why it does not exist a big socialist party in the United States?
2007-08-23 04:40:13 UTC
Hi, I'm French and we have a big socialist party in France, it's the second party after UMP (right wing).
Fourteen answers:
Songbyrd JPA ✡
2007-08-23 09:02:19 UTC
Oddly, people can't seem to answer you question. Once America had a Socialist Party. It was headed by Eugene V. Debs. Here is the problem. Our county has become so polarized that the word socialist is associated with the word Communists. Just like to many the term Ultra-Conservative is associated with Fascist. Europe has parties like the Christian Socialist party and they might be the moderates.

In America everything is a label.

Example: The late Barry Goldwater, Republican Arizonian, was labeled an Ultra Conservative. That labeled him too many as Hitler-isk. A war monger, with the irony that his opponent, L. Johnson when was reelected President in 1964, the so-called peace candidate escalated the Viet Nam war (France had a part in that one).

Goldwater was a conservative. He was opposed to the civil rights laws of the 60s. His reasoning was consistent even if incorrect. He felt the government had no place telling people who they had to serve, sell to, and buy from. At the same time, he felt (as he said later) that women should have the right to choose how they control their own bodies.

The Democrats have socialists in the tent with them. At the same time the Republicans has give far too much sway to the Christian Right that has pulled the Republicans in odd directions.

So, now, to return to socialism in America. Some of it makes just good sense and some is horrible. Take national health care. Canada has a system that works. Everyone is covered. What is surprising is that big business does not see the sense of this. Take GM. They have several hundred dollars of medical costs in each car built in the America. The same car is cheaper to make in Canada as the medical costs are already paid. The irony is that free medical care is available to anyone just by needed services.

Now, the real sadness is we are no longer able to discuss things in the country. Everyone wants to stick a label on people. That breaks the discourse. (Just watch how many thumbs down I get). By this note I have been labeled.

Among lawyers (ouch, another label) there is an old adage. If the law is in your favor, pound on the law, if the facts are in your favor, pound on the facts, and if neither is in your favor you pound on the table. There is a lot of table pounding going on.

Take for example. If I want to make a point, all I have to say is FACT: Blah blah blah. My calling something a fact does not make it a fact. If I say, FACT: the earth was created in six actual days, because the bible says it is so, does not make it a fact. It makes it a belief. (For the record, I believe in the Big Bang, which is also a belief, but with more data to support it) Does it mean I am right? Maybe. Does it mean the creationists are right? Maybe.

Socialist is a bad word in America. So the existence of a real socialist party cannot exist at this time. Just as someone starting up the Reformed Fascists Party would have a bit of trouble getting the railroad vote.
2007-08-23 05:36:12 UTC
Like the previous respondents have said, the Democrat Party is our socialist party. Consider the Socialist Platform of 1932. Thanks to Democrats, over 95% of it has come to be here in the United States. Sad, isn't it.
2007-08-24 11:05:15 UTC
Get rich quick schemes in the capitalist business world, (buyouts, IPOs, conglomerates, acquisitions, mergers, and the stock market), do not actually work. Remaining solvent does not actually exist within false economics capitalism.

Profit existing in the capitalist business world, or millionaires existing within capitalism, is pathological deception committed by the 21 organizations spying on the public with plain clothes agents, (with covert fake names and fake backgrounds).

Actual economics involves the persons paying the monthly business loan payments of companies voting at work in order to control the property they are paying for.

Capitalism is the psychology of imaginary parents, false economics, and the criminal deception of employees that are paying the bills (including the stocks and bonds, or shares) of companies.
2016-10-09 06:16:50 UTC
interior the yankee context the two "liberals" and "conservatives" are liberals interior the classical sense. the two have faith in a industry financial gadget with some point of regulation and a social risk-free practices internet. they simply disagree related to the optimal quantity of regulation and the optimal length of the risk-free practices internet. As you assert, a real socialist does not have faith that inner maximum industry could desire to exist in any respect.
2007-08-23 04:44:44 UTC
We have a long history of keeping the socialism word under wraps due to the long fight with communism. However, the Democratic party functions as the socialist party in the US as their major aim is the redistribution of wealth.
2007-08-23 10:28:51 UTC
Because we don't want socialism here. Besides, the democratic party is close enough to being socialist.
2007-08-23 04:56:38 UTC
FACT: The Democratic Party has been infiltrated with socialists and there is no way to deny that. Their agenda is to increase the size of government, increase social programs, create more dependency on big government.....etc.
2007-08-23 04:45:46 UTC
Socialism became a dirty word post cold war. Besides, with capitalism so dominant and materialism the only normal most people know, socialism is limited to a few academics.

Having said that I'm not American
2007-08-23 04:44:57 UTC
There is -- the Democratic party -- they are primarily led by socialists.

They stopped being primarily liberal several decades ago, about the time Republicans stop being led by fiscal conservatives.
2007-08-23 04:46:01 UTC
Our big socialest party is the demonrats

they have braught our country all kinds of socialest things and they want to tax us more all the time then the patriotic Republican party that I belong to very proudly.

The Republican party never increases goverment and never spends allot.
2007-08-23 04:49:29 UTC
It does, known as Democratic party.
karl k
2007-08-23 04:44:53 UTC
the democrats are our socialist party.
2007-08-23 05:27:17 UTC
In America we are more self reliant. We do not expect to be taken care of.
2007-08-23 04:44:18 UTC
the us is run by big corporations. these corporations are scared to death of socialism in america. they believe it will diminish their profits.

think about it. socialized medicine would slam big insurance companies and HMOs. they've spent a lot of time and money developing their stranglehold on america and they are not enthusiastic about letting it go.

EDIT: for the uneducated here, the democratic party is not socialist.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.