who annoys you more. rush limbaugh, ann coulteir or michael moore?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
who annoys you more. rush limbaugh, ann coulteir or michael moore?
25 answers:
Jamie R
2009-04-28 07:38:30 UTC
Michael Moore 4 sure. He may be educated according to academia, but he is a blithering idiot most of the time, and he makes false accusations made on loose data. Sometimes he skews the facts so much that even if you agree with him you know that he has doctored his data. Rush is a close 2 and Ann Coulteir is a moron as well. Rush does have the advantage in the political education,because he has been in news and politics a lot longer, but he is a pompous twit as well. Ann, well what can you say about her that has not already been said. In my book they are all idiots.
2009-04-28 19:25:52 UTC
Rush annoys me the most because he's absolutely the most hateful and mean-spirited pathetic excuse of a man. Coulter is purposefully cruel, but I feel like she's just trying to get publicity, whereas Rush is trying to brainwash people (and he's been very successful at it) and just tries to divide people. How can you mock Michael J. Fox's Parkinson's disease? That's just totally messed up. And on top of it all, he's a total hypocrite - you'd think he'd learn some compassion after his drug problem. Michael Moore is misleading and irrelevant.
Right Guard
2009-04-28 07:35:39 UTC
Michael Moore; Limbaugh is a close second. Neither seems to offer much that is constructive, but much that is distracting.

Coulter is not bad with the sound off.

Relative intelligence between the three, however perceived, has little to do with it.
2009-04-28 07:49:12 UTC
Michael moore.

Just curious, but how can you confirm Moore is the more intelligent one? Aren't the other two more educated and have been more successful in their chosen professions.
2009-04-28 07:35:23 UTC
Coulter, she just spews venom. Limbaugh and Moore at least back up some of the stuff they say with some truth.
2009-04-28 07:30:37 UTC
Really, I'm not a fan of any of them, but Ann Coulter is purposely cruel. She goes above and beyond her point to say the most caustic and vindictive thing she can possibly think of. Making jokes about genocide? Come on -- genocide is not funny. Sorry. It's like a rule or something.

Ann Coulter: "These people can't even wrap up genocide. We've been hearing about this slaughter in Darfur forever -- and they still haven't finished. The aggressors are moving like termites across that country. It's like genocide by committee. Who's running this holocaust in Darfur, FEMA?"

Well, I'm sorry, Ann. I'm sorry people are not dying fast enough for your personal timetable.
2009-04-28 07:29:52 UTC
Ann Coulter.

She has the attitude that she thinks she is smarter than everyone else, Rush Limbaugh and Michael Moore do not have that view about themselves.
Turd Ferguson
2009-04-28 07:32:47 UTC
Good question, they are all pretty annoying. I don't know why you think Michael Moore is smarter than the others but whatever. I think he is the most annoying of the three.
2009-04-28 07:28:55 UTC
Michael Moore for having the audacity to release movies.
2009-04-28 07:28:24 UTC
nah, Limbaugh and Moore do have some reality sprinkled in with their activism. Coulter is simply off her meds. So, I have to go with Coulter.
2009-04-28 07:30:34 UTC
Moore's voice sounds the same while it escapes both ends of his body.
Leni Duchess of Beggars
2009-04-28 07:35:11 UTC
Coulter. She seems to relish in her cruelty, and the belittling of people on a personal level.
USAF, 1983-1987
2009-04-28 07:34:18 UTC
limpbaugh is a draft-dodging chickenhawk junkie hypocrite, but coulter has gone so far with her bile and hate that she wished tim mcveigh could have bombed the ny times building for her, so it's a tie between those two traitors.
Seldon Surak
2009-04-28 07:44:17 UTC
Moore is fat, but correct

Brash Lardball is fat & incorrect

Coulter is skinny, but irritatingly shril and wrong

Coulter is the worst.
2009-04-28 07:29:38 UTC
Michael Moore's not an extremist of any sort and the only one who's done anything of substance among them. Rush and Coulter are hate mongers, worthless pigs taking up space. I hope Rush ODs and Coulter chokes on a cock.
2009-04-28 08:03:21 UTC
They're all wrong.

The truth does not lie in extremes.
2009-04-28 07:30:57 UTC
of the 3, ann is the one with the college degrees.
2009-04-28 07:30:02 UTC
Michael "fathead" Moore intelligent!!! LOL. You spelled Coulter's name wrong.
Jerry J
2009-04-28 07:32:39 UTC
How about this one Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the Bamster himself!!
2009-04-28 07:29:43 UTC
All three give the world a good chuckle at how polarized americans are. They are all responsible for bringing the fall of the US empire.

And I love it!
Phil M
2009-04-28 07:29:29 UTC
Who annoys me more? Probably Limbaugh. He is an uneducated top-40 radio jock who found his way into political talk radio...

The other two are just polar opposites cut from the same cloth.

Y!A please fix your stupid site, I've never been on a site with more "technical difficulties" in my life. You guys should be embarrassed.
2009-04-28 07:53:07 UTC
like all leftist,michael is annoying!!
2009-04-28 07:30:34 UTC
Courtier. I think she is distasteful and sometimes kind of hard to even look at.
2009-04-28 07:30:03 UTC

No, wait. Limbaugh's listeners. They don't even listen to what he says. They just "believe" he is anti-Obama (which he really isn't) and they cling to him.
2009-04-28 07:28:31 UTC
add Keith Obamaman to the need more liberals on list also...

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