Is Obama the worst President in U.S history?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Is Obama the worst President in U.S history?
402 answers:
2014-10-11 09:56:19 UTC
Yes, He's a pure muslim
2014-10-11 08:46:11 UTC
In my lifetime he is.
2014-10-11 07:48:09 UTC
2014-10-11 06:31:09 UTC

And anyone who thinks so is either stupid or under 30 years old.
2014-10-10 20:57:59 UTC
He sucks muslim ***! I voted for Romney, he almost ******* won too! America is doomed under Obama...
2014-10-11 12:37:48 UTC
YES because he makes food more expensive and its not okay at all
2014-10-10 20:27:58 UTC
2014-10-10 20:02:14 UTC
yes - without a doubt., through fooling the people into getting him the highest position of the land where he has the power to destroy it from within
Michael Corleone
2014-10-10 09:10:25 UTC
No. Bush was.
2014-10-09 18:59:12 UTC
Certainly the most unqualified and laziest. Not too bright either or even willing to heed advise from those that are.
2014-10-11 11:50:18 UTC
Yes he is. I was happy that this good spoken person was elected but soon saw the arrogance he exhibits, his apology for the United States to the Arab world,his constant constant speeches about blaming every,one but himself, his lying about Bengazi ( video movie) when he knew it was terrorists,Obama care and now cover-up for a donor's son who also was involved with having a prostitute visiting when the secret service had their own parties.". There will be no foot soldiers on the ground". Let's see how long that lasts. He pulled all the troops out of Iraq and look where we are now. I don't want our soldiers to be in battle either but he announced the date so the enemies were prepared to do the damage which we see today. Noone knows what his grades were, nor a diploma that he graduated nor any students nor professors remember him. THis is sad for our country but he was voted in by the people.
2015-02-13 19:47:56 UTC
read the news guys look at all the things obama has done, benghazi, IRS, and nothing about russia and ISIS. bush proved out to be right but he took away his own self pride to proectect us from bad people getting weapons it's not that hard
Blue Oyster Kel
2014-11-16 03:34:35 UTC
To me he is.

People can bash Bush all they want. All I know - and could see - was that at least people were working, and the middle class wasn't disappearing and we actually had an economy under his terms.
2014-10-11 11:01:21 UTC
Far from it try Nixon,Reagan and both bushes,there greedy,power hungry monsters,both parties are puppets but Republicans are way worst!!! give up your Freedom and your personnelal rights,plus there were Republicans that had ties with the Nazi Party the Bushes don't believe me research it and cross reference,its americas sad truth
Omar M
2014-10-11 12:09:58 UTC
No he is not. George Bush is worse. He caused the invasion of Iraq and needlessly sacrificed thousands of American lives plus hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi lives.
2014-10-11 12:00:30 UTC
No. I'd say George Washington was the worst.
2014-10-10 15:20:08 UTC
no. stop being racist.
Vinegar Taster
2014-10-10 12:34:22 UTC
Not even close...we have Bush Jr, Raygun and Nixon way ahead of him.
2014-10-11 12:43:35 UTC
Yes he is the worst president for republican hopefuls yet.
2014-10-11 10:00:28 UTC
I heard that Carter was the worst president in the united states.
2014-10-11 08:36:35 UTC
2014-10-11 06:42:02 UTC
hyju tyu
2014-10-11 06:34:10 UTC
George Bush Jr and George Bush senior were the worst presidents in US History...look at all the

people that they were responsible for killing...instead of finding the persons who where responsible

they were trying to steal money and other peoples oil and GOD will have the finally say. Hell maybe

in the Bush's future...what goes around, comes around!
Gerry G
2014-10-11 06:14:33 UTC
If he is not, he is sure right up there.
2014-10-11 04:51:27 UTC
No, no one could waste as much money as Bush junior if they tried!
2014-10-11 02:19:57 UTC
i don't think so .. GB is one of them..
The First Dragon
2014-10-10 22:51:07 UTC
I think so. But maybe that will change.
2014-10-10 20:48:22 UTC
YES! Obama is an Obination. His goal is to destroy this country.
2014-10-10 20:34:39 UTC
? Time will tell, we are still dealing with the fall out from Jimmy Carter. ...Deals with China etc...
2014-10-10 19:45:08 UTC
I feel like people are just trolling now..
Thomas G
2014-10-10 19:11:53 UTC
Nah he aint Bush
Emily Purdy
2014-10-10 17:05:10 UTC
2014-10-10 13:52:55 UTC
no. George bush was the worst because he gave America a bad name. Obama is much different to Bush in a good way.
2014-10-10 10:59:47 UTC
I think he's a great president. But whatever you think of Obama, our country has had 44 presidents and most people don't know that much about all 44 of them to be able to honestly rank them.
2014-10-10 07:37:56 UTC
It depends which angle you look at him.
2014-10-09 19:55:16 UTC
Without a shadow of a doubt.
2014-10-09 19:37:54 UTC
Wow, man did you push some buttons - good going
2014-10-09 19:03:52 UTC
To be the worst in history I think you would have to do something like create a new intelligence agency in the military that tells you that another country has WMD. Some would say that you specifically created the military intelligence unit because the CIA would not take orders to find WMD but the military would. Then you would have to believe that intelligence over the top of the CIA. Then attack that country killing thousands of Americans and 100s of thousands of foreigners that now want to kill Americans because we killed their granny. In the process destabilize the entire middle east. So unless Obama attacked the wrong country by accident putting the wheels in motion for world war 3 I would have to say he is not even close to the worst.
2014-10-11 10:29:51 UTC
By Far
2014-10-11 09:57:15 UTC
2014-10-11 09:50:57 UTC
Are you insane? This question is put forward by some right-wing radical who thinks everyone should "go back to where they came from" (except Caucasians, of course). No comparison between President Obama and some of the other clowns who preceded him. Hint: refer to George Bush (both of them), Nixon, Ford, etc.
Common Sense
2014-10-11 08:56:22 UTC
I never thought I would find myself saying this because I never did believe in the ANTI CHRIST, until Obama stole the presidency by promising minorities he would work for them in exchange for them to register to and vote for him.
2014-10-11 06:43:15 UTC
No, he still has a ways to go to take that title from Nixon, but it isn't for a lack of trying.
2014-10-11 05:22:57 UTC
According to wiki, Obama ranks respectfully ...

However, his time is unfinished and history will sort the data.

I think he has done remarkably well w/ the hand he was dealt ... especially in lieu of the right wing dedicated to obstruct him ...

"On the night of Barack Obama’s inauguration, a group of top GOP luminaries quietly gathered in a Washington steakhouse to lick their wounds and ultimately create the outline of a plan for how to deal with the incoming administration.

“The room was filled. It was a who’s who of ranking members who had at one point been committee chairmen, or in the majority, who now wondered out loud whether they were in the permanent minority,” Frank Luntz, who organized the event, told FRONTLINE.

Among them were Senate power brokers Jim DeMint, Jon Kyl and Tom Coburn, and conservative congressmen Eric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan.

After three hours of strategizing, they decided they needed to fight Obama on everything. The new president had no idea what the Republicans were planning."

It's only the dem bashing, Obama hating, fox fed righties who think he's the worst.

They refuse to accept the positive input by the president. Here's a list of Obama accomplishments:

The jury is still out on Obama as he's still in office. Is he the worst? ... not when compared to Buchanan, Andrew Johnson to name 2.
2014-10-11 04:45:39 UTC
It's obvious that the people who own and run Yahoo thinks so...
2014-10-10 22:58:18 UTC
No, there will be worse president to come.
2014-10-10 21:35:35 UTC
yes. and still the mindless fools of the US voted him in. Its not the same country anymore. It's filled with takers instead of givers.
2014-10-10 20:50:33 UTC
he is by far
2014-10-10 19:28:09 UTC
Anyone of the complainers probably would find it unnerving if he/she were in the President's shoes.

I don't believe that his position is an easy one to fill.
2014-10-10 18:38:48 UTC
That's a rhetorical question. A-DUH OF COURSE
2014-10-10 18:24:57 UTC
Bush takes the cake,
2014-10-10 12:33:59 UTC
1. Abraham Lincoln for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans in an unjust war while committing war crimes such as burning down whole towns and cities.

2. Jimmy Carter for wrecking the U.S. economy, destroying the U.S. middle class and destroying the U.S. diplomacy and U.S. military might.

3. Obama for repeating Carter's mistakes.

4. Hoover for destroying the U.S. economy.
2014-10-10 10:46:25 UTC
No. It's JFK for invading Cuba and starting a nuclear war.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2014-10-10 08:24:29 UTC
I don't know about being the worst of ALL, but in my opinion, he is the worst since my birth ( 1939 ), just recently by-passing J. Carter ! Unfortunately, it looks like we are going to get someone very similar in the next election . There are none so blind, as those who refuse to see !
2014-10-10 07:40:25 UTC
One of the worst, if not the worst.

He may be a "good" man at heart, and he does often have what he thinks are "good" intentions, but he has no idea how to run this country successfully.

He's a liar and a traitor. If any other president was responsible for some of the sh it he has pulled, they would have been impeached.
2014-10-10 07:37:35 UTC
No, J. Buchanan was. Obama is second.
2014-10-09 19:10:56 UTC
Only to conservatives.
2014-10-09 19:01:04 UTC
Yes. Lbj as well
2014-10-11 12:47:30 UTC
HE*L NO.....


