This does not look like a clock to me..what do you think?
2015-09-17 13:56:16 UTC
YA will probably remove the link, but, I can understand how many would find this clock suspicious:
127 answers:
2015-09-19 18:57:03 UTC
It looks more like a bomb than a clock, to me. In fact, even if it does not look like a bomb, it still does not look like a clock.

That's just what it looks like to me.

I don't think he intended on scaring anyone, but the way it looks, of course the teacher would be scared.

Better safe than sorry.

The teacher did the right thing, because, if it had been a bomb, and the teacher did nothing, the teacher would be at fault for not saying anything. This was not a case of prejudice against any particular race or religion. It was just the teacher being safe. If you think there is suspicious activity going on, always report it, even if it may be nothing. Because, you never know if it is something. That's what the teacher correctly thought.

What confuses me about this issue is the fact that the student called the clock an "invention," and we already had the clock, even during George Washington's time. So, that's not an "invention."
2015-09-18 04:57:05 UTC
I agree, it most definitely does not look like a clock. But you'd have to be a complete moron to think it's a bomb. Almost every battery operated electronic device ever made has had a power source, electrical wiring and used some sort of adhesive...tape or otherwise. Having these three identifiable features DOES NOT make it look like, appear like or give the impression of being a bomb. Whoever blew the whistle on this kid at the school needs to be required to stand in front of the school for a month with a sign that says "I'm an idiot, I got a student arrested because I opened my mouth without using my brain first".
2015-09-17 20:04:18 UTC
I've got a retro Nixie tube clock on my office desk that looks more sinister (and way cooler) than that thing does.

So to me, that home made clock doesn't look like a bomb at all.

It looks like some science kit from Radio Shack my parents would've given me for Christmas in the 1970s.

You want something that looks like a bomb, Google "bomb clocks". You'll find all sorts of them.

If a kid walked into a school with one of those, I could understand people freaking out.

But over reacting to the thing that kid made is simply ridiculous.

It's yet one more reason for the International Community to point & laugh at the US for being a nation of paranoid dumb@sses.
2015-09-17 20:05:02 UTC
Doesn't look like a clock. Frankly, I think the whole situation was a set-up. The kid brought something that could easily be mistaken for a bomb so he could get arrested (or suspended) and then sue the city. Or maybe just to get his fifteen minutes of fame whining about "Islamophobia" on CNN.

A lot of non-Muslim kids have been suspended from school under Zero Tolerance policies. One in New York for wearing an NRA T-shirt. One in Maryland for biting a Pop Tart into a shape that vaguely resembled a handgun. Two others in Maryland for pointing their fingers ("simulating weapons") while playing cops-and-robbers. One in Arizona for using a picture of a gun as his screen saver. None of those kids got invited to the White House.
Stu Pedasso
2015-09-17 15:53:21 UTC
Here's the thing, the kid was studying engineering. You'd think the kid could find a way to make a clock smaller than a SUITCASE! And, what's the big accomplishment there anyway? I can buy a clock for $5. Whereas it likely cost $50 to build that monstrosity. Now, if he'd build a 3D printer, that would have been impressive.
2015-09-21 02:33:49 UTC
If you are not in science projects, it may not look like a clock. But how did they think it was a bomb? Was anyone in the school familiar with bomb making to suggest this? Only morons or Islampphobics of high order would have made it an issue and call the Police.
2015-09-18 07:50:51 UTC
At the second thought ,a digital clock on the Aluminum case is look like exactly timer bomb .Regarding threads and school attacks last year is a suspicious case .That does not do any thing with he is Muslim or what ever ,cause the security will act same with a christian or any other religion if be suspicious or thread .This is why school have detector by the entry door to detect any gun or any device that may cause trouble.So do not making a big deal out of it .
2015-09-17 23:37:46 UTC
I'm going to get lashed out at for this, but here goes.... I believe this is a set up by this administration, to take another jab, at dividing the people. The fact that President Obama has already taken a personal interest, is setting off red warning lights. If this kid is so smart, wouldn't he understand clocks and briefcases, mixed with Islam, and how that might look? I don't agree with anything that was done here, but the way this president pushes fear, I'm not surprised.
2015-09-19 07:38:36 UTC
It does look like a clock to me, but then again, I was a maker in my youth, before the term existed.

