What specifically will Joe Biden do differently than President Trump on coronavirus?
Sensible One
2020-08-28 20:12:56 UTC
Biden hasn't announced any particular steps except federally-ordered masking which doesn't seem helpful in states with no or few Covid19 cases. Each state, county and city can pass their own orders.
92 answers:
Blocking Back
2020-09-01 21:31:27 UTC
He will say what his handlers think people want to hear but he will never say how to pay for it.
2020-09-01 16:14:00 UTC
Joe essentially plagiarized Trump's course of surprise there.... I'm a former democrat, Joe has zero appeal, even when I voted for Obama, I couldn't understand why he chose Joe as a running mate, even then I was praying nothing happened to Obama because everyone feared Joe being at the helm, and now democrats find him to be the most attractive candidate on their caucus? that is embarrassing to say the least, and let me say why I didn't vote for Hillary, I gave her a chance to explain the Libya ordeal and she swept it under the rug like every problem that worked itself to the surface, we need Government to be transparent, we can't be involved with endless wars, back door deals with foreign governments for family members of politicians with political clout.... Hunter Biden is a good example..... Trump is real problem solver, minus his personality, he is doing exactly what he promised, unlike former elected leaders.
2020-09-01 12:56:06 UTC
He's going to get the, help stop the, I mean, Come on man, you know the thing!
2020-08-31 23:06:42 UTC
Not sure, but this question can be easily reversed.

"What specifically did the rest of the world do to make coronavirus so much less of a problem in their countries?"
2020-08-31 17:15:47 UTC
TRUMP WINS   2020.  biden will be senile and living in a nursing home in 2020
2020-08-31 17:05:36 UTC
"Each state, county and city can pass their own orders."

Yeah, how has that been working.  WORST response in the WORLD.
2020-08-31 16:30:50 UTC
He'll let AOC tell him what to do. Back with N1H1, Obama and Biden didn't do anything for 6 months. Tens of thousands died before then.
2020-08-30 21:00:18 UTC
Does it matter? 3 to 4 years after Trump got elected America sucks. 2020 is the worst year we've all had in a very long time.  Trump and is supporters can blame whoever they want. rationalize and justify it however they want. Objectively 2020 sucks. That means whatever the President was supposed to do, he didn't do enough to keep 2020 from being a disaster. Undeniably, Trump failed as a President. Anybody would be better than him.

Our dollar is devaluing, the divisiveness of this country is more toxic and damaging than it's ever been, there's been rise in domestic hate crimes, the entire managing of Co-Vid19 is a shietshow (the anti-maskers and science deniers), facts have become political, our deficit is out of control, this is the only country on earth where unemployment tripled because of the virus, we've consistently held the most deaths per population, we're the world example of the failure of handling the coronavirus

Trump supporters are not only stupid but they're very bad people. They perpetuate angry, hateful, fear-mongering rhetoric. It's only within Trump supporters where there were the virus deniers, antimaskers and Karens. They're responsible for all the deaths from the virus that shouldn't have happened. The teenagers who murdered 2 protesters in kenosha is just a product of everything hate-filled Trump has ever said. It's only within Trump's supporters where they would support a civil war to murder liberals. It's only Trump's supporters where they encourage the attendees to bring weapons.

