Is Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, Scarborough, O'Reilly, Fox News and the likes racist?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Is Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, Scarborough, O'Reilly, Fox News and the likes racist?
38 answers:
2008-10-24 14:13:11 UTC
Yes. They and are dividing America. I hate all this racism. (=
2008-10-23 07:11:27 UTC
I can't watch FOX. Fair and balanced, my butt.
2008-10-23 07:23:57 UTC
Yes they are.
2008-10-23 07:12:16 UTC
2008-10-23 14:16:55 UTC
Hannity and Limbaugh, I agree. They are clearly racist and use code words all the time.

O'Reilly, yeah he's clearly on the right on most issues but I'm not so sure about him being a racist. He does have moments of clarity and objectivity and sometimes sympathizes with the populist view. Nevertheless, he is an arrogant bully that need a verbal whooping.

Scarborough? I don't think he's racist, just a bit uninformed and somewhat unempathetic with other races. He has his moments of cluelessness, but for the most part, he tends to be more objective and fair as far as Republicans go, probably because he is a moderate.
2008-10-23 07:12:58 UTC
I think everybody knows that Fox News is very Republican based.

Rush Limbaugh has already made a number of racist comments like the ones he made about McNabb as quarterback of the Eagles and him keeping the job just because he is black.

With some of them it is just because they lean Republican. I think there is evidence with Limbaugh though that he is racist.
Valeriano B
2008-10-23 07:36:33 UTC
I believe deep down inside their are issues that they have because he is of African American descent. Which is there prerogative. I have a personal vendetta against Sean Hannity because he can't get over things. He has been bringing up the exact same issues since Nov. 2007. But the thing about it, when change comes people hate to understand it, especially those who are SIMPLE MINDED. People labeled Malcom X, MLK, Marcus Garvey and other prprominentfrican Americans communist! Whats so different about this now. These people had views for the betterment of their people and mankind, but back then no one wanted to understand their point of view, so they were targeted, labeled as terrorist or criminals and killed for speaking out against the norm.

So these individuals can have their personal feelings, which are pointless because both candidates have good views and good intentions, but we can't see that if we watch one particular show. I never watched MSNBC until lalast nightnd I can say RaRachaeln Keith have issues with the right, Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh have issues with the left, but there has to be a happy median.

Oh, I have to respond to this, Coni Rice and Alan Key's are well established. But have they done anything in the communities of the citizens of the United States? NO!!!! Rice has sided with the lopsided GWB and Key's don't have a mind of his own, he's almost just as bad as Palin, I do what i'm told thats it!!!!!

End note, Hannity is ignorant. I would die to have a conversation with him...
2016-05-28 18:33:51 UTC
No, right wing media has destroyed honest news. Before Limbaugh Hannity Beck and these right wing entertainers, news outlets would report on events in a neutral un-biased manner. Then Fox decided to present biased news because it was sensational. It got ratings. It was popular. Other news organizations decided to follow suit and produce more biased based programming. This went against everything that honest journalism is supposed to be and destroyed honest reporting. Now, our country is more fragmented than ever. We have a totally biased and unfair Fox News, and all the other networks trying to copy their type of programming. It is sick an sad. We actually have a whole nation of conservatives that are completely fooled into thinking that Fox News is a News organization. It is not, Fox News is a Propaganda organization. What is worse is that many other news outlets like MSNBC and to a lesser extent, CNN are trying to copy the biased type of programming. Fox News has destroyed news media in the USA. We are all much stupider from having Fox News on the air. There are only a handful of honest news reporting organizations left, and you will not find them on the conventional news airways
2008-10-23 07:12:21 UTC
I think you are right, and they are racist.

If Obama were not half African, who in their right mind would go and vote for McCain with his political and personal record, and not to forget his choice of vice president.
2008-10-23 07:12:19 UTC
They are "not very smart people" in the first place, to be politically correct but they represent their party of repugs very well , of course. One can figure out the rest...
2008-10-23 07:19:16 UTC
IMHO, you are conducting a rant. That's why you were censored. There is a candidate who's skin color I don't like. It's McCain. he's just pastey white. He needs to get out in the sun more. Each and every true conservative person you mentioned, dislikes Obama's liberal tax and spend policies (well, more like All of Obama's policites). Who cares about skin color? It's so boring and tiresome to be called a racist because you disagree with a person's policies and political beliefs. McCain is not a conservative, he isn't even a neo-conservative he is a moderate. Who cares about skin color? I often pray to God, for a black, true conservative, who would run for president as a Republican. If you didn't vote for him, would you be a racist?