But if I didn't have that experience, I would still think that if it was a bomb, the kid wouldn't go showing it around to teachers. I can't think of a single incident where there was a real bomb, where the bomber went and said to authorities, look what I made.
2015-09-19 08:35:49 UTC
Does it look like a clock? Meh, not really.

But there are some things to suggest that they didn't even really think it was a bomb. For one, they never evacuated the school, plus they put him and the "bomb" in the same room when they were questioning him. I mean, if it was going to explode at any given time, why would they keep it at the school? Either they're complete idiots or racist.
2015-09-19 08:32:45 UTC
It looks like a clock someone would build in an electronics class.

I would assume if someone wanted to build a bomb the wouldn't put a visible countdown timer-

Next you would make sure there is a battery so unplugging it wouldn't defuse it.

Now someone were building a clock for their science class it is a different story.
Jas B
2015-09-18 11:14:03 UTC
An anonymous kid in Kiowa, Colorado who brought an actual inert bomb wasn’t arrested or even suspended

A high school student’s science project was meant to demonstrate how heat is involved in transferring energy. But because the project was an inert bomb, the student and his teacher are taking some heat of their own.

The bomb, made with fertilizer and diesel in a test tube, was displayed last week at a science fair with traditional experiments when an anonymous caller alerted the authorities. The bomb was made with the approval of the 17-year-old student’s teacher.

The student, whose name officials refused to release, remains in school, one thing I think we can be sure of he and the other six children cited in the link below, who also made clocks did not have an Arabic name.

Yet a Muslim child is not only name but photographed in handcuffs and published in the media around the world.
que te jodan
2015-09-18 06:34:38 UTC
Yes it may look like a clock. but also a timed explosive device would actually have a clock installed so it would know when to go off at a predetermined time.
2015-09-17 13:59:30 UTC
I think it looks like a clock, or some other electronic device that contains no explosives, but then, what do I know? I'm a liberal. Facts are things that bug me.
2015-09-17 14:23:50 UTC
None of this stuff looks like bombs either but it didn't stop the MORONS in Boston from shutting down the city while they blew up viral ads for a cartoon. Instead of the homeland security boobs being fired because they wasted millions to look like fools they were ridiculed in the press for a few days while the marketing company was threaten with the patriot act and fined for not getting permits.

Now mind you the flashing lighbrite signs were up for weeks before they were reported and they were put up in other major cities with no problem at all.

"During the preliminary investigation at the site, police found that the device shared "some characteristics with improvised explosive devices." These characteristics included an identifiable power source, circuit board with exposed wiring, and electrical tape.
2015-09-18 17:22:56 UTC
You're right it doesn't look like a regular clock but the fact of the matter is the police where called not a bomb squad the school did not go on lock down at all, the kid was humiliated
2015-09-19 09:05:57 UTC
I doubt they even thought it was a bomb, they just wanted to humiliate a little Muslim, African boy.

They never evacuated the school like they should have if they even though it was a bomb.

They never called the bomb squad - like you do when there is a bomb.

They did not get as far away as possible - like you do when there is a bomb.

They waited with him and the clock in an office till the police arrived, not like you do when you think it is a bomb.

Then they put the clock in a police car not worrying about a bomb.

Then they took pictures of it.

2015-09-19 17:12:09 UTC
It does not look like a clock. I could still understand inviting the kid to the White House though, but what I don't get is why this kid gets to go to the White House but the children (and families) of fallen first responders don't get to. There are so many children whose parents have died protecting us and everyday those children wake up and have to live without their parent.
2015-09-19 20:11:04 UTC
Looks like a clock to me. But I'm a guy just like Ahmed: I've been taking things apart to see what's inside for half a century. That's a sure-fire predictor that somebody is going to be an engineer.