It's also common sense that Biden isn't as irrational, illogical, or irresponsible as Trump.
2020-08-30 01:49:25 UTC
Hid in his basement !
2020-08-29 10:46:24 UTC
Without breaking the law, nothing. It is up to the states to determine their course of action. You can live in New York where they send the sick to the nursing homes to kill off the elderly or you can live in a Republican ran state that does a much better job and believes in law and order to keep their citizens and businesses safe.
2020-09-01 22:08:32 UTC
We should tax the chinks for it
2020-09-01 18:24:09 UTC
He will simply do what obviously should have been done.  He has no idea what that might be, but he's pretty good at avoiding specifics.
2020-09-01 17:45:48 UTC
Joe Biden will be a puppet to the Democratic party so whatever they decide will go so the only solution I would think is to put signs in businesses who have been infected and those who have been infected once even twice should be branded with a tattoo stating they are contiguous. Other than that Biden and no one else will have any new solutions about this virus. This virus could be with us for another 2 years maybe 20 years no one knows not even the experts. They have a vaccine prepared but that is not guaranteed. Biden cannot federally force anyone to wear the mask because you have people with mental illnesses and breathing disorders. There is one new solution Biden can prepare for the US is make full facial protective gear. Biden can make it an essential medical equipment and the insurance companies can pay for it. We can get rid of these masks which I feel is doing more harm than good. I have developed more allergies and nasal issues since wearing them. I have noticed my throat and nasal have become congested and irritated. The fibers from the fabric is getting into our nasal, throat and lungs. With this covid19, those symptoms have been added to the list of possible infection of covid19. That is why I stated this virus is not going away soon. We have to test people even after they get vaccinated. There are many who will not get this vaccine in fear of getting covid19. So, if Biden is your choice for the next President than good luck for he doesn't have any new ideas to get rid of this virus.
2020-09-01 15:13:28 UTC
He's going to get the, help stop the, I mean, Come on man, you know the thing!
2020-09-01 00:25:59 UTC
Mr. Biden would have advice us all about the deadly Virus. he would not taken two weeks of to play Golf. a good President job is to protect his Country and his people.

and he would not have lied about it.
2020-08-31 21:21:37 UTC
By than it will be all over. if he has a plan why wait until election is over, he could be saving lives now with his plan, he has no plan just all talk.. lies become  everyday talk when election time is close.
2020-08-31 20:04:46 UTC
Trump failed to have any strong federal guidelines. Hopefully, in addition to a mask mandate, Biden will come up with some strong federal guidelines. But if he only enforces mask wearing, and also social distancing, which many people disregard, it will be a big step in the right direction.
2020-08-31 20:03:53 UTC
He'll shut the entire country down and initiate a mask mandate.....all with a great big grin on his face.
The Devil
2020-08-31 17:46:48 UTC
Try telling  true facts for one thing. It has been proven extremely difficult, however, to accomplish anything with republicans blocking anything Democrats try to do. That was treason and sedition for 8 solid years under Obama.
2020-08-31 16:58:14 UTC
'Specifically'?   NOTHING!  Biden will only make matters worse.
Ron Akia
2020-08-31 16:48:44 UTC
Neither has a background in medical technologies so they rely on advice from doctors and medical researchers. Unfortunately, this is a new virus in which not much is known, causing many different possible solutions among the experts as well. Neither Trump nor Biden have any advantage here.
2020-08-31 16:26:33 UTC
Not pretend it's fake not tell people to drink bleach #any functioning adult for 2020#
2020-08-31 15:14:56 UTC
If the scientists and doctors cannot do better, what makes you think Biden can?  President Trump and VP Mike Pence have done everything they know to slow the spread of COVID19.
2020-08-31 13:16:43 UTC
I see you have decided to parrot Rush talking points instead of doing some basic research yourself. Yes, Biden has released specifics. The list is too long to post here, however it is available at

Do try to live up to your name and be the sensible one...
2020-08-31 05:14:20 UTC
Take it seriously................
2020-08-31 03:20:33 UTC
Probably not work with the Senate to block the House Bill on economic relief.
2020-08-30 19:55:10 UTC
He will care whether Americans die or not, and he will bring back our economy back to normal much sooner, and he will care more about the country and he unity of the country and national security than Trump does...who only cares about himself and will do any harm to the country and to Americans if it will help him.  Why is this election even competitive?  I will tell you why because it proves how evil Trump and more importantly his supporters are......
2020-08-30 18:10:01 UTC
I know someone who is Joes age.. A little past where Joe is in his mental decline. But I doubt Joe can even remember covid is happening until someone reminds him.. A year from now Joe will be repeating the same things over and over every few minutes. If Joe is elected by the time he is in office he will have the mental capacity of a five year old..
2020-08-30 01:34:09 UTC
Biden will listen to the health experts. He will not politicize the health crisis. Trump's response to the crisis has been awful! Hydroxychloroquine?? Bleach?? Biden will not make stupid comments.
2020-08-28 21:21:54 UTC
It appears as if he wants to opt out and leave it to the scientists. That sounds great to the uninitiated but, in reality, it means that the people who we voted into office to make political decisions are being replaced by science specialists who are not qualified to look at the big picture.