2008-10-23 07:19:28 UTC
I have never seen this word, racist, thrown around as much as I have seen it in the last year. I think most people have forgotten what the true meaning is. Just because you disagree with ones point of view does not make you a racist. It makes you and AMERICAN. When I watch CNN, MSNBC, NBC,CBS,ABC etc I see what you have described but it is against anything Republican. When I watch FOX, I see it against anything Democrat. It goes both ways. You and your question/rant it just as RACIST. You first 4 words are Y.A and the neo-CONS. By your tone that could be taken as a racist term. You are no better than the people you are complaining about.

The Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines racism as a belief that RACE is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular racial group, and that it is also the prejudice based on such a belief.
2008-10-23 07:15:39 UTC

I am sure right now, they are all on y/a trying to censor your questions!

YOU are the most dangerous person in America to them.

Hannity has a peronal vendetta against Obama? OK.

And I am sure you have been defending Palin's 17 yr old daughter from the trolls on here too, huh?
2008-10-23 07:16:18 UTC
No, they really are not racist because there are plenty of prominent black people on Fox News. And everybody likes Condi Rice and Alan Keys. Alan Keyswho is prominent and black, cannot understand why any Christian would vote for Obama who 4 times voted to withhold vital medical care to living babies who came through an abortion alive. Do a search for Jill Stanek and Alan Keys - Obama and Infanticide before you say I am wrong. (youtube or yahoo etc.) Listen to this nurse who actually rocked a baby to death in Illinois at Christ Hospital before you say I'm lying.
Beach Bum
2008-10-23 07:17:27 UTC
It is possible, you know, to dislike a person because of what he stands FOR and not because of the skin he stands IN.

If you want to play in the big league, expect to have people trying to tackle you!

PS.I think there has been more blatant age-ism regarding McCain than racism regarding Obama. You don't hear any noise about that though.
2008-10-23 07:20:34 UTC
Hmmm shouldn't You be asking the question isn't Barrack Hussein Obama and Michelle Obama racist several on occasions during this campaign bad mouth the people of Pennsylvania saying they cling to their guns and their religion crying they're picking on me ooo they're racist! One should not throw stones when they live in glass houses! Wait his little house of cards is coming down... He's got some real politicians very upset...Obama ain't seen nothing yet because the people are starting to figure out he is behind the tumbling Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac...
2008-10-23 07:15:25 UTC
No, they are not racist. They are not particularly fair and balanced, but then only O'Reilly has ever really claimed to be "no spin". Limbaugh and Hannity are more concerned with their versions of conservatism than with race. Glen Beck is a loudmouth who has very little real knowledge about anything. He relies on "experts" who tend to have their own spin. Scarborough is simply not worth even listening to.
2008-10-23 07:18:01 UTC
No, they aren't racist. If you think they are, please detail 3 things each has said or done, in full context, that can be unequivocally called racist. Considering they've been on the air for years, that should be easy, no?

Perhaps you should go back and consider the level of hatred spewed by the left against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas or Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice or reformer Ward Connerly, etc.
2008-10-23 14:05:11 UTC
No, but I do think they've spent the last few years riding bigotry of various kinds: Racial, gender, religious, homophobic. Which, if you think about it, is worse: They should know better, but they act as if they don't, to appeal to their ignorant audience.

It's like Edward R. Murrow said of Senator Joe McCarthy in 1954: "He didn't create this climate of fear, he merely exploited it -- and rather successfully."
2008-10-23 07:15:23 UTC
Sure they are and you get an A+ for seeing through the smoke and mirrors<
2008-10-23 07:15:01 UTC
Hey bluestate, dum is spelled Dumb.

