The benefits scheme should be scrapped what do you think?
2013-04-05 03:19:18 UTC
In my opinion Benefits should be scrapped as people who cannot be bothered to get a job, earn a living, have to many children, criminals and expect to live of other people are taking advantage of the system which are causing problems in England like our financial problems, taxes getting higher and higher, the people who work get a massive chunk out of their wages to taxes which are given to benefits. An other thing is the system is also causing things like the Philpotts derby fire case. Why should the people like us who earn a living and have a percentage of it given to these stupid lazy people when if they cannot be bothered to earn a living they should take ours. I do understand some benefits have been put in place for people with learning difficulties, disabilities or illnesses as they are prevented from getting a job but i think benefits scheme should be scrapped as our country are taking advantage of it. What do you think?
Fourteen answers:
2013-04-05 04:39:06 UTC
Yes it should be scrapped as the tory government just use it as a ploy to jump on people

who are claiming benefits.

To replace benefits the government should offer a job to every person who is on them

apart from the disabled or mentally ill.

these jobs will be paid at the rate of minimum wage which I believe is about £6.19p per hour

or £248.00 per 40 hour week.

Anyone not taking one of these jobs would lose all government support.

But if the government cannot find a job for someone they should still pay out that minimum

wage sum.

So lets do it and put the blame squarely where it belongs, on the government.
Mac the Knife
2013-04-05 19:58:34 UTC
To use the case of the Philpotts to highlight the benefits system is obscene, and you, like Osborne, should be ashamed of yourself for doing so.

A few points you might want to think about:

Most benefits are paid to either working people or pensioners, not the unemployed.

Millions of people work for the minimum wage, if you stopped the benefits that top up their wages then they wouldn't be able to afford to live.

Stopping housing benefits alone would force millions of people onto the streets with their families, not just unemployed people, but millions of working people. No home, no job, adding a few million more to the unemployment register and forcing businesses to close down hand over fist.

You should thank your lucky stars that you have a job, millions that want one aren't so lucky.

As someone has mentioned, you have probably used a doctor or been to hospital in your life, all free thanks to the benefit system, you will also get a state pension when you retire.

If the government wants to cut benefits it's easy, just introduce a LIVING wage to be paid by large corporations and businesses, this would slash it by billions.

Then they could go after the tax dodgers who cost the UK up to £120BN a year, yet seem to be getting overlooked while the government and people like yourself try to divide and rule the country.

You really are a pathetic individual, but life tends to turn around and bite people like you when you least expect it.
2013-04-05 22:28:26 UTC
I think that people should not be able to abuse the benefits system. The system is needed, there's no question about it. But some people are better off on it than with a job, others claim in fraud.

We would be better hiring investigators ( out of those ridiculously overpaid buffoons who call themselves government wage's ), to stop people from taking what they don't deserve. The way I see it, if you're claiming job seeker's allowance, it isn't a pick and choose, if there's a job available, whether it's picking cabbages or not, and your legible to apply, you should have to.

How is it fair that parents can sit around playing x box all day in a bigger house with everything paid then a hardworking average income family.

Don't get me wrong though, some people need this money, other's are lazy and do not.

People who abuse the system are counterfeit frauds. Soon all our money will be in the hands of overseas workers, sending it back to their country anyway.

Some people, including Government will never learn.
Larry Chappell
2013-04-05 11:11:04 UTC
There is always going to be a percentage to people who sponge off others. I'm not referring to people who are disabled or in-between jobs or having a hard time finding a job. I'm referring to people who don't want a job for the simple reason that they're lazy or have a drug problem.

I can't speak for the UK, but in the US the welfare system is extremely wasteful of tax payer money. There's not as much over-sight as there was 20 years ago. In those days you had to prove that you were looking for work. Job interviews were verified. The city I live in has a huge homeless population that refuses to use their general assistance checks for housing. The government should not be giving money to people who sit on the sidewalk panhandling everyday. If somebody is genuinely needy, give them the benefits but it shouldn't become an acceptable way of life.
Ghost Of Christmas Past
2013-04-05 10:22:36 UTC
I think you should lose your job and spend a few months on benefits trying to find another one. That might make you think again. There are those who abuse any system, but most of the people receiving benefits in this country do so because they have no other possible means of supporting themselves.

Philpott spent his time fathering children and lived well on the child benefit. The fire that killed 5 of his children was part of an incompetent scheme to get back the child benefits from the kids his former mistress had taken away. My suggestion is that we should use the two bricks method to limit any man on benefits to fathering only two children.
2013-04-05 10:26:51 UTC
I've just lost my job because my employer has gone into administration, my mum has cancer and can't work and I have 3 younger siblings. We have gone from earning £50,000 between us to her DLA which is a pittance and I'm now having to go on JSA. Without the benefits system my siblings would be in care and my mum would die sooner because of working whilst seriously ill, which would cause her stress.

