's just as upset as you are? Who also wants to make a change too? We have been trying to demolish stigmas such as all blacks are thugs (sorry, this is the best example I could think of). To me, that's creating ANOTHER STIGMA and that's DOING THE SAME THING. 

Even though I know people will get mad at me for saying it and think that I am invalidating certain things, I just think that even though we do have bad cops-- what people are doing and maybe even myself is feeding into the fires of racism and hate. What good is if we keep fighting each other, telling each other what to do, and putting high standards on one community when those same standards should be placed on everyone? We are all people. How can we combat racism actively together when we are divided? How can we make the change if we don't listen to each other, or learn or do our part? Even though there are some things that will never be healed, we need to stand together as one. We all need each other in one way or another. Not only just America, but the world needs more love and humanity. So where to start? It starts with us and learning how to be better allies to everyone. 

It may have not been the greatest idea to create chaos and destruction, but the main thing is that they want to be heard. They don't want to live their lives in fear of being killed for no reason. They want to be treated as people and not less. I want that too for the people that I know and love in my life. I don't want that to happen to them too. 

It could have been a peaceful protest all across the board. Some areas were able to do it and that's amazing. That's something that should already be normal. 

 But if violence is what it takes then it was inevitable. 
2020-06-01 01:29:10 UTC
its not  protest it is the week long ramadam festival
2020-05-31 20:15:34 UTC
We protestors want peace and prosperity.  
2020-06-04 10:30:11 UTC
I want a 65 inch flat-screen TV and a case of Corona beet
2020-06-03 17:35:08 UTC
i think that most of the protesters want change in police system policy. Where they feel that blacks are being murdered and arrested by white officers just because they are black and want to convict officers who are percieved doing thst to black people. 
Dolly 1
2020-06-03 13:59:56 UTC
Out of the 4 police officers who were caught on camera murdering George Floyd only 1 was arrested, ONE, and that was only after people complained about it.

_I have seen the popular video where one officer is kneeling on his neck.

-I have seen another taken by someone who was there which shows the other three officers kneeling on his back, legs and ankles. (Pinning him down.)

-CCTV has been released showing the officers beating him up just before they suffocated him.

-Evidence has come out that the police station  tried to lie about George Floyd having a health condition. The family had an independent autopsy showing that; George Floyd was suffocated to death.

-Evidebce has come out that the officrs involved have been involved in other murders involving ethnic minorities, to the point where they have even been investigated and even had a suspention but still, these officers were kept on.
2020-06-03 10:37:07 UTC
From what I heard for the 10 minutes I walked in the protest, they wanted justice and peace, the other stuff they said I didn’t understand bc the amount of people.
2020-06-03 08:43:29 UTC
Wow.. just wow

Stupid question to say the least. 
2020-06-02 22:10:11 UTC
There was four of them - not just one! They all need bringing to justice, locked up and the jet thrown away! Once that happens, the riots will stop! Also, Trump needs to support them in stead of being a total cnut. But he only pours fuel on the fire... he’s vile and these people need justice! BLM!
2020-06-02 21:29:56 UTC
I believe they want the police forces brought back under control.
2020-06-02 18:53:26 UTC
What do they want????    They want to loot free stuff and create chaos to make up for the bad choices they made in life.
2020-06-02 18:50:18 UTC
The commie dem protesters want to overthrow the government.. 
2020-06-02 15:35:02 UTC
Apparently what they want are 70" LCDs and Nike shoes.
2020-06-02 14:46:52 UTC
Its **** all to do with the black guy anymore.
2020-06-02 14:16:54 UTC
We want fundamental change and we want America to realize the following...

The original sin of this country has always been the conflagration of legality as morality.  The drafting of the constitution is a case study of institutionalized racism:

“He –King Geroge-has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions."

This is in direct contradiction with the opening sentence of the second paragraph:

 "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. -- Lofty policies and ideals for white men in power. Slavery and Genocide for the rest! There is a blatant projection of the modus operandi and character in the constitution's description of first nation's people. Who was the real savage? Who carried undistinguished destruction of all ages sexes and conditions?  Who went on imposing Slavery for the better part of a century...?

We will not get law and order without justice, the frail covenant has been defiled.  There is only so much racism a people can take!   There is only so much phony democracy a population can endure.  We must root out the festering racism of this country before we die from the infection. The institutionalized hypocrisy and purposeful denial is a self-induced comma killing the patient.  Let us wake up!  First we get justice and later we'll see about law and order.  This is not a chicken and egg argument, can't impose law and order without a modicum of justice.  Go ahead try imposing law and order without addressing people's righteous anger. Imposing law and order without doling justice first would be adding more poison to the bursting, putrid, fetid cauldron once euphemistically known as a melting pot.   How telling of our times, this murderer killed a Native American and a Black man, what has changed in America since the 60's?
2020-06-02 07:21:25 UTC
Let's be clear here. It is not the actual Protesters causing destruction and chaos, it is a bunch of others who are riding on the back of the protests and trying to use their behaviour to do what they want. The Looters and Burners ought to be ashamed and disgusted with themselves as they are just making the situation worse, not to mention that most of them are white!
2020-06-02 05:13:11 UTC
I want cops to not stop people for being black.