THATS GWBUSH for those to dumb to figure it out

he allowed 911 to happen on his watch

D.O.D. lost a trillion dollars under his admin (prop cover up via pentagon bombing)

attacked irag which had nothing 2do with 911

17 of 18 terrorists were saudis... NOT iragi's

same country of prince he was holding hands with... ie saudi arabia

he did not catch BIN LADEN ... OBAMA did

economy crashed last year of his term...

oh yea KATRINA!
2014-10-11 12:26:53 UTC
Yes, without a doubt.........:(
2014-10-11 12:24:21 UTC
No....Today is a new time & place..... Today technology is King. So we have to work smarter and not harder.......Computers and machines do everything for us so employment is not like it used to be.....The blue collar jobs are just about gone. Big business and the banks are always going to influence politics. I never thought I would be back in school but here I am in school and almost 40 years old. LoL .. go to luv it baby. Smarter not harder ..... Like my dad used to say ... JEB... RIP........TYJ
2014-10-11 08:55:31 UTC
There is no right or wrong, yes or no answer to this. The only way for you to decide is by your opinion. Personally, he's one of the worst but not the absolute worst in US history.
2014-10-11 08:41:35 UTC
Yes, he is. Barack Obama is THE worst POTUS that Americans have ever had, period, going all the way to George Washington. And coming after Martin van Buren, James Buchanan, Herbert Hoover and Jimmy Carter, boy, is THAT saying something.

I'll go further. I think he's a traitor.

I rather liked Obama at first. I voted for McCain in 2008, but when Obama won anyway, it was such an historic moment--the first black President!--that since I had been rather impressed with him over the course of the campaign, I figured I'd wait awhile before drawing any firm conclusions.

Fast-forward 18 months to the environmental crisis in the Gulf of Mexico. I thought his handling of that was abysmal--he was impotent and whiny, reminding me of an old lady wringing her hands over a batch of burned cookies :P

That incident gave the first real shape to my opinion of the man, and it's only gone downhill from there. He's proven to be dishonest and corrupt, quick to take credit for things that go well, and just as quick to blame others when they don't--and regardless of the actual facts in the case. And nearly every move he has made or not made has been with ONE goal in mind: a SOCIALIST America. I'm convinced that has always been his (and George Soros') TRUE agenda, from Day 1, and was the REAL motive behind Obamacare. After all, what better to get a socialist foot in the American door than by making Americans depend on the government for their health care?

But it was not until Benghazi that I came to the conclusion that as well as being a dreadful POTUS, he is ALSO a traitor. We've had terrible presidents before, but no matter how bad they were, I would not have said any of them were traitors. But Obama is. Four men died needlessly in Benghazi. Their blood is on Obama's and Hillary Clinton's hands. (Yes, I consider Hillary Clinton a traitor as well, but the question posted above was not about her, but Obama). His and Clinton's only concerns was how to keep the facts under wraps until after the election two months later. He (and she) put their own political futures ahead of protecting the American personnel under their command.

There are lots of reasons I despise Obama, but that's the one above all that makes me consider him a traitor. That's T-R-A-I-T-O-R. Right up there with Benedict Arnold. January 20, 2017 can't get here soon enough.
2014-10-11 06:16:15 UTC
There is no such thing as a worst president. The success of the President depends on the Congress and The Supreme Court. Blaming the President for the lack of cooperation between the elected Congress and Senate members makes no sense. Please compare President Obama with President Coolidge.
2014-10-11 04:45:23 UTC
No, President Obama is not the Worst President in U.S history... There is Some Worst President in U.S history.

01. James Buchanan (1857-1861)

02. Warren Harding (1921-1923)

03. Andrew Johnson (1865-1869)

04. Franklin Pierce (1853-1857)

05. Millard Fillmore (1850-1853)

06. John Tyler (1841-1845)

07. Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877)

08. William Harrison (1841)

09. Richard Nixon (1969-1974)

09. Herbert Hoover (1929-1933)

10. Zachary Taylor (1849-1850)
2014-10-11 03:46:32 UTC
No for me that was FDR followed By Lincoln and at the Bottom of the Pile is the Racist Eisenhower
2014-10-10 19:48:59 UTC
Yes he is by far the worst. even worse than Woodrow Wilson who also was a traitor and brought us the Federal Reserve. Obama I believe is a Muslim who feels totally justified in lying to us in every way possible as in the Koran it states that Muslims are justified in lying to the infidels. He lies and deceives and should have been impeached long ago. I wish I could believe otherwise but he has burned us and showed his true colors too many times.
2014-10-10 19:11:19 UTC
Yes he is
2014-10-10 17:58:29 UTC
Definitely not the worst
2014-10-10 17:56:13 UTC
what makes you say that? the worst president was GW Bush Jr.
2014-10-10 17:33:07 UTC
2014-10-10 17:15:15 UTC
If not close to it, for Gordon, essentially he can, he has used several executive orders to bypass congress, and after the elections he's going to do it again regarding illegal ( yes Ms. Pelosi is said it even though you can't, ILLEGAL!!! ) immigrants.
Frances Carodine
2014-10-10 15:51:35 UTC
2014-10-10 11:43:14 UTC
No. Certainly not.
2014-10-09 22:55:25 UTC
When the previous holder of the title of being the worst President (Carter) criticizes Obama, it can only mean one thing. He has given up the throne and is passing the scepter to his successor. And this new one will likely hold it forever.
2014-10-09 22:15:08 UTC
2014-10-09 19:39:00 UTC
Different criteria can be used to define worst. But one President brought the world literally to the point where it was one word away from destruction, during the Cuban missile crisis in 1962. And if you add the thousands of people he killed by bombing South Vietnam in 1961-62, you can't get much worse than JFK.
2014-10-09 18:58:54 UTC
2014-10-11 10:43:15 UTC
No, Absolutely not.
2014-10-11 10:07:30 UTC
HE IS NOT THE WORST PRESIDENT. he is first black president in a high office. its a first for blacks and you have to give a chance.
2014-10-11 08:22:35 UTC
Yes, worse than Jimmy Carter. And that was once hard to beat.
2014-10-11 08:11:12 UTC
No, not quite.

You see, the reason is that White Trash had been arrogant, abusive, discriminating, haughty, toxic, rotten and corrupt and in decline and demise for years and even decades. So we need this Afro guy coming out to slash and burn WT and kick them in their butts.

Much needed.
Bob O
2014-10-11 05:31:37 UTC
While not the best, Barack Obama is certainly not the worst! I think history will show that he was a fairly effective president at handling the economic crises that he was handed by previous administrations, as evidenced by the fact that currently we are experiencing the most new job openings since 2001. His handling of foreign policy on the other hand has put us into a dangerous position that will surely be handed down to successive administrations. I find it amusing that people ask questions like this. The answers usually parrot the talking points of whatever political commentator that the answerer has been listening to, either left or right. The truth is ALWAYS somewhere in the middle and simplistic ideological answers ALWAYS give only imperfect one sided answers.
2014-10-11 04:15:42 UTC
Yes, i do think, because he is even american.
2014-10-10 21:11:59 UTC
Too bad there are so many stupid people out there who are sadly so misinformed. Obama has done the best that he could despite a congress that was totally against him. I really don't know what the misinformed goons have against this president other than the lies that the clown network, fox news, has labeled him with. They choose to be ignorant and misinformed. Isn't that amazing? I thought that Humans were supposed to be strong and smart. cons are simply strong and stupid, very, very stupid and ignorant.
2014-10-10 20:40:02 UTC
no i live obama
2014-10-10 20:34:38 UTC
No. Not even close. Sure he's messed up but hasn't every U.S. president in some way? People who call Obama the worst president are ignorant retards who know nothing of America's history and just think whatever they hear on the news. The worst in recent history would have to be George W. Bush. But presidents have done way worse things. James Buchanan (despite living in my county) was largely considered the worst. He basically didn't do anything about slavery. Warren G Harding was a criminal for crying out loud. So no, messing up a little on health care, being indecisive on the war on ISIS and being involved in some scandals does not make him the worst president.
2014-10-10 19:03:23 UTC
Its way WAY too early to tell. Presidents are judged thru the eyes of history. Give it some time.
2014-10-10 17:57:37 UTC
He would make my list for top 10 but he would not be number one.
2014-10-10 15:16:09 UTC
He's the best President in U.S history
2014-10-10 15:14:26 UTC
as Syria and iraq fall to ISIS and then come the turns of Lebanon and Jordan I suspect that the dithering and stupidity and ignorance of Obama will finally come to even his own sycophants. This guy is just about the worst. I favor impeachment for dereliction of duty. Kowtowing to the Hollywood elite is not doing the job of being president.
2014-10-10 13:09:38 UTC
No No Not at all.
2014-10-10 11:16:58 UTC
Not even close. when Bush and his party was in total charge he turned a booming economy and ran it into the ground governing to the top ten percent. all they had to say back then was there is enough blame to go around for everybody. now they say it is all Obama. they will not work with him and it is all Obama. they refuse the will of the American people and it is all Obama. they favor china and Russia over are own and it is all Obama fault. not the best but far from the worst.
2014-10-10 10:28:21 UTC
No I think he is one of the worst but the worst to me is Andrew Jackson for kicking out the Cherokee
2014-10-10 05:12:59 UTC
i don't know

but i think that's true
2014-10-09 19:10:23 UTC
Certainly a tie with Carter as one of the worst in my lifetime.
2014-10-09 19:02:45 UTC
havent we already established this???
2014-10-09 18:58:42 UTC
Yeah, he rivals any President you might compare him to. LOL
2014-10-11 12:01:29 UTC
No. Try Nixon, Bush JR., then there were a good 5 presidents who extended slavery laws and so on. Obama has messed up and hasn't lived up to some of his promises, but I don't think he's the worst president the US has ever seen... Especially since he got a mess of a country handing down to him from the Bush era.

