Why did Sarah Palin call Congresswoman Giffords a "target" and used "crosshairs" on Giffords a few months ago?
2011-01-09 04:27:19 UTC
First off, despite this tragedy I am glad that Ms. GIffords will pull through.

But what about Palin's violent rhetoric? First she told Dr. Laura to "reload" and then she listed Giffords as a "target".

Here's what Ms. Giffords said herself about Sarah Palin's rhetoric: "For example, we're on Sarah Palin's targeted list, but the thing is, that the way that she has it depicted has the crosshairs of a gun sight over our district. When people do that, they have to realize that there are consequences to that action," Giffords said in an interview with MSNBC.
Nineteen answers:
2011-01-09 04:33:47 UTC
First off your attempt to spin this is very obvious. Then you say that Sarah Palin told everyone that Gifford was a target but then you say that it was Gifford that said that she was a target of Sarah Palin. But then you have to realize that it was a democratic supporter that did the shooting. Forgot to add that one to your question didnt you?
2011-01-09 05:11:26 UTC
It wasn't "a few months ago." It was March of 2010 and I nor ANYBODY else heard a peep out of hysterical, irrational, libs about Palin until you guys started looking for someone besides the "poor, sociopathic, shooter." Libs would sell their own Mother to make conservatives look bad or find some underhanded, ruthless, and hateful method of avoiding accountability or taking responsibility of their own!

Do I agree that the rhetoric Palin used was aggressive? Yes.Do I think it had ANY ROLE WHATSOEVER in Loughner's personal decision to go out and shoot innocent people? NO. AN EMPHATIC NO! I have heard and seen dozens of youtube videos this unstable young man posted and NEVER a word or mention of Palin, Giffords, or any source of "inspiration" for his heinous crimes. If there is any proof linking Palin's FB posts with Loughner, it will be months or possibly years before it comes out because it is evidence in a Police investigation!

I find it somehow cheap, slimy, and underhanded to bring this up at a time when the emphasis SHOULD be on supporting those affected by this tragedy with Prayer and our mind should be focused on getting JUSTICE for the same. The only way to do that is to punish the ONE PERSON responsible for pulling the trigger to the fullest possible extent of the law. That would be Loughner, the shooter!
2011-01-09 04:35:01 UTC
Charge her with uttering a death threat and let the courts decide --- Its not like she (Sarah) doesn't have the financial ability to defend herself via an expensive lawyer or does the law only apply to the poor in America

Let the courts decide -- what a concept

I mean if she has nothing to hide --- then Sarah won't mind if the law the people and the police have a look to see --- right ?
2016-06-25 23:14:52 UTC
You cons preserve throwing the word socialist round, what does it mean really? 90 percentage of cons don't have any clue except fox news tells you or you use that liberal search engine google, and make more liberals wealthy, lol. Hear it was once handiest due time earlier than any one acted out, recollect don't retreat, reload, crosshairs on pursuits. Probably us liberals should get us a internet site with pass wires for the GOP. BTW, I see you cons like to throw around the founding fathers and the structure, how a few of the so name founding fathers were unlawful immigrants?
2011-01-09 04:35:59 UTC
sarah palin is just the t-shirt of the week. She's like Joe the today, thankfully gone tomorrow
2011-01-09 04:31:58 UTC
It is also true that Palin's pal Sharron Angle called for 2nd amendment remedial actions if Tea Baggers did not get their way.Maybe Tea Baggers have done a lot of plotting and the mass murder in Tucson was one that was actually executed.
2011-01-09 04:32:16 UTC
There is nothing you can say, whether it is intentionally provocative or innocently mild, that will not be construed by someone to mean something clearly different from what you intended. No matter what you try, somewhere someone is crazy enough to interpret your words as a license to kill.
2011-01-09 04:44:44 UTC
If her rhetoric is violent. What about Obama'scalling cons the "enemy"? If you blame Palin for this (Why does ANYONE care what Jane Fonda says?) then we can expect masss killingsthanks to obama.
2011-01-09 04:31:31 UTC
That interview was a year ago during the health bill debate. This has nothing to do with a maniac going crazy
2011-01-09 04:32:34 UTC
MSNBC as source ROFLMAO that is even worse than using Fox News as a source. Your true communist colors are shining through.
2011-01-09 04:34:33 UTC
If she was muslim she would have been tortured in some prison in a foreign country by now.
2011-01-09 04:37:53 UTC
All the cons that replied didn't even watch the video.
2011-01-09 04:31:49 UTC
she was talking about the congressional election by the way, NOT targeting Giffords or any other elected official in this manner.
2011-01-09 04:30:13 UTC
She wants people who do not agree with her politics dead. Pretty simple. She spouts hate where ever she goes. Doesn't help she is smart as a box of rocks either.

Love how people get upset like they know her and her motives. These are just opinions and not fact.
2011-01-09 04:28:51 UTC
I think it is because of all the Democrat docuhebags in office that need to be removed.
2011-01-09 04:32:04 UTC
Because she wanted her to be more conservative.

Google "metaphor" to increase your bleak education of the facts.
2011-01-09 04:53:00 UTC
2011-01-09 04:29:12 UTC
She wanted her voted out of office.
2011-01-09 04:29:55 UTC
Quit playing dumb.

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