I want cops to protect and serve.
2020-06-01 23:28:24 UTC
2020-06-01 20:43:38 UTC
Some want to just loot and have fun. Some are ANTIFA terrorists who want a communist revolution. And some are black radical groups like BLM who erroneously believe black people are being targeted by cops and who want their version of justice (their version being to deprive white cops of due process). As one answer pointed out, this is mass hysteria at work. Many people are impulsive rather than reasonable. They already have made up what their "truth" is and will stick to it regardless of the evidence you present to them to disprove their beliefs. The fact is there's no evidence that race played a part in George Floyd's death. Two separate autopsies reveal that George was in poor health, on drugs, and died from a heart attack. There's no evidence of causation to connect Chauvin's handling of Floyd to Floyd's heart attack. Correlation doesn't equal causation. If Chauvin is found guilty for murder, that's the true injustice and an undermining of due process and our justice system. Vocal activists shouldn't get to override the justice system and due process.
2020-06-01 18:51:01 UTC
Because they wanna preach that racism still exist and that if you’re a minority, you’ll be subjugated to unfair treatments.

Honestly, what people don’t see is that this is kind of an never ending battle as humans will always be racist. You’d be surprised as to how many times people don’t even see their ignorance. 
2020-06-01 17:17:47 UTC
They’re protesting racism in Europe too.
2020-06-01 14:03:02 UTC
Fair play, respect and equality. The handful of night time thugs want free loot.
Md Mofazzal
2020-06-01 06:12:26 UTC
Refresh for updates

A sixth night of mass demonstrations has put government officials, law enforcement officers and protesters at odds in cities across the United States after George Floyd, a black man, was killed in police custody in Minneapolis on Memorial Day.

Peaceful protests began in the Twin Cities and rapidly spread to metropolitan areas across rural and urban America, escalating in numbers and force as some demonstrators and law enforcement officers began to clash. The National Guard was mobilized. Buildings were burned and businesses looted. Civilians have been placed under curfew by government officials and fired upon with rubber bullets, pepper pellets and tear gas by authorities in riot gear.

Police arrested about 4,100 people in U.S. cities over the weekend, according to the Associated Press. Nearly a week after Floyd’s death, it remains unclear whether tensions nationwide are calming or escalating.
2020-06-06 09:52:16 UTC
This was never about George Floyd.It's about the cruel system we all live in.People are tired being treated like slaves and with injustice.The system has no empathy for the lives of anyone and it must be taken down once and for all.
2020-06-04 21:28:52 UTC
they want hentai to be uncensored
2020-06-04 16:06:09 UTC
well, they are stealing cars in California ............................
2020-06-04 05:46:44 UTC
Nothing else, they stole it at the last department store.  Most young people don't know what they want because they didn't have parents that taught right living
2020-06-04 04:41:14 UTC
They want to see four men hanging from the gallows.
2020-06-02 15:08:29 UTC
Dem wan a newTV ,cellphone, Nike Trainers,wat u think Bludd Clatt,u a fule.
2020-06-02 14:14:04 UTC
To contract coronavirus, since thats all they are effectively doing.  As Cuomo put it, they "are being killers"
2020-06-02 13:10:33 UTC
The protesters know all too well when a cop is charged for a crime against an African-American he is usually found not guilty and gets a slap on wrist.   Enough is enough they chanted.
2020-06-02 11:34:55 UTC
To prove what pathetic losers and lowlifes they are.
2020-06-02 06:51:56 UTC
it is all about trying to weaken white people so the blacks are able to steal at will
2020-06-01 23:43:32 UTC
For those who pay attention, their issues haven't changed.

Why were 4 blacks killed within 3 months?  I'm afraid the Floyd case will resemble the Eric Garner case and the Michael Brown case.  Then we can expect more riots Better police training.  Stronger race bias laws. Strong leadership from Police Chiefs, mayors, governors and most importantly, the president.
2020-06-01 21:29:00 UTC
It's not just about that one cop being arrested for the murder its about all the times these cops are killing innocent black people just for being black, the racism and stereotyping with American police is absolutely disgusting (not talking about all police). 

I'll give you an example of what they are like if a white police officer saw a white person walking with a gun not doing anything they'd approach him (armed of course) and try and take him down without killing him and arrest him, but if a white police officer saw a black person walking down the street carrying a gun doing nothing they'd shoot him on the spot. 

Multiple blacks have been shot on the spot from doing nothing or possibly breaking the law but have not been carrying any sort of weapon.