When you see something you don't understand, don't be so quick to scream "witchcraft", and call for the torches and pitchforks.
2015-09-19 07:46:27 UTC
It's a clock .... a suspicious one, if this kind of experiment been brought by a non-muslim kid definitely they will make the same arrest but it will not make a fuzz, media creates something like a bomb ... they are the ones who lit the fire. And if I was the parent of this kid, this type of clock in a suitcase shall not pass my doorstep ... maybe they knew this would happen.
2015-09-18 11:14:29 UTC
Looks more like a clock then a bomb
2015-09-20 11:07:29 UTC
It's a clock. There's no explosives.
2015-09-19 11:42:20 UTC
It may not look like a clock to you, but it doesn't mean its not a clock. And no one said they didn't have a right to further investigate, but once they did and determined it was only a clock, like the teen said it was, they STILL arrested him and suspended him.
2015-09-21 22:40:24 UTC
It's all Racist. First off, if it was a bomb, it would not have sat at the school for hours while the kid was suspended. There would have been an evacuation and bomb squad if they thought so. Stupid white people. I'm white. lol. but really. These guys are just trying to be famous by being racist. This is the freaking 21st century.
2015-09-18 14:41:47 UTC
I kind of agree. It doesn't look like a clock, but only an ignorant idiot would assume its a bomb just because hes Muslim. What makes it worse is it was for his project. I bet Muslims get sick of people making assumptions :/
2015-09-19 09:09:28 UTC
This does look like a clock to me, but it doesn't look like he built anything. He took the internal parts out of the original plastic case and taped them inside a briefcase. How is that 'making' anything? The whole thing smells like a setup.
2015-09-19 12:17:04 UTC
It looks like a circuit board and an LED display.

If you get your education from TV, then its clearly a bomb. Because everyone knows bombs have big LED displays that tell you exactly when it will blow. That s like a totally useful feature. Also a brown person made it.

America is getting dumber. It is at war with science. It's like the dumb *** ignorant teachers at the start of Interstellar.
2015-09-18 12:10:45 UTC
I believe it looks similar to a clock, or some other electronic tool that contains no explosives, but then particulars are things that infection me
The First Dragon
2015-09-19 17:42:58 UTC
Where do you see the explosive in this clock/bomb?

I have seen clocks that look like most anything. I can see that this is a simple electronic device anyway.

To have a bomb, you have to have some explosive fuel. I don't see any component big enough to be hiding explosives inside it. Maybe enough for a cap gun, but no more.
2015-09-21 17:03:36 UTC
Eh, if the "bomb" had one ounce of explosives anyone with an equal amount of wit would've been able to tell. Now, I don't build clocks in my spare time, but why don't you ask the guys at Science Olympiad that do?
2015-09-19 22:13:38 UTC
Total set up...done on purpose to bait for exactly the "outrage" that came about...This kid's family is big into creating problems where none are re: ANY officials and Muslims, then suing or crying foul in the press. The first thing out of the smug little sh!t's mouth was arabic, and if he's a genius, he KNEW this didn't look like a clock. I was onto it as soon as I saw the bomb/clock.
2015-09-18 05:11:28 UTC
Sure does not resemble a clock that one can tell. However looking at

it carefully. One can not define where the charge is positioned if it

were a bomb. However room for placement is there.
2015-09-20 19:08:33 UTC
It looks like a clock to me. What it does NOT look like is a bomb. There clearly is no explosives package attached to it.
2015-09-21 16:17:15 UTC
You are not an engineer.

These days, clocks are digital devices. You can indeed have a digital device that tracks time without the face with the 12 numbers.
2015-09-19 12:37:54 UTC
Heres the thing - if they truly thought it was a bomb, why did they keep it in the room with them, at the school and then again at the police station? And under what rule of law are school officials and police officers allowed to detain and question a minor child without notifying his or her parents? It appears that these folks are either seriously lacking in the brains department, or intentionally targeting a minority youngster. Either way, what frightens me more is the behavior of the police and the school officials.
2015-09-17 14:58:18 UTC
So not a clock. Too tacky. Doesn't mean it's a bomb, but it looks like the timed bombs you see in movies and tv shows.
2015-09-19 23:25:25 UTC
Of course it a clock with an alarm. Future terrorist of America? Who/where did he learn that? I have a hard time soldering. What about the 4 H club? Future farmers of America? ROTC? Etc....
2015-09-19 06:24:29 UTC
A clock can mean a bomb-don't take any chances.
2015-09-20 11:05:34 UTC
It looks nothing like a bomb. It does look like a clock.
2015-09-20 00:46:27 UTC
HMMM well the thing was that the kid himself screwed up and remember schools have 0 tolerance programs now.