For instance, it is OK saying that every life matters and so we should keep schools locked down until we can guarantee safety but when the chances of a pupil are about the same as being struck by lightning you have to wonder if schools need to remain shut. Do we close schools on thundery days?

The other problem with scientists is that they have conflicts of interest. Fauci controls much science funding. he also has connections with and sometimes works for Bill Gates who is hoping to make $200 billion from a vaccine.

So, if you were a scientist hoping to fund your next research project and you were told that you might receive no funding - hence no work - if you spoke out against vaccines, what would you do?

Big Pharma controls science and politicians. The whole system is corrupt and neither Trump nor Biden appear to have a good solution.
2020-09-01 20:19:03 UTC
nothing. probably make it worse. plus he's old as hell. we already have mandatory masks...
2020-09-01 14:36:30 UTC
Senile, crooked and corrupt Joe Biden will ruin our USA if US voters are stupid enough to elect this horrible and despicable assh0le.

Corrupt Biden made billions from the Ukraine and China and will sell our country in a nano second.

Hope senile and crooked Joe Biden drops dead today and joins the devil hell.

Ask yourself this important question:

What has crooked Biden done in his 47 years in government?
2020-09-01 11:56:25 UTC
Stop pretending it's a HOAX,  for one. 

Stop PRETENDING he's done a single thing to slow the spread for  TWO. 
2020-09-01 08:34:55 UTC
If Biden wins, he won't be in office long enough to do anything (could be why he hasn't had any debates against Trump - he has no issues to debate because he knows he won't be in long).

The whole election is a fraud from the beginning.

The reason Quid Pro Quo was used against Trump in the fake impeachment hearings was to get it on the record that it's an impeachable offense.

Bided openly admitted to Quid Pro Quo, opening himself up to an immediate impeachment if he wins the election.

The one that the Democrats really wanted was whoever they picked for VP. Once Biden is impeached and he "steps down for the good of the party", Kamala Harris will slip in the oval office in his place.

For a long time, I thought Hillary would be the one - a "last minute" pick. But I overlooked the "white supremacy' protests, which eliminate her.

Democrat supporters were happy with Obama, so it stands to reason that the future "first woman president" would also be a person of color.

This move is meant to attract the black votes and, ultimately BLM supporters.

The color/gender card appears to be their "ace-in-the-hole" play. Obama was a Communist and Hillary is a Marxist. The handwriting on the wall is obvious - they're pulling out all the stops this campaign to turn the United States into a Communist-controlled country.
2020-09-01 07:28:24 UTC
He would forget?  He's already forgetting a lot lately.  He probably has dementia.
Free Advice
2020-09-01 00:44:03 UTC
silly question
2020-08-31 19:43:08 UTC
2020-08-31 18:00:15 UTC
At a minimum, Biden will lie less.
2020-08-31 17:53:09 UTC
When H1N1 spread across America, the Obama/Biden administration completely bungled their response.  

It is estimated that 60 MILLION people contracted H1N1 including members of my family because NO STEPS WERE TAKEN TO CONTAIN IT.

Biden paid LIP service to creating a vaccine, however insisted that it be a one shot vaccine instead of 2 or 3 stage boosters.  Consequently when 14 Million doses were created 13 months AFTER the virus had gone its way, those vaccines rotted because they were no longer needed.

Fortunately H1N1 was only half as lethal as Influenza -- however it was paraded as a pandemic and was supposed to help boost their bid to push Obamacare through.

Biden's response to something like Covid-19 would have resulted in the deaths of tens of MILLIONS.  Unlike H1N1 Covid-19 is significantly more contagious and lethal to the elderly and those with pre-existing co-morbidity.

The only thing Biden can SAY he would do is exactly what the President is doing.  But this is not the first time that Biden plagiarizes.
2020-08-31 17:48:28 UTC
Most importantly, a national mask mandate. If 80% of people wore masks, the virus would be dead within 4-6 weeks. We can end the pandemic when we want to.