All these protestors want equal rights for all because in a country like the US where you'd think rights would have become more equal, they have not. 
2020-06-01 21:16:35 UTC
Well for starters, lets delineate between "protesters" and "looters/anarchists/communists/etc"...

I do believe that some people are legitimately protesting, but most of what I've seen has been scenes of pure mayhem committed by people who believe that they can get away with acting like this.  

The legitimate protesters seem to want the police involved in George Floyd's death to be criminally prosecuted and convicted.  

The others, who have participated in the most egregious acts carried out during these riots, seem to have various goals in mind.  

For instance some of them are just thieves who wanted to swipe stuff with impunity.  

Others are communists and/or anarchists who want to create the chaos that will engulf the current system, allowing them to slither in and impose their system.  

Then there are the indoctrinated intersectional lunatics who want to push ideas like "privilege theory" and reparations on society.

And finally, don't underestimate the number of just flat out violent individuals who want to settle scores with people they believe (thanks to universities and the media) have oppressed them!  
2020-06-01 13:03:52 UTC
2020-06-01 06:15:15 UTC
An end to feeling powerless.
2020-06-01 03:34:45 UTC
They just want to loot and cause mayhem.  Some of this is vent up energy from staying home all this time during pandemic which BTW we are still in pandemic so not sure what planet they are in.  Expect virus deaths to spike in two weeks.

All this makes me worry.  This is our youth.  If they are the future, we are all doomed.  Our future will be nothing but looting and dumpster fires.
2020-06-01 03:18:45 UTC
So many negative comments about the protesters....even NJ police chief walked with the protesters.
2020-05-31 20:48:02 UTC
they want to find out what obama's last name is
Weasel McWeasel
2020-05-31 19:20:09 UTC
They want all 4 of the cops charged.   Immediately. 

Not ONE of those cops followed procedure,  did the right thing, or gave one whit about the PERSON  that  WAS  now in their care.  He was already handcuffed......and died, directly because of their  bungling of the situation. 

I treat a sack of f******* Potatoes better than they treated that guy. 
W.T. Door
2020-05-31 15:09:53 UTC
On one level they want free TVs.

On another level they want the destruction of the USA.
2020-06-05 02:21:54 UTC
What they want is justice. Police have been killing unarmed black men for years and getting away with it The charges did not happen until the protests started. Until the system is changed black people are in fear every day. It has to stop. There are thousands of peaceful protesters and a few that start rioting and vandalism. Don't let the media define what you know. They only show action events not calm protesters
2020-06-04 23:07:52 UTC
It’s not enough that they are charged with murder. While that is good, we need to make sure that this never happens again. We need police reform and it to be easier for cops who don’t follow the constitution to be held accountable for violating human rights. For black people, their rights seem to be violated the most. This is not right. Protesting cannot stop until all humans are treated equally, for black people to be given the same exact privilege as a white person (right now they are victims of police bias and aren’t taken seriously in hospitals and dying at a higher rate, amongst other issues), and until laws are passed that enforce that. 
2020-06-04 02:42:14 UTC
In Blue states where institutionalized racism has been so embedded into everything Dem mayors and Dem city counsels touch, they want Dems to take the actions they talk about but their 60 years of control prove they are just lying turds.
2020-06-03 08:31:13 UTC
They are angry at the System, The virus made many unemployed, they fear homelessness, they can't even buy basic necessities,, and Trump is a catalyst to make things more worse!, Billionaires are becoming more rich, the majority is becoming more poor!, Medicine is unaffordable and would make them die or in a lifetime of debt if they get the disease!.

They want Change to the entire system!
Goonbags Puncher 🇦🇺
2020-06-03 00:22:42 UTC
They want Barack Obama back in the office. What else?
2020-06-02 23:48:57 UTC
they want to be able to commit crimes and not get in trouble for it. obviously that black man commited a crime againest someone else but theyre failing to show it.
2020-06-02 21:37:03 UTC
Overthrow Trump administration that was democratically elected.
2020-06-02 16:01:13 UTC
They want the racial profiling of people of colro to end in all police departments in the nation and the protests have even spread beyond our borders around the world so the same problem exists worldwide. 
2020-06-02 12:53:47 UTC
For you to wake up
2020-06-02 12:19:13 UTC
The protesters want the same as you want. A decent life 

The rioters and looters just want to see the world burn. 
Robin W
2020-06-02 00:35:09 UTC
Charges for the other cops that stood by and did nothing while a murder happened right in front of them.
2020-06-01 23:59:14 UTC
Justice and freedom from harassment by the Gestapo.
2020-06-01 22:05:16 UTC
They want the people to remember that this isn't just a casual thing that happened. It goes on everyday. I don't agree with all of the looting and burning. Those people should be in jail.
2020-06-01 21:35:36 UTC
2+ different types of people involved. Thefts and vandalism are most likely not part of protests. But seen as SINGLE EVENT.