I don't think he's done a great job. But I also don't think he's the dictatorial anti-Christ everyone is making him out to be.
2014-10-11 10:13:19 UTC
Personally, i like him. He vant be the worst because George Bush exhisted as well.
2014-10-11 08:34:38 UTC
2014-10-11 07:26:47 UTC
Not one of our presidents were ever -or will ever be the worst president or the best president. Not matter what they do, there is going to be someone who does not like him and will tear him down. In my opinion Ragan was the worst. But, in this country white people forgive themselves. Bush was number two worst president. Obama could not do well because The republicans are out to destroy this man's character, all because he from another race. Does the white house mean (white) house only?
2014-10-11 06:44:46 UTC
I think he has answered that himself. I am sick of the "You just hate me because I'm black" card he plays, it's not the color of his skin but actions against his own country for which he is hated.
2014-10-11 03:50:55 UTC
2014-10-11 01:38:01 UTC
I don' think he is the worst. He has done lots of good things. So in my point of view he cannot be considered as the worst president.
2014-10-11 01:05:19 UTC
Yes he is the worst president in USA history. Only black people says that he's the best.
2014-10-10 20:28:06 UTC
2014-10-10 18:36:57 UTC
Adam Beaver
2014-10-10 16:40:37 UTC
yes and hitler was the best
2014-10-10 16:16:16 UTC
I must say that he is not the worst president because he is not Harry S. Truman. Truman: ''I think one man is just as good as another so long as he's not a n*gger or a Chinaman. Uncle Will says that the Lord made a white from dust, a black from mud, then He threw up what was left and it came down a Chinaman.'' He also authorized the atomic bomb on Japan during WWII.
2014-10-10 15:10:40 UTC
Yes, but us Republicans have George W. Bush, so it's not really a party thing. And the ones who think he is one of the best are delusional. He is polled at 38% approval rating... which is as bad as Bush and Carter...
2014-10-10 14:55:29 UTC
Since Eisenhower (because of my age) I find he is too conservative and will not commit himself to anything.

I believe because he is the first black president, he is afraid of being seen in a negative light so he just does everything with a low profile.
2014-10-10 14:04:53 UTC
George W. Bush was the worst president in my opinion, starting a useless war in Iraq. While Iraq deserved it, we still were over there TOO long.
2014-10-10 12:05:05 UTC
yes the worst times 50
2014-10-10 06:39:07 UTC
2014-10-10 05:31:36 UTC

he is one of the better ones.
2014-10-09 19:21:13 UTC
no. i've answered this 1000 times already. James Buchanan.
2014-10-09 19:01:55 UTC
You would have to make a scholarly comparison using a wide variety of historical metrics. It might take you months of pouring over books in a library to make a determination. Something a professional historian would do. Or you could just spout some feces out your pie hole like a moron LOL...
2014-10-11 12:26:59 UTC
probably one of the worst, but not THE worst. Not being racist over here but first African american president and may be getting hate because of that..
2014-10-11 11:46:09 UTC
In my opinion he isn't the worst president he just isn't the best one we had either.
2014-10-11 09:07:24 UTC
No he is not!
2014-10-11 07:15:01 UTC
Not by a long stretch.

Check this out....
Samantha Davis
2014-10-11 04:24:46 UTC
No he is not the worst I dont agree with a lot of what he do but I do understand he is not necessarily the one calling all the shots. I also feel that those around him fail purposely to make him look bad because they dont like him and know he will get all the blame in the first place. However if he were a lot tougher I think I would probably like him I mean it work on me for Bush LOL.
2014-10-11 02:46:13 UTC
YES enough said !!!!!!!
2014-10-10 20:28:02 UTC
I don't think he's the worst...
2014-10-10 19:39:26 UTC
id say top five of the worst...for sure
2014-10-10 19:35:07 UTC
Cekker Kwann
2014-10-10 19:18:58 UTC
it is too soon to tell. Over the course of a couple decades, the full scope and sweep of his effectiveness or lack thereof wil be known. For now, we are just too close in time to the events that have shaped his performance.
2014-10-10 18:45:08 UTC
President Bush was the worst president in U.S. history.
2014-10-10 18:09:19 UTC
no because he has not had a scandal yet
2014-10-10 16:46:34 UTC
yup... Worst Ever !
2014-10-10 15:39:27 UTC
Not even close. Most historians would give this honor of infamy to Warren G. Harding. His father once said about him that if had been born a woman he would be pregnant all the time because he just couldn't say no.
2014-10-10 14:13:06 UTC
First black president is the worst president
2014-10-10 12:56:55 UTC
They are all puppets
2014-10-10 09:54:21 UTC
"History?" Duh, currently, he's still the President!

Whatever happened to your critical thinking process?
2014-10-09 22:58:04 UTC
Here are some reasons i think bamz is the best president:

1.because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn't.

2. because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.

3. because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.

4. because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves.

5. because I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius.

6. because I'm not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.

7. because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits.

2014-10-09 19:13:19 UTC
Yes, worse than Carter
2014-10-11 12:19:56 UTC
2014-10-11 12:07:07 UTC
Of course he is not the worst. He is right up there among some of the best. His legacy will probably rank him among the top five. Those of you who are ranking him as the worst seem to follow the Extremist RW/T.P/Libertarian conspiracy laden Ron Paul brigade. Full of lies and innuendo.

"A 2010 Siena poll of 238 Presidential scholars found that former president George W. Bush was ranked 39th out of 43, with poor ratings in handling of the economy, communication, ability to compromise, foreign policy accomplishments, and intelligence. Meanwhile, the current president, Barack Obama was ranked 15th out of 43, with high ratings for imagination, communication ability and intelligence and a low rating for background (family, education and experience).[13][14]

The C-SPAN Survey of Presidential Leadership consists of rankings from a group of presidential historians and "professional observers of the presidency"[15] who ranked presidents in a number of categories initially in 2000 and more recently in 2009.[16][17] With some minor variation, both surveys found that historians consider Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and Franklin D. Roosevelt the three best presidents by a wide margin and William Henry Harrison (to a lesser extent), Warren G. Harding, Andrew Johnson, Franklin Pierce, George W. Bush and James Buchanan the worst.

In 2008, The Times newspaper asked eight of its own "top international and political commentators" to rank all 42 US presidents " order of greatness".[18]

In 2011, through the agency of its United States Presidency Centre (USPC), the Institute for the Study of the Americas (located in the University of London’s School of Advanced Study) released the first ever U.K. academic survey to rate U.S. presidents. This polled the opinion of British specialists in American history and politics to assess presidential performance. They also gave an interim assessment of Barack Obama, but his unfinished presidency was not included in the survey (had he been included, he would have attained eighth place overall).[19]

In 2012, Newsweek magazine asked a panel of historians to rank the ten best presidents since 1900. The results showed that historians had ranked Franklin D. Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, Dwight Eisenhower, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama as the best since that year.[20]

A 2013 History News Network poll of 203 American historians, when asked to rate Barack Obama's presidency on an A–F scale, gave him a B- grade. Obama, whom historians graded using 15 separate measures plus an overall grade, was rated most highly in the categories of communication ability, integrity, and crisis management, and most poorly for his relationship with Congress and transparency and accountability.[21]"
2014-10-11 11:30:14 UTC
Most people only care for him because of his skin color. Oh, and if we all catch Ebola. BLAME OBAMA!
2014-10-11 11:10:47 UTC
Yes he is! There has never been as much damage done to America as there has been done by him since he took office. Recovery is going to be a tough process. My prayer is that we can recover.
2014-10-11 09:39:25 UTC


Dogstar Ascendant
2014-10-11 09:30:10 UTC
I'd certainly put him in the Top 50.
2014-10-11 08:52:53 UTC
george bush
2014-10-11 08:31:52 UTC
no because of carter
2014-10-11 08:17:05 UTC
Its hard to tell as there are so many variables involved.
2014-10-11 07:52:31 UTC
HELL of a lot better than Bush Jr., that's for sure.
2014-10-11 00:11:10 UTC
He received a Nobel peace prize for bombing,

you can answer the question yourself.

: )
2014-10-10 23:17:02 UTC
no Bush II was/is the worst!
2014-10-10 21:23:53 UTC
Believes in yourself and try to work on the matter wisely
2014-10-10 19:13:13 UTC
George W Bush will always be the worst. He is wanted in 7 allied countries for war crimes.
2014-10-10 18:32:46 UTC
according to what ive heard hes the 4rth worst president in united states history. not sure how true that is though. i doubt hes the worst weve ever had but hes definetly one of the worst
Jerry S
2014-10-10 17:55:04 UTC
in a word, yes.
2014-10-10 17:43:57 UTC
Yes, He is. I agree
2014-10-10 14:45:39 UTC
No, I don't like Obama mainly for his military ,but I am sure that there were worst presidents. Obama is a really bad president and never should've been president but still I dont think hes the worst
2014-10-10 01:54:56 UTC
yes !More than enough said............
2014-10-09 19:03:08 UTC
Absolutely not.
Gray Area
2014-10-11 11:06:20 UTC
Not even close. That would be Reagan or Nixon in recent history.
2014-10-11 10:39:58 UTC
" And nearly every move he has made or not made has been with ONE goal in mind: a SOCIALIST America. I'm convinced that has always been his (and George Soros') TRUE agenda, from Day 1, and was the REAL motive behind Obamacare."