What the neo-con don't realize is that these commentators don't care about them. they care about themselves and their rating. The care about whats good for them, it the basis for all they spew. If it isn't about them, then it's un-American
2008-10-23 07:13:44 UTC
Fox is a disgrace. They incite hatred to all who don't agree with them. However, I will be watching Fox on election night to see their heads explode on-air!
2008-10-23 07:12:47 UTC
I think Scarborough and O'Reilly have been generally fair, though they of course lean right. I don't think you can put them in the same category as Limbaugh and Hannity....who have displayed openly racist comments on their programs.
2008-10-23 07:13:34 UTC
MAYBE it isn't about race but actual policies... I guess that never occurred to you because how could anyone NOT LIKE Obama's policies right?...... Maybe if you listened to their reasons for not liking Obama you would see past the glam into the hype and start thinking about what he says means.
2008-10-23 07:14:12 UTC
Tee, thank you so much for all the examples of racism by the people you identified in your post. Nice to see someone researching, and presenting factual information to support their accusations. It is so refreshing to see in this day of internet hate mongers.

I think Obama is a socialist. I guess that now makes me a racist.

Thank you for such a deep and thought provoking question, my day is now complete.
2008-10-23 07:14:01 UTC
I can't speak for every single one of the people you name, because I don't listen to all of them. But I know enough about Limbaugh, Beck, and Hannity to be very comfortable in saying they are NOT racist. I guess it just wouldn't occur to you that Conservative talk show hosts would take issue with Obama because of the ISSUES... and not that he is Black? The difference between Conservatives and Libs is that we don't let political correctness get in the way of saying "YOU'RE WRONG, BARRACK!"
2008-10-23 07:13:19 UTC
Hitler directed the hate towards the Jewish people, to point it away from the problems in the German government mainly inflation.
2008-10-23 07:12:22 UTC
fox is hard right...doesn't matter really who is up racist? I don't think so. but then again i don't watch fox.

I think that Powell has more respect then the whole lot of the people you mention. listen to him and why he is choosing obama over mccain if you need to hear it.
2008-10-23 07:13:35 UTC
Crying racism is a bit like crying wolf . . . the word deserves respect . . . and quite frankly, questions like yours are why people like me no longer care if they are called "racist." You have been given a very powerful tool, and you have used it in a false manner. Remember your question and the others like it when someone does in fact do something that is incredibly racist and no one cares.
2008-10-23 07:14:11 UTC
obama is the nominee strictly by his race. he has nothing to give. his ideas aren't new,and won't work. oprah called him brilliant based on his race. and because people point out he is a farce they are somehow racist. he is a anti gun,anti life pro tax liberal that is why there is so much hate for him
2008-10-23 07:13:31 UTC
Like the rest of the mainstream media has not attacked McCain or Palin! Give me a break!
2008-10-23 07:12:05 UTC
When Hannity attacks Obama, Colmes defends him. You don't see that at CBS, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, or CNN. I would say that is about as fair and balanced as you can get. Colmes also attacks McCain, and Hannity defends him. That would mean that we make the choice on who we believe, again, you don't get that on the other networks.
2008-10-23 07:12:03 UTC
Yes. Any criticism of a black person is racism.

Anytime a black person is poor it is racism.

Jeremiah Wright, however, is a peace-keeper who LOVES white people.

Is that what you wanted to hear? Did I make you feel better now?
2008-10-23 07:12:01 UTC
ROTFL that is hysterical. it's actually quite the other way around. if you would even watch the channel you would see a more diversified and less slanted view of the world.
Dr. Fell
2008-10-23 07:11:47 UTC
Call them what you want - we are not going to fear this title you liberals give us because we don't want a anti-American, socialist for POTUS. The racist title is everlosing it's effectiveness to smear people. Please keep it up so that title eventually means nothing at all.
Allergic to the Kool Aid
2008-10-23 07:11:41 UTC
What you call a 'lynching job', the average common sense American calls 'real reporting.'

You watch too much CNN and MSNBC and so you believe that any objective reporting about Obama must be racist.
2008-10-23 07:11:34 UTC
Obama has a tainted past- remove the web from your eyes
2008-10-23 07:11:15 UTC
No, but you are.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.