Like saying charged with simple assault but a weapon was involved (held at gunpoint-shots fired, saying only physical conflict)

Injustice = charges filed are minimal (placed charges to say that they did, MOCKING THE SYSTEM.) they should have placed greater murder charge  (at minimum 2nd degree placed on paperwork, then within trial lower penalty/enforcement.) (cop on duty, civilian died as result. Nonviolent crime for arrest. Overuse of force. 2nd cop standing off to side, to record footage should anything happen. To explain use of such force, though not needed. But didn't intervene when should have)

Placing a 3rd degree MURDER charge will result into nothing being done. A slap on the wrist. 


People in major cities protesting injustice. Civil rights. 


Criminals taking advantage of situation, for thefts. And other crimes (too much for police to handle, a theft or assault will be handled according to risk-security levels) 
2020-06-01 12:49:35 UTC
The protesters wanted justice, and they'll get that when Chauvin (and the others) are tried and convicted in court of law.

The rioters are another story.  They are an angry violent mob looking to cause chaos, violence, and needless destruction.  They are doing more harm than good, and should be ashamed of themselves.  

IMO nothing good will come from their orchestrated tantrum.
2020-06-01 02:04:28 UTC
Because it is faux outrage and most could not give a rats tectum about Floyd or black lives or any lives other than their own and their own self interest.

This is pure civil unrest and domestic terrorism and just a weak excuse to create havoc.

How does beating up shop keepers protecting their stores have anything to do with black lives? 

It was clear most of those doing the beating where people of colour.These people are too stupid to realize they were being videoed on phones but will have a lot of time to reflect in prison when they are rounded up.

The biggest morons are the celebrities who sit in the safety of their mansions and tweet about donating bail money. 

They should also be investigated for incitement 
2020-06-01 01:28:36 UTC
George Soros has PAID anarchists to disrupt our country. It is his M.O.
2020-06-01 01:09:03 UTC
America is perfect for some folk and not so great for others.  I guess they want it to be great for everybody and that’s never going to happen.
2020-06-01 00:15:07 UTC
What they really want is to walk into any store any time they want , take what they want and walk out , no questions asked . 
2020-05-31 15:10:27 UTC
This is what they want
2020-06-04 21:13:44 UTC
freedom, peace and justice 
American Pride
2020-06-04 18:10:40 UTC
free stuff..............
2020-06-04 16:46:46 UTC
Initial charge was only 3rd degree and only one cop.  Now that the charges have been upped to 2nd degree and the other 3 cops charged as accomplices the protests will die down.  Systemic racism has got to go!
2020-06-03 05:10:50 UTC
4k tv and nike sneakers
2020-06-02 22:27:02 UTC
anger gets **** done, that cop got arrested bcuz of the protesters. You're acting like he was the only corrupt cop.
2020-06-02 17:09:23 UTC
They want toilet paper.

Seriously, idle hands are the Devil's tools. People have been out of work too long with nothing to do. They are anxious.
2020-06-02 07:03:18 UTC
Systemic change in a nutshell.  
chris h
2020-06-02 03:47:19 UTC
They want free tv's
Not Really a Doctor
2020-06-02 02:56:20 UTC
Three more arrests. It is just that simple.
2020-06-02 00:39:59 UTC
Attention and free stuff.
2020-06-01 19:26:04 UTC
it just goes to show you that some people........... Never mind
2020-06-01 16:45:15 UTC
I think there is a wide spectrum of protesters. There are those that want the officers charged for crimes.  There are those who are just using it as an excuse to loot.

This always happens when riots take place.
2020-06-01 15:35:19 UTC
Free Nikes.......
2020-06-01 13:50:53 UTC
They want clothes, appliances, and food from Target. They love being able

to behave badly, and get away with it. Certain political groups who are supportive

of this behavior might feel differently if it was their home or business that was

being destroyed.
2020-06-01 12:52:02 UTC
Because certain people can't live without creating trouble.  
2020-06-01 12:40:03 UTC
They want free stuff
Sunday Crone
2020-06-01 04:59:56 UTC
I lived through the killing of Martin Luther King, the LA Riots and the fear at the black panthers created.  I also many every deserve  friendships and  do not understand  what the protesters ultimate want.  It seems like there is a significant number that want to steal and destroy shops in there own communities, which makes not sense because there is also demands to better employment and economic freedom for blacks.
2020-06-01 00:59:37 UTC
First, please understand the difference between protesting and rioting. Protests are peaceful. Most of the people are peaceful protesters. The ones involved in violence and destruction are not helping the cause.

Second, charging the one cop isn’t enough. All four cops must be charged. The three cops who stood by and watched are guilty as well. Chauvin kneeled on Floyd for almost 9 minutes. Those other cops could have stopped him at any time and saved Floyd’s life. They are guilty. 

