When scientists have a consensus on a subject like climate change, THEN we will know it is true. Asking people to "believe" is arrogant.
Likewise, expecting people to believe evolution when the evidence is inductive rather than deductive, it is a theory, and all theories are open to question, yet expecting everyone to abandon their beliefs because it offends you is also arrogant.
As far as I am concerned, Climate Change has not been proved to the satisfaction of the scientific community as a whole (Climate Change as caused by humans to the degree that alarmist say), and I'll wait on a consensus.
That's not arrogant, that's wise, since I am prepared to accept it when that happens. Why do you think people owe you to "believe" it? That's superstition, not science.
Burden of proof is on you.
At the same time, science is NOT about destroying beliefs. Your expectation that creationists (I am not one) should abandon their beliefs because we have a boatload of inductive proof that evolution is at work is arrogant.
They don't owe you that. When we can time travel and prove that it happened, then you could call them foolish for not knowing it. Until then, they have every reason to be hesitant, and any true scientist, although they may see the preponderance of evidence, isn't arrogant enough to assume that evolution is written in stone and the utter truth. Such an attitude is not only arrogant, it's not scientific. All facts and theories are open to question in science, else it becomes dogma.
Simplistic ideas of how economies work are always an issue, and it is foolish not to be familiar with the basics, at least, but our security and success has created a sense of freedom that does not lend itself as an impetus for learning the facts about money.
However, arrogance is most often found most in those who claim it in everyone else.
Evolution is the best scientific theory for the diversity of life on Earth. It is open to question.
Climate Change is occurring, but what is in question and does not have a scientific consensus is man's influence on it.
Our economy is affected by a number of factors, not just one or two.
There will always be ignorant people. There will always be arrogant people.
Let the arrogant and ignorant answer them. The rest of us will watch and learn.