Remember, this is a public health issue, not a political one. The deaths are not just numbers, but are real people and families. 
2020-08-31 16:55:15 UTC
Come on man, you know, he will do push ups or ask Corn Pop what to do.
2020-08-31 16:08:08 UTC
Biden won't contradict people smarter than himself.  If Fauci and Birx have recommendations, Biden won't tell Americans that he knows better than either of those highly trained, highly respected, highly competent experts.

In fact, unlike Trump, Biden is actually willing to admit that there are smarter people in the room than himself.  Which means when faced with something that isn't in his core competency, he'll take the advice of those smarter people, and the rest of us will be better off for it.
2020-08-31 15:46:02 UTC
Just as a note before I start, the fact that Trump and Biden have done all they can is a bit disappointing since there were many additional actions that they initially could have taken which, at the time, would have reduced the spread of the virus across the US.  Their actions, rather than stop or slow the spread, contributed to major increases in cases in numerous states.

As for Biden, what he would do now is obviously different than what he would have initially done.  Based on his suggestions during previous pandemics he would certainly have taken more decisive steps than Trump did and would not have downplayed the possible seriousness of the virus like Trump did initially and still, in some ways, continues to do.

Biden will not, for example, listen to the founder of My Pillow when looking into possible treatments like Trump but instead listen to people who actually have training in this field.  Unlike Trump, Biden will not claim to know everything about science because he had a relative who was a scientist even though he never studied science and never discussed it with his relative like Trump stated he did.
2020-08-31 15:12:55 UTC
He’ll form a pandemic response team.    
2020-08-31 12:31:12 UTC
Not opening his mouth and sounding like Trump is enough for many people.
2020-08-30 17:23:25 UTC
2020-08-30 15:05:48 UTC
Look at how President Obama handled the H1N1 & Ebola Crises. What happened? Well, not much. President Obama just ordered that no one in the government could talk about it. It soon became a no story. Google it.
2020-08-30 14:24:10 UTC
.. and that is the problem.

Each state/county/city CANNOT just ''pass their own orders''.

Unless you forbid ANY MOVEMENT AT ALL between states/counties/cities !
2020-08-30 11:33:54 UTC
He’ll probably just forget about it
2020-08-28 20:21:08 UTC
they'd probably lock things down to the point the economy out-right fails and open the borders and bring in UN troops to disarm the population and organize them into work groups ... the US would literally be gone as you know it .. thats the brilliant commie plan that would be implemented guaranteed ..
2020-09-01 18:50:48 UTC
Biden has a page on his campaign website all about that.
2020-09-01 12:56:28 UTC
As you indicated, states rights means each state get to set their own policy.   What states do isn’t up to Trump and won’t be up to Biden.    
big dog
2020-09-01 12:19:38 UTC
Anything will be better than what people are getting out of Trump. Some people could have been saved if someone could set an example of what needs to happen, instead of his off the wall remarks. Time for karma!
2020-09-01 09:25:06 UTC
He just said it recently. LOCK DOWN THE WHOLE COUNTRY.  He said "This country CAN'T continue until this virus is contained." This is the sheer stupidity and continuation of the ignorant mindset of the miserably failed Obama administration. Trump 2020!
2020-09-01 03:06:55 UTC
Biden and Obama set up a pandemic response team which 45 disbanded in 2018.

And yes we see how well the local authorities have done with mask orders.  

The US is 4.25 % of the worlds population with only 8% of the population tested and we account for 25% of the covid cases in the world.
2020-09-01 02:08:53 UTC
Biden doesn't have all the information about the virus so all he could do is speculate on what to do.