Oh, neither of us drink, smoke or go out. The only things that the money goes on is rent, bills, food (quite often I have to skip meals so everyone else can eat) and emergencies. It's not a lavish lifestyle at all.
2013-04-05 13:01:13 UTC
I think you have next to no understanding of the system you live in and it genuinely scares me... Capitalism requires unemployment capitalism requires a working class, on your twenty pound note that you worked so hard for there is a man called Adam smith he wrote a book called wealth of nations, read the cut down version... We lose more money to corporate tax evasion than benefit schemes but since you got all your views from a sun newspaper and that's owned by Murdoch who you guessed it tax evades, you wouldn't know....
2013-04-05 10:59:13 UTC
It depends to what extent the welfare system encourages an individual to stay on the benefit.

There is a need for a welfare system, but England's system definitely needs an overhaul.

Too many people view it as a career rather than a means to survive when they're looking for work.
2013-04-05 10:34:13 UTC
Being on benefits had nothing to do with those evil people setting fire to their home and killing their children.

Peter Sutcliffe was working when he was killing all those women and I'm sure there are many other killers who had a job too.

This is just George Osborne again trying to get people to look down on those who are on benefits.
2013-04-05 12:36:06 UTC
And firemen should only save "worthy" people when a building is burning down .

Of course , this raises the problem of how do you identify those who are worthy and those who are s not ?

So if in doubt -- save no one ?
2013-04-05 10:45:07 UTC
When you are of pensionable age, you will be in receipt of the UK State Pension - that is a benefit. Likewise, when you visit your doctor or go into hospital, these two are benefits made available to you and the the people because we have paid into the National Insurance Scheme.

You need to educate yourself to the history of the Welfare State.

People on benefits are not lazy - mostly they are working hard to find the next job or thinking of starting up their own small businesses.

The number of so-called scroungers is very small - abuse of the system is far worse the higher up the scale in terms of earnings you get. For example, Southwark Council here in London have recently repossessed some 300 flats owned by them who's tenants were mostly living abroad and subletting their flats in some cases for as much s £800 pw. I'm not making it up.

Lie Detector Tests

Southwark council in South London used the system to check on 53,000 households claiming the 25 per cent council tax discount.

It found that in approximately one in 13 cases, the discount was being wrongly claimed.

A council spokesman said: ‘We are very pleased with the results. Between July and November, we have removed 3,851 people from the list of those claiming the discount.

Read more:

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We all know that the Tories have a long history of destroying both the NHS and the Welfare State.

They are entirely out of step with the Common People whom they rule over by fear and fraud. We are not stupid and come the next General Election which is due on c7th May 2015 - we all know what to do.

I shall never ever vote Tory again. The IDS wants to take away my heating allowance and my London Freedom Pass.

What have IDS or any other members of the cabinet ever done for their country? Nothing except line their own pockets.

I left school in 1957 at age 15 and joined the British Army - I came out in 1965 at age 24 with a trade. I have never been unemployed nor claimed benefits.

I'm now a retired worker on a modest company pension plus the UK State Pension - I also get a small heating allowance of £100 (I never claim the cold weather allowance) and I also have the London Freedom Pass.

You need to be aware that more than half of the money spend by the Welfare State is spend on us Pensioners - most of us have served our country in time of dire need when we could easily have been over run by the enemy - about which you know nothing.

There are about 12,000,000 pensioners here in UK and we always vote. Once we feel threatened by the 'enemy' we know what to do. Even rich wealthy pensioners will fight to keep their Free Bus Passes to which they are entitled.

Get the message - last year we pensioners failed to claim over £650 million to which we are entitled.

Yes even I like many of my fellow pensions have not bothered to claim the freeze heating allowance. We will not make that mistake again.

My father and his pals raced up the beaches of Normandie and were killed and wounded horribly in their thousands.

On his return home, my dad, a lorry driver, along with millions of his contemporaries, voted Labour - returning Labour to Power with a massive landslide victory.

Thanks to the Welfare Cuts, some 5,000 people here in UK so far this Winter have been found frozen to death.

But you don't give a damn because you are a spiteful Toryshite.

Old Soldier and Part Time Worker Pensioner

Child of the London Blitz


London UK 050413.1144
2013-04-05 13:16:43 UTC
It needs to be fully overhalled, the percentage of GDP benefits takes up has risen hugley since the creation of the welfare state in 1945.

The welfare state was created to help people after WW2 and was never meant to be permenent let alone being over one third of spending nowadays!!!!!!

So if the choice is continue as it is or scrapped - I say scrap it it's a shackle on the UK.
2013-04-05 10:37:30 UTC
Programs that promote dependency need to be better controlled. Anyone testing positive for drugs should be denied and anyone who doesn't fit Social Securities criteria for disability are able to work and should be required to do so.
2013-04-05 20:19:54 UTC
I think your boss should read your childish rant, then sack you, I think your mother had too many children, one too many

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