116 thumbs up.

that's why people from the rest of the world have fun of average american man.

many americans are really great, the best maybe the best in the world, but most of common people is really stupid. believe me, i was born in a country where berlusconi won the elections 3 times.

i hope for american people to have a more socialist state (socialist like germany or sweeden, not like soviet russia). if you are too stupid to understand the importance of health care for everybody you don t deserve to be the richest country in the world. people with a tumor or paralised after an accident deserve health care until they need.

jobless people deserve to have the right to be helped by the government like in most of european countries.

if you really believe in meritocracy, you have to believe in giving everybody the same possibilities.

i think richest people in america have too many more chances to be better than poor people, and too many more rights.

if you like an america like this...

i don t care about obama, i am just pissed off reading things like that. i really don t understand why american people don t understand the importance of solidarity.
2014-10-11 10:30:44 UTC
2014-10-11 10:21:29 UTC
for many americans is Obama the worst, for other americans is Bush the worst
2014-10-11 08:48:39 UTC
I don't think so. I think people dislike him cause he's black. Want to talk about bad President's, well let's look at Bush Man and Nixon.
2014-10-11 07:54:16 UTC
nah *****
2014-10-11 03:29:45 UTC
2014-10-11 01:17:16 UTC
Not even close. when Bush and his party was in total charge he turned a booming economy and ran it into the ground governing to the top ten percent. all they had to say back then was there is enough blame to go around for everybody. now they say it is all Obama. they will not work with him and it is all Obama. they refuse the will of the American people and it is all Obama. they favor china and Russia over are own and it is all Obama fault. not the best but far from the worst.
2014-10-10 22:57:39 UTC
Were you asleep for the 8 years prior to Obama?
2014-10-10 21:56:11 UTC
I don't think he's the worst in US history (not so far) but he's the worst in our generation so far. Hopefully presidents will start to dramatically improve from now on after his term is up or maybe if he decides to resign.
2014-10-10 21:36:26 UTC
2014-10-10 18:49:35 UTC
As a former Democrat, I really can't say that he is. And I'm sure he's doing what he can. But as a Catholic, I added him to my rosary prayer list.
2014-10-10 18:37:33 UTC
No comments
2014-10-10 18:28:18 UTC
The real question is how many of these people on here saying he is bad voted for him --- twice. The world is filled with fair weather fans.
2014-10-10 17:48:41 UTC
2014-10-10 16:24:19 UTC
Hi is the worst black president in U.S history. haha
2014-10-10 12:49:59 UTC
It depends on your opinion of him. There have been a lot of Presidents who have made many poor decisions.
2014-10-10 07:18:45 UTC
No but he is in thd worst five of all time

And is easily the worst of my life time
Captain Obvious, Defender of Snack Pudding
2014-10-09 19:23:13 UTC
Not even close.
2014-10-09 18:58:43 UTC
He's not one of the better ones but he's not the worst.
2014-10-11 12:18:52 UTC
George Washington, he wore a wig like a ******
2014-10-11 12:08:51 UTC
Hell no.
2014-10-11 10:25:11 UTC
satish k
2014-10-11 09:38:22 UTC
no,he is not ,though the vast number of Obama haters will call him so.
2014-10-11 08:09:32 UTC
maybe top 5
2014-10-11 07:21:01 UTC
if u think that leave


as to where to go, may i suggest North Korea or Afghanistan... i heard they are lovely countries this time of year
2014-10-11 05:25:48 UTC
Shut your pie hole Add your answer
2014-10-11 04:45:58 UTC
he is good
2014-10-11 04:17:46 UTC
song SQL
2014-10-11 01:38:43 UTC
No George Bush was probably the worst. Just listen at what he says. I can't believe a retard like him could have become president, he's as stupid as a child. But I guess the american people are stupid in general so that's why they elect stupid presidents
2014-10-11 00:03:13 UTC
Not only the worse president ever but the worse LIAR. He constantly lies and gets caught. He has no clue WTF he is doing.
2014-10-10 20:40:25 UTC
No, the worst President is George W. Bush. A close second would be Reagan.
2014-10-10 16:47:45 UTC
my mom showed me all this bs about him being in a cult and etc which is all bs lol some things she showed me were true. but I honestly have to say barack Obama is probably the BEST PRESIDENT we've ever had. ever. the fact that he's "black" is a huge *** bonus though frfr not only is he the first "black" president BUT he's the best president?!? damn where they find this dude at?!? honestly ive never seen adults,young adults and even kids get into politics as much as they do now. when the presidential election was on my whole family was watching. usually I wouldn't give a damn lol
2014-10-10 15:56:04 UTC
Don't know about "history," but popular opinion polls rank him as the worst U.S. president in our lifetime and our parents' lifetime.
2014-10-10 13:47:13 UTC
I think presidents can't please everyone and are criticised whatever they do because in order to make something better something else has to be sacrificed in some way.
2014-10-10 10:02:26 UTC
No. The pre-Civil War presidents, especially Buchanan were epically bad.

Upcoming Celebrity
Will Powers
2014-10-10 09:46:04 UTC
Yes, he IS even worse than Jimmy Carter.
2014-10-09 23:19:40 UTC
no not even close he's messed up yes ! but so has every president i personally think bush was worst but people are so embarrassed with him they dont acknowledge what he did. any way but think about it this way we handed over the presidential seat with the US in the worst condition its ever been since the great depression but everyone assigns the responsibility to him without considering those who put it in this state. he's made some great mistakes but also managed to do some good things and he's pretty much had his hands tied with the congress divided 50% republicans 50% democrats even then he's managed to lower unemployment . but again most people blame everything on the president forgetting that its the congress and house who make policies and vote on them just shows ignorance on there part.

PS: i say this from a personal and unbiased point of view I dont like democrats or republicans I'm against the fact that a country has political parties and George Washington warned us about it
2014-10-09 18:59:10 UTC
Absolutely, and he stands along side with Satan himself.

Anyone who cannot see that, is a total moron.
2014-10-09 18:59:00 UTC
Yes, the worst ever i don't know about that but he is defiantly up there for one of the worst.
2014-10-11 11:44:54 UTC
The only people who think he is the "worst" are redneck conservative Republicans
2014-10-11 11:40:56 UTC
NO WE Made the right choice
2014-10-11 08:28:53 UTC
YES!!!1 He is gay
2014-10-11 02:03:00 UTC
He's generally an all around bad president and his attempt at implanting public health care at pretty much the worst time possible with the down in the dirt economy has only made the economic situation worse.
2014-10-11 01:33:01 UTC
The problem with this question is that he's not history yet, there's things we won't know or realize until long after he's gone.
2014-10-11 00:24:27 UTC
He is not the best but not the worst either.
2014-10-10 23:01:49 UTC
I love him. I wish he was my dad
2014-10-10 21:25:00 UTC
Not by a long shot and anyone who has lived through W's two terms or taken a history class, would be very ignorant to think he was.
2014-10-10 20:33:08 UTC
The worst president was the one who decided that the most important man in the country should have at least one lawman always protecting him thus starting the secret service.
2014-10-10 20:29:32 UTC
Yep ._.

No offence anyone ~
2014-10-10 20:07:11 UTC
They're all crooked as hell if you ask me. Politician that is.
2014-10-10 19:24:38 UTC
The worst presidents have been Nixon and George W Bush
2014-10-10 19:21:17 UTC
2014-10-10 18:49:43 UTC
Personally, I consider him to be the best. I am a 59 year old white male that lives in Alabama. If that means anything.

I can't find anything to fault him with and I've tried.

He got us out of the horrendous calamity that was Iraq. The economy has almost completely rebounded from the second worst recession in history. And he is handling the terrorists almost exactly how we should (drone 'em instead of ramping up a full scale military invasion.

Our republic is in good hands. I sleep well at night.
2014-10-10 18:20:59 UTC
I don't think so. he is good for USA.
2014-10-10 18:01:47 UTC
by far the worst president ever. he has increased our countrys debt by far and turned us into a bunch of easy offended sissys. and hes takin our rights away from us....HE IS TAKING OUR GUNS,HE IS TAKIN OUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH, ETC. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!
2014-10-10 17:05:30 UTC
no, the three stooges were: George, ghw and jeb if he ever makes it.
Weasel McWeasel
2014-10-10 06:21:59 UTC
Anything who thinks Obama is the worst in history, obviously has selective memory failure, and has seemingly forgot all about George W. Bush-----------who absolutely SUCKED, as a president-
2014-10-10 06:10:05 UTC
yes he is definitely one of the worst the US has seen. He is definitely the worst since WW2 hands down.
John W
2014-10-09 18:59:12 UTC
90 million unemployed, he all he did was demand the debt ceiling get raised
2014-10-11 12:40:37 UTC
Not remotely. You don't know much history, do you?

In fact, I'm a historian, and I guarantee you that he's going to be considered one of the most significant presidents in US history.
2014-10-11 12:31:12 UTC
2014-10-11 11:57:46 UTC
No Bush Is The Worst Your Just Racist As ****
2014-10-11 09:46:58 UTC
He may be bad, but he's not as bad as Franklin Pierce by a long shot. It's just that right now the world is more dangerous that it was in the 1850s.
2014-10-11 09:06:37 UTC
My government teacher told me not to talk about this stuff because someone will always get fed up
2014-10-11 08:52:04 UTC
no idk
Bede K.
2014-10-11 08:07:19 UTC
Certainly not. Every prez has pluses and minuses.
2014-10-11 07:56:32 UTC
by far the worst
2014-10-11 07:03:28 UTC
I don't think he is the worst President in US history, we need to study very carefully the US history to find the worst one.
2014-10-11 04:27:24 UTC
2014-10-11 01:47:59 UTC
si puedes verlo aqui
2014-10-10 18:45:30 UTC
2014-10-10 18:31:39 UTC
Yes. I really don't think we will be able to get out of debt to the Chinese after he is gone. Bush may of been only fair but he lowered the standards on gas just enough so we could import from countries like Russia, etc. The problem is that he also eliminated who could buy futures in oil. Gas dropped to 1.40 a gallon retail. Now the people who sell it, buy their own futures, so they are setting the price. Obama should use his position to put that part back. What good do jobs do people who cant get there? Cant take our guns? Take the ammo. The Constitution means little to this man. He models his beliefs similar to Roosevelt. Too bad that time has passed. By the way, where are these jobs? We give companies tax breaks to go overseas. He is a loosing proposition.
2014-10-10 17:50:31 UTC
He is. I can't believe what my country has become. I have been around for a while I am 65. I thought jimmy the peanut man was bad and even he is slamming Obama. Back in the 70 s I never thought any one could be worst then Jimmy Carter. NOW I WOULD TAKE 10 OF THEM OVER THIS NUT WE HAVE NOW.
Britney Spears
2014-10-10 17:07:43 UTC
No, George Bush was the worst president.
2014-10-10 16:59:32 UTC
He is the worst. He's letting people with ebola inside our boarder instead of leaving them there so it dosn't spread to us. I think he should close the boarder, and if they die, let them. It's better than them spreading it in America and causing even MORE people to die. And if they want to treat it so bad, he needs to send scientist THERE. He's just making it spread. And now we're probably going to have the black death all over again. Because they may not even find a cure either.
2014-10-10 16:33:39 UTC
Honestly, everyone has different opinions!! Everyone is going to say different things, which is ok. But I am a single father of 3 and I wouldn't want my kids calling anyone "the worst" no matter if it's a president or not. (JUST MY OPINON)
2014-10-10 15:30:18 UTC