The whole story was the teacher told him NOT too plug it in, he DID, it made a weird noise at some time.....teachers ...(not his usual) came and questioned him, he got scared and refused to answer, that was the problem, not the devices looks.

Remember Obama expects to be rewarded for failure...especially if its from a brother of course he got an invitation to see him the master of all failure
2015-09-19 10:24:52 UTC
nope doesn't really look like a clock, a situation like that can be tough for the teacher. if it had been a bomb and had gone off the teacher would have been in trouble for not reporting it, either way. teacher gets the rap
2015-09-19 18:22:14 UTC
Dosent look like a clock it looks like a brief case bomb minus the plastic explosive.
Ubuntu User
2015-09-17 18:13:57 UTC
No, but the pressure cooker didn't look like a bomb and neither does this clock
2015-09-19 06:11:26 UTC
It's a printed circuit board. These things are everywhere: clocks, DVD players, ovens, computers. Bottom line, the teacher and the principal overreacted--embarrassingly so.
2015-09-20 11:03:29 UTC
My thing is it was a lot of profiling and also they didn't handle it like it was a bomb if they honestly would of thought it was a bomb they would have evacuated the school and called the bomb squad which they never did also since the opened the case anyone could tell that there were no explosives in there
2015-09-19 08:59:43 UTC
I think we should respect our police officers and respond appropriately when they ask questions. The boy's father has a history of calling out Islamophobia in the past. I think he took the clock to four different classes and had no responds and then it began ticking. Weird situation... We need an errronthesideofcaution## movement. I volunteer to be arrested for bringing a clock in a briefcase and it isn't because I am a Muslim. It is because I want people safe.
2015-09-19 17:56:57 UTC
It does look like a bomb. I think the teachers were right to call it in, but I'm not sure about the arrest. Of course, the arrest was for possession of a HOAX bomb, but who knows how the police came to that conclusion. I'm waiting for the rest of the info. to come out before I make my conclusion.
2015-09-17 15:15:26 UTC
It doesn't look like a bomb either. I find it fascinating that instead of taking a lesson from this incident cons are trying to excuse it any way they can. Pathetic.
2015-09-17 14:11:55 UTC
Explosives can be as small as a AAA battery and there were plenty of things there to be worried about. The whole idea of putting this thing in a suitcase was to get arrested like he ws arrested so he could sue.
2015-09-17 14:08:57 UTC
It does not look like a bomb, no wires leading to any kind of explosive, just the display. I can see though how it would look like a bomb to the paranoid and idiotic population of texas though. I'm suprised they didn't also burn him at the stake for witchcraft.
2015-09-17 13:59:26 UTC
I think it looks like a bunch of wires. It doesn't look like a bomb, do you see any explosives? It doesn't look like a clock either.
2015-09-20 13:04:51 UTC
I don't know what bombs looked like where I grew up because I wasn't allowed to play with bombs as a child. It was considered inappropriate.
2015-09-18 06:49:26 UTC
it doesn't looks like a clock ,perhaps it looks like an electronic device
2015-09-17 13:58:57 UTC
A clock.
2015-09-19 08:52:29 UTC
The backstory here is that the kid's father is a Muslim rights activist. Its possible he set it up to look like a bomb in hopes of provoking school authorities into overreacting.
2015-09-19 11:04:53 UTC
It looked suspicious. It was a few days after 9/11. The kid is probaly more western than his parents, I mean he is a engineer! Though If the engineer teacher thought it looked suspicious then he shoukd have kept it in his possesion or classroom
2015-09-19 17:01:48 UTC
a suitcase clock that looks like a potential bomb to most.Keep labs on dat boy
2015-09-18 12:25:16 UTC
Nip it in the bud NOW , or do we want to be reading about this kid blowing up a bunch of people in a few years. But as always hind sight is 20/20 for the sympathizers.
zhao z
2015-09-19 07:52:36 UTC
The fundamental morality must be cultivated in Schools from young.

