What sticks in my mind is what Obama Stated repeatedly, and with passion at the United Nations.
ISIL is not lslam, (ISIL is the way the arab communities refer to the group, as they see Israel as their territory)
By using ISIL instead of ISIS (the way the west sees the group as Israel is Their own country),
Obama signals all of his Muslim brothers that his view is that Israel *is* their territory.
and "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam" < Obama stated this at his 9/13 UN speech.
That statement, that the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of islam is a direct jihadist statement utilizing a sharia concept; Taqiyya.
Also , dozens of decisions; literally dozens, with the worst attendance ever for *any* president on several levels of administrative meetings (whitehouse stuff)
Obama care aka AHCA. This is literally a government inside of a government; a real Trojan horse. Did you know that on page 157 paragraph three (might have moved)
Of the AHCA bill, there is a statement regarding our arab friends who are muslim. They are exempt from paying. Look up Dimmitude. It’s their tax; the one they cited to the Christians they
Are currently murdering in Iraq, Syria and Iran. They can pay the extremely heavy tax; convert or DIE. What is NOT being said, is that if they stay? They are robbed; and then killed.
So , many run for their lives.
Completely authored by Insurance lobbyists and sold to America as a help for the poor while those insured “get to keep your doctor”, Obamacare is a clear and present danger to ALL americans and their healthcare system. I’ll never forget…
“Like your doctor? Well, you can KEEP your doctor. PERIOD “ < over 1200 times in THIRTY SIX MONTHS selling this C&&& to ALL of America.
Did you know? Parts of our own government are now posting advertisements for immigrant students to train online as doctors? Isn’t that going to be great?
I can see it now . . .
“ Sieeb just printed his Diploma on his HP inkjet in Mumbai… He’ll be here by next week to take out your spleen.. for 12 dollas an hour! “
I can literally SMELL the litigation…
Decisions regarding the safety of the American people
The Affordble health care act is a fraud not unlike income tax passage over Christmas holiday in 1913,
No, you CANNOT keep your doctor.
No, you CANNOT get help if you are indigent.
No, you CANNOT get procedures that once were covered by your Insurance if you paid for the policy.
No, your Doctor will NOT be in private practice in 10 years. He well be replaced by Sieeb!
No, you cannot get ANY HELP at ALL if your state did not expand Medicare.
No , if you make less than 10,000 and in some states like Michigan, 15,000 you lose. You get nothing! Good Day Sir!.
So much for keeping your doctor and covering the uninsured. “ALL bullshit. All of it and it’s bad for you … “ George Karlin . . .
Too many to list, yet a few major issues :
1. Obama’s delusional mis-perception of the clear and present danger ISLAM represents to ALL people who want freedom of Religion and GOOD in the world.
161 muslim wars globally and counting. Islamic text needs a “council” meeting like Christianity had 1000 years ago and 400 years ago to clean up their act so to speak.
2. Closing Deer Run Foundry. The LAST place to make ammunition . CLOSED. What is he saying by facilitating the closure? Fourth Amendment?
3. Strengthening Water laws while easing Corporate exploitation of the Great Lakes, Colorado, Mississippi, and other water assets by Corporations. (so they can sell us our own water).
4. Not addressing disease vectors warned about by the International community by way of the U.N. regarding South America, and the Islamic factor.
5. Ebola handling and decisions regarding virology and epidemiology by way of the World Health Organization and the U.N. Literally *all* foreign countries have chastised our government’s handling *(in particular the CDC) of the Ebola situation and our INCORRECT assessment of the threat(s) involved regarding eboa’s transmission methods, and outright ignorance by key CDC officials of existing (since 2009) Data.
6. Vacations and the expenditures
7. Use of Airforce One to raise political funds to campaign with. IF any one of us did that? Prison for 10-15 buddy.
8. Bengazi (although people died under Bushes watch, None were abandoned and then watched, and then LIED ABOUT like bengazi)
9. Fast and Furious (Brian , a border patrol agent is shot with one of our OWN weapons, and the outright murder of over 300 mexican citizens) FAR and AWAY the worst behavior; Literally incompetence covered with arrogance ,criminal contempt of congress, and felony murder, without a SINGLE charge.
10. IRS and the wonderful E-Mail lady. Flat out in your face lies and corruption with absolutely no regard for the americans at all. Felony arrogance. And not one prisoner?
11. ALL foreign affairs regarding the 150 year old chess game commonly referred to as the Middle Board.
12. ALL domestic issues regarding developing business strategies while totally ignoring think tanks, mensa, brookings, and many others. Just ignoring them; as if he knows it *all*; not even attending.
In the same thread; TOTALLY ignoring advice from security specialists and HIS OWN GENERALS regarding .mil; Iran; Columbia; Istanbul; Turkey; Pakistan; AFGANISTAN; IRAQ.
It’s as if he’s on the other side.
His statement on Live television to the USSR president:
“after my re-election , I can be more flexible “ < not caring a tinkers damn about us. Not ONE BIT. Just throwing us under the bus.
In the same thread; WELL advised investments (by the felons who gained the most) that failed.
Frightening mental condition. Truly. Is he still smoking?
The remainder is a commentary on why we are in this mess:
The only good thing I can see is the end of the road for this administration and possibly our country if we don’t find a way to get a government that UNITES us, not divides us.
When examining Obama’s (to date) Administration, it seems he is INDEED another puppet of the puppet master Bank industry that has America by the throat ,
and HAS been charging us to print our own money for about 100 years now.
We should as Bernie Sanders, Ron Paul, and over 100 other Senators and Congressmen want, End the FED.
SWhen the watered down bill they passed became effective? They “ found” 16 TRILLION DOLLARS MISSING.
We should definitely end the banking families gravy train.
Gradually phasing out PAID central banking CAN and WILL be done.
Why not Central banks run independently without the debt? It’s been done successfully with GOOD results.
Google “Green Backs” and “why Abraham Lincoln was assassinated “ .
NO PAY FOR CENTRAL banks. NONE. Want to run the presses? Fine. ON your dime buddy. And NO interest. Or WE DO IT.
No political control of course, but easily achieved. Phase them out. Take our Country and Other countries back from
the banker families globally and the world would be a *much* safer place.
Can you answer this query?
What countries don’t bank with the western Cartel Central banking system? Can you Guess?
1. North Korea
2. Iran
Shocked? Me neither…