What do you think will be Tony Blairs' legacy?
Bob N
2007-03-19 09:40:10 UTC
What do you think will be Tony Blairs' legacy?
Twenty answers:
2007-03-20 04:03:40 UTC
Bliars legacy.

#Cash for peerages

#Dumbing down of education to get more people to pass

#Billions pumped into the NHS with only a fraction going on patient care, billions wasted

#Students leaving Uni thousands in debt

#G W Bush's poodle


#Likes war, hates soldiers, disgraceful treatment and lack of support for them when they come home



#Multi cultralism which seperates communities

#European Court of Human Rights

#Over 50 taxes by stealth

#Breaking up the family unit

#Spiraling Crime

#Asbo's which are now a staus symbol

#Giving away the British rebate to Europe

#Pandering to Europe in every way

#Immigration mess

#Image Consultants

The list goes on. I agree with the questioner. MOJO is a labour M.P, and like the rest of the arrogant New Labour lot, will refuse to admit that New Labour has ruined this country.
2016-10-19 06:07:53 UTC
I undergo in strategies the "Demon eyes" poster that the Tories publish. people complained, and that they had to retract it. in keeping with risk they observed greater suitable than we did lower back then. Britain has consistently been a u . s . of puzzling working, rather undemanding people who're somewhat comfortable approximately each and every thing. besides the fact that if we've a popularity for being the main bloody minded and downright vicious race in the international while the reason being merely. merely ask any Nazi. i've got faith that Blair's legacy is that he has presided over a central authority which has sneered at this British trait and run it down. ( Does absolutely everyone have faith that the Iranians might have tried that finished sailor factor with Mrs Thatcher in fee?) on the excellent he might somewhat be ecu.
sam simeon
2007-03-19 10:53:11 UTC
I hate to answer a question with another, but, why is everyone so concerned with legacies? How does that help anyone govern? Legacies are for the history books.
si n
2007-03-19 10:19:58 UTC
I'm sure in the fullness of time all the scummy things this man has got away with will all come out. When they do all the empty head Labour voters will hail him a great man, when in fact he is a sum bag.

An NHS that kills people, schools that just don't work, helping bent politicians get away with lies.

His legacy should read.................Tony Blair......he killed people and got away with it.
Rob Roy
2007-03-19 11:01:00 UTC
'stev' to compare Bliar in any way shape or form to Winston Churchill is disgracefull. Churchill was a statesman something Blair will never be as long as he lives. While Churchill like all politicians was capable of telling lies he never told any on the scale of 'Pipsqueak' Bliar.

Bliar's everlasting legacy no matter how he 'spins' it will be Iraq and thousands of dead Iraqis and Allied soldiers.
2007-03-19 09:52:04 UTC
In no particular order - a country made to live in perpetual fear of terrorism, thanks to his being GW's poodle; a soulless NHS; an ongoing war in Iraq with possible further Middle East conflicts to come; the foundations of a '1984/Big Brother' state; a huge bill for every taxpayer to eventually get an ID card; a huge (and escalating) bill for the 2012 Olympics; a waste of £1.25m of taxpayers money on the Millenium Dome; 'Green' taxes that have little to do with being Green. I'm sure there are more!
2007-03-19 14:21:38 UTC
Saved the NHS. Saved state education. Gave us economic stability. Made Britain a fairer society. Ended the terrorist threat of the IRA. Banned organised animal cruelty.

P.S. why do people harp on about the Millennium Dome - it was started by the Tories who had no plan for what to do with it (a bit like their plan for the economy). If anything Blair saved it from being a massive disaster - remember as an attraction it was quite successful.
2007-03-20 02:11:04 UTC
he will be remembered for effing up this great nation, for telling porkies about WMDs to get us to invade iraq, for making us all pay over £100 for us to have an ID card, for his and his party's awful policies such as introducing university top-up fees and the pensions crisis, for being the total con artist and smarmy person that he is, for sending many of our lads and girls to fight in an illegal war and getting them killed in the process, for failing to take a stand against robert mugabe and his oppressive regime, his and gordon brown's spiralling taxes, the terrible state of the NHS i could go on and on... the man is a hypocritical, two-faced bull s****** with his constant lies and smug-faced attitude who has abused the british public's trust. he will go down in history, not for being in the same class as winston churchill but for being probably the worst prime minister the world and the british people has ever seen
2007-03-19 10:31:35 UTC
I pretty much agree with David.

I would add, on the good side - he gave us devolution, giving Scottish and Welsh voters at least some say in our own government (we could certainly do with a bit more though) and I think he deserves at least some credit for peace in Northern Ireland.

On the bad side, lets not forget the cash for honours scandal. Unless I'm mistaken he's the only PM in British history to be taken in for questioning by the police.
I'm Sparticus
2007-03-19 09:44:57 UTC
If he knew that the WMD in Iraq didn't exist - then his soul will suffer.

choccy_O I seem to like your answers, so perhaps we can share that lobster.
2007-03-19 09:55:03 UTC
- Iraq

- The clinging onto office with Gordon Brown banging on the door.

and lets not forget The Millennium Dome.

I think that he has done some good (better than the Conservatives) but people will remember the bad most of all (esp Iraq).
2007-03-19 15:40:31 UTC
A decade best forgotten.
2007-03-19 13:51:26 UTC
Lies, Lies, lies when the country that voted him in expected Education, Education, Education. also War, War,War, instead of health, health, health.

The list goes on, in a nut shell the legacy will be tax, tax, tax to pay for the debts that he and robber Brown have run up.
Buck Flair
2007-03-19 09:45:38 UTC
Thousands of Iraqis dead, thousands of American/British soldiers dead, a nanny/police state that taxes us to the bone, a country full of immigrants and an increase in terrorists around the world.

PS stev - PLEASE tell me you are joking.
2007-03-19 10:43:55 UTC
He will become George bush Butler
2007-03-19 14:59:05 UTC
The mess in Iraq and licking Dubya's ****.
2007-03-19 09:50:26 UTC
star in an HBO special..."the Tim Curry Story"
2007-03-19 10:02:15 UTC
he will be the PM remembered for getting it wrong, over and over and over again
Indy Plume
2007-03-19 09:43:17 UTC
Being Bush's B...
2007-03-19 09:44:44 UTC
He will be up there with Churchill. Both have had the forsight to see world affairs as they really are and not how the press has told us.

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