We need to send a message that cops are here to PROTECT us. Those 3 cops had every chance to protect George Floyd, and they chose not to. It is not ok for a police officer to watch a man get murdered without stepping in to help. 
2020-05-31 19:22:35 UTC
This is why multi ethnic societies are bad ideas. The same happened here a black guy was killed by the fuzz and there was riots everywhere. 

They don’t want justice they’re just racist thugs.
2020-05-31 16:02:21 UTC
Have you watched the video and noticed what it means?
Big Sean
2020-06-03 12:33:26 UTC
The cop that used his knee to kill George Floyd should be charged with Murder 2. The other three cops should be charged with Manslaughter for allowing this guy to do what he did. They subdued this guy for almost 10 minutes, there's no way to justify what they did. This is totally egregious. With that said, I don't condone the looting and vandalism. That's way beyond the pale.
2020-06-03 01:13:29 UTC
they want more racist cops 
2020-06-03 01:06:34 UTC
The protests are not just about George Floyd. They are protesting against systematic racism and severe police brutality which has been brought to light because of several recent tragedies. Many of the protests have been peaceful ( not all )  yet the government and media wants to villanize the black lives matter movement to distract the general population from the real problem; the system in which police can use their badge as a means to instruct fear among many black people. This does not take away from the fact that violent protests are bad, they are but as Martin Luther king once said “a riot is the language of the unheard.” To ignore the fact that black people continue to face racism and brutality in America, is inherently racist itself. The people of America are angry, they demand change, black and ethnic minorities want their voices to be heard. Racism still exists, in the very own system America was built upon and black people don’t want to feel scared anymore. Police are meant to protect us. 
2020-06-02 20:19:23 UTC
They want to cause as much destruction as possible and make everyone else suffer because they’re mad.
2020-06-02 19:33:33 UTC
Dindu Nuffins don’t know what they want. 
2020-06-02 16:49:54 UTC
Blacks have the lowest IQ out of any race in the world. They have many animalistic qualities. They don't actually have a clue what they're doing out there. They just want to loot and pillage. 
2020-06-02 14:47:18 UTC
I want the cop hung by his testcles 
Kazoo M
2020-06-02 14:39:17 UTC
When evil rears its ugly head the demonic realm celebrates.

Sadly, many people are out of work (youth) and devolve to their uncivilized form.

Riots, looting, and anger produce absolutely no benefit.

Allowing the court system that we as American's hold with esteem should have value within our hearts - we are citizens of a great country where our families have fought on many necessary fronts.

Truthfully, the above is why we don't notice anyone old mixed in with the chaos.

The image we paint by being ignorant and mental is not noble, nor honorable.

2020-06-02 02:07:39 UTC
They just want free stuff with dignity 
2020-06-02 01:51:29 UTC
they want change and justice for all. all the time
2020-06-01 20:50:49 UTC
Justice for the FACT that whites built America over a colonized land with the help of Africans who were used raped and killed so that white people can enjoy their luxury and privilege. Only to treat them like shits after they won their freedom. Makes no sense how you drag someone into a country and won't even make them feel like the us is their home. The mistreatment of minorities of all colored skins. Its never forget 9/11 but get over slavery huh. If i were to ask white people if they'd be happy that society treats them the same way society treats minorites all of them would say no. It's not only about George. It's about a revolution that will change the us for years. Peaceful protests won't bring any change. 
2020-06-01 17:30:17 UTC

By protesting they think change is going to happen & short term it might but long term it doesn't do anything
2020-06-01 13:57:33 UTC
Liberals want to riot

Liberals want to burn

Liberals want to loot

Liberals want to poop in the streets

You are experiencing peak liberalism. 
Jake No Chat
2020-06-01 13:15:07 UTC
Some protesters want some needed change.

Some protesters just want to act out.

Some protesters want to be paid by Soros for their acts of violence.
Blue Skies.
2020-06-01 12:44:03 UTC
Your not dealing with Protesters anymore. Your dealing

with anarchist and paid agitators. 
2020-06-01 10:03:45 UTC
The cops have lost.  They are the street nothings today.  What people want is a return to police officers on there streets.  Not the cops. 
2020-06-01 07:39:05 UTC





2020-06-01 02:37:41 UTC
They want to kill whitey
2020-06-01 01:03:07 UTC
Apparently they want free TVs and liquor.
2020-06-01 00:51:57 UTC
Here is the deal, the FBI will arrest 4 Minnesota cops for the murder of George Floyd. On one condition, these protesters will not riot on these businesses.
2020-06-04 07:50:53 UTC
They want to steal and burn.  They don't really care about some stranger who died.
2020-06-03 08:36:45 UTC
I dunno, thats my answer, it took a long while. I've spent all night thinking about how to answer your question, it's around 4 am for me right now. I'm gonna go to sleep. By the time I wake up I better get best answer. 
2020-06-03 04:27:57 UTC
To cause violence. That’s it. George Floyd is already a forgotten afterthought to them and they just wanna riot. These are some disgusting human beings that have no morals, no job, no life of any kind. 
2020-06-03 03:24:38 UTC
Because they are no good thugs and need to be looked up and just because a black guy died they do this lol the cop did his job 
2020-06-03 00:51:59 UTC
They want change in our law enforcement, to recognize minorities as equal to whites.  Minorities are more than likely to be stopped or harassed by law enforcement than non whites.  If you don't understand that by now (especially years of going through civil rights movements), than you never will and your post is just a rant.
2020-06-02 20:23:10 UTC
2 hours ago