Haha, my English class was actually debating this today and the people who said that he was amazing just two years ago, were saying that he was TERRIBLE. No one in my class said he was a good president.
Andy F
2014-10-10 11:14:13 UTC
No. IMO this is an absurd question. Obama has made some mistakes, like every POTUS. As a very left wing Democrat, I think he's far too cozy with the Wall Street banks -- just like every recent POTUS.

On the other hand, he echoed George W Bush in pushing through a huge federal bailout for the US financial system in 2009, thus keeping the US and global economy from plunging into a 1930s-style Depression.

He also pushed through national health care form, in the form of "Obamacare," and did so partly by building on a Republican model for health-care reform that had been invented by the rightwing Heritage Foundation and test-driven by Mitt Romney in Massachusetts. I think a European style "single payer" system would be much, much better -- but to give Obamacare credit, it's provided health care insurance, and fairly affordable insurance, to millions of Americans who had no coverage before.

Obama helped to end George W. Bush's brain-dead military invasion of Iraq, which was what most Americans including many Republicans wanted at the time. He's now got ISIS to deal with -- partly thanks to the destabilizing of Sunni - Shiite relationships that Bush caused by toppling Saddam Hussein. But to fight ISIS, Obama is slowly cobbling together a coalition of some 40 or 45 nations, including some Muslim ones, so that the US doesn't look like a bunch of fool "Crusaders" trying to smash Islam. This is fighting terrorism the smart way, not the stupid way. Bush & Cheney chose the stupid way.

BTW - Didn't Obama also get the US Seals, finally, to track down & kill Osama bin Laden, years after George W. vowed to do this, and didn't?

Obama also ended "don't ask, don't tell" in the US military -- a controversial move, given how many Americans are still homophobic, but one that represents a victory for military sanity over fear & prejudice. I think this will make the US military stronger in the long run, whether that's a good thing of not.

Obama's 2009 "economic stimulus" bill was too small - partly because his economics advisors didn't think they could get a bigger one through Congress -- but it did help to break the back of the 2009 economic recession. Five years later, US unemployment rates are inching down below the 6% mark, which is a real achievement even though the government is somewhat cooking the numbers to make the labor market seem healthier than it is.

Along with the joblessness rate falling and the economic stimulus bill starting to work, albeit too slowly, the size of the US annual government deficit is falling dramatically when you compare it to the national Gross Domestic Product. This is pretty normal, it usually happens when the economy is recovering from a bad recession, but in fact it is happening, and Obama & his advisors deserve some of the credit.

Republicans, for obvious reasons, and racist white Republiclans, for REALLY obvious reasons, love to claim that Obama is the "worst." They have to say that kind of BS. But in fact, his record is a pretty good one given the hard times we live in and the virtual capture of both big US political parties by the corporations and the famous "1 percent."

GOP campaign rhetoric obviously has to say otherwise, so that the Republicans can hope to make gains in the 2014 elections. But in fact, Obama's record is pretty good.

-- democratic socialist / not a liberal, but I'll support them as a "lesser evil" compared to the brain dead and compassion-free GOP
2014-10-09 19:48:36 UTC
BY FAR!!!!!!!!
2014-10-11 12:53:19 UTC
2014-10-11 12:22:34 UTC
No, there has been way worse stop being stupid
That Guy
2014-10-11 12:09:18 UTC
david rebel
2014-10-11 11:34:13 UTC
No he isn't I would say Andrew Jackson, Ronald Reagan, and George W. Bush were worse.
2014-10-11 09:34:58 UTC
I'm white fyi not even close
2014-10-11 06:53:06 UTC
It depends on who you ask. People like to make snap decisions about a president without looking up facts to back up their claims up. And most of the accusations are absurd and absolutely wrong, but when we dislike someone to the point of hatred, who wants to be bothered with facts? Well over half the stuff commenters put on here are false, innuendos, half truths and out right lies! And a lot of thing Obama is being accused of doing or letting happen is absurd and has nothing to do with them at all! And as far as what he has accomplished, how me a president that didn't make waves and did little while in office, and I will show you a worthless president...........But popular with the people!!
2014-10-11 06:44:54 UTC
No, not even close

Obama haters stand with these people..
2014-10-11 03:25:35 UTC
2014-10-11 03:22:12 UTC
No. Americans are just too impatient. Obama is not a magician. He can't just snap his fingers and fix America.
2014-10-11 03:18:59 UTC
No he is not worst U.S president. He is the only president to respect the territories of the country with respect to ground boundary. The Air Force can enter bombard suspects wherever they live.
2014-10-10 21:45:42 UTC
2014-10-10 19:17:42 UTC
Halo Mom
2014-10-10 18:46:36 UTC
In my life time, I can not decide if GW Bush or Obama is the worst.

I think there a case for both
2014-10-10 18:40:20 UTC
No. George W. Bush was the worst President in American history. However, President Obama is a leading contender for second worst. And, at the very least, Americans have resolved the question of racial equality, because, after all is said and done, an incompetent, black, Democrat has proven to be nearly every bit as good as his incompetent, white, Republican, predecessor.
2014-10-10 15:35:52 UTC
Yes. So far he is.
2014-10-10 15:35:42 UTC
no, it's a tie between dubya and reagan.
2014-10-10 14:53:00 UTC
I don't think it is possible to determine if he is the worst president in U.S history. No one is going to like an authority figure, it's just plain and simple. there of course are people who do like the current president, but the majority of people will not like the top authority figure.
2014-10-10 11:16:11 UTC
Absoulty because he cant furfill his promises and he promisees too much things to keep up with he focuses to much on protecting troops and not the people in the usa he even trys to get the latino comunity from mexico to support him by makeing the illegals legal. Is that not illegal? obvisuly it makes them want to do it more. does it not? that discison influenced the mexican people to do it more. why the heck would are president do that. Is he trying to overpopulate the USA?
2014-10-10 09:34:06 UTC
He has not done nothing in the White House but blame Bush for all his failures. I sure hope who ever gets elected doesn't blame no one but him or her self for their failures.
2014-10-10 02:35:10 UTC
yes, ABSOLUTELY. no president before and, hopefully since, has ever endorsed failed radical Marxism and believed so vociferously in the dismantling of our nation. absolutely the most inept "leader" weve ever elected.
2014-10-11 11:31:11 UTC
2014-10-11 11:24:53 UTC
Nope. George Bush is. But you know, God told him to be president. ROFL.
2014-10-11 09:21:55 UTC
What does the Bible say about Barack Obama? "Fear God, honour the king." President Obama is the nearest we have to a king here. "Thou shalt not revile the gods, nor curse the ruler of thy people," the law of Moses says. Is President Obama perfect? No, but the last president before him was pretty horrible. The alternative was Mitt Romney, a selfish multi-millionaire and warmonger, who had championed the outsourcing of US jobs in his private business practice. That's the last thing the United States needed at this time, and we haven't gotten it from President Obama.
2014-10-11 08:55:49 UTC
2014-10-11 08:11:28 UTC
George bush jr was worse
2014-10-11 06:07:11 UTC
2014-10-11 00:27:34 UTC
Obama is normal as per the running time factors, Thosewho getting aresaying him good while loosersof their some are saying him worth nothing. of U.S. Futureis more woth or worth because Several Powers are in God hands .Crual is still In for u to see in Wrestling, Bull fighting Or boxing ,see & Clip.
2014-10-11 00:15:59 UTC
Oh you conservatives are too much.

Now seriously, I don't think he's the best. But this whole "everything is Obama's fault" bandwagon is getting old and it's stupid. Obama's not the best but he is better the Bush and Reagan
Fuel awareness
2014-10-10 20:48:05 UTC
What sticks in my mind is what Obama Stated repeatedly, and with passion at the United Nations.

ISIL is not lslam, (ISIL is the way the arab communities refer to the group, as they see Israel as their territory)

By using ISIL instead of ISIS (the way the west sees the group as Israel is Their own country),

Obama signals all of his Muslim brothers that his view is that Israel *is* their territory.

and "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam" < Obama stated this at his 9/13 UN speech.

That statement, that the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of islam is a direct jihadist statement utilizing a sharia concept; Taqiyya.

