When you are of pensionable age, you will be in receipt of the UK State Pension - that is a benefit. Likewise, when you visit your doctor or go into hospital, these two are benefits made available to you and the the people because we have paid into the National Insurance Scheme.
You need to educate yourself to the history of the Welfare State.
People on benefits are not lazy - mostly they are working hard to find the next job or thinking of starting up their own small businesses.
The number of so-called scroungers is very small - abuse of the system is far worse the higher up the scale in terms of earnings you get. For example, Southwark Council here in London have recently repossessed some 300 flats owned by them who's tenants were mostly living abroad and subletting their flats in some cases for as much s £800 pw. I'm not making it up.
Lie Detector Tests
Southwark council in South London used the system to check on 53,000 households claiming the 25 per cent council tax discount.
It found that in approximately one in 13 cases, the discount was being wrongly claimed.
A council spokesman said: ‘We are very pleased with the results. Between July and November, we have removed 3,851 people from the list of those claiming the discount.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2240397/Councils-using-lie-detector-tests-root-benefits-cheats.html#ixzz2PaFzFehy
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We all know that the Tories have a long history of destroying both the NHS and the Welfare State.
They are entirely out of step with the Common People whom they rule over by fear and fraud. We are not stupid and come the next General Election which is due on c7th May 2015 - we all know what to do.
I shall never ever vote Tory again. The IDS wants to take away my heating allowance and my London Freedom Pass.
What have IDS or any other members of the cabinet ever done for their country? Nothing except line their own pockets.
I left school in 1957 at age 15 and joined the British Army - I came out in 1965 at age 24 with a trade. I have never been unemployed nor claimed benefits.
I'm now a retired worker on a modest company pension plus the UK State Pension - I also get a small heating allowance of £100 (I never claim the cold weather allowance) and I also have the London Freedom Pass.
You need to be aware that more than half of the money spend by the Welfare State is spend on us Pensioners - most of us have served our country in time of dire need when we could easily have been over run by the enemy - about which you know nothing.
There are about 12,000,000 pensioners here in UK and we always vote. Once we feel threatened by the 'enemy' we know what to do. Even rich wealthy pensioners will fight to keep their Free Bus Passes to which they are entitled.
Get the message - last year we pensioners failed to claim over £650 million to which we are entitled.
Yes even I like many of my fellow pensions have not bothered to claim the freeze heating allowance. We will not make that mistake again.
My father and his pals raced up the beaches of Normandie and were killed and wounded horribly in their thousands.
On his return home, my dad, a lorry driver, along with millions of his contemporaries, voted Labour - returning Labour to Power with a massive landslide victory.
Thanks to the Welfare Cuts, some 5,000 people here in UK so far this Winter have been found frozen to death.
But you don't give a damn because you are a spiteful Toryshite.
Old Soldier and Part Time Worker Pensioner
Child of the London Blitz
London UK 050413.1144