They want to cause as much destruction as possible and make everyone else suffer because they’re mad.
2020-06-02 18:53:56 UTC
All that they can get.  And that is flexible at this time.  The state democrats have capitulated.
2020-06-02 16:13:27 UTC
They want access to the families of cops, they want to dox, find them and torch their homes, shooting any who flee out the door. I saw on reddit a bunch of people justifying that protestors should have been allowed to get to the wife and kids of the guy who killed geroge floyd, it is disgusting, they actually wanted a buynch of animals to break down his down and rape his wife
2020-06-02 15:28:48 UTC
There were four cops in total that were part of this. The main cop, although he has been charged, the other three who are an accessory, have not been charged. The protests are to fight for justice. They are rioting because they have tried peaceful protests in many years, however they were not heard. What do people do when they feel they are not heard? They get louder.
Ray S
2020-06-02 12:07:48 UTC
The other three officers who were complicit in George Floyd's murder haven't been arrested and charged, yet.
2020-06-02 02:17:00 UTC
If these morons think rioting and looting and stealing are so good, and private property should not exist Then they should never file a police report if someone robs them blind, because that would make them HYPOCRITES...

Or better yet, THEY should trade places with one of those homeless people those whiny entitled leftists PRETEND to care about.

Oh wait.. I forgot

Lefitst logic dictates

The rules apply to thee but never to me...
2020-06-01 22:57:18 UTC
Communism and other people’s wealth 
2020-06-01 15:22:00 UTC
Rioters use sheer numbers to get away with things. Even if you've got a gun behind the counter, their numbers would put you off fighting back. Sure get one of them, maybe two, but the next 50 would dive bomb you. Just large groups of cowards with more in-common with cockroaches.
Sid Boggle
2020-06-01 10:33:02 UTC
Looting, and Antifa agenda
Armchair Goddess #1
2020-06-01 05:17:25 UTC
Subtract the outside agitators of which the police and governors have spoken in various statues, some of them tied to white supremacist or other right-wing militia and identified (by the background checks at arrest) extremist groups the Southern Poverty Law Center has on its domestic terrorist lists.  If you read Volume I of the two-Volume "Mueller Report," and then replay the deep concerns Robert Mueller expressed of the GRU's embedded Russia MAFIA anti-democracy operatives living here as "Americans" (depicted in the TV series "The Americans")---their goals are to weaken us as a nation, attacking both sides so that the other side will be blamed.  

Once you have the legal residents of each state and district demonstrating without any mayhem or violence, as CNN and MSNBC embedded reporters have found, the long, long history of unanswered brutality that has resulted in far too many deaths of unarmed Black boys, girls, men, women---the repressed feelings of fear, outrage, anguish...all those emotions held inside for incident after incident...erupted with the shocking murder of a non-resistant unarmed black man named George Floyd (handcuffed without due process and murdered ON CAMERA) by a white policeman (a training officer with seniority in the MN police department), his left hand in his pocket signifying callous disregard. Other officers on the scene were complicit in this murder, but no arrests were initially made until the public outcry began.  Basic principle to remember: "Repression breeds violence."  The message has been "We're mad as hell and we won't take it any more" and people of all ethnicities and skin colors are participating, calling for equal justice, for systemic change, for killer cops to be held accountable, all in the names of those slain and then forgotten by authorities.  
2020-06-01 04:12:44 UTC
For the free cell phones, big screen TV's and just plain fun
2020-06-01 02:28:50 UTC
It’s definitely crazy
2020-06-01 01:20:12 UTC
They need look at the person that promotes violence and we should unite against that person and not each other.
2020-05-31 22:27:14 UTC
The other three cops have not been charged. AND THAT'S NOT OKAY.

