oh come on ....
I am an aussie who will criticise what some americans think and say... and what the USA Government does... WHEN I THINK IT'S FAIR TO CRITICISE ... having said that I will ALSO defend the USA when I think the usa is being attacked unfairly and this is one of those times...
You are judging a man who lived in far different times... by our standards... some two hundred and several decades later...
We do not condone slavery now... but we should be able to look at a period of history..and say a couple of things.. the FIRST BEING .. isn't it good that we now do NOT have those things happening in these times...
the second thing is... But we need to know that that was the NORM of the day...
Washington .. IS important to the USA... for far more reasons than him owning or not owning slaves...
It's likely that in those times a man would have been permitted to beat his wife...
what was once accepted isn't anymore... but it's a bit silly condemning the man for something which at the time was the norm.
Politi-whore ~~ you have made a point here that I agree with..
it would be good to have different people represent on your currency... This is what we have in AU http://images.google.com.au/images?hl=en&source=hp&q=australian+currency&btnG=Search+Images&gbv=2&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&imgtype=i_similar&sa=X&ei=sHWbS4LGHMqIkAWPoMyaDQ&ct=img-sim-l&oi=image_sil&resnum=1&tbnid=4OJlUgW15G9laM: MANY people who have done something that deserves recognition.. we have indigenous people, we have former convicts, we have women, ...