Also , dozens of decisions; literally dozens, with the worst attendance ever for *any* president on several levels of administrative meetings (whitehouse stuff)

Obama care aka AHCA. This is literally a government inside of a government; a real Trojan horse. Did you know that on page 157 paragraph three (might have moved)

Of the AHCA bill, there is a statement regarding our arab friends who are muslim. They are exempt from paying. Look up Dimmitude. It’s their tax; the one they cited to the Christians they

Are currently murdering in Iraq, Syria and Iran. They can pay the extremely heavy tax; convert or DIE. What is NOT being said, is that if they stay? They are robbed; and then killed.

So , many run for their lives.

Completely authored by Insurance lobbyists and sold to America as a help for the poor while those insured “get to keep your doctor”, Obamacare is a clear and present danger to ALL americans and their healthcare system. I’ll never forget…

“Like your doctor? Well, you can KEEP your doctor. PERIOD “ < over 1200 times in THIRTY SIX MONTHS selling this C&&& to ALL of America.

Did you know? Parts of our own government are now posting advertisements for immigrant students to train online as doctors? Isn’t that going to be great?

I can see it now . . .

“ Sieeb just printed his Diploma on his HP inkjet in Mumbai… He’ll be here by next week to take out your spleen.. for 12 dollas an hour! “

I can literally SMELL the litigation…

Decisions regarding the safety of the American people

The Affordble health care act is a fraud not unlike income tax passage over Christmas holiday in 1913,

No, you CANNOT keep your doctor.

No, you CANNOT get help if you are indigent.

No, you CANNOT get procedures that once were covered by your Insurance if you paid for the policy.

No, your Doctor will NOT be in private practice in 10 years. He well be replaced by Sieeb!

No, you cannot get ANY HELP at ALL if your state did not expand Medicare.

No , if you make less than 10,000 and in some states like Michigan, 15,000 you lose. You get nothing! Good Day Sir!.

So much for keeping your doctor and covering the uninsured. “ALL bullshit. All of it and it’s bad for you … “ George Karlin . . .

Too many to list, yet a few major issues :

1. Obama’s delusional mis-perception of the clear and present danger ISLAM represents to ALL people who want freedom of Religion and GOOD in the world.

161 muslim wars globally and counting. Islamic text needs a “council” meeting like Christianity had 1000 years ago and 400 years ago to clean up their act so to speak.

2. Closing Deer Run Foundry. The LAST place to make ammunition . CLOSED. What is he saying by facilitating the closure? Fourth Amendment?

3. Strengthening Water laws while easing Corporate exploitation of the Great Lakes, Colorado, Mississippi, and other water assets by Corporations. (so they can sell us our own water).

4. Not addressing disease vectors warned about by the International community by way of the U.N. regarding South America, and the Islamic factor.

5. Ebola handling and decisions regarding virology and epidemiology by way of the World Health Organization and the U.N. Literally *all* foreign countries have chastised our government’s handling *(in particular the CDC) of the Ebola situation and our INCORRECT assessment of the threat(s) involved regarding eboa’s transmission methods, and outright ignorance by key CDC officials of existing (since 2009) Data.

6. Vacations and the expenditures

7. Use of Airforce One to raise political funds to campaign with. IF any one of us did that? Prison for 10-15 buddy.

8. Bengazi (although people died under Bushes watch, None were abandoned and then watched, and then LIED ABOUT like bengazi)

9. Fast and Furious (Brian , a border patrol agent is shot with one of our OWN weapons, and the outright murder of over 300 mexican citizens) FAR and AWAY the worst behavior; Literally incompetence covered with arrogance ,criminal contempt of congress, and felony murder, without a SINGLE charge.

10. IRS and the wonderful E-Mail lady. Flat out in your face lies and corruption with absolutely no regard for the americans at all. Felony arrogance. And not one prisoner?

11. ALL foreign affairs regarding the 150 year old chess game commonly referred to as the Middle Board.

12. ALL domestic issues regarding developing business strategies while totally ignoring think tanks, mensa, brookings, and many others. Just ignoring them; as if he knows it *all*; not even attending.

In the same thread; TOTALLY ignoring advice from security specialists and HIS OWN GENERALS regarding .mil; Iran; Columbia; Istanbul; Turkey; Pakistan; AFGANISTAN; IRAQ.

It’s as if he’s on the other side.

His statement on Live television to the USSR president:

“after my re-election , I can be more flexible “ < not caring a tinkers damn about us. Not ONE BIT. Just throwing us under the bus.

In the same thread; WELL advised investments (by the felons who gained the most) that failed.

Frightening mental condition. Truly. Is he still smoking?

The remainder is a commentary on why we are in this mess:

The only good thing I can see is the end of the road for this administration and possibly our country if we don’t find a way to get a government that UNITES us, not divides us.

When examining Obama’s (to date) Administration, it seems he is INDEED another puppet of the puppet master Bank industry that has America by the throat ,

and HAS been charging us to print our own money for about 100 years now.

We should as Bernie Sanders, Ron Paul, and over 100 other Senators and Congressmen want, End the FED.

SWhen the watered down bill they passed became effective? They “ found” 16 TRILLION DOLLARS MISSING.

We should definitely end the banking families gravy train.

Gradually phasing out PAID central banking CAN and WILL be done.

Why not Central banks run independently without the debt? It’s been done successfully with GOOD results.

Google “Green Backs” and “why Abraham Lincoln was assassinated “ .

NO PAY FOR CENTRAL banks. NONE. Want to run the presses? Fine. ON your dime buddy. And NO interest. Or WE DO IT.

No political control of course, but easily achieved. Phase them out. Take our Country and Other countries back from

the banker families globally and the world would be a *much* safer place.

Can you answer this query?

What countries don’t bank with the western Cartel Central banking system? Can you Guess?

1. North Korea

2. Iran

Shocked? Me neither…

2014-10-10 20:23:35 UTC
DUH! can you say EBOLA in the USA.what a moron
2014-10-10 19:04:45 UTC
There are just too many Republican presidents in the line up for the dishonor of "worst president ever". There is Nixon, the most morally corrupt, and the worst in managing the economy is still a toss up between Hoover and Bush Jr. As to the most incompetent, it will be between Reagan and Bush Jr, with the latter coming ahead with his negligence of 911, Katrina, Iraq War.
2014-10-10 18:12:34 UTC
dude george w bush is the worst and he's dumb sh*t
2014-10-10 17:42:45 UTC
No-one could EVER even come close to:

1- Dubya the clown and his vicious and astronomically costly lies,

2- "D"immy the "peaNUT" whisperer and his blazing incompetence,

and of course, that mental-midget Neo-Con maniac,

3- RayGUN for teaching us all the ways of the greedy Me Me Me and financing the freaking religious nut-jobs in Afghanistan.

2014-10-10 13:40:27 UTC
No. Not even close. He is the best African American president the USA has had, though.
2014-10-10 11:58:08 UTC
That is one critical question...
2014-10-10 03:58:23 UTC
He is a great president!
2014-10-10 02:23:31 UTC
no no
2014-10-10 02:14:02 UTC
No!!! He is in good flow...
M.j Lim
2014-10-09 21:31:22 UTC
Be a sport to admit that Obama is the very best.
2014-10-09 19:03:27 UTC
LOL, your so funny dude..................he is so many times better the Bush failures. Cheers troll dude.
2014-10-11 11:55:34 UTC
2014-10-11 11:35:23 UTC
yes. big time
2014-10-11 11:28:04 UTC
Yes hes a ****** and so r u
2014-10-11 09:45:33 UTC
Obama is not only a Traitor to USA but he is the Anti-Christ. He has systematically been trying to destroy our country because he thinks we have too many freedoms. Our Fathers and Grandfathers and Uncles, cousins, brothers fought to make our country free then in comes this upstart that is not even a American citizen to destroy our rights the saddest part of this is that he found others who are USA citizens who love him as dictator and promote him even though he is a vile a evil man who loves abortion: Obama on Abortion

Barack Obama's Track Record on Abortion

Obama's Barbaric Views on Partial Birth Abortion and Infanticide

and other things that he was against Bush for yet he is 100 times worse then anyone who has ever been in office.

He stole 700 million dollars from Medicare to fund his awful Obama care. His ideas are from his birth place Indonesia and his wife is actually a man.

He bowed to our enemies and apologized to them for our war against them. He has sold arms to our enemies and has withheld arms from Israel who asked for them because once again he is liar and he gives huge amounts of money to our enemies and how does he get to do this his cabinet members are muslims like he is and he wants to turn back the clocks so he can remain president of our country. He gave himself the nobel peace prize and no one in the democrats said anything. we have oprah to thank for putting him in office a talk show host. We have Celebrities promoting him and even fawning over him. George Clooney married a Muslim lady for his idol Obama.

Ben Affleck has joined him in sticking up for Islam and as far as I am concerned want Ben to move to Iran and lets see how long he keeps his head which is fraternizing with the enemy. His rant on that talk show had him swearing using our God for his curse. I will not be watching anything with him in it and George Clooney is a traitor too. Gywenth Paltrow is another celebrity that hosted another fund raiser for Obama. How is that he is always in need of a fund raiser. We live in a country that has celebrities telling the America public what they should do and we have a whole lot of confusion as to what is right and what is wrong.

Obama has depleted our military bases to make us vulnerable to our enemies. He came in to our country as a no body and not he as risen to the top by Teddy Kennedy who himself was evil from the beginning he killed his date at chappaquitic and got away with it. he let her drown in that car and it has never set well with the me. Teddy endorsed Obama because he was a traitor too.

