My answer to a different question, so it doesn't fit your question exactly. But it gets across the point.
1) Some of you guys say taxes are too high. This, despite the fact that taxes are currently lower for the Middle and Lower Classes and equal for the Upper Class as they were under Bush. And even when they go up in 2011, and only for the Upper Class, they will be significantly LOWER than they were under Reagan. SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER.
2) Some of you say that it is crazy government spending. This, despite the fact that Obama has actually cut spending. Republicans like to bring up that Obama's budget calls for $3.5 trillion spent. What they don't tell you is that Bush's final budget was for $3.1 trillion. Already within $400 billion of Obama's spending.
There are multiple reasons why this is important. We'll start with previous deficits. Bush's final budget was hampered by the $500 billion he got in a deficit from his previous year's budget. But Obama's current budget is being hampered by the $1.4 trillion deficit that Bush's final budget gave to him. That means that Bush put Obama $900 billion in the hole more than he put himself. Obama was only ahead in spending by $400 billion; so now he is actually behind by $500 billion.
There's also the fact that, while Obama's budget does include the costs of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, Bush's final budget did not. In fact, not one of his budgets EVER included the costs of either war. The estimated cost of the Iraq War at the time Bush left office was $3 trillion; Afghanistan another $1 trillion. That is $4 trillion that Bush just up and ignored.
But since we are only working with the one year budget, we won't count that much against Bush. The estimated cost per year for the Iraq War (not including interest for Bush but does include interest for Obama in his budget) is $120 billion. For Afghanistan (again interest for Obama but not for Bush) is $24 billion. So total for the year that needs to be added to Bush's spending is $144 billion.
He was ahead in spending by $500 billion, it is now $644 billion ahead in spending over Obama.
And finally, the bailout from last year. Remember when it began, it was $700 billion. House Republicans voted it down, and were hailed as Conservative heroes. So the authors of the bill went back and added $150 billion in Republican pork to the bill, making it a total of $850 billion; and guess who voted for it. That's right, the Republicans.
Now that $150 billion was already earmarked, and nobody controls it once approved by Congress and signed by President Bush. The remaining $700 billion was given to Bush and his Sec. of Treasury Hank Paulson. But they felt they could not spend it all in the time they had left, so they came up with a plan. They'd keep half the money, and give the other $350 billion to Obama and his team.
Bush and Paulson then promptly lost their $350 billion by not having a tracking system in place. It's in the economy somewhere, but no one can figure out where. This is where Limbaugh and Hannity take over.
Since we didn't figure out Bush lost that money until after Obama took over, Hannity and Limbaugh tried to blame him for that $350 billion. And that Republican pork totaling $150 billion? That also was blamed on Obama, because while it was approved during Bush's term it was spent during Obama's term. So that is $500 billion that was given to Obama in spending, when in reality it belonged to Bush and the Republicans.
Bush was ahead by $644 billion in extra spending. We now add that $500 billion, and now he is ahead in spending by $1.144 TRILLION. But that $500 billion was given to Obama unfairly, and now needs to be taken away from him. By doing so, we now see that Bush is ahead of Obama' spending by a grand total of $1.644 TRILLION.
So Obama has now cut spending by $1,644,000,000,000 from Bush's budget. He was in put in the hole by Bush's deficit by $1,400,000,000,000. Which means that Obama has actually balanced the budget, and actually came up with a surplus of $244 billion.
3) And you guys won't admit this, but I think this is the real reason. You lost because Republicanism FAILED. You don't want to admit it, so you come up with these tea parties to suggest this is somehow Obama's fault.