Charles Manson (not the best example, but a known one) went to jail for life for murder, though he didn't do the actual killing. He was ACCESSORY to it though, he told the girls to do it, and HOW to do it, and he drove the get away car. So he got LIFE/NO PAROLE FOR MURDER. ..So these other three cops getting off free, when you or I would be charged ON THE SPOT is not okay. When all four cops are CHARGED (and I mean instantly, as we would have been, that would be STEP ONE for justice. (BUT--> just today the DA who could charge them LUDICROUSLY SAID "it will take MANY MONTHS to assess if we even have a case against them, so we cant charge them till a long time (read, "if at all") 

                     BULL SHlT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


THING TWO is what are we going to do stop this shlt from happening again & again? (Nothing,

so people are doing what they only can to FORCE some action. 
2020-05-31 15:11:47 UTC
The usual, looting. Always the same. Destruction and chaos is just the way to start looting. 
2020-06-06 01:41:37 UTC
Are you a troll? The protesters are NOT the looters.  The looters are criminals and right wingnuts trying to discredit peaceful protests.  What the protesters want is the ability to walk down a city street without fearing for their lives whenever the police appear. ONE OUT OF EVERY THREE BLACK MEN MURDERED BY A STRANGER DIES BY THE HAND OF THE POLICE.
Sandra K
2020-06-04 19:31:19 UTC
They don't really give a damn about George Floyd. They just want any excuse to riot and loot. 
2020-06-03 19:43:51 UTC
the protesrers want to put an end to racism and unequal treatment of black people when dealing with police
2020-06-03 10:17:49 UTC
Free TV's, bed supplies, movies, etc without paying for it. 
2020-06-03 09:26:36 UTC
They are still protesting because they know, that even if the government sponsored career criminal, Derek M Chauveny gets the death sentence, it will not stop this same thing from happening again in the future. 
Black Sabbath
2020-06-03 08:05:23 UTC
an end to it read your history its been happening since 1963 america will never mend itself
2020-06-03 06:41:01 UTC
Depends on what you classify as protester. 

The original protesters that tried to make it peaceful? Justice. 

The out of town looters? Obviously an opportunity. 

The paid protesters by George Soros? Earning a pay check. 

The undercover cops trying to vandalize, immolate, and turn protests violent or more violent from the inside out? Why, to destroy the economy, make people want martial law, undermine protest as a whole, and pave the way for the New World Order. 

Oh yeah, and for yucks. 
2020-06-03 00:36:30 UTC
••••••••••• translate?
2020-06-02 07:01:53 UTC
Frankly,  IDK.


What HK protesters want nothing more than is  to elect own leader and lawmakers, --different from protests over death of George Floyd, Right? ?

The case of death of George Floyd was caused by a brutal police who abused his pubic power , which is more about an individual behavior . 

HK issue is caused by a brutal communist dictatorship that oppresses its citizens, which is a totall state behavior . To be fair , China's communist regime is not legitimate government because it is not elected by its people at all.  

What HK protesters want nothing more than is  to elect their own leader and lawmakers, which is among basic human rights , and which is people in a democracy take it for granted .

 But it is an unbelievably difficult dream to realize for the people of HK b ,of course for Mainland Chinese people as well , even risking their lives.

So the HK protesters are essentially pro-democracy activists against china's evil communist dictatorship , so they are a force for good. Peaceful protests do not work at all in face of the most brazen dictatorship .

In short , we should side with HK protesters as they fight for human rights . Make no mistake, China's communist regime is a common enemy globally .  
2020-06-02 02:53:12 UTC
They just want to make excuse and steal and ruin stuffs.
2020-06-01 23:48:07 UTC
To burn cities and steal. They are evil human beings as is the cop who killed George Floyd. Both the cop and the rioters deserve to burn in hell. The rioters don't care about justice for George Floyd. They just want to steal and burn things cause they are Satan's Agents. 
2020-06-01 22:36:56 UTC
They just clearing the streets of buildings so trees can grow
2020-06-01 21:19:07 UTC
All the cops that were involved need to face charge. 

Just because they were arrested does not mean justice has been served. The police still needs to go to trial to see what their punishment will be. So the protest is to push for max punishment. 

Police officers kill unarmed citizens everyday. The only reason why the killer of George Floyd is facing charge is cause he got caught. Had no one seen that, he would have been a freed man.
2020-06-01 20:41:44 UTC
Justice. The police said George Floyd died from a heart attack. The family autopsy says he died from asphyxiation. The cops tried to cover it up every chance they could. 
2020-06-01 16:43:26 UTC
Your money or your life.
Never Polled
2020-06-01 12:59:52 UTC
They have no idea...……...
2020-06-01 06:47:52 UTC
Protesters want an end to systemic racism. They want justice.  They want an end to police officers resorting to violence against minorities.  
2020-06-01 03:49:34 UTC
The rioters are ANTIFA communists who want a revolution. They're using the George Floyd incident to rile up black people and pro-black white people so that they'll unknowingly serve in the revolution. Antifa masterminds are determined to turn the USA into a communist nation and they're very clever and cunning. They don't care about George Floyd or even police brutality. They just want power. I suggest you stock up on guns and be warned. Things are about to become scary.
2020-06-01 02:20:58 UTC
they want their voice heard. When blacks send letters to the Capitol, it never gets taken seriously. This should be a strong enough warning that black violence is not OK in the US.