Why are we forced to have him in office? I am not against having a black president just not Obama a Muslim whose ideas are not right for USA and his decisions sink.
2014-10-11 09:38:58 UTC
2014-10-11 09:14:32 UTC
He's the anti Christ gosh people open your eyes
2014-10-11 08:17:40 UTC
2014-10-11 08:06:39 UTC
No he is the best president we ever had.
2014-10-11 05:31:02 UTC
I can answer in Obama style for this:-

"You can, If YOU think, You can"
2014-10-11 05:12:51 UTC
Over the span of 69 years of American history and 12 presidencies, President Barack Obama finds himself with President George W. Bush at the bottom of the popularity barrel,” Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, said in a statement
2014-10-10 20:50:10 UTC
guys wake up
2014-10-10 20:41:15 UTC
im not American, so I really have no say this. but if you asked for my opinion, id say 'YOU TRY AND DO A BETTER JOB AND STOP MOANING ABOUT IT' he's a human being after all. and if you don't like the way your country's run, then DO something about it yourself or GET OUT of the country.....simple. EVERYBODY CLAIMS TO KNOW ABOUT POLITICS. BUT REALLY, YOU KNOW JACK **** UNLESS YOUR A POLITICIAN.
2014-10-10 19:52:05 UTC
Yes...and why doesn't he just resign.
2014-10-10 19:26:50 UTC
I feel that most people are uninformed when it come to who does who, what, when, where, and why. We know longer have a moral compass. Most parents don't even know that their children are doing the drugs in there own homes. And to make things even worst most parents are not even married to each other and are abusive to each other and the children and the will return the favor. And to think that is just the beginning of the very sad state that our COUNRTY is in. HIP HOP ARTIST INVOLVED IN DRUGS,GUNS CRIMES And they make millions of dollars and continual to influence our kids to think that it is ok to do and say anything they want. Just ask Justin Beaver or Chris Brown. And then there is the very highly paid hooker Rehanna always without her cloths. or all the Tax payers or lack there of in congress, mayors, Governors, Most of the people in government have know business in office in till they go though a lie detector test and asked if they have committed any CRIMES. And if they have they don't need to be there. SO IF YOU WANT TO BLAME ANYONE FOR THE SORRY AND SAD STATE THAT OUR AMERICAN SOCIETY HAS BECOME AND THE LACK OF PRIDE IN THE FLAG THAT HAS BECOME NOTHING BUT A PAIR OF PANTS OF UNDERWEAR. THEN LOOK IN THE MIRROR EVERYONE!!! AND STOP BLAMING EVERYONE BUT YOURSELF..!!!
2014-10-10 18:57:50 UTC
He sure is the blackest.
2014-10-10 15:29:37 UTC
No, George Bush, the president before Obama
2014-10-10 12:44:11 UTC
yup ******
2014-10-10 12:30:34 UTC
he's not the worst president
2014-10-10 08:21:22 UTC
Not even close
luis l
2014-10-09 23:12:58 UTC
Obama choice the wrong path,Power is not for him,share,power is for him control.
2014-10-11 12:56:02 UTC
2014-10-11 12:42:33 UTC
He's terrible, but "worst ever" is hyperbolic and makes you sound cray cray.
Paige A.
2014-10-11 12:08:04 UTC
2014-10-11 09:09:58 UTC
No and history will eventually show he is one of the best presidents this country had

Attorneys at
2014-10-11 03:28:15 UTC
nah he's cool
2014-10-11 00:58:33 UTC
No,he is not
2014-10-10 22:00:46 UTC
yes he is!!!!!!!
2014-10-10 21:01:13 UTC
Obama is a card carrying Muslim and a Liberal/Progressive/Socialist,he is doing his level best to neuter our military and reduce this country to a 3rd world has been.Yes,Obama is by far the worst President ever and I thought Jimmy Carter was bad,Jimmy is a saint compared to Obama and his woman(I think).
2014-10-10 20:52:08 UTC
Obama is one of the wisest presidents of America.
2014-10-10 20:42:18 UTC
2014-10-10 19:17:30 UTC
2014-10-10 19:12:17 UTC
No that's William Henry Harrison. He was only president for 1 month.
2014-10-10 18:30:47 UTC
He is one of the of the worst. I am not sure about complete worst, but her definetly is one of them
2014-10-10 17:37:45 UTC
Yes but only if you did not help elect him twice. Welcome to life as a SMALL political minority..

How's Kansas shaking out for you today? Liberals want to know.
William P
2014-10-10 16:45:53 UTC
Tough question. As all contestants since Abraham Lincoln have been great generals in war lacked no other qualities to deal with any other matters required for the highest job in the land. The rest seem to be highly charismatic motivational speakers who tell the citizens anything they want to hear and the truth rarely comes into play. That is why the trains don't run on time and the fiddles are being played by those while in the nation's capitol while America is burning. When the statement was made a certain queen in France "Let them eat cake" things changed when she lost her head by making the statement. I hope I live to see the day when everyone in America gets tired of eating cake.
Danny Tran
2014-10-10 16:27:51 UTC
yes he is
2014-10-10 15:33:22 UTC
I think Dick Cheney was much worse
2014-10-10 05:11:05 UTC
term as President was the primary ... successor Barack Obama and further ... be known "as the worst president in U.S. history ... questioning Obama's ...
2014-10-10 03:30:32 UTC
Yes After Bush
2014-10-09 21:32:27 UTC
No he is not - I can't imagine what a half-wit I'd have to be to think that.
2014-10-11 10:26:32 UTC
"I voted for McCain in 2008" Enough Said!!!!
S i r i
2014-10-11 09:47:43 UTC
no..Hillary will be
2014-10-11 09:00:16 UTC
Yes, he's the worst president ever. He only got voted because he's black.
2014-10-11 08:34:30 UTC
2014-10-11 08:11:37 UTC
Obama is just one of the puppets. He's not the one controlling the US gov. The Masters of puppets are the ones controlling the entire US gov and the government in some parts of the world.
2014-10-11 08:08:52 UTC
well, at least Obama doesn't have any scandals with other woman...that's all I have to say lol
2014-10-11 07:51:12 UTC
No ****. LOL
2014-10-11 06:59:58 UTC
why is it always the black man are black community that gets targeted ?
2014-10-10 23:29:25 UTC
I don't think so because I don't know him that well.
2014-10-10 20:55:23 UTC
I have to admit. I am a white man saying this and, Obama maybe a horrible President, but he is alot better than George W Bush because he was a Communist and a Right Wing White Muslim Man who caused 9/11 in the first place. George W Bush was a terrorist! Everytime somebody got shot to death, Obama was right there, Bush didn't do ****. Obama put every elderly people on Medicare when they all need it. Bush didnt do ****. But yes Obama cant cure Ebola, or the Oil crisis or the ISIS attacks, and he didnt even kill Osama Bin Laden, because the Government wont let him. Osama Bin Laden has already been dead. But the point is, Obama may have been bad, but he and Bill Clinton was ALOT better than George W Bush. End of story.
2014-10-10 20:41:05 UTC
Bush seems like was the worst in my lifetime. I've only been alive for Clinton - Bush - and Obama though.
Cowgirl B
2014-10-10 20:40:59 UTC
I really want to hate him, but I kind of gave up on caring about life. It makes it easier to cope with the hell we're in- because life is pointless.
2014-10-10 19:36:46 UTC
2014-10-10 19:31:05 UTC
Obama is FAR from the worst president's ever. He has been terrible at playing politics but his policies are pretty reasonable. As for Benghazi, that is nothing but right wing non-sense. How in the world is that even remotely comparable to Desert One, the beirut bombing, iran contra, lies about the invasion of Panama, and the downright criminal behavior of the Bush administration. This guy was dealt one of the worst hands in the history of this country and managed to make things a lot better. People don't want to hear this but I'm gonna say it. If you look at all of the facts, and look at the successes and failures of previous administrations and you conclude that Obama is the worst ever then you either have a problem with him because his is black or because you are a right wing troll. There is no getting around that. Bill Clinton disgraced his presidency by taking advantage of a 23 year old, Ronald Reagan broke the law by selling arms to terrorist, Jimmy Carter couldn't even manage his own cabinet and had to fire everyone in it, and W. was an absolute disaster on all fronts.
2014-10-10 18:08:20 UTC
f*ck the system
2014-10-10 16:50:27 UTC
No, worst would be Abe Lincoln, who was responsible for the death of 500,000 Americans.

Obama and idiot Jimmy Carter are in a two-way tie for second worst
Steven Ewing
2014-10-10 13:39:01 UTC
Inept: "Not suitable to the time, place or occasion; incompetent bungling leadership showing lack of skill or ability, not done well"...source, Merriam Webster.

The answer is yes.
2014-10-10 10:59:50 UTC
I agree with Jimmy Carter, who is EXTREMELY grateful to O' Bummer that he is no longer the worst president.
2014-10-10 08:09:39 UTC
2014-10-10 00:08:41 UTC
I don't think so, he is OK.
2014-10-11 09:35:42 UTC
Absolutely. It's a pity that he is half black so most people don't dare to criticize him, fearing to be called racist.