Trump has all the information, won't let We the People see or know any of it and does bare minimum about it (heck even mocked it and publicly side lined the medical professionals that were in charge).
2020-09-01 01:35:18 UTC
Biden said that he would shut down the country again, if necessary. I don't think that's a good idea. 
2020-08-31 22:58:47 UTC
He will do f****** nothing he will let the Democrats decide what to do and I hope to God he does not become president. vote Trump 2020
Dru Zod
2020-08-31 22:10:45 UTC
Trump locked down the country ... Democrats said it was racist and we shouldn’ t do it

Trump said we need to distance .. Democrats said to gather together in large crowds and every time take public transit 

We know what Biden would do because when told us the entire time. The death toll would be at the 2 million that was initially predicted 
Capn Happy - arrr
2020-08-31 20:48:46 UTC
He said he is in favor of a mask mandate, even outdoors, nationwide.  You leave your house, you wear a mask.
2020-08-31 15:25:42 UTC
Whatever Nancy tells him to do..  They are a joke.  They think they would have handled it better?  Tell that to the Blue States with riots and Anarchy.  Democrats are beyond insane and power hungry, they don't care about anyone, but their own political gain... #Truth
2020-08-31 13:47:31 UTC
considering the dems were the ones who were against the travel ban,  and of course, the dems urging people to be out and about and placing so many sick into nursing homes infecting and causing the death of so many, the only plan he has come up with is exactly what trump has done.  pretty typical of biden.  

recall through all of the complaining when they finally started paying attention, not one dem was even able to suggest a plan.    trump 2020ex dem here.
2020-08-31 04:09:21 UTC
First step: 'DEFEAT' the 'Mastermind of EVIL' Trump! =<)
2020-08-30 16:30:39 UTC
to the one who said biden won't politicize it. THE DEMOCRATS ONLY have politicized it and HYDROCHLORAQUINE WORKS ITS BEEN PROVEN Also he never said to drink bleach 
2020-08-30 00:22:11 UTC
 He will more than likely shut everything down again, causing anxiety and panic, in an already fragile economy, and probably undo everything that America's gained before Covid 19 hit us, and play the blame game, just like all the Democrat power players do
2020-08-29 18:21:00 UTC
Biden has already said what he'd do and that is to Shut The Country Down Until There Is A Cure. He has also said that he'll follow science in battling this Virus. But if that's the case, then he's not following Science at all. Because ALL of the Top Doctors, Scientists, and Researchers have been saying that this Virus will be with us Indefinitely. Meaning that 10 to 100 years now, Mask wearing and Social Distancing will still be Mandated.
2020-08-29 13:20:43 UTC
N o t----O n e---D a r n---T h i n g.

That is not already being done. But then the Media refuses to air that little ditty,
2020-08-29 04:22:31 UTC
My wife and I are both 75 and have pre-existing conditions.  If we get it, we`re dead.  He`ll strongly encourage all Americans to social distance and wear masks in any public place.  He`ll do what has to be done re. testing to get ahead of the virus.  He`ll actually treat old people as if COVID19 will kill them if they`re exposed and that it would be a bad thing.  Trump acts almost as if that would be a good thing since we`re old and will die soon anyway.  This while he and his family gets tested twice a day every day and nobody gets within 6` of them without having been tested within the last 24 hrs.  Their lives are important and ours aren`t?  Joe Biden will lead by example.  Idiot Trump won`t even wear a mask.  Biden will lead by example.   If all of that doesn`t work, Joe Biden will work with Governors to coordinate totally shutting down the Country for 2 weeks and have it done right this time.  Kind of like several other Countries have already done and are now on the road to recovery.  Our

COVID19 is still out of control.  The biggest difference will be that I know that Joe cares about my family.  I`m just as sure that Trump absolutely does not!!!  Kind of like that?
2020-08-28 20:29:07 UTC
2020-08-28 20:19:08 UTC
1. he will listen to scientists and let them talk to the press directly

2. he will mandate face masks nation wide

3. he will increase production of test kits and PPE

4. he will support economic relief for states, the unemployed and small businesses.

5. he will not push unproven drugs like Hydroxychloroquine.