Once truthfulness and trust prevail, no fear nor suspicion will arise in any level of society.

Everyone will live in peace generations after generations.
2015-09-18 17:49:02 UTC
If he was bring it to his teacher at random time , it's natural for the teacher to be cautious.

However , he know it was his Individual Project , and bring it to his teacher to consult it . Trust me , If it was really a bomb , he will not tell anyone about it . What's the point showing a bomb to someone just to be arrested ?
2015-09-19 09:16:27 UTC
Excuse me. A kid (white) got 3 days suspension for biting a pop tart into the shape of a gun. This muzzie makes the electronics part of an IED, and gets a trip to the white house. REALLY??
2015-09-18 13:12:16 UTC
If it looked like a BOMB, then why did they have the kid ARRESTED instead of evacuating the school?

Immigrants keep pouring in to your country because they see the amazing opportunity created by a nation apparently populated by morons with money!
2015-09-17 22:25:28 UTC
If teacher can't differentiate clock and bomb, then stop teaching, quit bitching around, this is all about Islamophobia..
Tom S
2015-09-18 14:42:09 UTC
Yes, take the back off of your electronic alarm clock, and see. Beware of rightwing propaganda web-sites like that one. They are the real danger.
2015-09-19 07:59:21 UTC
I expect it's part of a Muslim plot to make people afraid to call attention to then bringing suspicious objects into to public places. One day many Muslims will bring teak bombs into schools - and people will say "why didn't anyone stop them?".
2015-09-18 20:27:24 UTC
No, there was nothing wrong with being affriad of the clock, there was a problem with arresting and suspending him
2015-09-19 21:47:02 UTC
Hey I'm the gayest gay in liberal pothead hippie land think of Muslims as our brothers ad sisters in humanity and I think the kid got what he deserved. If the teacher saw that and didn't call cops and it exploded would we still blame the teacher? Of course we would.
2015-09-19 12:17:19 UTC
I think it looks exactly like an excuse for the Left to have a conniption fit, as usual!
2015-09-17 13:57:31 UTC
I'm no expert on bombs, but I'm pretty sure there's supposed to be explosive materials in them. That's what makes them bombs.

That's an empty case with some circuitry in it...the worst thing it could do is catch itself on fire if wired improperly.
2015-09-17 14:04:02 UTC
It doesn't matter. It was very rude of his parents to allow him to take this thing to school, given the cultural context. They should have realized that non-muslims would understandably be made uncomfortable.
2015-09-18 11:51:02 UTC
2015-09-17 13:57:27 UTC
Looks like a home made digital display to me.
2015-09-19 12:55:58 UTC
I think it looks more like a really poorly designed bomb which is why the boy was arrested as he needed to be temporarily.
2015-09-19 09:22:57 UTC
I don't care what it looks like, it most definitely was not a bomb nor was it set up to look like a bomb. Ignorant Americans are scared of wires and circuits like the movies lmao
2015-09-19 07:57:34 UTC
I'd like to see it from the other side before making a decision about it.
2015-09-19 07:54:20 UTC
It definitely doesn't look like a bomb. Schools are so freaking paranoid these days.
2015-09-18 20:00:19 UTC
Looks like a suit case timer for a bomb.
2015-09-17 14:06:53 UTC
Looks likes something built to draw attention and make racial profiling news. Next will come the lawsuit.
2015-09-18 19:56:30 UTC
Nope. It looks like a bomb. The school were just taking precautions. Good for them.
2015-09-17 13:58:07 UTC
I would have tazed the evil little bastard and then shot him. He obviously knew exactly what he was doing, and now he's got a free ride on the backs of guilt-ridden whites.
2015-09-21 15:34:26 UTC
tic-toc, do you give me an " A " now?; or die!

if he is a true science whiz, he must be used to getting misunderstood.