He is the ultimate in ineptness.
2014-10-11 08:39:05 UTC
2014-10-11 06:24:08 UTC
2014-10-11 04:20:01 UTC
2014-10-11 04:15:24 UTC
The worst President is George W Bush. He lied about many things that caused the death of soldiers and Iraq civilians. He also lied about getting caught with a DUI just before the election took place. His entire family and many more were part of a cover up to lie to the American people.that George was not arrested driving drunk.. He was a drunk until 1986 when he was treated at a resort and released.
2014-10-10 23:26:02 UTC
It can be ....
2014-10-10 23:12:58 UTC
No, i dont think so. I think Washington was way worse than Obama
2014-10-10 21:01:09 UTC
I wish I was Zack
2014-10-10 20:27:01 UTC
I think that what I am reading is mainly about a bunch of republicans who can't think of an honest way to win a presidential election, so they make up this and they make up that so they might be able to win the next presidential election. I hope that someone other than Hillary Clinton or Ted Cruze wins the next election. I would not vote for either of them. Sorry Repubs, but too many people know what you are doing. It is called "straw man", and it is wrong. Don't expect thinking people to follow your lead. The more you make things up, the more likely people are to vote the other way. I know, you don't like for your scheming to be uncovered. But it's hard not to see what you are doing. That is not a way to win the day. Try honesty instead.
2014-10-10 20:01:08 UTC
2014-10-10 19:03:52 UTC
No, he is not. The economy has bounced back effectively from 2008 when things got nearly as bad as the Great Depression.
2014-10-10 19:00:54 UTC
2014-10-10 16:48:35 UTC
I have yet to see any president worse than Nixon.
2014-10-10 16:26:32 UTC
well, I am a liberal-democrat. i think under the circumstances, a house that is completely obstructive and re-actionary, plus arepublican cultra-conservative who denys that the governemnt is of the people, for the people, and by the people; so, basically, he is the very best president to have come into office in about 35-years.

and, look at the bright side, he has done a great deal for us.
2014-10-10 13:42:51 UTC
yes, a close second it jimmy carter.
2014-10-10 10:11:11 UTC
without a doubt. Worst president ever.
2014-10-09 20:53:27 UTC
Of course not. Not even close. Youre wrong about him...
2014-10-09 19:06:57 UTC
He has easily passed Carter imo. Never thought I would see anyone pass him.
2014-10-09 18:58:33 UTC
the worst? no. DEFINETLY not. however he sucks all the same. this happens though, we had a bunch of great presidents in the 20th century, now we have some sucky ones, and we'll get some more great ones soon.
Mr. Wolf
2014-10-09 18:57:29 UTC
He is doing better in every category than Reagan or Bush so if he is bad they are worse.

I wish one of you Cons who think I'm wrong pick a category.
2014-10-11 12:56:45 UTC
No hes not people just don't know what they're talking about
2014-10-11 12:10:48 UTC
Give the guy a break, with all the bombardment and flack he has to face on a daily basis, what can you expect.
Daniel A.L.
2014-10-11 11:36:58 UTC
Ist Richard Nixon.
2014-10-11 11:30:35 UTC
2014-10-11 11:06:19 UTC
YES !!! ... without a DOUBT !!!
2014-10-11 10:30:49 UTC
yes he doesn't know want he's doing we need a real leader
2014-10-11 10:13:55 UTC
no. he is not the worst but no so good. he is so clever. he handles the matters quite smartly.
2014-10-11 08:57:49 UTC
Not the worst
Live Life👌✌️👌
2014-10-11 06:45:56 UTC
No. In all honesty, he isn't handling things he way he should be, but that still doesn't beat what bush did. Bush was the absolute worst of them all.
2014-10-11 02:16:26 UTC
simple question, simple answer:

In my book, YES he is the worst e-v-e-r !
2014-10-11 02:14:15 UTC
No, he's just the best puppet in Human History.
2014-10-11 01:53:53 UTC
Of ******* course he isnt. Your an asshole for asking that.
2014-10-10 20:34:30 UTC
Absolutely not. He's had his achievements and his faults too. Making healthcare available to every American and outlawing discrimination based on pre-existing conditions was a huge success. Should it have been made law requiring people to have healthcare? I disagree. His biggest blunders have been recent mostly on foreign policy, dealing with ISIS, Russia. His efforts have been dwindling lately.

Worst President ever? Probably James Buchanan or Harrison. And George w. Bush had his major flaws too. Obama has been decent but nothing spectacular.
2014-10-10 19:12:03 UTC
2014-10-10 15:58:35 UTC
2014-10-10 15:39:23 UTC
He has no idea how to govern this GREAT nation. I believe he is a racist, communist, and the worst President this country has ever seen. He is afraid to make a decision and stand up for our country. He said he would make CHANGES and he certainly has. KING OBAMA!
2014-10-10 13:44:04 UTC
he is as gay as a dead platopus
2014-10-10 13:27:36 UTC
No. Bush is worse than Obama. Obama is the greatest President ever and That's why so many people hated him.
2014-10-10 10:33:55 UTC
So far! But the country is still young.
2014-10-09 19:28:22 UTC
Yes, he is. Barack Obama is THE worst POTUS that Americans have ever had, period, going all the way to George Washington. And coming after Martin van Buren, James Buchanan, Herbert Hoover and Jimmy Carter, boy, is THAT saying something.

I'll go further. I think he's a traitor.

I rather liked Obama at first. I voted for McCain in 2008, but when Obama won anyway, it was such an historic moment--the first black President!--that since I had been rather impressed with him over the course of the campaign, I figured I'd wait awhile before drawing any firm conclusions.

Fast-forward 18 months to the environmental crisis in the Gulf of Mexico. I thought his handling of that was abysmal--he was impotent and whiny, reminding me of an old lady wringing her hands over a batch of burned cookies :P

That incident gave the first real shape to my opinion of the man, and it's only gone downhill from there. He's proven to be dishonest and corrupt, quick to take credit for things that go well, and just as quick to blame others when they don't--and regardless of the actual facts in the case. And nearly every move he has made or not made has been with ONE goal in mind: a SOCIALIST America. I'm convinced that has always been his (and George Soros') TRUE agenda, from Day 1, and was the REAL motive behind Obamacare. After all, what better to get a socialist foot in the American door than by making Americans depend on the government for their health care?

But it was not until Benghazi that I came to the conclusion that as well as being a dreadful POTUS, he is ALSO a traitor. We've had terrible presidents before, but no matter how bad they were, I would not have said any of them were traitors. But Obama is. Four men died needlessly in Benghazi. Their blood is on Obama's and Hillary Clinton's hands. (Yes, I consider Hillary Clinton a traitor as well, but the question posted above was not about her, but Obama). His and Clinton's only concerns was how to keep the facts under wraps until after the election two months later. He (and she) put their own political futures ahead of protecting the American personnel under their command.

There are lots of reasons I despise Obama, but that's the one above all that makes me consider him a traitor. That's T-R-A-I-T-O-R. Right up there with Benedict Arnold. January 20, 2017 can't get here soon enough.
2014-10-11 11:24:09 UTC
He is one of the worst.
2014-10-11 10:50:45 UTC
Bush and Nixon were far, far worse.
2014-10-11 10:26:43 UTC
Yes he is!
2014-10-11 04:22:13 UTC
2014-10-11 00:03:22 UTC
At least during my lifetime (FDR - present). There IS... no doubt!
2014-10-10 22:06:45 UTC
2014-10-10 19:05:01 UTC
First off, I'm conservative. I vote conservative. I'm a descendant in a long line of conservatives.

Second, I do not mind having a black, or otherwise non-Caucasian president. In fact, I think it's cool -- but NOT the fact that our first black president is a Democrat. Sure, he may have "good intentions," as another user stated, but in the long run, he's destroying this nation.

My grandmother is the the only non-conservative voter in my family. She's voted for every liberal in every election she's been able to attend. She still thinks Obama knows what's best for America. And yes, I admit that conservatives don't always know what's best, but my grandmother is unable (or unwilling) to admit that liberals, too, don't always know what's best.
2014-10-09 22:45:17 UTC
Not in a million years. Lol at conservatives raging over how he made a "socialist america". Um Ronald Reagan had taxes at 50% and raised taxes a total of five times?
2014-10-09 22:24:11 UTC
I think people need to understand a few things.

1) NO president goes into office thinking "How badly can I **** up the United States?" They think they are doing right by their beliefs (and that's okay, because he is the president, and YOU are not.) They are not trying to hurt this country.

2) Obama has TRIED to fix everything he said he would fix.

3) Presidents do NOT make laws, and presidents DO NOT have that much power.
2014-10-11 03:12:08 UTC
Todd Shimamoto
2014-10-10 20:06:39 UTC
With the advent of social media and millions of news-reporting websites, the current president will always be the worst one. No one seemed to like Bush when he was our president.
2014-10-10 20:10:36 UTC
glen b
2014-10-10 12:10:57 UTC
no contest hands down the worse
2014-10-10 11:42:50 UTC
He is as good as the rest!! They are all liars and cheats!!!
2015-01-25 02:48:55 UTC
Yes he is enemy of Islam
2014-10-11 05:05:40 UTC
Some of those who accuse Barack Obama of being among the worst of U.S. Presidents (if not the single worst) also accuse Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton of being among the worst Presidents, too.
2014-10-11 10:52:46 UTC
2014-10-10 18:27:01 UTC
2014-10-09 20:38:56 UTC
2014-10-11 05:56:10 UTC
I'm sure everyone who is saying he is the worst president are white people. You people are just ignorant and selfish. I'm not an american but I know enough to give a true judgement. Bush was the worst president. None of white idiots will admit this, because well, most white people are Republicans. Stop being so ignorant and open your eyes. You people have Obama to thank for the rise of the economy.
running n mt
2014-10-10 19:19:53 UTC
he's not..bush was the worst, Clinton the worst ford the worst etc. they can not make everybody happy
2014-10-09 18:57:46 UTC
No. The pre-Civil War presidents, especially Buchanan were epically bad.
King Mob
2014-10-09 19:24:00 UTC
He is the worst president of the past five years.
2014-10-10 16:43:24 UTC
I still think it comes down to what he IS able to do and what he can't. The president can't make laws and people seem to forget that, along with the whole thing that amendments CAN BE CHANGED because "amend" means to freaking fix. He was brought in at a bad time, but he's doing his best with what power he's allowed to have. Not only a black man against a white republic, but a Democrat against a room of Republicans. So yeah, it's going to be like he's yelling a brick wall for a while.
Two Smoking Guns
2014-10-10 10:45:44 UTC
No, worst would be Abe Lincoln, who was responsible for the death of 500,000 Americans.

Obama and idiot Jimmy Carter are in a two-way tie for second worst.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.