6. He will rehire the pandemic team that John Bolton got rid of.
2020-09-01 22:01:12 UTC
Listen to epidemiologists, read reports, listen to his advisers 
2020-09-01 17:48:41 UTC
Nothing on his own.  Recently a reporter asked Biden what his proposals were.  He listed about 10 different things......  AND..... 8 of them have already been done by Trump.
Katy M
2020-09-01 17:36:30 UTC
He'll probably institute  3 month long lockdown on the scale of what England and Italy did.  So, only leaving your house once a day for exercise.  Getting a permit to go to the grocery store.  Etc.
2020-09-01 11:43:57 UTC
If Joe becomes president he doesn't have to worry about the virus. All the hysteria over the Corona  virus will magically disappear     overnight  . So basically Joe will get a niece golden free pass from the  media . The media are manipulators of hate  😡
Matt k.
2020-09-01 05:45:25 UTC
He would sit in his basement and find a cure with his etch a scetch and his easy bake oven
Jack M.
2020-08-31 23:45:15 UTC
Joe Biden would do exactly as he has been doing for almost 50 years, see which way the wind blows then talk about how he is going to do that, then do absolutely nothing because to liberals saying you are going to do something shows you care and that is all they need, no results, just care. Name one accomplishment Joe Biden has during his 5 decades in public office. Oh, and when he finally does come up with something to do about the virus, it will be like the plan he laid out, everything he said was already done by Trump. Joe, C'mon man, keep up here.
2020-08-31 21:46:32 UTC
Shut the country down and destroy the economy and cause the closure of many small business. 
2020-08-31 19:40:38 UTC
If Joe does anything on Coronavirus, it will be more than Pres. Dump has done.
2020-08-31 19:19:54 UTC
Physically, nothing will change. But the media will downplay the impact/cases.
2020-08-31 17:39:52 UTC
He'll do something dumb like mandate masks nationwide, and despite not being a trump supporter, i'll be forced to not vote for biden cause the masks prevent me from breathing properly , a fact for many people without a "medical condition" which doctors and "experts" like to pretend doesn't exist 
2020-08-31 17:11:38 UTC
Nothing.  The response to COVID has, is and will continue to be the responsibility of the the individual states. 
2020-08-31 16:31:18 UTC
As long as the media is in his corner and Trump gets the blame then all is good...Right??  Like NOT shutting down the flights--remember what he said about that, unless you suffer from Libnesia...  Most of what he said Trump has already done...Libnesia is a disease though...
Lighting the Way to Reality
2020-08-31 16:29:31 UTC
Biden has quite clearly stated what he will do. He will LISTEN to what the science and health experts say and will act accordingly, something that Trump has refused to do and acts in contradiction to and undermines those experts.

Trump would rather believe what the nutcase propagandists at Fox News and conspiracy theory sources say than what the experts say. In fact, it was only when Tucker Carlson at Fox News finally, and too late, realized how serious the pandemic was and contacted Trump and convinced him something needed to be done that Trump finally began to take it seriously instead of saying it would soon disappear.

This problem can be resolved ONLY at the national level, not by each state going its own way, which is what they have had to do because of Trump's incompetence and indifference.

Trump is more concerned with playing to his base than he is about the health of the American people.
2020-08-31 09:05:04 UTC
He will listen to the recommendations made by Fauci and the CDC on how to fight this Pestilence d'trump
One Horse Pony
2020-08-30 03:23:12 UTC
Vote Biden if you want another shutdown. 
2020-08-30 01:55:05 UTC
He'll continue to wear blackface, drag his butt around, talk big and do nothing like all Democrats do and lose all the lives Trump saved.
2020-08-29 23:26:29 UTC
Nothing, President Trump leaves office on Jan 20 2025

Socialism is Slavery
2020-08-29 23:19:21 UTC
@ Rick - Excellent post.
2020-08-29 15:07:46 UTC
Biden will tell the public the truth, that there is not going to be any quick fix, but will do the best things to get it under control. 
2020-08-28 20:19:09 UTC
2020-09-01 01:10:56 UTC
Forget about it as the media mysteriously stops reporting on it. Just like swine flu and the millions that have died and are dying from it.
2020-08-28 20:34:51 UTC
All that shows is that Demokkkkkkkrats (and many repubs as well) dont give a rats a$$ about the constitution.

The only authority a president has is over external issues like Trump ordering travel ban on China right away, which liberal so called "news media" proclaimed as racism.

Whether your governor has any power to make you wear masks you have to refer to your own state constitution. Thats where powers are granted.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.