I believe deep down inside their are issues that they have because he is of African American descent. Which is there prerogative. I have a personal vendetta against Sean Hannity because he can't get over things. He has been bringing up the exact same issues since Nov. 2007. But the thing about it, when change comes people hate to understand it, especially those who are SIMPLE MINDED. People labeled Malcom X, MLK, Marcus Garvey and other prprominentfrican Americans communist! Whats so different about this now. These people had views for the betterment of their people and mankind, but back then no one wanted to understand their point of view, so they were targeted, labeled as terrorist or criminals and killed for speaking out against the norm.
So these individuals can have their personal feelings, which are pointless because both candidates have good views and good intentions, but we can't see that if we watch one particular show. I never watched MSNBC until lalast nightnd I can say RaRachaeln Keith have issues with the right, Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh have issues with the left, but there has to be a happy median.
Oh, I have to respond to this, Coni Rice and Alan Key's are well established. But have they done anything in the communities of the citizens of the United States? NO!!!! Rice has sided with the lopsided GWB and Key's don't have a mind of his own, he's almost just as bad as Palin, I do what i'm told thats it!!!!!
End note, Hannity is ignorant. I would die to have a conversation with him...