2020-05-31 22:49:52 UTC
They want the destruction of American society, nothing less.  They've been looking for an excuse to do exactly what they're doing for years.  Only problem was that they couldn't mobilize enough people to get the job done.  They'll probably fail this time as well, but sooner or later they'll succeed.  Still, the more of them who end up dead in clashes with the police and the military or dying of the Coronavirus these gatherings will spread, the longer it'll take them to breed a new generation of leftist vipers to try again.
2020-06-04 19:28:15 UTC
Protestors 1 - who are peaceful and make known their cause 

Protesters 2 = the criminals, looters and rioters.

Others -possibly the people are extremely angry & frustrated due to the effect of the CV lockdown... lost their freedom... lost job perhaps.

and not able to enjoy the amenities of the hollywood life style. Sorry
2020-06-04 03:38:50 UTC
your sister back on her knees again
2020-06-03 15:18:53 UTC
no justice, no peace 
2020-06-03 10:57:17 UTC
I heard on the news that many protesters were paid to riot. And then more sheep followed along with them to join in. I guess they're trying to make a political statement. I totally disagree with how they're making their statement, in a destructive manner.
2020-06-03 10:17:15 UTC
A free bucket of KFC
2020-06-03 07:18:16 UTC
They want the freedom to do what they want and cause panic and dismay in every thing they say and do 
2020-06-03 04:20:47 UTC
Only 23 states, not all of them. They want the other 3 officers to be arrested and charged as well. The protectors want justice.
2020-06-03 02:10:39 UTC
The alt right needs something to blame BLM.
2020-06-02 15:01:46 UTC
Because they are idiots controlled by the elite globalists and they aren’t protestors they are looters paid by George soros the antifa scums need to be treated as such if it means we kill them that’s what we need to do
2020-06-02 14:33:35 UTC
they want to loot expensive things. they want to rob molls.
2020-06-02 04:49:40 UTC
with an election coming up, and the virus causing so many problems, they use the opportunity to use face mask to conceal their faces while they rob everyone. most of the people don't care about george floyd, the ones who do protest and provide cover for the people who want free stuff. i believe, but am not totally certain the correlation between being a democrat and george floyd plays a direct role in it. the media from fake news fuels the fire, and enrages the masses. since the only people who watch their garbage tv statation are democrats, they are tryng to use this as another reason to get rid of donald trump. although he came out against it,it didn't matter cause other factors are at play. also some people may be paid to commit these crimes, on top of being able to loot.
2020-06-02 01:47:11 UTC
Money Tvs exitement oboma 
2020-06-01 20:10:59 UTC
dead cops and when do they want them? NOW!!!
2020-06-01 17:30:36 UTC
They dont "want" anything. The fact that they are burning and looting shows this is just another excuse for random liberal violence.

If they were really protesting they wud be gathered only at the police station in the appropriate precinct.

As we  said before liberals just wait around for the lib "news" media to tell em what to do.

*** Liberal "news" media blacks out any "stories" that dont fit their warpy agenda.
2020-06-01 16:22:22 UTC
All four cops need to be charged, and it's not just about George Floyd, it's about a pattern of injustice that goes back to the very beginning of this nation.  The protesters want reform of the criminal justice system in the US, they want cops to be trained differently, they want people of color to have more economic opportunities in their communities and at large.  They are basically trying to get the politicians to fix a system that has never worked for them. 
2020-06-01 03:12:11 UTC
For the cops to stop executing black people. 

A timeline of events that has led up to all this:

"Without the proper context, it is impossible to understand the mushroom cloud of uprisings that are exploding across the country in the wake of the deaths of George Floyd, Breanna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and countless others. 

To contextualize the anger, frustration and desperation that forced protesters to recreate the lawlessness and chaos that black people experience on a daily basis, The Root has created a timeline of some of the events that led up to black people across the country collectively saying: 

“Aight, den.”

It starts in 1619, with the White Lion, a Dutch privateer, flying the Union Jack, that lands in Virginia with 20 plus people for sale. 

A lot of the looters are white or not associated with the protests. There's a deliberate campaign to make the protesters look bad or like 'thugs'. Or to label the looters, etc as 'Antifa' and then name that as a terrorist group. Antifa is an idea, not an organized anything. It means anti-fascist. It's not anarchists or anything like that. It's a made up attempt to label the left as terrorists. If you haven't caught on to this tactic yet, you failed every single last history class ever. The FBI went after the Black Panthers, for instance. Hitler and his Kristallnacht. Painting the protesters as the worst of the worst. It's a pattern. See it now? 
2020-06-01 01:35:18 UTC
To disrupt the country not very American of them is it.
2020-05-31 22:57:41 UTC
Acknowledgement and superiority over the white establishment . It is working for them extreextremely well.  Black privilege exist 
2020-05-31 15:10:02 UTC
Justice for once. Its getting so killing blacks is in no way a crime because cops never get charged for it. Even white people are getting sick of it.Getting charged and getting sentenced are 2 different things.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.