look at how many people razzed Luther Burbank for the potato; and, what is with all of those cross species grafting?
2015-09-19 07:47:53 UTC
It looks like a cloak
2015-09-19 11:22:56 UTC
for freaking sure not a clock
2015-09-19 21:41:14 UTC
All we can do is Pray for the future.We know that REVELATIONS got to happen we can't skip that but we can ask for strength and guidance and discernment
2015-09-17 19:33:27 UTC
I believe this appears like the time clock, or even another digital camera which has absolutely no explosives, however, exactly what will i understand? I am the generous. Truth is stuff that irritate me personally.
2015-09-17 14:00:35 UTC
I suppose to a paranoid conservative it would look like a bomb, but to a typical paranoid conservative a soft fluffy puppy could look like a bomb.
2015-09-19 06:03:26 UTC
This was just a dry run to see just what the reaction would be and this administration may have been involved the whole time?
2015-09-19 11:24:33 UTC
2015-09-19 07:19:03 UTC
Clocks take many forms. Dumb *** Cons are all alike, though.
2015-09-17 14:01:40 UTC
I have seen better pictures. Leave it to breitbart to use poor ones. This how right wing rags twist the minds of simpletons.
2015-09-20 18:35:15 UTC
I think a young genius gets into the White House

and our dumb get their claim to fame at YA.
2015-09-21 07:24:23 UTC
It looks like the parent staged the entire event and the kid is just his stooge. What parent would not stop him from bringing that too school?
2015-09-19 14:21:37 UTC
Looks like a suspicious-wiry thing.
2015-09-18 05:32:34 UTC
If it was a white kid he'd already be doing a life sentence.
2015-09-17 13:59:46 UTC
"This does not look like a clock to me..what do you think?"

Screw little Mohamed, are we supposed to take down our guard completely for the sake of political correctness?

School officials and police described as a “hoax bomb”, meaning he wanted people to think it was a bomb.
2015-09-19 13:15:50 UTC
It's pretty sad and pathetic that the teacher would do something like that. Besides he's a kid.
2015-09-19 22:41:13 UTC
It looks like an elementary school science project.

2015-09-19 10:18:51 UTC
Looks exactly like a bomb
2015-09-19 09:47:37 UTC
2015-09-18 07:23:54 UTC
it does not have to be a clock. there are several different menaings for it.
2015-09-17 23:25:22 UTC
For a smart kid having lack of judgment.
2015-09-18 07:12:53 UTC
LOOKS like another HOME-MADE BOMB aka IED's ... that so many MUSLIM TERRORISTS make and use to KILL PEOPLE and more EXPLOITATIONS that Media, Politicians ... and others use to EXPLOIT the FOOLISH, sadly ... IT WORKS on STUPID people !!!
2015-09-19 13:58:22 UTC
chernel wern terld meh dat it iz a clorck
2015-09-17 14:19:18 UTC
No more than the pop tart looked like a gun.
2015-09-19 17:01:26 UTC
Didn't the Black Boy in the White House say if you see something, say something??
2015-09-17 19:32:17 UTC
Sue this little ******. You dumbasses are just waiting for your relatives to die in a terrorist attack before you wake the hell up.
2015-09-19 10:51:21 UTC
It does look like an improvised bomb, yeah.
2015-09-19 11:30:08 UTC
WOW you got ripped off
2015-09-19 03:16:07 UTC
Like I said, due to sin. Solution: repentance & faith in God.
2015-09-18 12:56:40 UTC
Just add explosives
2015-09-18 15:24:46 UTC
I agree
2015-09-19 10:24:56 UTC
2015-09-19 12:06:06 UTC
White racism .
2015-09-19 12:16:53 UTC
2015-09-19 10:54:31 UTC
2015-09-19 11:30:32 UTC
Says whom?
2015-09-19 06:58:48 UTC
I think this is stupdi
2015-09-19 08:00:05 UTC
I definitely see why it would cause suspicion.
2015-09-19 20:04:02 UTC
this,,was an inside job

mossad set the kid up

tee hee
2015-09-19 08:57:53 UTC
Your question is being persecuted.
2015-09-21 11:29:43 UTC
it looked shady
2015-09-18 19:30:24 UTC
2015-09-18 10:25:17 UTC
He ( & his father) are taking the p*Ss.
2015-09-17 18:56:10 UTC
The situation was stupid
2015-09-19 10:53:58 UTC
2015-09-19 08:20:03 UTC
2015-09-20 22:28:05 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.